
Hozo-Ji Tochigi

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Hoozooji 宝蔵寺 Hozo-Ji

19 光明山 摂取院 宝蔵寺 - 成田不動
Komyosan, Sesshu-In, Hozoji - Narita Fudo
Tochigi prefecture 口密の道場 - kumitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


栃木県宇都宮市大通り四丁目 - Utsunomiya town

The temple has been built in 857 by Saint Ennin.
It is now located close to the station and the compound is rather small.
But its history is rather old and dates back to 857.

To quell the uprising of Taira no Masakado, a samurai 田原藤太郎秀郷 got a Fudo Statue from Takaosan Fudo Hall 高雄山神護寺不動堂 (in 939), carried it all the way to the Fudo Temple in Narita, Chiba and prayed for peace. In no time, his prayers came true and he went back to Utsunomiya to build this temple
He had a hall build to place it, called 二里山 (now 宇都宮市塙田沢 in Utsunomiya).
Another name in this old history is 寛朝大僧正 priest Kancho (916 - 998) from the temple 広沢遍照寺 Hirozawa Hensho-Ji.

In 1087 lord Utsunomiya Munetsuna 宇都宮宗綱 / 宇都宮 国綱 (1576 - 1608) built the temple Kokawadera 粉川寺 / 粉河寺 and relocated the Fudo statue to this temple.
But in 1597, lord 宇都宮國綱 Utsunomiya Kunitsuna was banned from the region and the temple declined.

During the Meiji restoration the temple found its final place where it is now, but was later lost to fire.
In 1983 the Fudo Hall was rebuilt.
The main statue is a seated Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来坐像.

In the Fudo Hall is also a statue of Fugen Bosatsu on a white elephant, made by sculptor Takada 高田仏師 in the Kanei period (寛政 - 1789 - 1801).


source : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/manekineko - ayumi

Check the link for more beautiful carvings of the Fudo Hall.

statue of Fudo Myo-O made from metal
source : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/manekineko - ayumi

Check this link for more statues in the temple garden.


Photos by Takatoshi Goto, a facebook friend - 2014 -


- quote
Oyori no Kane およりの鐘 Great Bell
Hozoji Temple houses the much-loved “Oyori no Kane” bell.
On the surface of the famous bell is the tri-colored mark of the Utsunomiya clan and was originally donated by Utsunomiya Sadatsuna, the 8th head of the Utsunomiya clan. It is said the bell was moved to Hozoji Temple as part of city planning in the Showa Era and was used as a chime for reporting the time at dusk in Utsunomiya City, leading to its nickname of “Oyori no Kane” given by the people who cherished the bell.
- source : www.achikochi-kanko.jp

source : www10.plala.or.jp/VAIO

The bell is 143.3 cm high and 8 cm thick. Its mouth diameter is 80 cm.

. kane 鐘 / bonshoo 梵鐘 temple bell .


. Ennin 円仁 (794 - 864) .

. Taira no Masakado 平将門(平將門) (903 - 940) .

. Fugen Bosatsu 普賢菩薩 Samantabhadra .



- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.k36fudo.com


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事


- a treasure found on the way -

Ayumi - 宇都宮の宝蔵寺
- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/manekinek

- - - reference - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .




Kongo-In Numata

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Kongooin, Kongō-In 金剛院 Kongo-In, Kongoin

Nr. 2 海王山 - 善福寺 金剛院 - 沼田成田不動尊
Kaio-zan Zenpuku-Ji, Numata Narita Fudo Son
Gunma prefecture - 身密の道場 shinmitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


The temple used to be called 赤城山金剛院 Akagizan Kongo-In
refering to the sacred mountain Akagiyama in Gunma.

The present building dates to 1787, former buildings had been burned by fire frequently.
It has been built under the guidance of priest 覚便法印.

本堂 格天井 火鳥の図 - Special ceiling of the main hall

When the daimyo Miura Numata 三浦沼田, Numata Goro 沼田五郎景 left his position to become a monk, he had this temple built.
During the time of the Sanada clan (in 1615) 伊豆守信幸 relocated the temple to its present location.
It was the main road of the village of Numata and the regional lords had to pass its bridge during their annual travel to the local domaines (sankin kootai 参勤交代).

The statue of Narita Fudo 成田不動尊

This statue has been brought by priest Irisawa Katsuumi 入沢亮海法印 in the year 1881, April 14 from the Narita Fudo temple.

mizukake Fudoo 水掛け不動尊 to pour water over the statue in the park

This park was created by 庭師武井良一 Takei Ryo-Ichi with 108 stones from the sacred 鳥海山 Mount Chokai-San in Tohoku.


The Nio-O statues 金剛院仁王像 at the entrance gate are made from wood of Kiso.


There are also small shrines in the compound

須賀神社 Suga Jinja

善福寺稲荷大明神 Inari Shrine

江舟法印像 priest Efune in the 26th generation


Rakugo performance in the main hall
四代目柳家三語楼他 Yanagia Sangoro
The temple has regular entertainment performances.

Hayashiya Kikuo is coming ! 林家木久扇

. rakugo 落語 comic storytelling performance .


樹齢300年のドウダンツツジ azalea bush of more than 300 years

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kongoin.com


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

初詣 正月 - First Temple Visit in January
修正会 元旦 御年賀
節分豆まき 2月3日 厄除け 大護摩奉修 - Great Goma Fire
涅槃会 2月15日 お釈迦様の入滅日(涅槃図開帳)
彼岸会 3月と9月 大施餓鬼会奉修
花まつり 4月8日 お釈迦様の誕生日
盂蘭盆会 8月13日~16日 御先祖様の里がえり
大師講 11月24日 天台大師入滅日(お斉ご接待)
成道会 12月8日 釈尊悟りの日
除夜の鐘つき 12月31日 おおみそか


- - - reference - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .




Pilgrim North Kanto INFO

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36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto

- reference source : tagesan 多気山 -
- - - CLICK for enlargement !

- - - LIST in the WIKIPEDIA !


Arranged in the order of the sanmitsu 三密 "three secrets"
of the Shingon sect.
The Three Mysteries :
symbolic activities of Body, Speech, and Mind

The symbolic activities of Body, Speech, and Mind (the Three Mysteries or Three Secrets) are present everywhere in the universe. Natural phenomena such as mountains and oceans and even humans express the truth described in the sutras. The universe itself embodies and can not be seperated from the teachings. In his work, "Attaining Buddhahood in This Body," Kobo Daishi said,

Form mudras with your hands,
recite mantras with your mouths,
and dwell in meditation with your minds.

These secrets allow you to experience the Buddha nature that exists within yourself and also of the larger Universe.
- source : www.shingon.org/teachings


Gunma prefecture 身密の道場 shinmitsu

1 成田山 - 水上寺 - 成田山水上不動尊 - Naritasan Minakami Fudo
. Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera .

2 海王山 - 善福寺 金剛院 - 沼田成田不動尊 - Numata Narita Fudo
. Kongooin, Kongō-In 金剛院 Kongo-In, Kongoin .

3 秀巌山 - 滝水院 大福寺 - 室田之滝不動尊 - Murota no Taki Waterfall Fudo
. Daifuku-Ji 大福寺 Murota no Taki .

4 龍本山 - 松井田院 不動寺 - 松井田不動尊 - Matsuida Fudo
. Matsuida Fudo 松井田不動 .

5 成田山 - 光徳寺 - 成田山不動尊 - Naritasan Fudo
. Naritasan Fudo Son 成田山不動尊 Takasaki .

6 石岡山- 不動院 退魔寺 - 茂呂不動 - Muro Fudo
. Muro Fudo 茂呂不動 - 退魔寺 Taima-Ji .

7 真光山 - 永照院 長安寺 - みかえり不動 - Mikaeru Fudo
. Mikaeri Fudo みかえり不動 Fudo looking back .

8 日輪山 - 観音院 南光寺 - 笠懸不動 - Kasakake Fudo
. Kasakake Fudo 笠懸不動 - 南光寺 Nanko-Ji .

9 各願山 - 来迎院 西慶寺 - 新田の触不動 - Nitta Fure Fudo
. 新田不動院 Nitta Fudo-In .

10 清池山 - 医王寺 - 黄金身代わり不動尊 - Koganei Migawari Fudo
. Koganei Migawari Fudo 医王寺 Io-Ji .

11 赤岩山 - 地蔵院 光恩寺 - 赤岩不動尊 - Akaiwa Fudo 赤磐
. Akaiwa Fudo 赤磐不動 - 地蔵院 Jizo-In .

12 高錀山 - 釈迦院 遍照寺 - 新宿不動尊 - Shinjuku Fudo
. Shinjuku Fudo 新宿不動尊 - 遍照寺 Henjo-Ji - .


Tochigi prefecture 口密の道場 - kumitsu

13 御瀧山 明王院 泉龍寺 - 水掛け乙女不動 - Mizukake Otome Fudo
. Senryuuji 泉龍寺 Senryu-Ji .

14 如意山 吉祥院 延命寺 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-Ji .

15 光明山 金智院 正仙寺 - 吹上不動 - Fukiage Fudo
. Seisenji 正仙寺 Seisen-Ji .

16 梅沢山 金蔵院 華蔵寺 - 梅沢不動 - Umezawa Fudo
. 華蔵寺 Kezo-Ji 金蔵院 Kinzo-In .

17 古峯ヶ原 金剛山 瑞峯寺 - 金剛不動尊 - Kongo Fudo
. 瑞峯寺 Zuiho-Ji .

18 多気山 持宝院 不動寺 - 多気不動尊 - Tagesan - Tage Fudo
. 不動寺 Fudo-Ji .

19 光明山 摂取院 宝蔵寺 - 成田不動 - Narita Fudo
. 宝蔵寺 Hozo-Ji .

20 稲毛山 金剛王院 崇真寺 - 開運犬切り不動尊- Kaiun Inukiri Fudo
. 崇真寺 Shoshin-Ji . - Fudo who killed a dog -

21 喜連山 歓喜院 慈光寺 - 芝山薬師不動 - Shibayama Yakushi Fudo
. 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji .

22 霊水山 普門院 光明寺 - 感満不動 - Kanman Fudo
. 光明寺 Komyo-Ji .

23 北照山 田福寺 金乗院 - 那須波切不動尊 - Nasu Namikiri Fudo
. 田福寺 Denfuku-Ji .

24 龍頭山 - 不動院 龍泉寺 - 龍頭不動尊 - Ryuto Fudo
. 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji .


Ibaraki prefecture 意密の道場 - imitsu

25 法満山 一乗院 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. 一乗院 Ichijo-In .

26 伝灯山 和光院 明楽寺 - 田島の身代わり血不動尊
Tajima Migawari Chi Fudo
. 和光院 Wako-In .

27 笠原山 東光院 神崎寺 - 開運水戸不動 - Kaiun Mito Fudo for Good Luck
. 神崎寺 Kamisaki-Ji .

28 俊明山 無量寿院 西福寺 - 開運不動尊 - Kaiun Fudo
. 西福寺 Saifuku-Ji .

29 降魔山 護国院 経音寺 - 厄除不動尊 - Yakuyoke Fudo
. 護国院 Gokoku-In, Kashima .

30 医王山 不動院 東光寺 - 願満不動尊 - Ganman Fudo
. 江戸崎不動院 Edosaki Fudo-In .

31 羽黒山 今泉院 大聖寺 - 土浦大師不動尊 - Tsuchiura Daishi Fudo
. 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji .

32 筑波山 一乗院 真福寺 愛宕坊 - 筑波不動 - Tsukuba Fudo
. 一乗院 Ichijo-In 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .

33 秋嶠山 地蔵院 妙法寺 - 金色不動尊 - Konjiki Golden Fudo
. 妙法寺 Myoho-Ji .

34 道楽山 地蔵院 永光寺 - 牡丹不動尊 - Botan Fudo
. 永光寺 Eiko-Ji .

35 明王山 智恩院 慈光寺 弓田のポックリ不動尊 - Pokkuri Fudo
. 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji - Nr. 35 .

36 清安山 不動院 願成寺 - 安産子育不動尊 - Anzan Koyasu Fudo
. 願成寺 Ganjo-Ji Itabashi .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


- #northkanto #pilgrimnorthkanto ##fudo -



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Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera

Nr. 1 成田山 - 水上寺 - 成田山水上不動尊
Narita san Minakamidera Fudo Son
Gunma prefecture - 身密の道場 shinmitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


source : 51213360.at.webry.info

This temple has as main statue one from the great Narita Fudo temple in 1888.
People carried the statue on their shoulders for 28 days from Narita to here.

source : rachmanino.exblog.jp

Dainichi Daishoo Fudoo Myoo zazoo
Seated statue of Fudo Myo-O, incarnation of Dainichi

The statue is one of the three famous Fudo statues of Japan

People come here to pray and get amulets for a good harvest and happiness for all people.
The first priest was Ozuhata Terukiyo 小豆畑照清和尚, who helped to introduce more prayers and amulets for the temple, making it one of the biggest ones to come for a special wish in the Eastern Kanto region.

During the Great Festivals of spring and autumn there is a popular karaoke meeting カラオケ大会, keeping the temple ahead with the needs of our modern times.


In 2008 this festival was held in the main hall:
mitama fesutibaru みたまフェスティバル "Mitama Soul Festival"


"The Way of People" 人道 
by priest Ozuhata 小豆畑照清和尚


There is also a sacred camphor tree (kusunoki 楠) from Narita Fudo.


Seated Fudo statue, related to the nearby hot spring Mizukami Onsen 水上温泉.

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.minakamidera.com

kekkai fuda 結界札(5枚1組) "talisman for the boundary"
5 talismans make one group to purify the five directions, one in each direction of the room or home and one in the center room

charms - many amulets of the temple
- source : www.minakamidera.com/charm


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

元朝護摩 正月元旦  first fire ceremony, January 1

初詣期間 1月1日 - 20日まで first temple visit, January

節分追儺式 2月3日 Setsubun festival

春例大祭 5月5日 Spring Festival, May
- - - 特別大護摩供厳修 - 釜鳴の法・光護摩 釜鳴の法・光護摩後、「投げ餅式」

お盆供養会 8月25日 - O-Bon rituals for the ancestors
 - - - 特別大護摩供厳修 午後1時より 追難法要厳修

秋例大祭 10月第1日曜日 Autumn festival 大護摩供厳修 
- - - 釜鳴の法・光護摩 釜鳴の法・光護摩後、「投げ餅式」

大祓 12月18日 Great Purifucation in December

除夜の鐘 12月31日Ringing in the New Year


- - - reference - - -

kekkai, the barrier between here and there, this world and the other world.
Sanskrit : siimaa-bandha
. kekkai 結界 "sacred boundary" .
Die Abgrenzung des Heiligen Bereiches


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 




Migawari substitute

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Migawari Fudoo 身代わり不動尊 Fudo as Substitute
Vicarious Protector

wagami no kawari ni わが身の代わりに "instead of my own body"

To help people in distress and protect from disaster and catastrophies.

. Migawari ... the deities substitute for us .  

under construction

Inunaki san, Shippoo Ryuuji 犬鳴山(七宝龍寺)


On the walk toward the temple there are also seven waterfalls.
Look at some spectacular PHOTOS !


Substitute Fudo from Oyama



Banshooji 万松寺 Bansho-Ji
3-29-12 Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi

When Nagoya Castle was under construction by Kato Kiyomasa, Bansho-ji was moved from the castle grounds to its present site and the stone statue of Fudomyo-o was transferred with the other temple furnishings as one of the Bansho-ji's Treasures. This image has an interesting story.

In 1570, when Nobunaga was returning from his victory over the Asakura clan in Echizen he was hit in the chest by bullets from rifleman-priests as he passed an ambush near the north shore of Lake Biwa. The shots would have been fatal had it not been for the fact that the priest at Bansho-ji had given Nobunaga some emergency rations in the form of dried rice cakes, knowing that Nobunaga was quite fond of the delicacy.

Nobunaga had stuffed them inside his breastplate until needed and when the accurate fire of the riflemen probed for his heart, the bullets did not reach his soft flesh for they came to rest in the tough slab of hardened rice cake. Nobunaga believed that Fudomyo-o had interceded in his behalf and vicariously took the impact of the rifle slugs in the substitute flesh of the rice cakes.

Forty years later, when Kato Kiyomasa was building Nagoya Castle, he heard this story and named the statue Migawari Fudomyo-o, suggesting that it could divert misfortune from its devotees by acting as their substitute when menaced by disaster. The people in the vicinity ascribed the magic powers to the rice cakes and the tea stall in front of the temple did a lively business; for the people not only relished them as a delicacy, but considered them as an effective amulet against misfortune.

The teastall has long since disappeared, but, in order to preserve the tradition, rice is pounded into dough for rice cakes within the precincts of Bansho-ji on the 28th day of each month to serve to visitors. The Migawari protection provided by Fudomyo-o has attracted the attention of many automobile drivers who pray that the deity will be their substitute when danger threatens.

- Homepage of the temple
© www.banshoji.or.jp

a whole "shoping street" with eateries along the access road

- source and more photos : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/area
a row of red lanterns 提灯列 in the access road


Hoju-ji Temple Goma Fire Memorial Service
November 15 (Wed)
法住寺 Hoojuu-Ji Temple in Kyoto

Migawari Fudoson Festival
Flute and Japanese koto harp performance: 13:00
Fire ceremony: 14:00-16:00; Oni hogaku and Yamabushi Mondo: tengu goblins and three other goblins (red blue and black) will dance around the Fudo-do Hall.

Hoju-ji Temple is the old site of a residence belonging to Emperor Goshirakawa and its Migawari Fudo statue is very famous.

© raku.city.kyoto.jp


Temple Shojo Ke In, 清浄華院

At the temple Mii-Dera, the priest, Chikyo 智興
... read it HERE:
Naki Fudo .. Weeping Fudo, Crying Fudo 泣き不動絵巻


Click on the photos to see more.

高津区 身代わり不動大明王院


小豆島 山岳霊場・西の滝


There are more temples with statues of this beneficial Fudo Myo-O.

. 武相不動尊二十八所 - Busoo / Buso
28 temples in Musashino and Sagami .

02 身代り不動尊 大明王院 川崎本山 身代り不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. 02 大明王院 Daimyo-O-In .
. 11 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

10 清池山 - 医王寺 - 黄金身代わり不動尊 - Koganei Migawari Fudo
14 如意山 - 吉祥院 延命寺 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
25 法満山 一乗院 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場
Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .

Nr. 108 Chinkoku-Ji, Oku no In 鎮国寺 奥の院

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo temples in Tohoku .

16 弘法寺 高野山真言宗 - 身代り不動 Migawari Fudo
25 観音寺 天台宗別格本山 - 身代不動 - Migawari Fudo

- Shikoku Henro Pilgrims 四国遍路
. Temple Nr. 06 . Fudo-In . 不動院 .
. Temple Nr. 22 . Koryu-Ji (Kooryuuji) . 興隆寺 .

. Temple Nr. 16 . Gokuraku-Ji . 極楽寺 .

- Kyushi Henro Pilgrims 九州八十八ヵ所百八霊場巡り
Jooshin In 浄心院 Joshin-In - Fukuoka

. Kirimomi Fudo - Wakayama 錐もみ不動明王.

. Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji . - Tsugaru, Aomori

. Go Dai son 五大尊 Five Great Ones .



- #migawari #migawarifudo -


pokkuri sudden death

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pokkuri  ぽっくり to pray for a sudden death,
"drop dead" - "pop off"
pokkuri Fudoo ポックリ不動尊  / ぽっくり不動尊
Fudo to grant a sudden death - Pokkuri Fudo

".. old people want to die without suffering from long-term illness so that their family members would not have to provide care for them such as helping them to the toilet and changing diapers."
. pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, .  

under construction

- - - - - Gunma prefecture

Joorakuji 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji Jorakuji
光明山 常楽寺 Jorakuji
群馬県館林市木戸町580, Tatebayashi town

This is temple Nr. 15 of the Henro Pilgrimage to 88 temples in Kanto 関東八十八ヶ所霊場.
The founder of this temple was 行基 Gyoki

The main statue is of Fudo Myo-O, called

gankake Fudo 願かけ不動 Fudo to make a wish
pokkuri Fudoo Son ぽっくり不動尊 Fudo to grant a sudden death

The chant of the temple is
じょうらくの かねのひびきか あかつきの 
うきよのゆめや おどろかすらん

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki .
(668-749 AD)

There is also a
yakimochi Jizoo やきもち地蔵 Jizo for jealousy, a favorite of the ladies.

This male Jizo fell in love with a female Jizo 日限り女地蔵 in the nearby temple 深諦寺.
Every night he went to the embankment of the neaby river to meet her. So the head priest ordered a fence built around the statue so he could not escape any more. Since then his nightly outings have stopped.
The patrons of the temple now brought yakimochi 焼餅 grilled ricecakes (a pun with the word for "jealousy") as offerings to this statue.

- source more photos : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nijuuniya2012

. Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu .

yakimochi やきもち (焼き餅) to roast mochi over hot ambers
a pun on the sounds of YAKI and KIMOCHI
to be jealous of someone 妬き餅、嫉妬 yakimochi
- - - - - and
. Yakimochi Fudoo Son 焼き餅不動尊 .
at the shrine Takabayashi Jinja 高林神社, Gunma, Ota Village 太田


Joraku-Ji in Kamakura 鎌倉 常楽寺

- reference : kamakura jorakuji -


Keishooji 桂昌寺 Keisho-Ji
群馬県安中市下秋間112, Annaka town, Gunma

The Fudo is located in a small sanctuary at the back mountain of this temple.
There is quite a steep slope down from the road to the Fudo Hall.

- source : endingplanner.com

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Fudoo Inu Myoo-oo son 聖不動威怒明王尊 Fudo Myo-O

The statue had been lost in a landslide near a hot spring, and been found  through a statement in the dream.
The fourth priest of the temple, 乾海和尚 Keikai, took a closer look at it in 1700 and found that the pattern of the halo had been scratched with the pure nails, so he called the statue

tsumebiki fudoo 爪引き不動 Fudo drawn with nails.

This statue is well loved by the people around under the name
pokkuri Fudo ポックリ不動

- source : gpnotebook.gunmablog.net

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This temple is also famous for a large bell dedicated by the feudal lord Ii Naoyoshi to pray for the soul of his wife, Choosei-In.
The bell was cast in 1663, but its sound went bad. So it was re-cast in 1850 in Takasaki.
- reference : www.city.annaka.gunma.jp


- - - - - Ibaraki prefecture

Jikooji 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji
茨城県坂東市弓田388 - Bando Town, Yumita

This temple is nr. 35 of the pilgrimage to 36 Fudo temples in Northern Kanto
It is closely related to the legends of Taira no Masakado 平将門.
It was built in 746 by a disciple of Gyoki Bosatsu to bring peace to the region, and Fudo Myo-O seemed the best deity to help with that job.
During the Warring States period (around 1575) the statue which was made of strong gingko tree wood, survived a fire and was placed in the Amida hall.

Together with Amida, Fudo now helped old people to "break off like an old piece of wood" and have a peaceful death.

inside the Fudo Hall

The main statue of this temple is Pokkuri Fudo.

The chant of the temple is
慈光てら 大慈大悲の みひかりは 
こころのやみも てらすなりけり

stamp from the temple

- reference : www.k36fudo.com

. Taira Masakado 平将門(平將門) .
(? - 940)

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


. pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death .  






a temple with Fudo and frogs

kaerutera, kaerudera かえる寺  "Frog Temple" , "Frogs Temple"

. Nyoirinji 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji .

福岡県小郡市横隈1729 Fukuoka prefecture, Ogoori 小郡市 Ogori city, Yokoguma ,
