Showing posts with label shikoku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shikoku. Show all posts


Koken-Ji Takamatsu

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Kookenji 弘憲寺 Koken-Ji

Statue of Fudo Myo-O and two attendants -
secret statue, shown only once a year.

Important cultural property 重要文化財

The Statue is 109 cm high and made from hinoki 檜 cypress wood.
It stands on a Stone Pedestal (iwaza 岩坐)

- source :


〒760-0020 香川県高松市錦町2-4-29
2 Chome-4-29 Nishikimachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa

Strong relation ship to the daimyo regent of Kagawa,
Ikoma Chikamasa 生駒親正 (1526 - 1603)
and priest 良純上人.

The present-day priest is the 17th in a long family tradition.
He is a very open man and holds music events and yoga lessons at the temple.
He often walks around in blue-jeans to show he is just another simple person.



 良純上人没後、二代目の住職となったのが 宥遍上人である。縁起によれば、大力の持ち主として知られ、高野山浄菩薩院の住職であった。嵯峨大覚寺法親王が高野山に遊学したとき宥遍上人を師と仰いだ。これを縁として寛永13年に上人の号を授かるとともに、法親王が後水尾天皇の皇子だったことから、宥遍上人は天皇から七条袈裟を賜っている。寛永19年生駒家は出羽国(秋田県)矢島に国替えになり、寛永19年、新藩主として松平家に入封する。弘憲寺は松平家から領内で弘憲寺のみに降雨の祈祷が命じられ、郡奉行や郷方役人が寺に詰めたと記されている。また、一群一ヶ寺のみ選ばれる五穀成就の祈祷も仰せつけられ、松平政権下においても、重要な役割を担っていた。
現在の住職で17代を数える 。

- Homepage of the temple
- source :


- quote
Ikoma Chikamasa 生駒 親正
(1526 – March 25, 1603)
Japanese daimyo during the Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo periods around the turn of the 17th century. His father was Ikoma Chikashige. Chikamasa was appointed one of the three chūrō (arbiters) by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

In 1566, he became a retainer of Oda Nobunaga when he attacked Mino Province. He worked under Hashiba Hideyoshi (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) from then on, and was involved in various battles such as the Battle of Nagashino, the battle against Ishiyama Hongan-ji and the battle against the Saika party at Kii Province. In 1582, he served Hideyoshi after Nobunaga died, and was active in several battles such as the Battle of Yamazaki, the Battle of Shizugatake, the Siege of Odawara, and the Battle of Bunroku. He was given lands in Sanuki Province yielding 171,800 koku of rice because of his service. In Hideyoshi's last years, Ikoma Chikamasa, Nakamura Kazuuji, and Horio Yoshiharu were appointed to the position of chūrō under Toyotomi.

In 1600 at the Battle of Sekigahara, Chikamasa was part of Ishida Mitsunari's force while his son, Ikoma Kazumasa was part of Tokugawa Ieyasu's force. Chikamasa remained at Sanuki and sent his retainers in his stead to attack Tanabe castle in Tango Province. He chose this strategy to preserve the Ikoma clan regardless of which side prevailed. Because Kazumasa fought in Ieyasu's force, Ieyasu allowed Chikamasa to rule his existing domain after the battle, but Chikamasa took responsibility for fighting on the losing side by transferring the headship of the family to Kazumasa.
He became a priest and withdrew to Mount Koya.

He was soon permitted to return to Sanuki Province. In 1603, he died in Takamatsu castle.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Sweets for the Bride (oiri おいり, o-iri お入り)
This custom started in the Edo period around 1587 when the first lord of Sanuki, Ikoma Chikamasa 生駒親正公, had them made for the bride, using five colors, pink, yellow, orange, white and light blue.
. Washoku - Sweets from Shikoku .


. hibutsu 秘仏 secret or hidden Buddha statues .

. 四国三十六不動尊霊場会 ...
Fudo Pilgrims to 36 temples in Shikoku .
- Introduction -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Nezumi Fudo

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Nezumi Fudo . 鼠不動 . Mouse Fudo

A Fudo with Yellow Eyes.
This statue at the temple Eikyu-Ji (Eikyuuji) 永久寺 in Tokyo, near Minowa station.
It was founded in 860 by Priest Ennin.

The Fudo statue was carved by Jikaku Daishi Ennin 慈覚大師円仁 and is similar to the Meguro Fudo.

It is said that the mice ran away in horror of this statue, hence its name.

CLICK for enlargement.

Reference :鼠不動

Mouse Fudo, Nezumi Fudo
Temple Nr. 2 of the Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage
第02番 麿日山  慈眼寺  鼠不動   
徳島県阿波郡阿波町谷島 22


Yellow Fudo, Ki Fudo 黄不動明王

Ennin 円仁

Mouse Daruma ... Nezumi Daruma

. Ne 子 / nezumi 鼠  Rat, Mouse Amulets .

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo Pilgrims ENTER

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四国三十六不動尊霊場会 ...
Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Preparing the Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage
Each temple is dedicated to one of the
dooji 童子 Doji, child attendants of Fudo Myo-O.

Map of the Pilgrimage

Book for the stamps

Scroll for the stamps

White Pilgrim's Robe

More goods are here
source :

Names of the Temples

Japanese MAP of Tokushima

Nr. 01 . Oyamadera . Daisanji . 大山寺
Nr. 02 . Jigenji . 慈眼寺
and ... Nezumi Fudo . 鼠不動 . Mouse Fudo
03 . Saimyo-Ji (Saimyooji) . 最明寺
Nr. 04 . Hashikuraji . 箸蔵寺
Nr. 05 . Mitsugenji . 蜜厳寺

Nr. 06 . Fudo-In . 不動院
Nr. 07 . Fukusei-Ji . 福生寺
Nr. 08 . Chozen-Ji (Choozenji) . 長善寺
Nr. 09 . Oshaku-Ji (Ooshakuji) . 寶積寺
Nr. 10 . Tozen-Ji (Toozenji) . 東禅寺

Nr. 11 . Dogaku-Ji (Doogakuji) . 童学寺
Nr. 12 . Konji-Ji . 建冶寺
Nr. 13 . Mitsugenji . 蜜厳寺
Nr. 14 . Shoko-Ji (Shookooji) . 正光寺

Japanese MAP of Kochi

Nr. 15 . Gokuraku-Ji . 極楽寺
Nr. 16 . Gokuraku-Ji . 極楽寺
Nr. 17 . Soan-Ji (Sooanji) 宗安寺

Japanese MAP of Ehime

Nr. 18 . Jodo-Ji (Joodoji) . 浄土寺
Nr. 19 . Hoju-Ji (Hoojuji) . 宝寿寺
Nr. 20 . Korin-Ji (Koorinji) . 光林寺

Nr. 21 . Mangan-Ji . 満願寺
Nr. 22 . Koryu-Ji (Kooryuuji) . 興隆寺
Nr. 23 . Gokuraku-Ji . 極楽寺
Nr. 24 . Ryutoku-Ji (Ryuutoku ji). 隆徳寺
Nr. 25 . Horitsu-Ji (Hooritsu ji) . 法律寺

Nr. 26 . Senryu-Ji (Senryuu ji) 仙龍寺
Nr. 27 . Jofuku-Ji (Joofukuji) . 常福寺

Japanese MAP of Kagawa

Nr. 28 . Hagiwara Ji . 萩原寺
Nr. 29 . Myo-O Ji . 明王寺
Nr. 30 . Myo-on ji (Myoo-onji) . 妙音寺
Nr. 31 . Kaigan-Ji . 海岸寺
Nr. 32 . Tenpuku-Ji . 天福寺
Nr. 33 . Jodo-Ji (Joodoji) . 浄土寺
Nr. 34 . Jinno-Ji (Jinnooji) . 神応寺
Nr. 35 . Myo-O In . 明王院
Nr. 36 . Shodai-Ji (Shoodaiji) . 聖代寺

CLICK for more pilgrim goods photos

External Japanese LINKs
Shikoku Fudo Henro



The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O
Sanjuuroku Dooji 三十六童子(さんじゅうろくどうじ)

messengers, acolytes of Fudo Myo-O (Fudô Myôô)

Each of the temples is dedicated to one of these attendants.
See each temple for a picture of the attendant doji.

01 Kongara 矜迦羅童子(こんがらどうじ)、
02 Seitaka 制迦童子(せいたかどうじ)

03 Fudoo-E 不動恵童子(ふどうえどうじ)、
04 Koomooshoo 光網勝童子(こうもうしょうどうじ)、

05 Mukukoo 無垢光童子(むくこうどうじ)、
06 Keishini 計子爾童子(けいしにどうじ)、
07 Chiedoo 智慧幢童子(ちえどうどうじ)、
08 Shitara 質多羅童子(しつたらどうじ)、
09 Shoojookoo 召請光童子(しょうじょうこうどうじ)、

10 Fushigi 不思議童子(ふしぎどうじ,
11 Ratara 多羅童子(らたらどうじ)、
12 Harahara 波羅波羅童子(はらはらどうじ)、
13 Ikeira 伊醯羅童子(いけいらどうじ)、
14 Shishikoo 師子光童子(ししこうどうじ)、

15 Shishi-E (Shishie)師子慧童子(ししえどうじ)、
16 Abarati 阿婆羅底童子(あばらていどうじ)、
17 Jikenba 持堅婆童子(じけんばどうじ)、
18 Rishabi 利車毘童子(りしゃびどうじ)、

19 Hokyo Go (Hookyogo) 法挾護童子(ほうきょうごどうじ)

20 Indara 因陀羅童子(いんだらどうじ)、21 大光明童子(だいこうみょうどうじ)、22 Shokomyo (Shookoomyoo) 小光明童子(しょうこうみょうどうじ)、23 Busshu Go (Busshuu Go) 仏守護童子(ぶっしゅごどうじ)、24 Hoshu Go (Hooshuu Go) 法守護童子(ほうしゅごどうじ)、

25 Soshugo (Sooshuu Go) 僧守護童子(そうしゅごどうじ)、26 Kongo-Go (Kongoo go)金剛護童子(こんごうごどうじ)、27 Kokugo (Kokuu go) 虚空護童子(こくうごどうじ)、28 Kokuuzoo 虚空蔵童子(こくうぞうどうじ)、29 Hoozoo 宝蔵護童子(ほうぞうごどうじ)、

30 Kisshoomyoo 吉祥妙童子(きっしょうみょうどうじ)、31 Kaikoo-E 戒光慧童子(かいこうえどうじ)、32 Myookoozoo 妙光蔵童子(みょうこうぞうどうじ)、33 Fuko O (Fukoo oo) 普光王童子(ふこうおうどうじ)、34 Zenshi 善師童子(ぜんしどうじ)、35 Harika 波利迦童子(はりかどうじ)、36 Ubakei 烏婆計童子(うばけいどうじ)

amongst them the Eight great
Ekoo Doji 慧光童子
Eki Doji 慧喜童子
Anokudatsu/Anokuta Doji 阿耨達童子
Shitoku Doji 指徳童子
Ukubaga Doji 烏倶婆か童子 / 烏倶婆我童子
Shoojoo Biku 清浄比丘 Shojo Biku
Kongara doji 矜羯羅童子
Seitaka doji 制叱迦童子

source :
Statue by Kooen 康円 Koen (1207 - after 1275)
Kamakura period


Sessen Doji 雪山童子
refers to the name of Shakyamuni in a previous life,
when he was doing religious training on a snowy mountain (雪山),
and used Buddhist teachings to fend off and subdue a blue-skinned demon.


Names of these Doji and possible meaning of the Japanese



矜羯羅童子 こんがらどうじ
お不動様に従い 命ぜられた事を何でもする お不動様の慈悲の心の働きをする 智慧の徳を司る

制托迦童子 せいたかどうじ
お不動様に従い 命ぜられた事は何でする お不動様の方便の心の働きをする 福徳の徳を司る

不動恵童子  ふどうえどうじ
真実をありのままに見ることの出来る 揺るぎない智慧の働き

光網勝童子 こうもうしょうどうじ

無垢光童子 むくこうどうじ

計子爾童子 けいしにどうじ

---------------------- ?

智慧幢童子 ちえどうどうじ

質多羅童子 しつたらどうじ
---------------------- ?

召請光童子 ちょうしょうこうどうじ

不思議童子 ふしぎどうじ

羅多羅童子 らたらどうじ

波羅波羅童子 はらはらどうじ

伊醯羅童子 いけらどうじ
---------------------- ?

師子光童子 ししこうどうじ

師子慧童子 ししえどうじ

阿婆羅底童子 あばらちどうじ
---------------------- ?

持堅婆童子 じけんばどうじ
しっかりと学び それを保つ

利車毘童子 りしゃびどうじ

法挟護童子 ほうきょうごどうじ

因陀羅童子 いんだらどうじ
因陀羅は帝釈天のこと Taishakuten

大光明童子 だいこうみょうどうじ

小光明童子 しょうこうみょうどうじ

佛守護童子 ぶっしゅごどうじ

法守護童子 ほうしゅごどうじ

僧守護童子 そうしゅごどうじ

金剛護童子 こんごうごどうじ

虚空護童子 こくうごどうじ

虚空蔵童子 こくうぞうどうじ

宝蔵護童子 ほうぞうごどうじ

吉祥妙童子 きっしょうみょうどうじ

戒光慧童子 かいこうえどうじ

妙空蔵童子 みょうくぞうどうじ

普香王童子 ふこうおうどうじ

善爾師童子 ぜんにしどうじ

波利迦童子 はりかどうじ
---------------------- ?

烏婆計童子 うばけいどうじ

source :  jason 666


hachi daidooji 八大童子 eight great Doji acolytes

制多迦、指徳, 矜羯羅、鳥倶婆迦 ,恵貴、清浄比丘, 阿耨達、恵光

- source :

1.阿耨達童子 - あのくたどうじ - Anokuta
2.清浄比丘童子 - しょうじょうびくどうじ - Shojo biku
3.恵喜童子 - えきどうじ - Eki
4.烏倶婆ガ童子 - うぐばがどうじ - Ububaka
5.恵光童子 - えこうどうじ - Eko
6.制多伽童子 - せいたかどうじ - Seitaka
7.矜羯羅童子 - こんがらどうじ - Kongara
8.指徳童子 - しとくどうじ - Shitoku, (looks like Bishamonten)

- source : kazu_san/8douji.htm


Group of Four Great Child Servants of Fudo Myo-O

Shoojoo Biku 清浄比丘 Shojo Biku
Ukubaga Doji 烏倶婆か童子 / 烏倶婆我童子
Kongara Doji 矜羯羅童子 and
Seitaka doji 制叱迦童子


指徳童子 (しとくどうじ) Shitoku Doji
Its corresponding Bosatsu is
Fukuu jooju bosatsu 不空成就菩薩 / 不空成就如来 Fuku Joju Bosatsu

In the right hand he holds a sansageki 三叉戟 three-pronged spear.
In the left hand he holds a rinpoo, rinpō 輪宝 wheel of law.
He is the only one of the Doji that wears armour and a helmet
(yoroi kabuto 鎧兜).

source :


Shoojo Biku 清浄比丘 Shojo Biku,
Shojo Doji

Shojo Biku refers to a monk in training.
He is an incarnation of Monju Bostsu.
He carries a three-pronged vajra 三鈷杵 in his right hand
a box for sutra script written on palm leaves 梵篋 /宝篋 (bonkyoo) in his right.

- source :

- bonkyoo 梵篋
- quote
bonkyou 梵篋 A box for sutras.
Indian sutras were written on long, narrow palm leaves.
The leaves were stacked one top of the other, with boards placed in between each leaf. The boards and leaves were then tied together to create a box-like form. A few Indian palm-leaf manuscripts date as early as the 9c.
As a *jimotsu 持物 (hand-held attribute for Buddhist images), the bonkyou may be held by *Senju Kannon 千手観音 (Thousand-armed Kannon) and the bodhisattva *Monju 文殊. In the 13c painting of Monju from Enryakuji 延暦寺 in Shiga prefecture, a bonkyou is balanced on the lotus flower in his left hand.
A similar form is the *houkyou 宝篋 hookyoo, which may be used interchangeably with bonkyou but this term implies a box for rolled sutras as opposed to the box for flat sutra pages on leaves.
A box for sutras was sometimes carried on the back of a yamabushi 山伏 or mountain priest in the ascetic practice of shugendou 修験道 (see *En no gyouja 役行者). This type of box is also called a bonkyou.
- source : JAANUS


Fudo Pilgrimage in Bando (Kanto Area)

BANDO : Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples

Fudo Pilgrimage in Kinki (Central Japan)

KINKI : Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples

................ More Fudo Pilgrimages

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - Introduction .

Yamaguchi Fudo 18 Doji Pilgrimage 十八不動三十六童子霊場


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage ... Archives


- #doji #fudoattendants #dooji -


Shikoku Fudo 01

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 01 . Oyamadera (Ooyamadera) .
Daisanji . 大山寺

第1番 仏王山 大山寺 真言宗醍醐派
徳島県板野郡上板町大山 0886-94-5525

The main halls are in a deep forest and an Inner Sanctuary still further up the steep mountain.

CLICK for more photos
Stamp of the temple
The main statue is a Kannon with 1000 Arms.

On the first Sunday in January the annual festival of "Strong men and Power Rice Cakes", chikara mochi 力餅 is celebrated. People have to carry the heavy rice cakes, which have been dedicated to Kannon during the New Year celebrations, in the temple garden and the one who can carry it the longest wins.
Men carry 169 kg, women 50 kg, first graders 45 kilo and small children 10 kg.

CLICK for more photos
This festival is in memory of Lord Shichijoo Kanenaka 七条兼仲(しちじょうかねなか), a strong warlord in the times of Minamoto no Yoshitsune [1159~1189].
See below.

"Big Mountain Fudo", Taisan Fudo 太山不動
This Fudo is also one of the "Wave-cutting", Namikiri Fudo.

Kongara Doji 矜迦羅童子


on barasaki tattari sowaka
おん ばらさき たつたり そわか

CLICK for more photos of Kongara Doji !

At this temple, the powerful Kankiten is also venerated.
This elephant deity (Ganesh in India) is rather wild and it took a Kannon with its 1000 arms to appease it.

Kankiten 歓喜天 more details

This temple is between Nr. 5 and Nr. 6 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage to 88 Temples.
It is the first of the "Extra temples".


Yashima Gassen 屋島合戦 ( やしまかっせん )

* Yashima is in the east of Takamatsu, which is one of the best-known ancient battlefields between the Heike and the Genji clans.

* The name Yashima means literally 'roof island'. Yashima, so called because of its shape like the roof of a traditional Japanese farm house, is a mesa headland jutting out into the Seto Inland Sea. But at the time when the Genpei War was fought, it was, as is implied by the name, an island separated from the mainland by the Aibikigawa River.

* The military forces of the Heikes, defeated at Ichinotani, retreated to Yashima with Emperor Antoku and set up his temporary court and their headquarters at Dannoura Inlet of Yashima. They still had powerful command of the whole Inland Sea area

* They simply expected their enemy would attack them by sea and concentrated their guard on the sea. They disposed their battle boats in the inlet and kept more than 500 boats in ambush behind a projecting land at Aji, on the other side of the inlet , now called Funakakushi, meaning 'boat hideout'. They prepared themselves thoroughly against an expected attack by the naval forces of the Genjis

* However in February 1185, the forces led by Yoshitsune outwitted them and instead of attacking them directly from the sea, crossed the sea to Awa (now Tokushima Prefecture)in no longer than six hours helped by a favorable wind. They marched all the way to Yashima by land overnight, which would have normally taken two days.

* The attack at the court from behind was so unexpected that the Heike battle boats rushed off the coast in a panic. The battle was fought not on the sea but on the coast, creating thousands of episodes including the death of Sato Tsugunobu sacrificing himself for Yoshitsune, Nasuno Yoichi's skillful shot at the fan, Yoshitsune's drop of his bow in the water and many others. Thus Yashima became one of the most colorful stages of the historic feud, leaving countless episodes.

* Yashima retains many names related to the historic battle. According to the stories, the main battlefield was the whole Dannoura area, where now stands Yashima-higashi Primary School. Visitors now find the old court site of Emperor Antoku, Tombs of Sato Tsugunobu and Kikuomaru, Rock on which Nasu no Yoichi prayed for success of his feat, Rock on which the bestriding Yoichi shot his arrow at the fan.
The place names of Genjigamine Peak, Funakakushi, Chinoike Pond and others are reminiscent of the past.
source :

CLICK for more photos.
Photo :


. . . . . . . . . . H A I K U

tori wataru Yashima no hayama nigiyaka ni   

migrating birds ...
over the hill of Yashima
it is quite bustling

Tr. Gabi Greve

Murao Ko-U 村尾公羽

nogiku yori kiri tachinoboru Yashima kana

from the wild chrysanthemums
mist is ascending ...
Yashima Mountain

Tr. Gabi Greve

Tamura Toshiko 田村寿子
source :  yahantei


Namikiri Fudo Wave-cutting Fudo 波切不動尊 、浪切不動明王 

Yashima and Daruma Badgers (Tanuki)

Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 02

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 02 . Jigenji . 慈眼寺

第2番 麿日山 慈眼寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県阿波郡阿波町谷島 22 0883-35-3010

穴禅定の寺 Anazenjoo no Tera

The main statue is a Kannon with 11 heads.

This temple is also the "Mountain Sanctuary" of Kakurin-Ji 鶴林寺.
Kobo Daishi practised austerities here when he was 19 years old. He had a dream and found a cave nearby. To rid the cave of evil spirits he performed a fire ritual and banned the evil dragon into the walls of the cave. You can visit this cave, which is about 100 meters long, with a guide from the temple.

"Mouse Fudo", Nezumi Fudo 鼠不動

Seitaka Doji 制叱迦童子 (Cetaka)


on shuyo toba unbatta
おん しゆと とば うんばつた

CLICK for more photos of Seitaka Doji !

This temple is also Nr. 3 on the special temples of the pilgrimage to 88 temples in Shikoku.


Nezumi Fudo . 鼠不動 . Mouse Fudo
temple Eikyu-Ji (Eikyuuji) 永久寺 in Tokyo

Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 03

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 03 . Saimyo-Ji (Saimyooji) . 最明寺

第3番 弥天山 最明寺 真言宗大覚寺
徳島県美馬郡脇町西上野 0883-52-1594

CLICK for more photos

There are many graves along the approach road to this temple. The main deity in the main hall is Kannon. There is also a hall with many windows for a triad of Amida Nyorai.

Fudo for Good Luck, Kaiun Fudo 開運不動
Statue in the Fire Ritual Hall, Goma-Do 護摩堂

© PHOTO : myougen ... with more photos

Fudo-E (Fudoe) Doji 不動恵童子


on shumari basara dankan
おん しゆまり ばさら だんかん

Stone Memorial of this Doji at Konoita san (Koo no ita)
不動恵童子の岩場, 高板山(こうのいたさん)
It is represented as a sword and a serpant. The serpant was the messenger of the mountain deity of Mount Konoita. The whole mountain area is sacred, with a Fudo Hall at its foot.
CLICK for original Link ... yamanobori no heya
Photo : yamato.yama



Fudo Hall at Mount Konoita 高板山不動堂

Walking through the sacred embers, April 2007
Hiwatari Matsuri, Festival of Walking through the Fire
Performed twice a year, in spring and autumn, by the mountain ascetics of the area.
People with a pure heart will not feel the heat at their soles. People who partake do not eat meat the day before and cleanse the body with other rituals too.

This festival relates to the legend of the last days of Emperor Antoku and the Battle of Yashima (see LINK below) and has been continued since the Heian period.
source :



Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 04

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 04 . Hashikuraji . 箸蔵寺

第4番 宝珠山 箸蔵寺 真言宗御室派
徳島県三好郡池田町州津字蔵谷 0883-72-0812
Ikeda, Tokushima
Hashikura-Dera, Hashikuradera

The temple is situated on Mt. Hashikura 箸蔵山, and you can get up there via Ropeway.

"Holy Fudo", Daishoo Fudo 大聖不動

Komosho (Koomooshoo) Doji 光網勝童子


on soba rogi batta batta sowaka
おん そば ろぎ ばった ばった そわか

Daisho Fudo (Daishoo Fudoo) . 大聖不動明王
Holy Fudo, Incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai : 大日大聖不動明王


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 05

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 05 . Mitsugonji . 蜜厳寺

第5番 宝光山 蜜厳寺 真言宗御室派
徳島県三好郡池田町西山 0883-72-1548

This temple is located on a hill above the town of Ikeda. The temple also has a youth hostel to stay.

Fudo digging with his nails, tsumehori Fudo 爪掘不動, つめほり不動, 爪彫り不動
I could not find more about this legend, but below are two more items.
also quoted as
Tsumekage Fudo 爪影不動

Mukuko (Mukukoo) Doji 無垢光童子


noomaku karaban kiriku
のうまく からばん きりく


Tsumehori Fudo at temple Kokawadera 粉河寺の爪彫り不動

Kokawa-dera: 3rd temple on the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage in Western Japan.
Temple Negoro-ji and Kokawa-dera were powerful in the Kishu area, second only to the temples at Koyasan.

Temple Kokawadera and Matsuo Basho


There is also a well said to have been dug by Kobo Daishi on the old road to Kumano.「弘法大師爪掘の井戸」

There is also a Yakushi Nyorai digging with his nails, at the temple Dainichi-Ji.
Tsumehori Yakushi
爪掘り薬師, 大日寺, 28番札所


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 06

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 06 . Fudo-In . 不動院

第6番 秀盤山 不動院 真言宗大覚寺
徳島県三好郡井川町西井川 0883-78-2917

"Pierced Fudo", Kirimomi Fudo 錐揉不動, 錐揉み不動,
きりもみ不動, 錐鑽不動

揉み錐.. momigiri, basically means "drilling into wood to make a fire".
See below.

Keishini Doji 計子爾童子


on kaku mari sowaka
おん かく まり そわか


The Legend of Kirimomi Fudo and Kakuban
Kogyo Daishi (Koogyoo Daishi) 興教大師

There was once saint Kakuban 覚鑁[1095~1143], who practised at Koyasan at the temple Mitsugon-In 密厳院. He was not well liked by his fellow monks, because he was very strict and also tried to teach them about the Amida faith. Kakuban founded Shingi Shingon sub-sect, and wrote an essay about "Amida hishaku", an esoteric interpretation of the Pure Land teachings. He promoted an esoteric interpretation of teachings of the Pure Land. He believed that the central buddha of Shingon devotion, Vairocana Buddha, and Amida Buddha were one and the same and that their pure lands were also one and the same.
The monks of temple Kongobu-Ji wanted to kill him and entered his temple. When they came to the Fudo Hall, there were two identical statues of Fudo. One was the monk Kakuban hidden as this figure, and one was the Fudo statue itself. The monks shot two arrows in the knee of each statue, piercing the leg of each and saw red warm blood ran from both of them. The murderers became afraid and ran away.
Later Kakuban left Koyasan
and spent the rest of his life at the temple Negoro-Ji.

CLICK for original LINK

Another source quotes about Saint Kakuban:

Kakuban, popularly known as Mitsugon Sonja (Venerable Mystic Glorification), was born in Fujitsu-no-sho, Hizen Province (near the present Kagoshima City), on the 17th of the 6th month, 1095. His father Isa-no-Heiji Kanemoto was a high officer in charge of a manor belonging to the Ninnaji temple, and his mother came from the Tachibana family. Born as the third of four sons, he was called Yachitose-maro.

According to the Genko-shakusho, one day when Kakuban was eight years old, a messenger of the provincial governor came to see his father to press him for payment of taxes. The messenger's attitude was rude, and the boy's father was hiding behind the screen. The boy was shocked and asked the monk who was staying at his house, "Who was that messenger?" and "Who is the highest authority in Japan?" After learning that the emperor was the highest person, he further asked the monk if there was someone superior to the emperor. The monk replied that the Buddha was the supreme authority. This incident prompted him to decide to become a Buddhist; whereupon he himself burned incense as an offering to the Buddha.

His father died when Kakuban was ten, and in 1107, at the age of 13, he went to Kyoto and became a disciple of Kanjo, the founder of the Joju-in Hall and a well-known esoteric adept. In the following year, he went to Nara to study the Kusha and Hosso teachings under Keigyo at the Kofukuji. In 1110 he returned to the Joju-in and received the ordination of a novice from Kanjo and was given the name Shogaku-bo Kakuban - "Enlightened VAM" (VAM is the mystic syllable of Mahavairocana in the Vajra-realm Mandala). After the ordination, Kanjo sent him to Nara again - this time to the Todaiji to learn the Sanron and Kegon Teachings. While studying in Nara, Kakuban had a dream in which a Shinto god urged him to go up to Mt. Koya. So he once again returned to the Ninnaji and began the preparatory practice for becoming an acarya.

In 1114, at the age of 20 Kakuban received the full ordination of a monk at the Todaiji, Nara, and then went up Mt. Koya, where he was greeted by a Nembutsu sage, Shoren of the Ojo-in. Being a devout aspirant to Amida's Pure Land, Shoren undoubtedly had a great influence on Kakuban. Kakuban learned many ritual practices under Meijaku, who was also known as an aspirant to the Pure Land through the Shingon Nembutsu. Under Meijaku's guidance, Kakuban particularly practiced the ritual called "Kokuzo gumonjiho," dedicated to Kokuzo (Akashagarbha) Bodhisattva. During his stay on Mt. Koya, until he was 27 of age, he also received the Dharma-transmission abhiseka (Denbo kanjo) as many as eight times.

In 1121 Kakuban received from Kanjo of the Ninnaji the abhiseka of the two Mandalas, the Realm of Matrix-store and the Realm of Vajra. Later he tried again and again to master the Kokuzo gumonjiho ritual, until at the ninth attempt in 1123 he attained the transcendent state, and thus spiritual awakening dawned in his mind.

In 1125 Kakuban is said to have written the Koyoshu, 3 fascicles, explaining the way of birth in Amida's Land, and sent it to his mother. In the following year, he wished to build a hall on Mt. Koya to revive the lecture-meeting of transmission of the Dharma, called "Denbo-e", which was originated by Kukai for the promotion of studies in esoteric Buddhism. Coincidentally, a large estate in Wakayama was donated to him, so he invoked Shinto gods and built there a shrine to guard the Denbo-in which was to be built on Mt. Koya. Later the Negoroji was built on this site. In 1130 Kakuban received the patronage of the Ex-emperor Toba and his sanction to build the Denbo-in on Mt. Koya. Since that temple proved to be too small, in 1131 he built the Daidenbo-in temple (Great Denbo-in). Thus he succeeded in establishing a center for the study and practice of Shingon.

Kakuban's next effort was to rehabilitate the Shingon rituals. At that time, there were two traditions of rituals in the Tomitsu (the esoteric Buddhism of Shingon as opposed to that of Tendai): the Ono and Hirosawa schools, each divided into sub-schools. Besides those, on Mt. Koya another school, called "Chuin," was founded by Meizan (1021-1106). Kakuban sought to unify them all by establishing the Denbo-in school.

English biography of the restorer of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism,
the “saint of inward concentration” Kakuban

In 1134, an imperial decree was issued to designate the Daidenbo-in and the Mitsugon-in, the latter constructed as Kakuban's residence, as temples for offering up prayers for the emperor, and Kakuban was nominated as the first zasu of the Daidenbo-in. Monks of the Kongobuji, the head temple of Mt. Koya, became angry and tried to expel Kakuban, but an Ex-emperor's decree ruled that those monks be punished. Later that year, Kakuban was additionally appointed zasu of the Kongobuji. Until that time, the zasu of the Toji temple in Kyoto had also been the zasu of the Kongobuji, and so Mt. Koya had been effectively under the jurisdiction of Toji.
Worried about further incurring the wrath of those monks who had already sought his expulsion, Kakuban finally resigned as zasu of both temples and retired to the Mitsugon-in.

Nevertheless, the antipathy of the Kongobuji monks against Kakuban was aggravated. They even took to arms and attempted to kill him. Kakuban, however, remained in the Mitsugon-in and began a discipline of silence for a thousand days. In 1139, the armed monks destroyed the Denbo-in and its sub-temples, numbering more than eighty. Kakuban fled to Negoro in Wakayama, never to return to Mt. Koya again.

He spent the rest of his life there teaching students and writing books. In 1143 when he was 49 years of age, he became ill, and later that year he passed away while sitting in the lotus posture, making the appropriate mudra, and facing towards Mahavairocana's Pure Land. He was given the posthumous title Kogyo Daishi (the Master who Revived the Teaching) by Emperor Higashiyama in 1690.

Reconciliation and conflict ensued between the Kongobuji and the Negoroji, lasting for more than a hundred years. The great master Raiyu (1226-1304) finally moved the Daidenbo-in and the Mitsugon-in to Negoro in 1288, and declared the independence of the new school, called Shingi Shingon.
source :  Hisao Inagaki

Kirimomi Fudo from temple Negoro-Ji
錐もみ不動明王, 根来寺不動堂 岩出市

三国一のきりもみ不動 :
Fudo unparalleled in the three countries Japan, China and India

厄除け身代わり不動尊 yakuyoke migawari Fudo son

This is a sacred statue, who once protected Kakuban from his enemies.
It is only shown to the public for one week in November, starting from Nov. 17.
Negoro Temple is Nr. 34 on the Fudo Pilgrimage in the Kinki area.

source :

Japanese Reference

Kakuban, English Reference

. Yakuyoke Fudo 厄除不動 Fudo to ward off evil .

. Kirimomi 錐揉不動, 錐揉み不動, きりもみ不動, 錐鑽不動
Pierced Fudo Myo-O .

. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in Kinki
近畿三十六不動尊巡礼 .

- quote -
The Negoro-Ji (根来寺) complex of Buddhist temples
stands on the side of, and is surrounded by, the sacred peaks of the Katsuragi Mountains which dominate the horizon at the northern end of the city of Iwade, Wakayama in Japan.

In 1087, a man named En no Gyōja established this area as a center for promoting Buddhism. Hōfuku-ji, as it was originally called, was built with the contributions of a devotee known as Hōfuku-Chōja who lived in the vicinity.

In 1132, the Ex-Emperor Toba donated this temple, along with nearby manors, to the famous high priest Kōgyō Daishi; this new estate was called Ichijō-zan Daidenpon Negoro-ji. Kōgyō-Daishi, widely renowned as the restorer of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, moved here with his pupils, from Mount Kōya.

After settling at Negoro-ji, Kōgyō-Daishi laid out his far-sighted plans and initiated the construction of the Enmyō-ji and Jingū-ji within the Negoro-ji temple grounds. Even after his death, in 1143, the Negoro-ji complex was influential and prosperous as the head seminary for Shingi sect of Shingon Buddhism for another 200 years or so. During the height of its influence in the late Muromachi period, about 2700 temples stood on the mountainside in the spacious grounds of Negoro-ji.

In 1585 however, every building except the main pagoda, and a few others, were burnt down during the Siege of Negoro-ji by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who feared the growing military power of the priesthood and the Negoro-gumi, warrior monks of the temple, who were skilled in the use of firearms.

In 1623, the head of the Kii branch of the Tokugawa feudal clan, Tokugawa Yorinobu, initiated the reconstruction of the temple grounds, and through numerous re-buildings over many decades during the Edo period, the Negoro-ji was completely transformed.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Saga Saga 佐賀県 Henro Pilgrims and Kirimomi .
Nr. 62 密厳山 誕生院 Mitsugonzan Tanjo-In
Nr. 63 金剛勝山 蓮厳院 Kongoshozan Renge-In

Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku


Shikoku Fudo 07

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 07 . Fukusei-Ji . 福生寺

第7番 宝生山 福生寺 奥の院 真言宗御室派 漆谷不動
徳島県三好郡三加茂町加茂山根 0883-82-2631

"Laquer valley Fudo", Urushidani Fudo 漆谷不動
I could not find an explanation for this name yet.

Chiedo Doji (chiedoo dooji) 智慧幢童子


on sonba sanba sanban sowaka
おん そんば さんば さんばんそわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 08

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 08 . Chozen-Ji (Choozenji) . 長善寺

第8番 駅路山 長善寺 真言宗御室派
徳島県三好郡三加茂町中庄 0883-82-2358
This temple was founded in 808 by Kukai Kobo Daishi himself.
The statue in Main Hall is Fukuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩.
The temple was under the protection of the Hachisuka 蜂須賀 clan of Awa, when it also served as a relais station on the road 駅路寺, providing horses and food to the travellers.
Is still very popular to this day. It has many statues of great value, most of them are now in the Nara National Museum.
There is also an Inari Shrine in the compound where people pray for good business.

Fire-preventing Fudo 除災不動
Since the Fujiwara times, this Fudo is also known for its powers to prevent diseases, especially cancer, polyps and ulcers.
Ganyoke Fudo ガン除け不動尊

Shitara (Shittara, Shitsutara) Doji 質多羅童子


on taramachi shittara unbatta
うん たらまち しつたら うんばつた


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 09

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 09 . Oshaku-Ji (Ooshakuji) . 寶積寺

第9番 月光山 寶積寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県麻植郡山川町井上 0883-42-4331

This temple has been founded by Kukai Kobo Daishi more than 1200 years ago and is now known for its seasonal cherry blossoms and red leaves.
In march, a great Fudo Festival with fire rituals is held.
CLICK for original LINK ..
Fudo no Himatsuri 不動の火祭り
月光山 明王院

Bishamonten is also venerated at this temple, together with Fudo Myo-O.

Kawada Fudo 川田不動

Temple song about this Fudo

ありがたや 高越の里の 不動尊 詣れる人を たすけたまえや
arigata ya Koozan no sato no fudoo son
tazureru hito o tasuketamae ya
(Koozan 高越山 is a mountain beside this temple.)
CLICK for more photos

Toshoko (Tooshookoo) Doji 召請光童子


on mari mamari shumari shiemari todomari hotta
おん まり ままり しゆまり しゑまり とどまり ばつた


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 10

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 10 . Tozen-Ji (Toozenji) . 東禅寺

第10番 摩陀山 東禅寺 真言宗大覚寺
徳島県名西郡石井町高川原南島 0886-74-0265


Fushigi Doji 不思議童子


on rokei sowaka
おん ろけい そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Shikoku Fudo 11

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 11 . Dogaku-Ji (Doogakuji) . 童学寺

第11番 東明山 童学寺 真言宗善通寺
徳島県名西郡石井町石井城の内 605 0886-74-0138


There is also a 脳天大神 at Yoshino.

Ratara Doji 羅多羅童子


on rata rata rama sowaka
おん らた らた らま そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 12

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 12 . Konji-Ji . 建冶寺

第12番 大龍山 建冶寺 東寺真言宗
徳島県徳島市入田町金冶 230 0886-44-1232 (こんじ寺)

With a waterfall, Konji no Taki 建冶の滝

Migawari Ryuu Fudo 身代瀧不動
CLICK for original LINK ... www.yama aruki

Harahara Doji 波羅波羅童子


on hara jitsu bitamani antan sowaka
おん はら しつ びたまに あんをん そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 13

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 13 . Mitsugenji . 蜜厳寺

第13番 降魔山 蜜厳寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県徳島市不動本町 1-258 0886-31-0139


Ikeira Doji 伊醯羅童子


on dakini ei sowaka
おん だぎに ゑい そわか

source : xxxxx


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Shikoku Fudo 14

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 14 . Shoko-Ji (Shookooji) . 正光寺

第14番 向栄山 正光寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県那賀郡相生町平野字妙見前 37 08846-2-1304

Hana Fudo 華不動

Shishiko (Shishikoo) Doji 獅子光童子


on mari taritari sowaka
おん まり たりたり そわか

source : xxxxx


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum