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anafudoo 穴不動 Ana Fudo in a Cave
There are various places in Japan.
Aichi 愛知県
岩崎御嶽社 Shrine Iwasaki Ontakesha
Takenoyama-138 Iwasakichō, Nisshin-shi, Aichi
This Shinto Shrine is located on the top of Mount Iwasaki Ontakesan.
In 1860, two mountain priests, 明心 Myoshin and 明寛 Myokan had an inspiration from 御嶽大神 the Great Deity of Mount Ontake in Kiso to built it here. On the left side of the shrine is 洞穴 a cave with a statue of Fudo Myo-0, called
O-tasuke ana Fudo お助け穴不動
Fudo in the cave to help people
. Ontake Shinkō - The Ontake Cult .
Nagano 長野県
安曇野 穴不動 Azumino Anafudo
source : ameblo.jp/koku-youseki/entry...
黒沢不動尊 Kurozawa Fudo Son
When the warlord 武田信玄 Takeda Shingen was digging for gold in the Azumino region, he did not find anything. To protect the cave entry near the waterfall of the Kurozawa river, he erected a small sanctuary with a statue of Fudo Myo-O.
source : osirozuki.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry...
. Takeda Shingen 武田信玄 (1521 - 1573) .
Tochigi 栃木県
Haga-gun, Haga-machi, Nishitakahashi
Fudoo Jinja 不動神社 Fudo Shrine
This Fudo in the cave is 安産の仏 helping with a safe birth, when mothers pray to his sword.
A pregnant woman can borrow a wooden sword from the offerings and when the birth is over and all went well, bring it back and offer another one. Looking at the many new swords in the hall, it seems this Fudo is still quite popular.
The statue of Fudo Myo-O is in a 横穴式石室 an ancient stone chamber. Fudo is about 1.45 m high.
source : komainu.org/tochigi/hagagunn
This place is at the Southern edge of 古墳群 a Kofun group near 西高橋台地中峰 Nishitakahashi daichi nakamine.
source : town.haga.tochigi.jp/kankou...
Tokushima 徳島県
徳島市名東町1丁目 1 Chome Myōdōchō, Tokushima-shi -
地蔵院境内 In the compound of temple Jizo-In
source : commons.wikimedia.org...
穴不動古墳 Ana Fudo Kofun Mound
Its time of construction is not clear, maybe the 7th century, It is a round mound of about 20 m circumference.
The opening to the stone chamber is to the South-West.
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #anafudo #ontakesha #anafudoazumino #anafudokofun - -
Showing posts with label specialities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label specialities. Show all posts
poi sute Fudo Saitama
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poi-sute Fudo ポイ捨て不動
"Mind your manners and make a beautiful environment: No littering."
Seen on a roadside in Ageo City, Saitama.
- source : James on facebook
poi-sute Jizo ポイ捨て地蔵
(Roadsigns to prevent people from throwing out garbage.)
佐久間の昔話「盲目地蔵」 from a story of the "Blind Jizo" from Sakuma
- reference source : yama-machi.beblog.jp/sakumab -
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #poisutefudo #saitamaageo - -
poi-sute Fudo ポイ捨て不動
"Mind your manners and make a beautiful environment: No littering."
Seen on a roadside in Ageo City, Saitama.
- source : James on facebook
poi-sute Jizo ポイ捨て地蔵
(Roadsigns to prevent people from throwing out garbage.)
佐久間の昔話「盲目地蔵」 from a story of the "Blind Jizo" from Sakuma
- reference source : yama-machi.beblog.jp/sakumab -
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #poisutefudo #saitamaageo - -
kabuto helmet
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kabuto 兜 / 冑 / かぶと helmet
and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王
. musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls in armour .
- Introduction -
They are decorated for the Boy's Festival on May 5.
warrior dolls - kabuto ningyoo かぶと人形 "helmet dolls"
. yoroi Fudoo 鎧不動 Fudo on and in armour .
- quote
Kabuto (兜, 冑) is a type of helmet first used by ancient Japanese warriors, and in later periods, they became an important part of the traditional Japanese armour worn by the samurai class and their retainers in feudal Japan.
Japanese helmets dating from the fifth century (long before the rise of the samurai class) have been found in excavated tombs. Called mabizashi-tsuke kabuto (visor-attached helmet), the style of these ancient helmets came from China and Korea and they had a pronounced central ridge.
The kabuto was an important part of the equipment of the samurai, and played a symbolic role as well, which may explain the Japanese expressions, sayings and codes related to them. One example is katte kabuto no o o shimeyo (lit. "Tighten the string of the kabuto after winning the war"). This means don't lower your efforts after succeeding (compare to "not to rest on one's laurels").
Also, kabuto o nugu (lit. "to take off the kabuto") means to surrender.
- - - - - Parts of the kabuto
datemono だてもの ( 立物 (たてもの)tatemono) - crest on the helmet
various crests worn on the top (kashiradate 頭立), back (ushirodate 後立), sides (wakidate 脇立) or front (maedate 前立) of a Japanese helmet (kabuto).
- source : wikipedia
Kurikara Dragon Deity as front crest
From the Tokugawa clan of Kii 紀伊徳川家伝来
- source : nekoarena.blog31 -
. Kurikara 倶利伽羅 the Sword of Fudo Myo-o .
sanko-ken 三鈷剣 "three-pronged vajra sword"
- source : fuhrinkazan.blog87
mitsukuwa, mitsu kuwa 三ツ鍬形 / ken 劍
(kuwagata 鍬形 front piece)
劍 - sword of Fudo Myo-O
劍 (不動明王の象徴といわれている)を立てた鍬形
- source : www.kingyo-ya.com
Helmet of 榊原康政 Sakakibara Yasumasa (1548 - 1606)
徳川四天王 one of the four famous retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu
. Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Shrine - Joetsu, Niigata .
In honor of Yasumasa
- - - - -
不動明王。江戸期の兜 helmet from the Edo period
- - - - -
with Sanskrit letters for Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来
政宗 Masamune
- source and more helmets : blog.goo.ne.jp/nf6ecvga
with the design of Yasumasa's helmet for a teeshirt or sweatshirt
- source : www.colors-ysn.com/products
Tokugawa Shitenno 徳川四天王 four famous retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Two of them have Fudo Myo-O's sword as helmet crest:
CLICK for more photos !
Honda Tadakatsu 本多忠勝 (1548–1610)
Ii Naomasa 井伊直政 (1561–1602)
Sakai Tadatsugu 酒井忠次 (1527–1596)
Sakakibara Yasumasa 榊原康政 (1548–1606)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
. kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ
Kappa water goblin - Kappapedia .
- source : ameblo.jp/cherryatsuko
- source : p.twipple.jp
A Kappa helmet carved from wood 河童の兜
From Horimasa, master carver
- source : horimasa2006
source : facebook
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kabuto 兜 / 冑 / かぶと helmet
and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王
. musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls in armour .
- Introduction -
They are decorated for the Boy's Festival on May 5.
warrior dolls - kabuto ningyoo かぶと人形 "helmet dolls"
. yoroi Fudoo 鎧不動 Fudo on and in armour .
- quote
Kabuto (兜, 冑) is a type of helmet first used by ancient Japanese warriors, and in later periods, they became an important part of the traditional Japanese armour worn by the samurai class and their retainers in feudal Japan.
Japanese helmets dating from the fifth century (long before the rise of the samurai class) have been found in excavated tombs. Called mabizashi-tsuke kabuto (visor-attached helmet), the style of these ancient helmets came from China and Korea and they had a pronounced central ridge.
The kabuto was an important part of the equipment of the samurai, and played a symbolic role as well, which may explain the Japanese expressions, sayings and codes related to them. One example is katte kabuto no o o shimeyo (lit. "Tighten the string of the kabuto after winning the war"). This means don't lower your efforts after succeeding (compare to "not to rest on one's laurels").
Also, kabuto o nugu (lit. "to take off the kabuto") means to surrender.
- - - - - Parts of the kabuto
datemono だてもの ( 立物 (たてもの)tatemono) - crest on the helmet
various crests worn on the top (kashiradate 頭立), back (ushirodate 後立), sides (wakidate 脇立) or front (maedate 前立) of a Japanese helmet (kabuto).
- source : wikipedia
Kurikara Dragon Deity as front crest
From the Tokugawa clan of Kii 紀伊徳川家伝来
- source : nekoarena.blog31 -
. Kurikara 倶利伽羅 the Sword of Fudo Myo-o .
sanko-ken 三鈷剣 "three-pronged vajra sword"
- source : fuhrinkazan.blog87
mitsukuwa, mitsu kuwa 三ツ鍬形 / ken 劍
(kuwagata 鍬形 front piece)
劍 - sword of Fudo Myo-O
劍 (不動明王の象徴といわれている)を立てた鍬形
- source : www.kingyo-ya.com
Helmet of 榊原康政 Sakakibara Yasumasa (1548 - 1606)
徳川四天王 one of the four famous retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu
. Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Shrine - Joetsu, Niigata .
In honor of Yasumasa
- - - - -
不動明王。江戸期の兜 helmet from the Edo period
- - - - -
with Sanskrit letters for Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来
政宗 Masamune
- source and more helmets : blog.goo.ne.jp/nf6ecvga
with the design of Yasumasa's helmet for a teeshirt or sweatshirt
- source : www.colors-ysn.com/products
Tokugawa Shitenno 徳川四天王 four famous retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Two of them have Fudo Myo-O's sword as helmet crest:
CLICK for more photos !
Honda Tadakatsu 本多忠勝 (1548–1610)
Ii Naomasa 井伊直政 (1561–1602)
Sakai Tadatsugu 酒井忠次 (1527–1596)
Sakakibara Yasumasa 榊原康政 (1548–1606)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
. kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ
Kappa water goblin - Kappapedia .
- source : ameblo.jp/cherryatsuko
- source : p.twipple.jp
A Kappa helmet carved from wood 河童の兜
From Horimasa, master carver
- source : horimasa2006
source : facebook
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
manekineko beckoning cat
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manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat Fudo Myo-O
. Beckoning Cats and Daruma 招き猫とだるま Manekineko .
- Introduction -
豪徳寺 Gotoku-Ji, Tokyo - see below
painting by runtatta ルンタッタ / ふどうみょうおうにゃんこ
source : runtatta0429.blog8...
- source : ねこて - nekotemori.blog
. kiri-e, kirie 切り絵 不動明王 paper-cutting .
- source : 仏像ワールド facebook -
- CLICK for more Fudo photos !
- source : 藤 直晴 Tou Naoharu
- source : tukubaskecth.tsukuba.ch
- source : www.roux-art.com/butuga-ten
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art and Amulets .
Gootokuji 豪徳寺 Gotoku-Ji
- quote -
Gotokuji is located in the quiet Setagaya Ward of Tokyo, away from the hustle and the bustle of the city.
While there are several legends about the origins of this manekineko cat charm, one of the widely known story regards Gotokuji as the place of origin.
Legend holds that the maneki neko originated back in Edo period, when a feudal lord from Hikone (a city in present-day Shiga Prefecture) passed by a temple in Edo. There, he met a cat that beckoned him to come into the temple. The lord followed the cat and decided to stop by the temple; soon after, a thunderstorm came by. The lord, who took shelter at the temple, became thankful of the cat’s deed; eventually, he collected enough funds to rebuild and claim the temple as his family temple, which eventually became Gotokuji.
As time went on, people began to offer maneki neko figurines to the temple as a sign of gratitude when their wishes came true.
- - - - - More photos
- source : tofugu.com/travel -
- #manekineko #fudocat #catfudo -
manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat Fudo Myo-O
. Beckoning Cats and Daruma 招き猫とだるま Manekineko .
- Introduction -
豪徳寺 Gotoku-Ji, Tokyo - see below
painting by runtatta ルンタッタ / ふどうみょうおうにゃんこ
source : runtatta0429.blog8...
- source : ねこて - nekotemori.blog
. kiri-e, kirie 切り絵 不動明王 paper-cutting .
- source : 仏像ワールド facebook -
- CLICK for more Fudo photos !
- source : 藤 直晴 Tou Naoharu
- source : tukubaskecth.tsukuba.ch
- source : www.roux-art.com/butuga-ten
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art and Amulets .
Gootokuji 豪徳寺 Gotoku-Ji
- quote -
Gotokuji is located in the quiet Setagaya Ward of Tokyo, away from the hustle and the bustle of the city.
While there are several legends about the origins of this manekineko cat charm, one of the widely known story regards Gotokuji as the place of origin.
Legend holds that the maneki neko originated back in Edo period, when a feudal lord from Hikone (a city in present-day Shiga Prefecture) passed by a temple in Edo. There, he met a cat that beckoned him to come into the temple. The lord followed the cat and decided to stop by the temple; soon after, a thunderstorm came by. The lord, who took shelter at the temple, became thankful of the cat’s deed; eventually, he collected enough funds to rebuild and claim the temple as his family temple, which eventually became Gotokuji.
As time went on, people began to offer maneki neko figurines to the temple as a sign of gratitude when their wishes came true.
- - - - - More photos
- source : tofugu.com/travel -
- #manekineko #fudocat #catfudo -
telephone card
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telephone card テレフォン カード
tereka テレカ phone card
Pre-paid phone cards used to be quite popular collector's items, like stamps or postcards, since their introduction around 1980. They often featured interesting scenes, paintings or temples and shrines and were not used for making calls, so the NTT telephone company made a good profit on them.
With the advent of handies and smartphones, they are now out of use, more or less and the public telephones have also mostly vanished.
But pre-paid cards for other services are still in use now and used instead of cash.
Their size is quite convenient and soon o-mamori card お守りカード amulets also used this size, so that they could be carried in the purse or pocket.
. iPhone accessory - handy and Fudo .
sumaho スマホ - smartphone スマートフォン
source - aucfan auctions 2014
. Enshooji 円照寺 Ensho-Ji .
source - yahoo auctions 2014
Representing the seated wooden statue of temple
Iioji 飯尾寺 Iio-Ji
821 Yamane, Nagara-machi, Chōsei-gun, Chiba
source - yahoo auctions 2014
statue from
. Shoren-In Monzeki 青蓮院門跡 Kyoto .
omamori card お守りカード
source : www.amazon.co.jp
From Chiba Yakuyoke Fudo Son
Myoosenji 妙泉寺 Myosen-Ji
1210 Yamada, Togane, Chiba / 千葉県東金市山田1210
- Homepage of the Temple 関叡山妙泉寺
- source : www.yaku-yoke.com
With Fudo no Mori Graveyard Park 不動の杜庭園墓所
omamori card お守りカード / 金運財布守
source - rakuten
source : www.suruga-ya.jp
from Toyokawa Inari Shrine 豊川稲荷
for luck with money
telephone card with a hologram of Fudo
- source : hokuto-buraian-731
. Telephone Cards テレフォン カード with Daruma San .
. 不動明王 お守り Fudo Myo-O o-mamori amulets .
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
telephone card テレフォン カード
tereka テレカ phone card
Pre-paid phone cards used to be quite popular collector's items, like stamps or postcards, since their introduction around 1980. They often featured interesting scenes, paintings or temples and shrines and were not used for making calls, so the NTT telephone company made a good profit on them.
With the advent of handies and smartphones, they are now out of use, more or less and the public telephones have also mostly vanished.
But pre-paid cards for other services are still in use now and used instead of cash.
Their size is quite convenient and soon o-mamori card お守りカード amulets also used this size, so that they could be carried in the purse or pocket.
. iPhone accessory - handy and Fudo .
sumaho スマホ - smartphone スマートフォン
source - aucfan auctions 2014
. Enshooji 円照寺 Ensho-Ji .
source - yahoo auctions 2014
Representing the seated wooden statue of temple
Iioji 飯尾寺 Iio-Ji
821 Yamane, Nagara-machi, Chōsei-gun, Chiba
source - yahoo auctions 2014
statue from
. Shoren-In Monzeki 青蓮院門跡 Kyoto .
omamori card お守りカード
source : www.amazon.co.jp
From Chiba Yakuyoke Fudo Son
Myoosenji 妙泉寺 Myosen-Ji
1210 Yamada, Togane, Chiba / 千葉県東金市山田1210
- Homepage of the Temple 関叡山妙泉寺
- source : www.yaku-yoke.com
With Fudo no Mori Graveyard Park 不動の杜庭園墓所
omamori card お守りカード / 金運財布守
source - rakuten
source : www.suruga-ya.jp
from Toyokawa Inari Shrine 豊川稲荷
for luck with money
telephone card with a hologram of Fudo
- source : hokuto-buraian-731
. Telephone Cards テレフォン カード with Daruma San .
. 不動明王 お守り Fudo Myo-O o-mamori amulets .
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
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