Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera
Nr. 1 成田山 - 水上寺 - 成田山水上不動尊
Narita san Minakamidera Fudo Son
Gunma prefecture - 身密の道場 shinmitsu
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .
source : 51213360.at.webry.info
This temple has as main statue one from the great Narita Fudo temple in 1888.
People carried the statue on their shoulders for 28 days from Narita to here.

source : rachmanino.exblog.jp
Dainichi Daishoo Fudoo Myoo zazoo
Seated statue of Fudo Myo-O, incarnation of Dainichi
The statue is one of the three famous Fudo statues of Japan
People come here to pray and get amulets for a good harvest and happiness for all people.
The first priest was Ozuhata Terukiyo 小豆畑照清和尚, who helped to introduce more prayers and amulets for the temple, making it one of the biggest ones to come for a special wish in the Eastern Kanto region.
During the Great Festivals of spring and autumn there is a popular karaoke meeting カラオケ大会, keeping the temple ahead with the needs of our modern times.
In 2008 this festival was held in the main hall:
mitama fesutibaru みたまフェスティバル "Mitama Soul Festival"
"The Way of People" 人道
by priest Ozuhata 小豆畑照清和尚
There is also a sacred camphor tree (kusunoki 楠) from Narita Fudo.

Seated Fudo statue, related to the nearby hot spring Mizukami Onsen 水上温泉.
- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.minakamidera.com

kekkai fuda 結界札(5枚1組) "talisman for the boundary"
5 talismans make one group to purify the five directions, one in each direction of the room or home and one in the center room
charms - many amulets of the temple
- source : www.minakamidera.com/charm
- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事
元朝護摩 正月元旦 first fire ceremony, January 1
初詣期間 1月1日 - 20日まで first temple visit, January
節分追儺式 2月3日 Setsubun festival
春例大祭 5月5日 Spring Festival, May
- - - 特別大護摩供厳修 - 釜鳴の法・光護摩 釜鳴の法・光護摩後、「投げ餅式」
お盆供養会 8月25日 - O-Bon rituals for the ancestors
- - - 特別大護摩供厳修 午後1時より 追難法要厳修
秋例大祭 10月第1日曜日 Autumn festival 大護摩供厳修
- - - 釜鳴の法・光護摩 釜鳴の法・光護摩後、「投げ餅式」
大祓 12月18日 Great Purifucation in December
除夜の鐘 12月31日Ringing in the New Year
- - - reference - - -
kekkai, the barrier between here and there, this world and the other world.
Sanskrit : siimaa-bandha
. kekkai 結界 "sacred boundary" .
Die Abgrenzung des Heiligen Bereiches
. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan .
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Narikama 鳴釜 Narigama yokai / Kamanari 釜鳴 Legends
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