
Shikoku Fudo 03

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 03 . Saimyo-Ji (Saimyooji) . 最明寺

第3番 弥天山 最明寺 真言宗大覚寺
徳島県美馬郡脇町西上野 0883-52-1594

CLICK for more photos

There are many graves along the approach road to this temple. The main deity in the main hall is Kannon. There is also a hall with many windows for a triad of Amida Nyorai.

Fudo for Good Luck, Kaiun Fudo 開運不動
Statue in the Fire Ritual Hall, Goma-Do 護摩堂

© PHOTO : myougen ... with more photos

Fudo-E (Fudoe) Doji 不動恵童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on shumari basara dankan
おん しゆまり ばさら だんかん

Stone Memorial of this Doji at Konoita san (Koo no ita)
不動恵童子の岩場, 高板山(こうのいたさん)
It is represented as a sword and a serpant. The serpant was the messenger of the mountain deity of Mount Konoita. The whole mountain area is sacred, with a Fudo Hall at its foot.
CLICK for original Link ... yamanobori no heya
Photo : yamato.yama



Fudo Hall at Mount Konoita 高板山不動堂

Walking through the sacred embers, April 2007
Hiwatari Matsuri, Festival of Walking through the Fire
Performed twice a year, in spring and autumn, by the mountain ascetics of the area.
People with a pure heart will not feel the heat at their soles. People who partake do not eat meat the day before and cleanse the body with other rituals too.

This festival relates to the legend of the last days of Emperor Antoku and the Battle of Yashima (see LINK below) and has been continued since the Heian period.
source :  www.kochinews.co.jp



Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

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