Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku
Temple Nr. 08 . Chozen-Ji (Choozenji) . 長善寺
第8番 駅路山 長善寺 真言宗御室派
徳島県三好郡三加茂町中庄 0883-82-2358
This temple was founded in 808 by Kukai Kobo Daishi himself.
The statue in Main Hall is Fukuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩.
The temple was under the protection of the Hachisuka 蜂須賀 clan of Awa, when it also served as a relais station on the road 駅路寺, providing horses and food to the travellers.
Is still very popular to this day. It has many statues of great value, most of them are now in the Nara National Museum.
There is also an Inari Shrine in the compound where people pray for good business.
Fire-preventing Fudo 除災不動
Since the Fujiwara times, this Fudo is also known for its powers to prevent diseases, especially cancer, polyps and ulcers.
Ganyoke Fudo ガン除け不動尊
Shitara (Shittara, Shitsutara) Doji 質多羅童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp
on taramachi shittara unbatta
うん たらまち しつたら うんばつた
Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku
Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
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