
Shikoku Fudo 08

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 08 . Chozen-Ji (Choozenji) . 長善寺

第8番 駅路山 長善寺 真言宗御室派
徳島県三好郡三加茂町中庄 0883-82-2358
This temple was founded in 808 by Kukai Kobo Daishi himself.
The statue in Main Hall is Fukuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩.
The temple was under the protection of the Hachisuka 蜂須賀 clan of Awa, when it also served as a relais station on the road 駅路寺, providing horses and food to the travellers.
Is still very popular to this day. It has many statues of great value, most of them are now in the Nara National Museum.
There is also an Inari Shrine in the compound where people pray for good business.

Fire-preventing Fudo 除災不動
Since the Fujiwara times, this Fudo is also known for its powers to prevent diseases, especially cancer, polyps and ulcers.
Ganyoke Fudo ガン除け不動尊

Shitara (Shittara, Shitsutara) Doji 質多羅童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on taramachi shittara unbatta
うん たらまち しつたら うんばつた


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 09

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 09 . Oshaku-Ji (Ooshakuji) . 寶積寺

第9番 月光山 寶積寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県麻植郡山川町井上 0883-42-4331

This temple has been founded by Kukai Kobo Daishi more than 1200 years ago and is now known for its seasonal cherry blossoms and red leaves.
In march, a great Fudo Festival with fire rituals is held.
CLICK for original LINK .. www.citydo.com
Fudo no Himatsuri 不動の火祭り
月光山 明王院

Bishamonten is also venerated at this temple, together with Fudo Myo-O.

Kawada Fudo 川田不動

Temple song about this Fudo

ありがたや 高越の里の 不動尊 詣れる人を たすけたまえや
arigata ya Koozan no sato no fudoo son
tazureru hito o tasuketamae ya
(Koozan 高越山 is a mountain beside this temple.)
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Toshoko (Tooshookoo) Doji 召請光童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on mari mamari shumari shiemari todomari hotta
おん まり ままり しゆまり しゑまり とどまり ばつた


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 10

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 10 . Tozen-Ji (Toozenji) . 東禅寺

第10番 摩陀山 東禅寺 真言宗大覚寺
徳島県名西郡石井町高川原南島 0886-74-0265


Fushigi Doji 不思議童子

© PHOTO : ogakiyoyudeazuki.spaces.live.com/blog/

on rokei sowaka
おん ろけい そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Shikoku Fudo 11

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 11 . Dogaku-Ji (Doogakuji) . 童学寺

第11番 東明山 童学寺 真言宗善通寺
徳島県名西郡石井町石井城の内 605 0886-74-0138


There is also a 脳天大神 at Yoshino.

Ratara Doji 羅多羅童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on rata rata rama sowaka
おん らた らた らま そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 12

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 12 . Konji-Ji . 建冶寺

第12番 大龍山 建冶寺 東寺真言宗
徳島県徳島市入田町金冶 230 0886-44-1232 (こんじ寺)

With a waterfall, Konji no Taki 建冶の滝

Migawari Ryuu Fudo 身代瀧不動
CLICK for original LINK ... www.yama aruki

Harahara Doji 波羅波羅童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on hara jitsu bitamani antan sowaka
おん はら しつ びたまに あんをん そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 13

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 13 . Mitsugenji . 蜜厳寺

第13番 降魔山 蜜厳寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県徳島市不動本町 1-258 0886-31-0139


Ikeira Doji 伊醯羅童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on dakini ei sowaka
おん だぎに ゑい そわか

source : xxxxx


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Shikoku Fudo 14

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 14 . Shoko-Ji (Shookooji) . 正光寺

第14番 向栄山 正光寺 高野山真言宗
徳島県那賀郡相生町平野字妙見前 37 08846-2-1304

Hana Fudo 華不動

Shishiko (Shishikoo) Doji 獅子光童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on mari taritari sowaka
おん まり たりたり そわか

source : xxxxx


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Shikoku Fudo 15

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 15 . Gokuraku-Ji . 極楽寺

第15番 八流山 極楽寺 大仏教宗 波切不動
高知県安芸市赤野 甲 1771 08873-5-5612

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The temple is a simple structure, almost like a normal farmhouse of this area.

"Wave-cutting Fudo", Namikiri Fudo 波切不動

Shishi-E (Shishie) Doji 獅子慧童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on mai tariya sowaka
おん まい たりや そわか


Namikiri Fudo . Wave-calming Fudo

Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Shikoku Fudo 16

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 16 . Gokuraku-Ji . 極楽寺

第16番 天法山 極楽寺 真言宗醍醐派
高知県高知市新屋敷 1-5-20 0888-75-2804

CLICK for more photos
The Fire Ritual Hall (Goma Do 護摩堂) of this temple stands on a huge mass of boulders. It is rather small and only the head priest and a few selected members of this village can enter it for the monthly fire ritual.

Substitute Fudo, Migawari Fudo
身代不動, 身代わり不動尊

Abarati Doji 阿婆羅底童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

noomaku ken saku sowaka
のうまく けん  さくそわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

Shikoku Fudo 17

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 17 . Soan-Ji (Sooanji) 宗安寺

第17番 朝日山 宗安禅寺 臨済宗妙心路
高知県高知市宗安寺 598 0888-44-3003
〒780-8571 高知市鷹匠町二丁目1番43号

CLICK for original link ... yuuyuu030617/diary
© PHOTO : 遊遊のお気まま日記

The temple has many old trees in its compound. The river in front of the temple is called Kagamigawa 鏡川.
Once upon a time, during a great long rain, from upstream a statue of Fudo came down the river, hence its name. The statue had been carved by Kobo Daishi himself and been in a temple upstream. The people sorted the statue out of the rubble, the branches and roots of a huge wisteria tree and the debris of the swollen river and built a new temple where it is now, still amidst many old trees.

The temple is related to Chooksokabe 長宗我部 (1539 - 1599) who destroyed it,
and was the family temple of the Yamaichi clan 山一族.

The temple belongs to the Rinzai Zen sect.

source : www.city.kochi.kochi.jp

This statue dates back to the Kamakura period.
It is carved from one piece of hinoki pine wood and is 142.3 cm high.

"Upstream Fudo", Kawakami Fudo 川上不動
One of the three famous Fudo of Japan. 三大不動尊.

Jikenba Doji 持堅婆童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on manshin darani somaya sowaka
おん まんしん だらに そまや そわか


Three Most Famous Fudo . 三大不動尊

Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum