Dondo yaki and Fudo Myo-O
Look at the flames of the Dondo fire !
Fudo Myo-O is quivering in the flames !
Let us fold our hands in prayer !
source : harhar
道祖神 Doosojin, the Wayside Gods
Festivals in their honour are the fire festivities on the old lunar New Year,
Dondoyaki どんど焼、sagichoo 左義長, saitoyaki 賽燈燒, 紫灯、寒灯. During these fire festivals around the 14 and 15 of January, the New Year decorations are burned, for example the ritual ropes, Shimenawa.
. Dosojin, the Wayside Gods
. dondon yaki どんどん焼き(どんどんやき
at the New Year
sagichoo 三毬杖(さぎちょう)左義長 Sagichoo ritual
tondo とんど、dondo どんど
dondon yaki どんどん焼き(どんどんやき)Dondon fire
dondo shoogatsu どんど正月(どんどしょうがつ) dondo New Year
dondo ba どんど場(どんどば)place for the dondo fire
saito yaki さいと焼き(さいとやき)
hut for the small new year, shougatsu goya 正月小屋(しょうがつごや)
..... dondon goya どんどん小屋(どんどんごや)
snow hut yukigoya 雪小屋(ゆきごや)
saitogoya さいと小屋(さいとごや)、
burning the decorations, kazaritaki 飾り焚(かざりたき)
... kazari age 飾りあげ(かざりあげ)
kazari hayashi 飾りはやし(かざりはやし)music during the fire ceremony
burning the first calligraphy of the year, kissho age 吉書揚(きっしょあげ)
wakabi 若火(わかび)"young fire"
miso dondon みそどんど
firecrackers, bakuchiku 爆竹(ばくちく)
kazari taku 飾焚く(かざりたく)burning the decorations
ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養 memorial ceremony for used dolls
yamazoi ya hayashite mo naki dondo yaki
foot of the mountain--
without a cheer
my New Year's bonfire
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue

Earthquake legends
Kyoto 京都府 ......................................
In the Amada district 天田郡, for the rituals of Dondoyaki, people place split bamboo in the form of a bow at the entrance of the home and pray it will prevent the home from destruction during an earthquake.
kissho 吉書
- Kobayashi Issa -
ko-dakara ga boo o hiite mo kissho kana
the treasured child
writes with a cane...
year's first calligraphy
treasured child--
his cane dragging
the year's first writing
Instead of using a brush, the child draws a character on a larger scale--in mud or snow. Shinji Ogawa, who helped with this translation, notes, "It is a Japanese custom to write with a writing brush on the second day of the year."
Tr. David Lanoue
Maybe it is a mother who writes her wish for "kodakara", to have children, on the fists calligraphy. ?
Ibaraki 桜川市 Sakuragawa 真壁町 Makabe
dondoya no tatari ドンドヤの祟り, dondoyaki no tatari ドンドヤキの祟り
Yamanokami gets angry easily. He is also very poor. If a debt collector comes to his home, he will burn it down and flee fast.
On the 15th day of the 11th lunar month, children prepare straw and make a fire for the Dondonya ritual near the Pine of Yamanokami. The ashes from this fire are never taken back home, this would bring a curse of Yamanokami.
Legend from Kagawa 東かがわ市 Higashi-Kagawa city
Toshigami 年神
okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月 is the day to send off the deity on The 15th of January. This day is also called
Juugonichi shoogatsu 十五日正月 New Year day of the 15th.
People make offerings to the Toshigami and pray for a good harvest and safety for the family. Then they go to the river with the offerings, light a fire with shimenawa 注連 a ritual rope and eat the offerings.
This is also called dondo トンド (Dondo Yaki)
The smoke of the fire is used by Toshigami to go back to the sky.
Legend about Dondoyaki from Yamaguchi
okoto no kami, o-koto no kami オコトノカミ a deity taking notes
The Yoka Sama is celebrated on the 8th day in December and February.
He is a deity that goes around all year and writes the names of ill people. The records are then burned in the Dondoyaki fire and the people will heal.
He has very large eyes (some say he has only one eye). Yakubyogami 疫病神 the Deity of Diseases is afraid of deities with eyes larger than his own and will soon run away.
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