
Sojogatani Fudo

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Soojoogadani Fudoo Doo 僧正ガ谷不動堂
Fudo Hall in Sojogatani

Sojo-ga-dani Fudo-do (Fudo Hall in Sojo Valley)
京都市左京区鞍馬本町 / 1074 Kurama Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto

Both readings are given, Sojogatani and Sojogadani.

The Fudo Hall is home to a statue of Fudo Myo-O carved by Dengyo Daishi. In his desire to spread Tendai Buddhism, he performed a special ritual before carving the statue.
ittoo sanrai 一刀三礼 carving one part and praying three times

. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 .

The valley 僧正谷 Sojogatani is more famous for the tales about Ushiwakamaru.

Many old Sugi cedar trees grow in the surrounding forest, which is also the stage for the 鞍馬天狗 Kurama Tengu tales about 牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru.
Opposite the Fudo Hall is
Gikeidoo 義経堂 Gikei-Do, a hall dedicated to Yoshitsune (Ushiwakamaru)

. 牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru 源の義経 Minamoto no Yoshitsune .

At Sojogatani in the Kurama mountains
Ushiwakamaru learns sword fighting from a Tengu
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

義経 is read Yoshitsune or Gikei.

. Kurama Yama 鞍馬山 Mount Kurama in Kyoto .

大聖不動明王 Daisho Fudo Myo-O


source : kifulog.shogi.or.jp/kisei
郷田棋王 の扇子「一刀三礼」
The fan of Shogi player 郷田 真隆 Goda Masataka

ittoo sanrai 一刀三礼 itto sanrai
carving one stroke with the blade and praying three times

for copying the sutra
ichiji sanrai 一字三礼
writing one letter and praying three times

for painting a Buddha
ippitsu sanrai 一筆三礼
painting one part and praying three times

- quote -
ittou sanrai 一刀三礼
Also ichiji sanrai 一字三礼, ittou sanpai 一刀三拝.
Lit. to worship three times with every stroke.
A practice employed by an artist carving a Buddhist image, who would pray to the Buddha three times after every stroke of a knife.
Ichiji sanrai, means to worship three times with every letter, a practice carried out by an artist copying a Buddhist sutra, who would pray three times after every letter that he wrote.
The idea of ittou sanrai is said to originate in the Kamakura period, and represented a deep Buddhist faith expressed in the piety of the artist in the making of the image. It is not known whether any Buddhist statues were actually made according to this process, but there are legends associated with many temples that indicate the practice was used.
- source : JAANUS -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

.................... Gunma 群馬県
高崎市 Takasaki

Long ago on the banks of the Usui River 碓氷川, there was a thatched hut housing a statue of Kannon 観音様, the bodhisattva of compassion. Legend has it that after a flood the villagers found an old log of fragrant wood and placed it in the hut. One day, during the Enpoo period (circa 1680), an old ascetic named Ichiryo Koji 一了居士 arrived and reverently carved a seated figure of Daruma Daishi out of the piece of fragrant wood, praying after each stroke.
Subsequently, both statues were enshrined there.

The Fuku-Daruma originated here at the Shorinzan Daruma-Ji. Shinetsu, the founder of this temple, began a custom of giving the farmers pictures of Bodhidharma, which he would draw with a single brushstroke, as a talisman to ward off evil during the year.

. 少林山達磨寺 Shorinzan Dharma-ji .

.................... Miyagi 宮城県
白井市 Shiroi, 下戸沢 Shimotozawa

Tobifudoo 飛び不動 "the Flying Fudo"
It is said Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 carved this statue with respect to Itto Sanrai.
Once the Fudo Hall was all in flames, so the statue flew for a secure place in a rock cave. This is the reason why the halo of the statue has scratches - from the rock cave. So this statue does not have a halo any more.
In 1731 during the Great Earthquake on the 7th day of the 9th lunar month a huge boulder came down from the mountain behind the hall, but only one pillar of the small hall was crashed and like a miracle again the statue was not hurt.

. Legends about Fudo お不動さま from Miyagi .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #sojogatani #kuramafudo #sanrai #ittosanrai - -


Rokuji Myo-O

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Rokuji Myoo-Oo, Rokuji Myō-ō 六字明王 Rokuji Myo-O
Enlightened King of the Six Words

- and
Rokuji Ten 六字天
黒六字 Black Six Words 黒仏 "Black Buddha"

This is a very powerful deity to prevent the influence of evil.
He often looks like a Kannon with black skin. He stands on the left foot, the right one is bent backward at the knee.

六字大明王陀羅尼 Rokuji Myo-O Darani Ritual Spell
六字大明呪 Rojuji Daimyo Ju
- - - - - Shingon Mantra of Rokuji Myo-O
カンジュー カンジュー
タチバチ ソワカ


Chanting this Mantra will prevent bad influence, protect from deasters and grant a long life.
- reference : shimo-yoshiko.com/ryuseimei -


六字明王 = 六字天

source : jikisinndoujyou 八葉山 天華院 - 六字明王

source : rakushisha.ocnk.net - 六字天


- quote -
Rokuji Myō-ō 六字明王
Literally “Six-Syllable Luminescent King.”
The below two drawings share certain iconographical similarities with the 12th-century monochrome drawing of Myōken  and the 13th-century painting of Sonjō-ō at Miidera. In all of them, we see the four-armed one-headed central deity holding the sun disk and moon disk, with right foot raised behind the opposite knee. However, in the below drawings, the deity is portrayed atop a lotus, whereas the earlier images show her atop a dragon. The drawings also portray the deity holding different objects. Rokuji Myō-ō appears in the Rokuji Jinjuōkyō 六字神咒王經 sutra, where the deity is described as the central icon (honzon 本尊) in esoteric rituals (known as the Chōbuku Shinpō 調伏信法 or Chōbuku-hō 調伏法) to ward off evil spirits, enemies, and malicious influences.

Drawing from 12th-century Japanese text

Notes on the Rokuji Mandala 六字経曼荼羅.
Also called the Rokujikyō (Rokujikyo Mandala), literally Six Letter Mandala or Six-Syllable Incantation.
Centered on Shaka Nyorai 釈迦 (the Historical Buddha) holding a gold wheel (hōrin 法輪).
See Hokuto Mandala (Big Dipper Mandala) for more about this form of Shaka.
The central deity is surrounded by Six Kannon (Roku Kannon 六観音), and the group of seven appear within a moon disc. At the top of the mandala are two flying celestials (hiten 飛天); at the bottom are images of Fudō Myō-ō 不動明王 and Daiitoku Myō-ō 大威徳明王, and positioned between them are six figures venerating a smaller moon disc. The deity is also said to be the composite reward body (総合成就身) of the Roku Kannon who protect people in each of the six realms of karmic rebirth.
Says JAANUS: “Images of the Six Kannon began to be made as offerings for the welfare of the dead and for personal salvation in the first half of the 10th century. The Six Kannon appear in the most common form of the Rokujikyō Mandala, which from the Heian period was the focus of the Rokujikyōhō 六字経法, a Shingon ritual used particularly for sickness and childbirth. The six forms of Kannon often appear along with their corresponding Sanskrit bonjimon 梵字文.

Twenty-Eight Constellations
28 Moon Lodges, 28 Lunar Mansions
- source : Mark Schumacher -


. Senyuuji 仙遊寺 Senyu-Ji .  
- Shikoku Henro Nr. 58 - Introduction -

- - - - - Chant of the temple:
Tachi yorite sarei no dō ni yasumitsutsu rokuji o tonae kyō o yomubeshi


- quote -
rokuji myougou 六字名号 (rokuji myogo)
Lit. Six Character Name

The six Chinese characters used to write 'Namu Amida Butsu 南無阿弥陀仏'
An homage to the Buddha *Amida 阿弥陀, generally referred to as the nenbutsu 念仏, a chant that devotees believed would ensure one's salvation in Amida's Pure Land gokuraku 極楽. The Six Characters may be written in ink, embroidered or printed. Sometimes the Six Characters are incorporated with illustrations of the Six Realms of Reincarnation *rokudou-e 六道絵. A well-known sculpted image is the statue of the priest *Kuuya 空也 (903-72) in Rokuharamitsuji 六波羅密寺 in Kyoto, in which the Six Characters are represented by six miniature images of Amida coming out of the priest's mouth. Kuji myougou 九字名号 or "Nine Character Name," refers to a variant name for Amida written with nine characters, 'Namu Fukashigikou Nyorai 南無不可思議光如来.'
Written forms of Amida icons also employ Sanskrit letters shuji 種字.
- source : JAANUS -


- quote
Rites, Rice, and Rokuji Myōō
- Workshop July 2016 -
“Dipper Worship or gejutsu 外術 Practice?
Framing Rokujiten 六字天 in Medieval Japan

This presentation proposes to explore the iconography and ritual of Rokujiten 六字天, an esoteric manifestation of Kannon invoked during exorcistic rituals of the Shingon school of Buddhism in the Heian and Kamakura periods.
Although Rokujiten is said to instantiate the rokuji dai myōju 六字大名呪, the renowned six-syllable dhāranī of Kannon expounded in the Kārandavyūha sutra, its representations are identical to those of two other deities worshipped within Tōmitsu and Taimitsu circles as incarnations of the Pole Star: Myōken 妙見 and Sonjōō 尊星王.
Taking as a point of departure a lavish example currently in the possession of Hōjūin 宝寿院, dated to the 14th century, I suggest that instead of resulting from a conflation between these two deities, Rokujiten was a carefully crafted product.
First, I present how ritual sources draw a clear picture of Rokujiten aimed at setting it apart—both in terms of iconography and ritual—from Pole Star imagery. Then, by looking at the way that Kamakura-period ritual sources addressed its striking similarities with icons connected with the Dipper, I explore the possible temple and lineage disputes that may have facilitated its creation.
Benedetta Lomi
- source : icc.fla.sophia.ac.jp/html


- reference - rokuji myo-o -


Rokuji Monju 六字文殊 Six-letter Monju
Monju mit sechs Zeichen
. Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Manjushri .

guarding against natural disasters and nightmares

CLICK for more photos !


. Black Buddha Statue 黒仏 kurobotoke .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Yamanashi 山梨県 Otsuki town 大月市

. Saint Shinran 親鸞 (1173 - 1263) .
When Shinran passed the village of 笹子村 Sasagomura in the North he heard a story from the villager 作太郎 Sakutaro. In the old pond of 吉が窪 there lived a Yokai woman named お吉 "O-Kichi" who could take the shape of a poisonous snake and came to harm and haunt the villagers. So Shinran begun to chant the 阿弥陀経 Amida Sutra and begun to write 南無阿弥陀仏 the name of Amida and 六字 the Six Words on small pebbles and threw them into the pond.
In no time the woman was relieved from her past sins and could go to paradise.
Since that time small pebbles are found at the side of the pond.

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #rukujimyoo #rokujiten - -


Sonenji Osaka

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Sonen-Ji 尊延寺
大阪枚方市 / Sonenji, Hirakata, Osaka

- source : facebook -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #sonenji -


Mount Kamurosan

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Mount Kamurosan 神室山

located on the border of
秋田県湯沢市 Akita, Yuzawa and 山形県新庄市 Yamagata, Shinjo.
1365 m high
One of the most famous 200 mountains of Japan, with beautiful flower fields

Since olden times a mountain for the Shugendo priests 修験の山.

- quote
Mount Kamuro, Mt. Kamuro, Shinjo, Yamagata Prefecture
- page with great photos !
- source : sunrise.maplogs.com


There are many waterfalls on the climb.

Half way up the mountain is Fudo Myo-O
to welcome the traveler.

source and photos : blog.livedoor.jp/yamasone/archives


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #kamurosan -


Nakano Fudo Fukushima

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. 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

Nakano Fudo Son 中野不動尊
福島県福島市 - - 中野不動尊
Sekizaka-28 Iizakamachi Nakano, Fukushima

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

- quote -
When we visit Nakano Fudoson we are seeing one of Japan's three famous Fudosons.
Fudo are the great fearful-looking mountain gods, and oracle who created a sacred fire, which continues to burn to this day in a votive light in an inner sanctuary of the cave.

Three Fudo Myo-O's names are Yakuyoke, Ganshu, and Mikazuki,
and the spirit of The Three Fudo assists in granting any serious wish.
- source : welcome-fukushima.com -

Yakuyoke Fudo 厄除不動 in the Main Hall 本堂

Ganshu Fudo 眼守不動 in the Kito Dono 祈祷殿

Mikazuki Fudo 三ヶ月不動 in Oku no In cave 奥の院 洞窟

child attendant of Fudo in the Cave




o-mamori amulets

. amulet for Rokusan 六三 deity of illness .

shuin 朱印 stamp of the temple

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : nakanofudouson.jp


- - - reference 中野不動尊 - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .
- #nakanofudofukushima -

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Miyukiji Matsuyama

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Miyukiji 御幸寺 Miyuki-Ji
Matsuyama-shi, Miyuki, 1 Chome−442−1

A temple famous for the 天狗 Tengu.

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

Mount Miyukijisan 御幸寺山 - 118 m high

Someone walked on the mountain road on the 6th day of the 5th lunar month during the rice-planting season at 12 in the night, when suddenly he felt a strange something, a black something with a white something waving like hair on its top. He could not figure out what it was, but developed a high fever that lasted for seven days.
A wise old man told him that this was the onryoo 怨霊 vengeful spirit of a young man from a rich family, who had once made the Tengu very angry. The Tengu had thrown him high in the sky to fall to his death. This was his vengeful spirit.


inuboo no rei 犬坊の霊 the spirit of Inu-Bo
The Lord of 御幸寺山城 Miyukiji castle went to war riding his horse. He fell into a valley and died. Other versions say he died during the war.
His spirit appeared riding a horse, cursing anyone who happened to see him.
If anyone sees this apparition, he will fall ill.
To appease his soul, 大脇清太夫 sat on a horse and ordered the soul of Inu-Bo to leave. They saw a white piece of paper fly away and landing on the top of 石手寺山 Mount Ishitejiyama.
Since then the apparition did not show up any more.


- source : Bradford on facebook


. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

天狗泣き 天狗笑ふや 秋の風
tengu naki tengu warau ya aki no kaze

one Tengu cries
one Tengu laughs -
autumn wind

秋の山 御幸寺と申し 天狗住む 
aki no yama miyukiji to moshi tengu sumu

mountain in autumn
it is called Miyuki-Ji
and Tengu live there

秋の水 天狗の影や うつるらん


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #miyukiji -


Fudo-Do cho Kyoto

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Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町 
FudoDo-Cho villages
不動堂村 Fudodo Mura

Some villages and streets are named after a 不動堂 Fudo Hall in the neighbourhood.

Kyoto, Miyagi, Chiba . . .

Kyoto 京都市

Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町
FudoDo-Cho in Shimogyo 下京区

Fudoochoo, Fudōchō 不動町 Fudo-Cho
in Nakagyo 中京区  

. Kyoto- hana no miyako 花の都 .  
- Introduction -

In Kyoto there are four towns that were newly established during the change of town names in 1966 in the area west of Kyoto Station
(Kita Fudodo-cho, Minami Fudodo-cho, Higashi Aburanokoji-cho, and Nishi Aburanokoji-cho).


明王院不動堂 Fudo-Do Myo-O-In / Meio-In
Aburanokoji, Minami-Fudodo-Cho

Fudondoo Myoo-Oo In 不動堂明王院(ふどんどうみょうおういん)
Fudondo Myo-O In
- Kyoto Fudo-Do Machi
fudondoo ふどんどう is the local dialect for the Fudo Hall,
(Fudo No Do . . . fudondo) 不動堂 Fudo Do.

The Fudo Hall is in the compound of an Inari shrine 稲荷社.
It was founded on behalf of Emperor Uda Tenno.

不動堂(ふどうどう)稲荷社の南にあり Fudo-Do hall is South of the Inari Shrine.
- source : miyakomeisyo -

The main statue is
reiseki Fudo 霊石不動 spirit stone Fudo
The statue is burried deep in the ground and only a "maedachi" copy is to be seen.

In 823 Kobo Daishi Kukai built the temple Tooji 東寺 To-Ji and this Fudo Hall is in the un-auspicious North-Eastern direction of the Kimon 鬼門.
Kukai found a stone tablet in the ground and engraved Fudo Myo-O onto it. The tablet was then saved in a stone casket and sunk deep into the well to protect it from the eyes of normal people.

The temple has been protected by 宇多天皇 Uda Tenno (867 - 931).
In 899 He ordered the well to be shut for the public and gave it the name. Special rituals are performed at this well and the temple.
During the uproars in the Muromachi Period (Onin no ran 応仁の乱 1467) the temple building was lost to fire, but the stone Fudo in the well remained.
The present-day hall was built in 1764.

Emperor Uda 宇多天皇 Uda-tennō
(May 5, 867 – July 19, 931)
was the 59th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Uda's reign spanned the years from 887 through 897.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Dooso Jinja 道祖神社 Doso Jinja
"Shrine for the Wayside Deities" (Dosojin, Dososhin)

Aburanokoji, Shiokoji-sagaru, Minami Fudodo-Cho

- quote -
The deity of matchmaking and marital harmony
Doso-shin (Traveler's Guardian Deity)

is usually placed between streets and villages, hence this deity’s function is protection during travel and helping to avoid evil spirits.
Doso Jinja Shrine was rebuilt during the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi (late 16th century), but originally it has a quite a long history. Here enshrines Sarutahiko no Mikoto, deity for travel and Ama no Uzume no Mikoto, deity for entertainment.
They’re a married couple deities, therefore, they have been worshiped for successful matchmaking and marital harmony. “Two figures Doso-shin”, there are many Doso-shin statues, but here is a couple statue of a man and a woman snuggled against each other, who are wearing the clothes of Heian period in front of the gate.

It is a small shrine located between the buildings near Kyoto Station. Here you can see a harmonious couple and it makes people smile when they see it.
The benefit of this shrine is for matchmaking, but if you visit with your partner, you can receive a blessing for a long and happy marriage life.
- source : eng.trip.kyoto.jp -

. 道祖神 Dosojin - Introduction .

. 道祖神 Legends about Wayside Gods .


不動堂村屯所跡 Fudodo-Mura Tonsho
remains of military headquarters

in rememberance of the Shinsen-Gumi 新選組
Yagi House (former Shinsengumi Tonsho)

京都市下京区松明町 / Taimatsucho Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto
- source : bakutora.japanserve.com -

. Shinsengumi 新選組 - Introduction .


Fudocho Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto
Fudoochoo 不動町 Fudo-Cho 中京 

a machiya town house in the Fudocho district.

- reference -


Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町 宮城県 FudoDo-Cho in Miyagi Prefecture

Toda District 遠田郡

It used to be Fudo-Do village 不動堂村 since 1889.

Founded in 1954, former 遠田郡中西部 Central-West Toda District
現在の美里町の小牛田駅周辺にあたる。 Now part of Misato Machi, 小牛田町 Gogota Cho.

遠田郡:涌谷町、北浦村、南郷村 志田郡:松山町、敷玉村

Fudodo Village is Nr. 11. - 11.不動堂村

The village office is in

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町 千葉県 FudoDo-Cho in Chiba Prefecture

- quote -
The 8th general of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) Yoshimune TOKUGAWA had already ordered Aoki Konyo to cultivate the known sweet potato as an emergency crop at the famine in West Japan, and make trial pieces in the Koishikawa Medicine Garden (Koishikawa Botanical Gardens), Makuwari-mura village in Chiba District of Shimousa Province (present Makuhari, Hanamigawa-ku Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture), and
Fudodo Village in Yamabe County of Kazusa Province (present Kujukuri-cho, Sanbu-gun, Chiba Prefecture).

- source : ejje.weblio.jp -

青木昆陽 不動堂甘薯試作地
Aoki Konyo Fudodo Kansho Shisakuchi
Memorial stone at the place where he planted the first sweet potatoes.

source : www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/kyouiku

Aoki Konyoo 青木昆陽 (1698 - 1769)
. "Doctor Sweet Potato", 'Master Sweet Potato' - Introduction .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudodocho #fudokyoto #fudocho #fudondo - -


mimamori Fudo protector

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

mimamori Fudo 身守不動 protector
he always watches over you and your family

at Shoorinji 聖輪寺 Shorin-Ji,
Sendagaya, Tokyo
From the feet of the statue fresh spring water is welling forth.

- source : fukusanpo.blog62


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudomimamori #mimamorifudo - -


Warabe Fudo Child

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Warabe Fudo 童不動 Fudo as a child

There are various statues with this name.


made from remains of the Great Tohoku Earthquake, March 11, 2011.
For all the children who lost their lives.

- source : nichirin18.jp



- source : shogeikan -


Child Fudo to pour water over  童不動水かけ願い

First time with the wish of happiness
for people you know.
Second time with the wish of happiness
for people you do not know.
Third time
with a wish for yourself.
Then fold your hands in prayer.

at Henjoin in Ageo, Saitama. 遍照院 上尾 埼玉県
- shared by James, facebook -


CLICK for more photos !


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudo - -


Fudo Legends 02

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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 不動明王 - 02
densetsu 伝説 - minwa 民話 

. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -

アイバのお不動さん Aiba no O-Fudo San / Aichi

- on koro koro sendari matoogi sowaka -


. Benjo no Fudo Son 便所の不動尊 Fudo as God of the Toilet .

. Tengu and Fudo Myo-o 天狗と不動明王 .


- - - - - ABC order of the prefectures -

- - - - - Aichi 愛知県

アイバのお不動さん Aiba no O-Fudo San
near the temple Tooshooji 東正寺 Tosho-Ji there is a well with clear water, now famous as the "water of Fudo" お不動さんの名水.
1 Chome-7 Heishichimachi, Hekinan, Aichi
Once a statue of Fudo Myo-O had been found in the mountain nearby, so the villagers built this temple for it. Now it is in a Fudo-In 不動院 hall, founded by 源為義従者 Minamoto no Tameyoshi in 1288.
source : トボトボ歩く碧南市

- further reference - お不動さんの名水 -

名古屋市 熱田区 - Nagoya Atsuta

高蔵不動院 Takakura Fudo-In
Nagoya-shi, Atsuta-ku, Takakurachō, 5−8

Every year on the 5th of January the ritual of Shuushoo-E 修正会 is celebrated.
It is also known as
the "Festival of the Demons of Yakushi Nyorai 大薬師の鬼祭".
12 men from Atsuta of the age of 25 and 42 (13 men on a leapyear) participate.
The demon masks of the temple are made of strong thick paper and ward off evil influence for the coming year. The masks are imitations of the one's from the "Bull Festival of Kyoto" 京都牛祭.

豊田市 Toyota

nanataki nana Fudo 七滝七不動 seven waterfalls, seven Fudo
Once upon a time
the region of Moshōbu 母生父 Moshobu became poorer and poorer over the years. To find out the reason villagers went to Konpirasan in Shikoku. There an oracle told them that since they had dirtied the river, this was what happened.
In the river there were "Seven Waterfalls and Seven Fudo". Now the villagers begun to venerate the deity and in no time things improved and they could build three storage houses for their harvest.

- - - - - Akita 秋田県

山本郡 Yamamoto gun 二ツ井町 Futatsui machi

ryuujin 竜神 The Dragon Deity
Between the hamlet of Kogake 小掛集落 and Karimataishi 刈又石集落 there is a waterfall dedicated to Fudo Myo-O. At the Fudo Hhall there, the messenger of Fudo, the Dragon Deity 竜神 takes care of business. If someone taking a retreat at the hall (komori 籠り) the deity comes to have a look at him.
About 1951 they say, there was also an apparition of the Dragon Deity near the great cedar tree near the hall, but it was only a small dragon.

. Ryuujin 龍神, 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon God .

Here is another legend from Kogake, about
. Shooki 鍾馗 Shoki, the Demon Queller .

In the small hamlet of 鬼神集落 Onigami the protector deity, in fact 不動様 Fudo Sama, is also called オボシナサマ Oboshina sama.
Its festival is the 28th day of the 3rd lunar month, now on May 8. On the evening before the festival people put their boiled vegetables in a bento lunch box and meet at the shrine, to eat it all together. They are not allowed to eat any meat on this occasion.
Then in 1956 some brave one eat some meat and what do you say - the next day was a huge fire in the hamlet and 17 homes burned down.

. 不動明王と鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends and Fudo .

- - - - - Aomori 青森県

ゴミソ Gomiso - a Shaman like the Itako
In the Taisho period, 工藤むら Kudo Mura was worried about the health of his daughter さだ Sada. He consulted a local Shaman, who told him she should to go to 赤倉山 Mount Akakurayama.
For three years and three months, he went to venerate the ウブスナさま Ubusuna-Sama in the village of 鼻和村 Hanawa. At the end of this time, 成田の不動様 the great Fudo of Narita showed his form. The following year from the New Year on she went to Akakura and the shrine 大石神社 Oishi Jinja for three days of prayer and eventually became a Gomiso Shaman.
The shrine 赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja is located at Higashiiwakisan-1-39 Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki.

. Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動
- Akakura Fudo Waterfall 赤倉不動滝 .

and 大石神社 Oishi Jinja

クニチ kunichi - shitogi mawashiシトギマワシ passing Shitogi Mochi around
On the days with nine in the ninth lunar month (09, 19 and 29) it is customary to prepare Shitogi Mochi with the newly harvested rice and offer them to the deity.
The last one of these days, shime kunichi シメクニチ 29, is also called
shitogi mawashi シトギマワシ.
The old ladies and housewifes offer three each to Inari, 月山様 Gassan, 日月様 Deities of Sun and Moon, Jizo, 馬の神様 the Deity of Horses, Fudo Myo-O, 金精様 Konsei sama (Deity of the Male Symbol) and 権現様 Gongen sama.

. shitogi mochi しとぎもち / しとぎ餅 fried or uncooked rice cakes .

Aomori 南津軽郡 Minami Tsugaru district

古懸不動 Kogake Fudo
. 古懸山不動院 Kogakesan Fudo-In .

- - - - - Chiba 千葉県

. Narita Fudo 成田不動 .
新勝寺 Temple Shinjo-Ji

- - - - - Ehime 愛媛県 

今治市 Imabari 玉川町 Tamagawa

A man named D once borrowed some money and then forgot all about it. When the lender came to his home to remind him, he got all angry.
Then he said, サガシ if you look for it, you might find a 金の壺 pot of gold.
The man believed him and went to look for it like crazy.
Eventually mister D went to the Fudo of Imabari and asked for help. He suddenly remembered he had borrowed money, gave it back all all were cured.

- - - - - Fukushima 福島県

. Fudo Legends 03 - Fukushima .


. Fudo Legends 04 - from Gifu to Iwate .
- - - - - Gifu 岐阜県 - - - - - Hyogo 兵庫県
- - - - - Ibaraki 茨城県 - - - - - Iwate 岩手県


. Fudo Legends 05 - from Kagawa to Kyoto .
- - - - Kagawa 香川県 - - - - Kagoshima 鹿児島県 - - - - Kanagawa 神奈川県
- - - - Kochi 高知県 - - - - Kumamoto 熊本県 - - - - Kyoto 京都府


. Fudo Legends 06 - Mie to Miyazaki .
- - - - - Mie 三重県 - - - - - Miyagi 宮城県 - - - - - Miyazaki 宮崎県


. Fudo Legends 07 - Nagano to Niigata .
- - - - - Nagano 長野県 - - - - - Nara 奈良県 - - - - - Niigata 新潟県


. Fudo Legends 08 - Oita to Shiga .
- - - - - Oita 大分県 - - - - - Okayama 岡山県 - - - - - Osaka 大阪府
- - - - - Saitama 埼玉県 - - - - - Shiga 滋賀県


. Fudo Legends 09 - Shizuoka to Toyama .
- - - - - Shizuoka 静岡県 - - - - - Tochigi 栃木県 - - - - - Tokushima 徳島県
- - - - - Tokyo 東京都 - - - - - Toyama 富山県


. Fudo Legends 10 - Wakayama to Yamanashi .
- - - - - Wakayama 和歌山県 - - - - - Yamagata 山形県
- - - - - Yamaguchi 山口県 - - - - - Yamanashi 山梨県


- - - - - reference

yokai database 妖怪データベース - 不動 
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp

(03) 不動山 (00) Fukuoka, Niigata, Yamagata

- source : www.google.co.jp


. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudolegends02 #legends02 - -