Rokuji Myoo-Oo, Rokuji Myō-ō 六字明王 Rokuji Myo-O
Enlightened King of the Six Words
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Rokuji Ten 六字天
黒六字 Black Six Words 黒仏 "Black Buddha"
This is a very powerful deity to prevent the influence of evil.
He often looks like a Kannon with black skin. He stands on the left foot, the right one is bent backward at the knee.

六字大明王陀羅尼 Rokuji Myo-O Darani Ritual Spell
六字大明呪 Rojuji Daimyo Ju
- - - - - Shingon Mantra of Rokuji Myo-O
カンジュー カンジュー
タチバチ ソワカ

Chanting this Mantra will prevent bad influence, protect from deasters and grant a long life.
- reference : shimo-yoshiko.com/ryuseimei -
六字明王 = 六字天

source : jikisinndoujyou 八葉山 天華院 - 六字明王

source : rakushisha.ocnk.net - 六字天
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Rokuji Myō-ō 六字明王
Literally “Six-Syllable Luminescent King.”
The below two drawings share certain iconographical similarities with the 12th-century monochrome drawing of Myōken and the 13th-century painting of Sonjō-ō at Miidera. In all of them, we see the four-armed one-headed central deity holding the sun disk and moon disk, with right foot raised behind the opposite knee. However, in the below drawings, the deity is portrayed atop a lotus, whereas the earlier images show her atop a dragon. The drawings also portray the deity holding different objects. Rokuji Myō-ō appears in the Rokuji Jinjuōkyō 六字神咒王經 sutra, where the deity is described as the central icon (honzon 本尊) in esoteric rituals (known as the Chōbuku Shinpō 調伏信法 or Chōbuku-hō 調伏法) to ward off evil spirits, enemies, and malicious influences.

Drawing from 12th-century Japanese text
Notes on the Rokuji Mandala 六字経曼荼羅.
Also called the Rokujikyō (Rokujikyo Mandala), literally Six Letter Mandala or Six-Syllable Incantation.
Centered on Shaka Nyorai 釈迦 (the Historical Buddha) holding a gold wheel (hōrin 法輪).
See Hokuto Mandala (Big Dipper Mandala) for more about this form of Shaka.
The central deity is surrounded by Six Kannon (Roku Kannon 六観音), and the group of seven appear within a moon disc. At the top of the mandala are two flying celestials (hiten 飛天); at the bottom are images of Fudō Myō-ō 不動明王 and Daiitoku Myō-ō 大威徳明王, and positioned between them are six figures venerating a smaller moon disc. The deity is also said to be the composite reward body (総合成就身) of the Roku Kannon who protect people in each of the six realms of karmic rebirth.
Says JAANUS: “Images of the Six Kannon began to be made as offerings for the welfare of the dead and for personal salvation in the first half of the 10th century. The Six Kannon appear in the most common form of the Rokujikyō Mandala, which from the Heian period was the focus of the Rokujikyōhō 六字経法, a Shingon ritual used particularly for sickness and childbirth. The six forms of Kannon often appear along with their corresponding Sanskrit bonjimon 梵字文.
Twenty-Eight Constellations
28 Moon Lodges, 28 Lunar Mansions
- source : Mark Schumacher -

. Senyuuji 仙遊寺 Senyu-Ji .
- Shikoku Henro Nr. 58 - Introduction -
- - - - - Chant of the temple:
Tachi yorite sarei no dō ni yasumitsutsu rokuji o tonae kyō o yomubeshi
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rokuji myougou 六字名号 (rokuji myogo)
Lit. Six Character Name
The six Chinese characters used to write 'Namu Amida Butsu 南無阿弥陀仏'
An homage to the Buddha *Amida 阿弥陀, generally referred to as the nenbutsu 念仏, a chant that devotees believed would ensure one's salvation in Amida's Pure Land gokuraku 極楽. The Six Characters may be written in ink, embroidered or printed. Sometimes the Six Characters are incorporated with illustrations of the Six Realms of Reincarnation *rokudou-e 六道絵. A well-known sculpted image is the statue of the priest *Kuuya 空也 (903-72) in Rokuharamitsuji 六波羅密寺 in Kyoto, in which the Six Characters are represented by six miniature images of Amida coming out of the priest's mouth. Kuji myougou 九字名号 or "Nine Character Name," refers to a variant name for Amida written with nine characters, 'Namu Fukashigikou Nyorai 南無不可思議光如来.'
Written forms of Amida icons also employ Sanskrit letters shuji 種字.
- source : JAANUS -
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Rites, Rice, and Rokuji Myōō
- Workshop July 2016 -
“Dipper Worship or gejutsu 外術 Practice?
Framing Rokujiten 六字天 in Medieval Japan”
This presentation proposes to explore the iconography and ritual of Rokujiten 六字天, an esoteric manifestation of Kannon invoked during exorcistic rituals of the Shingon school of Buddhism in the Heian and Kamakura periods.
Although Rokujiten is said to instantiate the rokuji dai myōju 六字大名呪, the renowned six-syllable dhāranī of Kannon expounded in the Kārandavyūha sutra, its representations are identical to those of two other deities worshipped within Tōmitsu and Taimitsu circles as incarnations of the Pole Star: Myōken 妙見 and Sonjōō 尊星王.
Taking as a point of departure a lavish example currently in the possession of Hōjūin 宝寿院, dated to the 14th century, I suggest that instead of resulting from a conflation between these two deities, Rokujiten was a carefully crafted product.
First, I present how ritual sources draw a clear picture of Rokujiten aimed at setting it apart—both in terms of iconography and ritual—from Pole Star imagery. Then, by looking at the way that Kamakura-period ritual sources addressed its striking similarities with icons connected with the Dipper, I explore the possible temple and lineage disputes that may have facilitated its creation.
Benedetta Lomi
- source : icc.fla.sophia.ac.jp/html
- reference - rokuji myo-o -
Rokuji Monju 六字文殊 Six-letter Monju
Monju mit sechs Zeichen
. Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Manjushri .
guarding against natural disasters and nightmares

CLICK for more photos !
. Black Buddha Statue 黒仏 kurobotoke .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Yamanashi 山梨県 Otsuki town 大月市
. Saint Shinran 親鸞 (1173 - 1263) .
When Shinran passed the village of 笹子村 Sasagomura in the North he heard a story from the villager 作太郎 Sakutaro. In the old pond of 吉が窪 there lived a Yokai woman named お吉 "O-Kichi" who could take the shape of a poisonous snake and came to harm and haunt the villagers. So Shinran begun to chant the 阿弥陀経 Amida Sutra and begun to write 南無阿弥陀仏 the name of Amida and 六字 the Six Words on small pebbles and threw them into the pond.
In no time the woman was relieved from her past sins and could go to paradise.
Since that time small pebbles are found at the side of the pond.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #rukujimyoo #rokujiten - -
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