
EMA <> Votive Tablets

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EMA, 絵馬 wooden votive tablets with Fudo

a growing collection


CLICK for enlargement
Collection Daruma Museum

From the temple Oppo-Ji 乙宝寺 in Niigata

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

CLICK for more photos of the Temple !
Temple Oppoji, 猿供養寺、乙寺


Kumano, Shingu, Shrine Hayatama Taisha

In the middle above the jewel it says

神聖不動 Sacred Things are Immovable

The headpriest 上野宮司 of the shrine choose this expression for the ema of the year of the rat, 2008.
He wants to stress that some things in life are immovable, unchangeable, like the love between parent and child ...
So this is not our Fudo Myo-O himself, but in his spirit!

© Nanki  南紀乃風


Ooyama Fudoo (Oama Fudo) 大山不動、神奈川県

Fudo as a sword



From 延命山亀龍院, Kyoto, Temple Kiryu-In

© http://www.geisya.or.jp/ 亀龍院


From Narita Fudo Temple

..... allabout.co.jp


- shared by Bradfort, facebook -

Saga Narita San 佐賀成田山 龍王院 Ryu-O In

The main statue of Fudo Myo-O was carved by Kobo Daishi himself on behest of Emperor Saga Tenno 嵯峨天皇.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kyushyu88.com

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .
四国八十八箇所 88 Shikoku Henro Temples, Fukuoka


source : yuichi on facebook


Ema with Kannon, Fudoo and Bishamonten
Kawakamison, Yamaguchi Pref.
This is a special cultural property from the year 1798.




Fudo Amulets

I have one of these on my working table ...

Check this LINK for a lot more amulets !

© www.buddhist-artwork.com / Mark Schumacher

from  http://www.kitagawa-hanga.com/


. Join ! Fudo Myo-O on facebook .

. EMA 絵馬 Daruma Votive Tablets and Prayer Boards  

- #ema #emafudo -

Shugendo / Mountain Ascets

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The Mountain Ascets Way of Life

CLICK for more Yamabushi Photos


Curtesy to Shugendo, by Sylvain Guintard
Check this link for photos.


Shugendô is knowledge obtained on the path (dô), resulting from ascetic practices (shu) of divine natural powers (gen).

Shugendô is all of the practices and rules which are advisable to follow to reach this result, and the shugenjas are followers of this Japanese ancestral religion. They are more commonly called: Yamabushi, "those which sleep in the mountain", because it is indeed generally in the mountains that they practise, that they withdraw to during the time of retirement, in pilgrimage and that they travel "wandering" through the country like the hermit Indian ascetic Milarepa.


Throughout his secular or spiritual life, the lay or religious yamabushi receives initiations which are some times comparable with true sacraments of Kings.

Initiation (Kanjo) is a ceremony of first importance in Japanese Tantric Buddhism which crowns the kings of the Law; perhaps less so for shugendô, which comprises a lesser number than Shingon and Tendai schools. The Master Zémui (Cubhakarashimba), Indian Master of the Chinese Master of the monk Kukai, expresses himself thus in his Great Comment: "If initiations are not received, one cannot include/understand the authentic words (mantra), the seals of hands (mudra).
For example, just as for the kings reigning in countries of this world, one gives to the heir the initiation so as to ensure the line... to ensure proper understanding and prevent confusion of the Buddhas teaching, one pours on their head the nectar of the water of the Law of the 5 oceans. It is a means of salvation and it is venerated by the many Saints (Bodhisattva) because those who receive it do not continue in the cycle of samsara.

The Pilgrimages in the Mountain
(Mine-iri or Nyuubu Shugyoo), "Entry in the mountain" or "the Asceticism of the entry into the world of the Buddhas.”

It is for the shugenja, the major exercise that all yamabushi must make, throughout their life. It is through this practice that he receives the teaching of his Masters and instructors. Every year at least, he must renew his energy in the natural mandala. In the Middle Ages, the yamabushi more than today, profited from a pilgrimage per season, with different objectives each time. This differed according to the school : the Tôzan school preferred to carry out the course North towards the South, whereas those of the Honzan school preferred the more difficult course, because of steeper climbs, of the South to North. For all the temples of Shugen from Kyoto and Nara, the mountains sacred for the pilgrimages is the chain of the Omine mounts; but each school could have its own mountains, like the Mt. Aso and Hiko for Shugen Hiko and of Kunisaki in the island of Kyushu; the Mt. Fuji for Sonshan Shugen, and Mts of Dewa Sazan for the school of Haguro.
Each center had its mountain-mandala.

Even a temple affiliated to a ‘mother temple’ could also have a training mountain like Makihata zan for the yamabushi of Nigata or Kojima shugen zan for those of the town of Okayama which also attached all to Shogoin. One of the biggest centers, still in activity, is located in the Natural reserve of Mts of Omine in the peninsula of Kii (Peninsula of the Country of the Trees). With the mount Sanjo, the Mecca of shugendô, where a monastery has risen up, in full mountains, isolated far from all, where the Zao-gongen Buddha appeared to En no Gyooja , the chain of the Omine Mountains offers one initiatory pilgrimages punctuated by powerful tests over several days, during which the shugenja walks in the mountains more than 12 hours per day.

A hierarchy exists between Shugenjas which receives different names according to the number of pilgrimages that they have achieved, because the number generates experiences and knowledge. Those which are with their first pilgrimage, the neophytes are named: Shinkyaku; they cannot still wear Yui-gesa with pompoms of the confirmed yamabushi, and those which have experience already with the pilgrimage in the Omine mounts should not in any case speak of the tests that they have had to undergo. They themselves, on the Rock of Hanging, swear to never speak about it if they do not have permission to do so from the Superiors of the Order. Shinkyaku must remain in the total ignorance of what they will have to undergo in the real test!

CLICK for more photos

The Costume of Yamabushi

"To put on the clothing of Yamabushi, is to put on the personality of the Fudo Buddha" something always practiced by the shugenjas. It is a tradition, very practical in the mountains which has not changed for more than 1000 years. Traditional clothing may be seen as uncomfortable by the majority of the foreign neophytes, at the beginning, the costume appears as a true Master who teaches us important things in mountain.

The clothing of the yamabushi is a true Master-Teacher for the shugenjas.
To incorporate all its symbolism, the yamabushi have a meditation on the symbolism of each part when they get dressed. A yamabushi does these as he dresses in less than 10 minutes in the mountains. We will now list the principal articles which constitute the dress of yamabushi at the time of the pilgrimages in mountain, in group or isolated.

Tokin: Small Hat
Hangai or Ayai-kasa: Large Hat
Suzukake and hakama: Shirt and Pants
Yui-gesa (or Foudo-kesa, Bonten-kesa or Machikon-kesa):
Hirataka-nenju: Rosary

Hôragai: Conch Trumpet (horagai)
Shakujô: Staff or wand (shakujoo)
Oi or enkyu: portable wooden trunk
Kata-bako: Prayer books in a box
Kongo-zue: Walking Stick
Hisshiki: Goatskin protector for the backside and seat
Kyahan and Tekko: Leggins
Hioogi: Fan of wooden plates
Shiba-uchi (Hôken, hooken): Ritual Sword of Fudoo Myoo-Oo
Hachi-nawa or Kainô (kainoo): Ropes for Mountain Climbing
Yatsume-waraji: Straw sandals in straw with 8 eyelets

One of the best ways to introduce Shugendo is to focus on mountains austerities, which are the most important rituals in Shugendo! According to the doctrine of Shugendo, the object of mountain austerities is to become a Buddha in one's human body. In others words, the purpose of mountain austerities is to transform a profane man into a "sacred man" by mystic training at sacred mountain. "Wandering in mountains can be an ascetic practice..." said the ascetic of India, Jishun Milarépa; one of the master of Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism.

The shugendo rituals are made up of 7 elements:
Rituals for the purpose to achieving identification with the object of worship: rituals during mountain pilgrimage, consecration, the demonstration of magical powers, and rites for the angry Buddha Fudo Myo .

Rituals for the purpose of communication with the object of worship: Chanting sutra, festivals for the deities.

Rituals as means of achieving identification with the object of worship: Divination, obtaining oracles through mediums, prayers of possession, "goma" fire ceremonies, rites for deities, benediction and incantations, exorcism.

Rituals to achieve the power to manipulate these deities: Prayers of possession, "goma" fire ceremonies, benediction and incantation, exorcism, charms and spells.

Rituals to receive oracles: Divination, oracles through mediums, and prayers of possession.

Rituals of prayers: Service for the sun, moon, stars and small shrines, "goma" fire ceremonies for averting misfortune, rites for various deities.

Rituals of exorcism or removing evil influences: "kaji-kito", incantations, removing a possessing spirit, "defeating" spirits, charms and spells.

Physical Experience

The intense experiences that the Yamabushi have experienced during the course of the days constitute at the same time the means and the purpose of the practice. Only by putting their lives at risk do they get to purify themselves of all the blemishes that are inherent in the human condition. Through suffering of the body, similar to small deaths, the Yamabushi become conscious of their spiritual dimension.
Grounding themselves with the Deities, the Buddha and the Universe. The Yamabushi claim that
To hear and understand the Buddha’s sermon you have to listen to the whisper of the wind at the top of the mountain”.

The Very Special Dead

In 1960, the historian Ando Kosei revealed the presence of 18 mummies in the Buddhist temples of the area dating from the 14th to 19th centuries. The press seized the news and these mummies were the subject of medical examinations by professional examiners and professors of various universities. The event generated a lot of attention at the time, because the press proposed the idea that these were ideal actions by buddhist monks: Men, who in principle, spend their life practicing to be free from any attachment, letting grow within them the realization that the world and life are illusory... Their bodies, which are then abandoned after the course of multiple reincarnations, are no longer vessels from which they strive to be released...this is the belief of the Buddhist neophytes.

Read more about it here:


Also, read my story about the Living Mummies in Northern Japan
Sokushinbutsu, Sokushin Joobutsu 即身仏

. San hikoyama 三彦山 three famous HIKO mountains .
all of them ancient centers of the mountain ascetics.

. Legends about Japanese Saints
修験者 shugenja - 山伏 yamabushi .


........................ H A I K U

kigo for all summer

mineiri, mine-iri 峰入 (みねいり) "entry in the mountain"
jun no mine-iri 順の峰入(じゅんのみねいり)
"entry in the mountain" in prescribed order
gyaku no mine-iri 逆の峰入(ぎゃくのみねいり)
"entry in the mountain" in reverse order
(This is even more difficult and not allowed to many.)

mine is actually the peak or peaks which the ascets have to climb during this practise.


mine-iri wa miya mo waraji mo tabiji kana

"entering the mountain"
travelling from a shrine
with staw sandals

Nishiyama Soin 西山宗因 (1605 - 1682)


- - - - - Matsuo Basho - - - - -

tsukimachi ya ume katageyuku koyamabushi

moonrise gathering--
carrying a plum branch,
a novice mountain ascetic

Tr. Barnhill

Written in the first lunar month, 1691 元禄4年1月.
At a haikai moon-waiting meeting with Ichibei 卓袋. tsukimachi occured on the 8th lunar month, on days 13, 17 and 23.
Maybe a young yamabushi had been invited to join the eating, drinking and poetry writing.

- - - - -

yamabushi o kitte kaketaru seki no mae

The mountain pilgrim
so they had his head struck off
and shown at the barrier

Tr. Earl Miner and Hiroko Odagin

from the kazen, "If Fine while Still Green"
(Aokute mo no maki, 1693): (stanza 25)

Shugendo Haiku about the Mountain Geta Sandals

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. Mountain (yama) and kigo for all seasons

. Hiwatari matsuri 高尾山の火渡り祭
fire-walking ritual at Mt. Takao




Kanto, Five Fudo Temples


Five most important Fudo Temples in Kanto
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 関東地方の五大不動そん

大山不動〔真言宗 雨降山 大山寺〕(伊勢原市・神奈川) 
Oyama Fudo, Isehara Town, Kanagawa Pref.

高幡不動〔真言宗 高幡山 明王院 金剛寺〕(日野市・東京) 

Takahata Fudo, Kongo-Ji, Hino Town, Tokyo

成田不動〔真言宗 成田山 新勝寺〕(成田市・千葉) 

Narita Fudo, Narita Town, Chiba Pref.

高山不動尊(秘蔵 七夕不動)〔真言宗 高貴山 常楽院〕(飯能市・埼玉) 

Takayama Fudo, Tanabata Fudo (secret statue) Hanno Town, Saitama Pref.

目黒不動〔天台宗 泰叡山 瀧泉寺〕(目黒区・東京)

Meguro Fudo, Meguro Ward, Tokyo


A little Jizoo for Good Bye.






Kinki and Pilgrimages

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples

Kinki Area



This is a pilgrimage in the Kinki area of Japan. Not bound to any Buddhist sect, anyone can walk it and visit the old temples. It was formed in 1979, based on the belief in Fudo Myo-O.

This Deity spends day and night in the service of us human being, in an ascetic practise called "geza gyoo 下座行". As his disciples, we follow the Fudo Ascetics, 不動行者 and say daily prayers of thanks to him.

 揺るぎないみ心「不動心」 an unmoveable mind

Things you need for the pilgrimage
A special rosary with beads representing FudoMyo-O. You can get one bead at each temple.

A sutra book


CLICK for amazon.com

Names of the Temples
(external LINKS)

第1番 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji Osaka
第2番 清水寺 Kiyomizudera Osaka
第3番 法楽寺 Horaku-Ji Osaka
第4番 京善寺 Kyozen-Ji Osaka *
第5番 報恩院 Hoon-Ji Osaka
第6番 太融寺 Taiyu-Ji Osaka

07 . Kokubunji 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji - Osaka .

08 . Fudo-Ji 不動寺 豊中 Toyonaka .

第9番 大龍寺 若王山 Tairyu-Ji - Kobe (Hyogo)
第10番 無動寺 Mudo-Ji - Kobe
11 . 鏑射寺 - Kaburai-Ji, Hyogo, Kobe .
第12番 安岡寺 - Anko-Ji - Osaka
第13番 大覚寺門跡 Daikakuji Monseki - Kyoto
14 . Ninnaji 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji, Kyoto .
第15番 蓮華寺 Renge-Ji - Kyoto

第16番 実相院 三千院 Sanzen-In
16 . Sanzenin 三千院 Sanzen-In - Ohara Kyoto .

第17番 曼殊院門跡
17 . 曼殊院 Ki Fudo Manju-In - 黄不動 Yellow Fudo .

第18番 聖護院門跡 Shogo-In Monseki - Kyoto
第19番 青蓮院門跡 Shoren-In Monseki - Kyoto
第20番 智積院 根来寺 Negoroji Chishaku-In - Kyoto
第21番 同聚院 紫雲山 中山寺 Nakayamadera - Hyogo (Takarazuka)

22 . Kitamukizan Fudo-In 北向山不動院 . - Fushimi, Kyoto

第23番 上醍醐寺 Kamidaigo-Ji - Kyoto
第24番 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji - Kyoto

25 . Enman-In Monzeki 円満院門跡 / 圓満院 . Shiga

26. 無動寺明王堂 Mudo-Ji, Myo-O Do - Shiga (Otsu) .
27 - - - - - 無動寺明王堂 Mudo-Ji, Myo-O Do - Shiga (Otsu)

第28番 明王院 Myo-O In - Osaka

29 . Hoozan-Ji 宝山寺 Hozan-Ji - Nara (Ikoma) .

第30番 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji - Nara (Yoshino)
第31番 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji - Nara (Yoshino)

第32番 瀧谷不動明王寺 Takidani Fudo Myo-O-Ji
. Takidani Fudo-Ji 滝谷不動明王寺 . - Osaka
... Ichigan Fudo 一願不動堂

第33番七宝瀧寺 Shipporyu-Ji - Osaka - see below -

34 . Negoroji 根来寺 Negoro-Ji . Wakayama

第35番 明王院Myo-O In, at Koya-San - Wakayama
36 Nan-In of Koyasan 高野山別格本山 南院 - Namikiri Fudo Honke 浪切不動尊 総本家 - Wakayama
- source : kinki36fudo.org

- - - - -

Nr. 7 Osaka - 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji - 長柄国分寺 - 大阪市北区国分寺1-6-18
「みのり不動尊 - 実り不動尊」 Minori Fudo Son
"negaigoto ga minoru" 願い事がみのる, may your wish bear fruit and come true!
He stands under a large gingko tree behind the Goma Hall 護摩堂.

There is also a famous mizukake Fudo 水かけ不動尊 to sprinkle water in the compound


Nr. 12 Ankooji 安岡寺 Anko-Ji

- source : Masayoshi - facebook


Nr. 29 Hoozanji 宝山寺 Hozan-Ji
Ikomasan 生駒山

source : www.kinki36fudo.org/29

The main statue is a Shoten 聖天.
Outside is also a mizukake Fudo 水かけ不動.

- quote
'Ikoma-Shoten' 生駒聖天.
The area around Hozan-ji was originally a place for the training of Buddhist monks. The name of the place at that time was Daisho-Mudo-ji (大聖無動寺).

Mount Ikoma was originally an object of worship for the ancient people in the region, and so this area was selected as a place for religious training. The training area is said to have opened in 655 by En no Gyōja 役行者. Many Buddhist monks, including Kobo Daishi Kukai (空海), are said to have trained in here.

Hozan-ji started when Tankai (湛海) re-opened this training area in the 17th century. Tankai set up a statue of Kankiten at this place in 1678, the official year Hozan-ji was established.

In the Edo period, this temple was one of the most popular Buddhist temples in this region.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : iroenpithu-12.boo.jp


Nr. 33 Shippooryuuji 七宝瀧寺 Shipporyu-Ji
8 Ogi, Izumi Sano, Osaka . 大阪府泉佐野市
Inunakisan 犬鳴山

source : facebook - Mitsuhiro Samada

- quote
Inunakisan Shipporyuji Temple,
located halfway up Mt. Inunaki, is the head temple of the Inunaki division, the Shingon sect of Buddhism. The temple was established by En-no-gyoja, an ascetic, in 661 in the reign of Empress Saimei.

The temple has a wooden statue of Kurikara-fudo-myoo, or Fudo-myoo (Acala) incarnated in a dragon, to which the temple is dedicated. Dubbed "Un-morai Fudo (Fudo-myoo from which good fortune is given)," the statue, which represents a dragon winding itself around a sword, is devoutly worshipped as a guardian deity for good fortune and wish fulfillment.

In the reign of Emperor Junna (823_833), prayers offered at this temple resulted in longed-for rain. After this miraculous event, the Emperor named the temple "Shipporyuji," likening the mountain's seven renowned waterfalls (respectively called Ryokai, Toh, Benzaiten, Kotsuki, Oku, Senju, and Nunobiki) to shippo, the seven treasures in Buddhism, including gold and silver.

Meanwhile, the name "Inunakisan (dog-barking mountain)" was given in the reign of Emperor Uda (887_897), based on an episode of a faithful dog; when a hunter went out hunting on the mountain with his dog, he was stalked by a giant snake. The dog barked furiously at the snake, and sacrificed itself to protect its master. Mt. Inunaki, famous for beautiful autumn leaves, is also a popular destination for hiking. On this mountain as a religious training ground for Katsuragi shugen-do (mountaineering asceticism), visitors can participate in a one-day training
- source : www.osaka-info.jp

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.inunakisan.jp

source : korehisa on facebook


Nr. 36 高野山 Koya San, 南院 Nan-In

. Fudo Myo-O at Mt. Koya 高野山 .
Namikiri Fudo at Nan-In 南院

With many photos :
近畿三十六不動巡礼 : pilgrimari BLOG


Photo by 福嶋憲彦

. 近畿三十六不動尊霊場 - facebook .


. Shiga Prefecture 滋賀県 Fudo Myo-O Temples .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims in Japan .

- Introduction -


四国三十六不動尊霊場会 ... In Shikoku

SHIKOKU : Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples

CLICK for more pilgrim goods photos


- Introduction -
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



Fudo-Ji Temple, Toyonaka


Toyonaka Fudo-Ji Temple 不動寺 豊中

真言宗 大聖山 不動寺

This temple is Nr. 8 in a Fudo Pilgrimage to 36 temples in the Kinki area.


This temple was founded by Kobo Daishi himself in the Heian period. He saw a stone which shone in seven colors and build a five-storied pagoda for it. He carved the Sanskrit Letter for Fudo in the stone and build a Hall to pray to Fudo Myo-O. This temple became very famous during the ages.

不動寺は、平安時代に弘法大師によって開かれました。寺伝によると、大師が諸国巡業中兎我野の地(現在大阪市北区兎我野町)で七色の光を放つ石を見つけ、これを五輪宝塔に仕上げ、不動明王の梵字を刻み本尊とし、不動堂を建て、お祀りをしたのが始まりとされています。 その後、嵯峨天皇、後鳥羽天皇の勅願所となり、豊臣、徳川の庇護を受けながら「兎我野の不動様」として、広く庶民の信仰を集めてきました。 
近年、数度の戦乱にも遭遇し、特に第二次世界大戦の戦火では堂宇が全て焼失しました。その後、昭和二十五年には本堂を再建しましたが、寺の周辺が歓楽街化するなど環境の悪化が深刻化し、古くから伝わる大護摩法も次第に行えなくなり、昭和四十一年に現在の所在地に移転いたしました。 現在、本堂脇にある木造の護摩堂や仁徳天皇が愛したという白鹿堂、第二次世界大戦の英霊を祀った英霊堂は、古い建物を解体して移転したものです。

The Statue of Fudo Myo-O in the Middle



The other deities around Fudo are Gosanze, Gundari, Dai-Itoku, and Kongo Yasha.
Look at their pictures here:

Picture of a Blue Fudo Myo-O , the main deity in this temple



.. .. .. .. Inside the Main Building

There is also a No-Stage, as you can see here:


List of the 36 Fudo-Temples in the Kinki area


Read more about this pilgrimage here:
Kinki 36 Fudo Temples

A page of some temples of the Shingon Sect




Fudo-Ji Temple Kurotakisan


Fudooji 不動寺 Temple Fudo-Ji, Kurotaki
Kurotaki Fudo 黒滝不動

Oshiozawa, Nanmoku Village, Kanra District, Gumma

with a tea shop serving Fucha Food 黄檗普茶 Obaku Fucha

Kurotaki 黒滝 / 黒瀧 "Black Waterfall"

Near Mt. Kurotakisan 黒滝山 , Gunma Pref.

a temple of the Obaku Zen sect 黄檗宗
Founded by Gyoki Bosatsu 行基 .

. Gyoki Bosatsu (Gyooki Bosatsu) 行基菩薩 .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki

The Fudo of this temple helps with opening good luck and protects from evil influence
kai-un yakuyoke no Fudo 開運厄除けの不動明王


- source and photos : haisima.at.webry.info


- source and photos : ren-g.cocolog-nifty.com


CLICK for more photos !


- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.nanmoku.ne.jp


- quote
The Zen temple of Nanmoku: Mt. Kurotaki Fudo Temple

The Mt. Kurotaki Fudo Temple is a sacred place of mountain worship that stands on Mt. Kurotaki at an elevation of 870 meters. It is an ancient temple with a history of over one-thousand years as a scared place of protection, enshrining a Buddhist statue of Acala by Gyoki that is withheld from public view.

You can experience delicious and nutrition-packed Chinese-style vegetarian cuisine (Zen-style cuisine) dubbed Fucha that is slow-cooked using fresh seasonal ingredients, mainly countryside herbs and grasses. This style of cuisine is called jikizen, or the pursuit of Zen through diet. The temple also allows visitors to experience Zen meditation and offers a guesthouse where lodgers can enjoy a quiet night in the mountains.

- source : gunma tourism

. fucha ryori 普茶料理
Chinese-style Buddhist vegetarian cuisine .


This is a beautiful mountain area. Look at some photos here.


. Waterfalles named "Fudo no Taki" 不動の滝 .
