
Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori Honzon


Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori Honzon
Guardian Deities of the Individual


There is a popular belief that each person has one of eight BuddhistDeities who watches over and protects them.

These eight deities are:
the Nyorai (Buddhas) Dainichi & Amida; theBosatsu (bodhisatvas) Senju-Kanzeon, Kokuzo, Monju, Fuken & Seishi:and the Myo-o (Wrathful Kings of Mystic Wisdom) Fudo.

To discover your principal patron deity, who is watching over younow, and has done so since your birth, simply find your 'birth year'on the chart below. As you can see, in the Japanese allocation system used here,the 'years' do not run from January-December, but from February-January.So if you were, for example born in January 1967, you are actuallyconsidered as having been born in the end of 1966. In this example,your patron would therefore be Seishi Bosatsu (Feb 1966 - Jan 1967) rather than Dainichi Nyorai.

List of the Deities, here only the Fudoo-Years
(from February to January - Asian lunar calendar)

1909-10 Fudo Myo-o
1921-22 Fudo Myo-o
1933-34 Fudo Myo-o
1945-46 Fudo Myo-o
1957-58 Fudo Myo-o
1969-70 Fudo Myo-o
1981-82 Fudo Myo-o
1993-94 Fudo Myo-o
2005-06 Fudo Myo-o

. tori 酉年 year of the rooster and Fudo Myo-O .

A longer list:
- Darumasan-Japan Forum -


Here is a group of many Buddhas to protect you.


Fudoo Myoo-Oo
The wrathful incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai. His form is quite wild in his endeavor to save manking. He will burn down and tear down all obstacles to Buddhahoo.
He is the protector of people born in the
Year of the Rooster.

Standing Fudoo

Seated Fudoo



Your protective Deity according to
the Asian Zodiac

Fudoo Myoo-Oo, Protector for those born in the Year of the Rooster/Chicken




About the Animals of the Asian Zodiac
Rooster -
Born in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053

Roosters are courageous, hardworking, shrewd, arrogant, reckless, selfish and eccentric. They are thirsty for knowledge, devoted to work and definite involved in decision-making. They are skilled at what they do and attentive to details. However, they tend to seem boastful to others. Roosters will be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier or world traveler.
The sign promises harmony with Snakes and Ox and trouble with Rabbits.

Asian Zodiac Animals and Feng Shui

The Asian Lunar Calendar and Kigo


Persönliche Schutzgottheiten
(Ichidai Mamorihonzon 一代守り本尊)

Personal Protector Deities

In Japan entspricht jedem der 12 Tierzeichen der 12 Jahre ein Bosatsu bzw. Myoooo und Nyorai, der dann die persönliche Schutzgottheit des in diesem Jahre geborenen Menschen ist.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Tierzeichen Schutzgottheit.....

Katze (ne) Tausendarmige Kannon (Nord)
Rind/Tiger (ushi/tora) Kokûzô
Hase (u) Monju (Ost)
Drachen/Schlange (tatsu/mi) Fugen
Pferd (uma) Seishi (Süd)
Schaf/Affe (hitsuji/saru) Dainichi Nyorai
Vogel (tori) Fudô Myôô (West)
Hund/Wildschwein (inu/i) Amida Nyorai

Vier Gottheiten sind für jeweils zwei Jahre zuständig. Es sind dies die Gottheiten der ebenfalls den Tierzeichen entsprechenden Himmelsrichtungen: Nordost, Südost, Südwest, Nordwest.
Dabei fällt auf, daß Amida Nyorai hier nicht direkt dem Westen zugeordnet ist.
Die Gottheiten gewähren auch Segen bei Reisen, wenn man sich vorher vor der Gottheit der entsprechenden Himmelsrichtung verbeugt und um Schutz bittet.

Weiterhin sind die dem Geburtsjahr entsprechenden Planeten ebenfalls mit einer Schutzgottheit verbunden:

Planet .. Farbe .. Schutzgottheit

Merkur Weiß Kannon Bosatsu
Saturn Schwarz Jizô Bosatsu
Jupiter Smaragd Fugen Bosatsu
Jupiter Grün Yakushi Nyorai
Saturn Gelb Dainichi Nyorai
Venus Weiß Bishamonten
Venus Rot Fudô Myôô
Saturn Weiß Kokûzô Bosatsu
Mars Violett Monju Bosatsu


(Sanjuunichi Hibutsu)

A Protector deity for every day of the month!

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Als besondere Schutzgottheiten kann man auch die 30 Schutzgottheiten für jeden Tag des Monats ansehen. An ihren speziellen Tagen (ennichi) wird in ihren Tempeln ein besonderes Fest abgehalten. Die Bezeichnungen "xx-butsu" beziehen sich auf alte Lesungen für Nyorai.

..... Monatstag Schutzgottheit.....

1. Jookoobutsu
2. Toomyoobutsu
3. Tahoobutsu
4. Ashukubutsu
5. Mirokubutsu
6. Niman Toomyoobutsu
7. Sanman Toomyoobutsu
8. Yakushi Nyorai
9. Daitsuuchi Shoobutsu

10. Nichigatsu Toomyoobutsu / Yakushi Nyorai
11. Kankibutsu
12. Nanshoobutsu
13. Kokuuzoo Bosatsu
14. Fugen Bosatsu
15. Amidabutsu
16. Darani Bosatsu
17. Ryuuju Bosatsu
18. Kanzeon Bosatsu
19. Nikkoo Bosatsu

20. Gakkoo Bosatsu
21. Mujini Bosatsu
22. Semui Bosatsu
23. Dai Seishi Bosatsu
24. Jizoo Bosatsu
25. Monju Bosatsu
26. Yakujoo Bosatsu
27. Rushanabutsu
28. Dainichi Nyorai
29. Yakuoo Bosatsu
30. Shaka Nyorai

. Seishi Bosatsu 勢至菩薩  
and the full moon night on the 23rd of the eighth lunar month
nijuusanya 二十三夜(にじゅうさんや)moon on day 23


30 shintoistische Schutzgottheiten
(Sanjuubanshin, sanjuu banjin )

CLICK for more photos Jeder buddhistischen Monats-Schutzgottheit entspricht auch eine shintooistische Schutzgottheit. Sie schützen besonders das Lotus-Sutra. Ihre 30 Figuren in der Kleidung von Adeligen der Heian-Zeit finden sich besonders häufig in Tempeln der Tendai-Sekte mit einer besonderen Halle für die 30 Schutzgottheiten (Sanjuubanshin Doo 三十番神堂).
Einige Figuren tragen dabei ein Holzszepter. Es finden sich auch Frauengestalten darunter.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Monatstag Shintooistische Buddhistische
Schutzgottheit Schutzgottheit

1. Atsuta Daimyoojin Dainichi Nyorai
2. Suwa Daimyoojin Fugen Bosatsu
3. Hirota Daimyoojin Seishi Bosatsu
4. Kehi Daimyoojin Dainichi Nyorai
5. Keta Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai/Heilige Kannon
6. Kashima Daimyoojin Elfköpfige Kannon
7. Kitano Tenjin Elfköpfige Kannon
8. Ebumi Daimyoojin Benzaiten
9. Kibune Myoojin Fudoo Myoooo

10. Tenshookoo Daijin Dainichi Nyorai
11. Hachiman Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai
12. Kamo Daimyoojin Heilige Kannon
13. Matsuno-o Daimyoojin Hibashibutsu
14. Oohara Daimyoojin Yakushi Nyorai
15. Kasuga Daimyoojin Shaka Nyorai
16. Hirano Daimyoojin Heilige Kannon
17. Oo-Hiei Gongen Shaka Nyorai
18. Ko-Hiei Gongen Yakushi Nyorai
19. Shooshinshi Gongen Amida Nyorai

20. Kyakushin Gongen Elfköpfige Kannon
21. Hachiooji Gongen Tausendarmige Kannon
22. Inari Daimyoojin Nyoirin Kannon
23. Sumiyoshi Daimyoojin Heilige Kannon
24. Gion Daimyoojin Yakushi Nyorai
. 25. Sekizan Daimyoojin 赤山大明神 Jizoo Bosatsu .
26. Takebe Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai
27. Mikami Daimyoojin Tausendarmige Kannon
28. Hyoosu Daimyoojin Fudoo Myôô, Dainichi Nyorai
29. Nooka Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai
30. Kibi Daimyoojin Kokuuzoo Bosatsu

(Myojin 明神 sind ursprünglich buddhistische Gottheiten (Myo-O) in ihrer shintooistischen Manifestation; Gongen 権現 sind ursprünglich shintoistische Gottheiten in ihrer buddhistischen Manifestation.)

.Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who   

Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen

Gabi Greve, 1994


1 尾張 熱田   熱田大明神        伊勢 - Atsuta
2 信濃 諏訪   諏訪大明神        石清水 - Suwa
3 摂津 広田   広田大明神        賀茂 - Hirota
4 越前 気比   気比大明神        松尾 - Kehi
5 近江 気多   気多大明神        平野 - Kita
6 常陸 鹿嶋   鹿嶋大明神        稲荷 - Kashima
7 山城 北野   北野大明神        春日 - Kitano
8 山城 大原江文 大原の江文大明神     大比叡 - Ohara
9 山城 貴布禰  貴船大明神        小比叡 - Kibune
10 伊勢 伊勢   伊勢天照皇太神      聖眞子 - Ise
11 山城 石清水  石清水八幡大菩薩     客人 - Iwashimizu
12 山城 賀茂   賀茂大明神        八王子 - Kamo
13 山城 松尾   松尾大明神        大原野 - Matsuo
14 山城 大原野  大原野大明神       大神 - Ohara
15 大和 春日   春日大明神        石上 - Kasuga
16 山城 平野   平野大明神        大倭 - Hirano
17 近江 大比叡  大比叡大明神       広瀬 - Ohie - Hieizan
18 近江 小比叡  小比叡大明神       竜田 - Shohie - Hieizan
19 近江 聖眞子  聖眞子権現(しょうじんし)住吉 - Shojinji Gongen
20 近江 客人   客人大明神(まれびと)  鹿嶋 - Marebito Daimyojin
21 近江 八王子  八王子権現        赤山 - Hachiooji Gongen
22 山城 稲荷   稲荷大明神        健部 - Inari
23 摂津 住吉   住吉大明神        三上 - Sumiyoshi
24 山城 祇園   祇園大明神        兵主 - Gion
25 山城 赤山   赤山大明神(せきざん)  苗荷 - Sekizan
26 近江 健部   健部大明神(たけべ)   吉備津 - Tanabe
27 近江 三上   三上大明神(みかみ)   熱田 - Mikami
28 近江 兵主   兵主大明神(ひょうす)  諏訪 - Hyoosu
29 近江 苗荷   苗鹿大明神(のうか)   広田 - Nooka
30 備中 吉備津  吉備津大明神       気比 ^ Kibitsu


Read all the details in ENGLISH here

Sanjuubanshin Doo 三十番神堂
Halle für die 30 Schutzgottheiten

妙法寺 (Nichiren) in Osaka. Wooden statues of the 30 kami, 10 female rasetsu, and Kariteimo inside the Banjindō 番神堂 (special structure for the 30 kami). The temple holds an annual event on Sept. 15 to venerate this group of deities. Age of statues not listed.



The 30 kami can be categorized as "good gods" (zenjin or zenshin 善神), but if neglected, they can just as easily abandon the nation and its people. The list of thirty reads like a Who's Who of Japan's most powerful kami, including Myōjin 明神 (manifest deities) from Japan's most eminent shrines (Myōjin Taisha 名神大社), Gongen 権現 (avatars), Tenjin 天神 (deified humans), and the sun goddess Amaterasu Ōmikami. Each is linked to a Buddhist counterpart (honjibutsu 本地仏). The list thus highlights the great syncretic Buddha-Kami merger of the medieval period known as Honji Suijaku

NOTES ON HONJI SUIJAKU. During Japan's Heian era (794 - 1185), the numerous kami (Shinto deities) were recognized as traces or manifestations or incarnations (suijaku) of the Buddhist divinities (honji or honjibutsu), and a great syncretic melding occurred, with shrines and temples sharing both deities and sacred grounds.

Honji Suijaku
was originally a Buddhist term used to explain the Buddha's nature as a metaphysical being (honji) and the historical human figure Sakyamuni (suijaku) as the manifest trace. In Japan's early Nara period, the honji were regarded as more important than the suijaku. Gradually they both came to be regarded as one, with neither the honji or suijaku considered more important. By the 9th century, Buddhist temples were constructed alongside Shinto shrines on many sacred mountains, epitomized by the holy Shugendo places throughout the Yoshino mountain range and by the powerful Tendai multiplex on Mt. Hiei. The native Shinto kami (deities) residing on these peaks were considered manifestations of Buddhist divinities, and pilgrimages to these sites were believed to bring double favor from both their Shinto and Buddhist counterparts. Another major center of syncretism was the Kasuga Shrine in Nara. The number of deities proliferated. Despite earlier resistance, syncretism was relatively smooth and marked by religious tolerance.

The Honji Suijaku theory was used for most of Japan's religious history to explain the relationship between the kami (indiginous gods) and imported Buddhist divinities. It was only after the Meiji Period, when the government forceably separated the two camps, that Buddhism and Shintoism were portrayed as two distinct philosophies.

. READ : Mark Schumacher .

Fudo Myo-O in the West

Eight Protecting Buddhist Deities (Hachi Hogo Butsu, Hachi Shugo Butsu 八守護仏)
Also known as the Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守本尊

. Read Mark Schumacher .


. eto reijo 干支霊場 Pilgrimage to 12 Zodiac Animals Temples .
- and their related Buddhas




Pilgrimages to Fudoo Temples

 [ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando

Bandoo Sanjuroku Fudo Reijo
Kanto Sanjuroku Fudo Reijo

発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa - 01 - 07
修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo - 08 - 26
菩提の道場 Bodai - Saitama - 27 - 31
涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba - 32 - 36

- list of the temples -


source :rainbow-goblins.blogspot.jp

神奈川県 Kanagawa -
The first round: Awakening your heart

01 . Oyama Fudo 大山の不動様 .

02 . Daiyūzan 大雄山 Daiyuzan 最乗寺 Saijo-Ji .

03 . Yokohama Naritasan 横浜成田山 - 延命院 Enmei-In .

04 . Wada Fudo 和田不動 - 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .

05 . Hiyoshi Fudo 日吉不動 - 金蔵寺 Konzo-Ji .

06 . Shiboku Fudo 神木不動 - 等覚院 Togaku-In .

07 . Kawasaki Daishi 川崎大師 .

東京都 Tokyo - 修行の道場 Shugyoo

08 . 高尾山 Takao-San 八王子 Hachioji .

09 . Takahata Fudo Temple 高幡不動尊 .

10 . Tanashi Fudo 田無不動 - 総持寺 Sojo-Ji .

11 . Sanpooji 三寶寺 / 三宝寺 Sanpo-Ji . - Nerima

12 . Nanzooin 南蔵院 Nanzo-In . Itabashi .

13 . Me-aka Fudo 目赤不動尊 Fudo with Red Eyes .

14 . Me-jiro Fudo 目白不動 Fudo with White Eyes .

15 . Hoosenji 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji .

16 . 目青不動尊 Me-ao Fudoo-Son (blue eyes) .

17 . Todoroki Fudo 等々力不動尊 .

18 . Meguro Fudo 目黒不動 .  

19 . 目黄不動尊 Me-ki Fudoo-Son (yellow eyes) .

20 . 深川不動堂 Fukagawa Fudo Hall .

21 . 薬研堀不動院 Yagenbori Fudo-In .

22 . 寿 不動院 Kotobuki Fudo-In .

23 . 橋場不動院 Hashiba Fudoo-In .

24 . Tobi Fudo 飛不動尊 Flying Fudo . 正宝院 Shobo-In

25 . Saranuma Fudo 皿沼不動 永昌院 Eisho-In .

26 . 西新井大師 Nishiarai Daishi . - Adachi


埼玉県 Saitama - 菩提の道場 Bodai

27 . 成田山川越別院 Narita-San Kawagoe Betsu-In .

28 . Kita-In 川越 喜多院 Kawagoe .

29 . Fudosan Tosho-In 不動山洞昌院 .
Koke Fudoo 苔不動明王 Moss Fudo

30 . Sooganji 總願寺 Sogan-Ji .
不動ヶ岡不動尊 Fudo-ga-oka Fudo Son

31 . Iwatsuki Daishi 岩槻大師 .
彌勒密寺 Mirokumitsu-Ji


千葉県 Chiba - 涅槃の道場 Nehan

32 . Saijo-Ji 最上寺 - 岩瀬不動 Iwase Fudo .

33 . Daisho-In 大聖院 - 高塚不動 Takatsuka Fudo .

34 . Hosho-In 宝勝院 - 夷隅不動尊 Isumi Fudo
. . . . . . Isumi, 刈谷不動尊 Kariya Fudo .

35 . Daisho-Ji 大聖寺 - Namikiri Fudo .

36 - . Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji- 成田さん  Narita san


. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto - Information .

. 武相不動尊二十八所 Buso Pilgrimage .

Goshiki Fudo 五色不動
. 江戸の五色不動明王 Fudo in Five Colors in Edo .


. Kanto Henro Pilgrimage 関東八十八ヶ所霊場 .
Kanto 88 Henro Temples - Bando

Many of them have a Fudo Myo-O as main statue.

??Nr. 13 - Shoogonji 荘厳寺 Shogon-Ji
Hatagaya Fudo  幡ヶ谷不動

東京都渋谷区本町2丁目44番3号 - Shibuya, Tokyo

The founder is 宥悦法印 Priest Yuetsu.
The present building dates back to 1561, the main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.
It used to belong to the shrine 氷川神社 Hikawa Jinja in Asakusa.

There was a special hall for 不動堂 Fudo Myo-O, but the building was lost in the Air Raids of 1945. The statue of Fudo and Kobo Daishi could be saved however.
In the early Heian period
藤原秀郷 Fujiwara Hidesato came here to pray for victory against Taira no Masakado and to partake of the power of this statue. The statue had then been handed around in various temples in the Kanto area. But in 1714 the priest from 三光院 Sanko-In in Tama had the vision to bring it back to Shogon-Ji where it is kept to our day.

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – 940) .

Pilgrim Temple Nr. 11
. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

. Fudo Myo-O legends in Edo .


. Nr. 15 - Joorakuji 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji Jorakuji .
gankake Fudo 願かけ不動 Fudo to make a wish
pokkuri Fudoo Son ぽっくり不動尊 Fudo to grant a sudden death


source : facebook

Scroll from a diligent pilgrim, Ishii san.


Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION

. 100 Fudo Temples in Adachi .

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
- #bandopilgrims #fudobando #fudopilgrimsbando #pilgrims -

Ooyama Fudo in Kanagawa Pref.


Ooyama Fudoo, a National Treasure


source : www.city.isehara.kanagawa.jp

The main file has moved HERE

. Oyama Fudo (Ooyama no Fudoo sama)
大山の不動様、神奈川県 .

Shrine Oyama Afuri Jinja





TAKI : Waterfalls and Fudo Myo-o

- - - taki reio 滝霊王 see below ---

Waterfalles named "Fudo no Taki" 不動の滝

An impressive waterfall is considered the personification of Fudo, for example the Great Waterfall at Nachi, about which I wrote in the story about

Waterfall Ascetism (taki shugyoo) 滝修行

Kurikara Fudo Taki 倶利伽羅不動滝

CLICK for more photos

. Kurikara, the Sword of Fudo Myo-o


List of some Fudoo-Waterfalls in alphabetical order


Akataki Fudoo-son 赤滝不動尊
Near Asama. There are two stone steles in honor of Fudo Myo-o

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. Akiu Otaki 秋保大滝 Akiu Great Falls .
大滝不動 Otaki Fudo
Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji, Sendai, Miyagi


. Fudo Taki 不動瀧 and Gongen Taki .
Yonakomachi, Suzaka-shi, Nagano
and Fudo Temple 米子瀧山不動寺 Yonako Takizan Fudo-Ji


. Fudosawa 不動沢滝 Fukushima .
Tsubakuro-dani つばくろ谷 Tsubakuro valley


Asama : A frozen Fudo-Waterfall 浅間不動滝


Gunma Akagi Fudo-Otaki 赤城山 不動大滝
Kasukawamachi Murosawa, Maebashi, Gunma
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


- quote -
Azabu keikoku 浅布渓谷 Azabu Gorge
Azabu Gorge is a 1.6 km gorge located in the upstream of the Hazama River, which flows out of Mt. Kurikoma in the northern part of Miyagi Prefecture. It is known as a scenic place where eroded rocks create wonderful figurative art of nature.

The varied scenery of the gorge includes two waterfalls, to both of which visitors can get near by taking the walking trails.
The Fudo Waterfall flows down gently with a full river width, while the Shikan-no-taki Waterfall flows down dynamically with splashes of water from the narrow torrent.
In summer, a lot of people come to enjoy fishing, viewing fresh tender green and bathing in cool flow of water. In fall, dense foliage covering rocks turn red and yellow and add flamboyant colors to the landscape. Viewing beautiful red and yellow patterns created on rock surfaces and listening to the sounds of stream, you will be able to spend a luxurious time of refreshment and relaxation.
- source : nipponkichi -


- quote -
幸田町 不動ヶ滝 The Fudogataki Waterfall in Koda Town
The Fudogataki Waterfall in Fudogataki-en Park in Koda Town, Aichi Prefecture, is an artificial waterfall with a height of 6 m and a width of 5 m. The park is a part of Mikawa Bay Quasi-National Park.

Clear stream that springs out of Mt. Tobone flows down gently over an artificial stone wall built in the park. Though the water volume is small, water is cold even in summer and provides a fine and safe bathing pond for children.
Surrounded with fresh green trees, Fudogataki-en Park is designed to utilize natural land features. As the park is equipped with a camping site for 60 people, cooking facilities, kiosks and picnic shelters, visitors can fully enjoy various outdoor activities. The Waterfall Festival is held in July every year.
- source : nipponkichi -
Ogi, Kota, Nukata District, Aichi


. Ibigawa Fudo Waterfall 揖斐川町 Gifu .
with a Fudo Legend

. Imakumasan 今熊山 Tama, Tokyo .


Kiyotaki at Asama 清滝、浅間

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. Myooken no taki 妙見の滝 Waterfall of Myoken Bosatsu .   
and Fudoo no taki 不動の滝 Waterfall of Fudo Myo-O
In the year 701, this waterfall has been established officially 大宝律令 to heal mentally instable people 精神障害者.
Iwakura waterfall and
temple Daiun-Ji 岩倉大雲寺


0oji Fudoo no Taki 王子不動之滝 Fudo Waterfall in Oji, Edo

There used to be at least seven waterfalls of the river Shakuji-I gawa 石神井川, also called 滝野川 in Edo. People came here in summer to feel the cool, have a snack and relax.
Now part of Nerima ward.

- source : yogimessage.seesaa.net

. Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo .
The statue of Fudo 滝不動尊 is now preserved at the temple 正受院 Shoju-In.


桑不動様 - 新桑不動滝 Sarakuwa Fudo Taki

source : mienotaki.raindrop.jp

Mie prefecture 三重県南島町棚橋竈地区


Tajimi (Gifu), Onoda village
多治見市 - 小名田不動尊

source : www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/kankyo


Takamori Fudo Waterfall

高さ50m、幅10m余りで、規模の大きさといい、周囲の谷間も広く、雄大な景観は実に素晴らしい。  若芽萌える春に、夏の涼を求めるに、秋の紅葉に、又、冬は全面結氷して、巨大な氷岩となり、四季を通じて訪れる人が多い。長野県自然百選の一つである。

Takizawa Waterfall .. Tsuruoka Town


Other Fudo Waterfalls

Fukushima Prefecture

CLICK for more beautiful photos !

Tatsusawa Fudo Taki 達沢不動滝
福島県猪苗代町大字蚕養, Inawashiro town

. Tatsuzawa, Tassawa Fudo on Taki 達沢不動滝 .


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Long list of the location most Fudo Waterfalls in Japan.
They are sorted by province.
I will introduce some more later.
. my BCC

. . . CLICK here for many more Photos 瀧不動 !


source : facebook

佐賀県小城市清水の滝 Shiga prefecture, Ogi Town



Taki Fudoo 瀧不動 Fudo Waterfall

霜月の瀧に聲 (声)なき瀧不動
shimotsuki no taki ni koe naki taki Fudoo

there is no voice
in this waterfall in november -
Fudo Waterfall

Shimomura Hiroshi 下村ひろし 西陲集

taki Fudoo mizu ni utsushite hatsu momiji

Fudo Waterfall -
in its water reflected
the first red leaves

Abe Toshiko 安部 トシ子

高澤良一 素抱

河野南畦 湖の森

河野南畦 湖の森

高澤良一 素抱


source : HAIKUreikuDB
Tr. Gabi Greve


source : Teruaki - facebook

牛の滝 / 牛滝 Ushi no Taki
愛知県豊川市東上 / 3 Chome-133 Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture

. . . CLICK here for Photos of the waterfall !


fudooson take de fukitari tamuke kana

in Fudo Myo-O's sanctum, blowing bamboo as an offering
(bamboo, as in shakuhachi flute)

shuryouya kokoro kiyomeru sengataki

autumn chill! heart-cleansing Sengataki falls

sengataki hisabisa nagashi mizu no oto

sengataki, flowing on through ages- the sound of water

Glenn Swann (chikukai)
(my own haiku and translation)
Translating Haiku Forum, August 2009

Glenn lives near asama yama, close to a fudo-son waterfall in karuizawa called sengataki.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the Waterfall!


. MORE - Haiku and Fudo Myo-O


- MORE -
. Fudo on Taki 達沢不動滝 Photo Collection .

Waterfall (taki) as a KIGO

Waterfall Hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List .

taki rei-oo, taki reio, taki reiō 滝霊王 / 瀧霊王
Spirit-king of the waterfall

鳥山石燕『今昔百鬼拾遺』 Illustration by Toriyama Sekien
諸国の滝つぼよりあらはるると云 青竜疏に一切の鬼魅諸障を伏すと云々

There are many waterfalls in Japan, where this Yokai appears..
One is mentioned in the 青竜疏 Blue Dragon Commentary by Saicho.
It is not really a Yokai, but seems to be Fudo Myo-O himself.

. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 最澄 伝教大師 .
(766 - 822) - established the Tendai Sect.

Another legend knows this as its origin:
Once the priest 相応和尚 So-o of the temple 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In Myo-O In in Shiga found a 霊木 divine tree in the waterfall basin and carved this statue of Fudo Myo-O out of it.

. 建立大師相応和尚 Konryu Daishi So-O Kasho .
(833 - 918)
and the Katsuragawa 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In

The statue of Fudo is a secret statue and only shown on the 28th day of the 8th month.

- - - - - Taki Rei-O in modern versions


- #fudonotaki #fudotaki #fudowaterfall #waterfall #taki -

Kurikara, the Sword of Fudo Myo-o


Kurikara, kulika 倶利伽羅 the Sword of Fudo Myo-o

Kurikara Fudo, Kurikara Fudoo

source : 仏像ワールド - facebook

My MAIN Story is here:

The Buddhist Sword of Wisdom 知剣 chiken  
. The Wisdom King Fudo Myoo-o and
the Sword Kurikara

For the other swords, see below!

With the sword of wisdom, Fudo cuts away the

sandoku 三毒 "three poisons" . three passions
三不善根 - skt: akuśala-mūla

01 貧/欲しい、惜しいの心 - desire, passion, greed
ton (lobha) represented by a rooster

02 瞋/怒りや恨み - anger, aggression, hatred
shin (dosa) represented by a snake 蛇 鶏

03 痴/正しいことが判断できない)
- confusion, bewilderment, delusion
chi (moha) represented by a pig or wild boar 豚

- quote
The three poisons (Sanskrit: triviṣa; Tibetan: dug gsum) or the three unwholesome roots (Sanskrit: akuśala-mūla; Pāli: akusala-mūla), in Buddhism, refer to the three root kleshas of ignorance, attachment, and aversion. These three poisons are considered to be the cause of suffering (Sanskrit: dukkha).

In the Buddhist teachings, the three poisons (of ignorance, attachment, and aversion) are the primary causes that keep sentient beings trapped in samsara. As shown in the wheel of life (Sanskrit: bhavacakra), the three poisons lead to the creation of karma, which leads to rebirth in the six realms of samsara.
Of these three, ignorance is the root poison.
From ignorance, attachment and aversion arise.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

"The Sword symbolizes more
than the simple protection of the doctrine.
It is the emblem of the victory
that knowledge gains over error."
source : quotes about Fudo

. sandoku goyoku 三毒五欲 the three poisons and five passions .
The five desires (goyoku), the five obstructions
I. They are desires for
① property, ② sexual love, ③ eating and drinking, ④ fame, and ⑤ sleep.
II. Five sense - objects:
① form, ② sound, ③ smell, ④ taste, ⑤ the tangible.
These are so called because they make desires arise in humans.
- source : nichiren-shu.org -


The unmovable Fudoo (Acala Vidyaaraaja) is one of the Wisdom Kings (Myoo-oo). He is usually depicted in a very wrathful way. He is a typical Japanese deity, introduced by Kobo Daishi about 806 and soon became a special protector of the Mountain Ascetics (yamabushi). An impressive waterfall is considered the personification of Fudoo, for example the Great Waterfall at Nachi, which we met in the story about
. Kumano 熊野

Fudoo is portrayed holding a two-edged sword with a three-pronged hilt in his right hand and a coiled rope in his left hand. With this sword of wisdom, Fudoo cuts through deluded and ignorant minds and with the rope he binds those who are ruled by their violent passions and emotions.

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Click for more photos

Kurikara Fudo is another personification of this deity, this time in the form of a Dragon-Sword. The Dargon King Kurikara (Sanskrit: Kulikaa Nagaraajaa) is said to have a golden body color and is sometimes depicted with one or two horns on his head. Legend has it that Fudoo had to fight the representative of a different religion. He changed himself into a flaming sword but the opponent did the same and the fighting went on without a winner. Now Fudoo changed himself into the Dragon Kurikara, wound himself around the opposing sword and started eating it from the top. This episode gave rise to the iconographic rendering as we know it now.

The dragon used to be a vasall or symbol of the deity, but in this unique case the symbol and the deity came to be honored as the same thing. Especially during the Edo period where the sword was a symbol of the vasall's loyalty to his lord, the statues and steles of Kurikara Fudo were produced in greater numbers.


The kulika Dragon King symbolises the triple poison - greed, anger and folly.


source : facebook


- quote
Kurikara 倶利迦羅
Also known as Kurika 矩里迦, a transliteration of Sanskrit Kulika, the name of a dragon-king *ryuu 龍 mentioned in Indian legends.
In this connection he is also known as Kurikara Ryuu 倶利迦羅龍 (Dragon Kurikara), sometimes with the addition of ou 王, to read Dragon king Kurikara. Kurikara could also be an abbreviated transliteration of Kulika raja (King Kulika), or of Kulika-nagaraja (Dragon king Kulika).

In Esoteric Buddhism mikkyou 密教 he is regarded as a manifestation of *Fudou Myouou 不動明王 and is also known as Kurikara Fudou 倶利迦羅不動 or Kurikara Myouou 倶利迦羅明王. He assumes the form of a flame-wreathed snake or dragon coiled around an upright sword, with his open mouth about to swallow the tip of the weapon, which is called the Kurikara sword, kurikaraken 倶利迦羅剣.

According to the KURIKARA RYUUOU DARANIKYOU 倶利迦羅龍王陀羅尼経 (Kurikara Ryu-O Darani Kyo), this manifestation of Fudou had its origins in a contest between Fudou and a non-Buddhist heretic in the course of which Fudou transformed himself first into a sword and then into the dragon Kurikara and threatened to devour the sword into which the heretic had changed himself.

Alternatively the dragon and sword are sometimes said to represent the noose and sword held by Fudou and images of Kurikara may be used as a substitute for Fudou as for example on the lid of a lacquered sutra box *kyoubako 経箱 from the Heian period belonging to Taimadera 当麻寺 in Nara, where he is flanked by Fudou's two attendants *Kongara douji 矜羯羅童子 and *Seitaka douji 制た迦童子.

Early statuary representations are rare: that kept at Ryuukouin 龍光院 Mt. Kouya 高野 (Koyasan)  in Wakayama prefecture, inside a small shrine *zushi 厨子 is thought to date from the Kamakura period, although temple tradition holds that the sword (42.2cm) was brought back to Japan by *Kukai 空海 (774-835).
The largest completely wooden image (183.2cm), dating from the late Heian period, is kept at Kotakeji 小武寺 in Ooita prefecture.
The Kurikara pattern, kurikara-mon 倶利迦羅紋 is also a popular motif in tattoos irezumi 入墨.
- source : JAANUS

source : www.diabloart.jp


source : facebook

at the Chiba Art Museum 千葉市美術館


. Fudo with white eyes , Mejiro Fudo 目白不動 Tokyo
White Fudo, Shiro-Fudo 白不動 .


Stone carving

Erected in 1666. Compounds of the White Fudo, Edo.

© 岩倉櫻


At Kawaguchi Village, Taki no Zawa

This Sword Fudo watches over a watering place in a gourge of a mountain pass near Hachioji, Tokyo. There are many poisonous snakes in this area and many people died of their bites. Since the statue was erected in around 1770, Fudo protects the humans. The present statue dates from the Meiji period.
The area is also called Fudo Valley, Fudo Yatsu 不動谷津.
There is also an old mountain cherry tree close by, said to be more than a few hundred years old, with a diameter of about three meters.

© 川口の自然を守る会 .


Inunakisan, Inunaki san 犬鳴山

This statue is said to have been made by En no Gyoja himself 役行者の自作.


Kobo Daishi came to this region in the footsteps of En no Gyoja, carved a statue of the Great Fudo and performed sacred rites to honor this statue.
The deity would ward off evil influence and protect the pilgrim from dangers.


犬鳴山本尊 大龍不動明王

The fire ceremony

大阪府泉 佐野市大木8
source : www.inunakisan.com

Situated in Izumisano City, Mt. Inunaki is known as the location of a hot spring resort, as well as Shippo-ryuji Temple, headquarters of the Inunaki school of Shugendo, which is one of the oldest Shugendo temples founded by En-no-gyoja about 1,300 years ago.

In the precincts of the temple 28 pilgrim spots are recognized, among which some are at main Shugendo training halls; some are near waterfalls; some at rocks; some at smaller Shugendo halls; and others at small shrines, so that many visitors can experience making a pilgrimage.

Also called “Nyonin Omine” (the alternative to Mt. Omine for women), Mt. Inunaki is famous as a Shugendo training place where women are allowed to participate in Shugendo training although they are forbidden to enter Mt. Omine, another famous Shugendo training spot.

The name “Inunaki” (dog barking) comes from the legend that when a hunter was about to be attacked by a giant snail in the mountains in the era of Emperor Uda (887 to 897), his dog barked furiously and sacrificed himself to save his master’s life. On the way to Shippo-ryuji Temple, you can see tombs of fine and faithful dogs.

The hot spring resort located along a stream at the foot of Mt. Inunaki has an atmosphere of a quiet mountain village, with various seasonal attractions, including mountain cherry blossoms in spring, fireflies and kajika frogs in summer (“kajika” means river deer in Japanese; kajika frogs croaking sounds like deer calling), autumn leaves in autumn and fluttering snowflakes in winter.
source : www.osaka-info.jp


. Arao Fudo-In 荒尾不動院 倶利伽羅不動 Kurikara Fudo .


Shikoku Henro temple
- source : photo by Oliver -


Ishikawa prefecture, Kurikara Fudo-Ji Temple
128 Takenohashi, Tsubata, Kahoku District, Ishikawa


Modern Caraving of Kurikara Fudo

総柘植 倶利伽羅不動龍剣 
© 昇龍堂 shouryu.com


Kurikara Pass 倶利伽羅峠

The temple Kurikara Fudo-son is located near Kurikara Pass, a place famous for the battle between the Heike Clan and Saso Yoshinaka during the 2nd year of the Eiju period (1183). The statue of Fudo Myo-O is said to be carved by Kobo Daishi.
Matsuo Basho passed here on his famous walk to the small roads in the North.

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Kurikara ga tani 倶利伽羅谷 
is a valley located on the border between the provinces of Kaga and Etchu and is the valley below Kurikara toge Pass.
This is the site where in 1184 Kiso no Yoshinaka led his forces against the great Taira army and drove them back in defeat. Yoshinaka won a night battle by tying flaming torches to the horns of cattle and stampeding them through the Taira lines in front of his advancing army.
Curiously Basho makes no mention of this, especially since the Taira army was led by Koremori.

The battle of Kurikara, also known as the battle of Tonamiyama (砺波山), was a crucial battle of Japan's Genpei War; in this battle the tide of the war turned in the favor of the Minamoto clan.

Minamoto no Yoshinaka, commander of a contingent of warriors from Shinano province, raided Taira lands several years earlier, before his raids, and the war itself, were put on hold on account of two years of famine. As conditions improved in 1183, the Taira sought retribution against Yoshinaka. Taira no Koremori, son of Taira no Shigemori and grandson of the late Taira no Kiyomori, took charge of this operation, backed by Michimori, Tadanori, Tomonori, Tsunemasa and Kiyofusa.

Their forces severely reduced by battle and famine, the Taira sought to recruit warriors from the surrounding lands, and did so at the risk of further famine, since many of these warriors were farmers leaving their farms. Though some chronicles list their numbers as exceeding 100,000, this is a highly unlikely number, and other, more reliable sources have estimated it as being closer to 40,000.

Minamoto no Yoritomo, Yoshinaka's cousin, moved to fight him for dominance of the clan in March 1183, but was convinced to stand down and withdraw by Yoshinaka, who argued that they should be united against the Taira. To ensure his intentions, Yoshinaka also sent his son, Yoshitaka, to Kamakura as a hostage. Shortly afterwards, Yoshinaka received news of Koremori's army, and moved to engage him, along with his uncle Minamoto no Yukiie and so-called shitennō, his four most loyal retainers: Imai Kanehira, Higuchi Kanemitsu, Tate Chikatada, Nenoi Yukichika.
......................................................... snip

Meanhwhile, Yoshinaka's armies moved into position, and as the sun set, the Taira turned to find behind them a Minamoto detachment, holding far more flags than a single detachment should merit, again giving the illusion of greater numbers. Yoshinaka's central force, having gathered a herd of oxen, now released them down the pass, directly into the Taira army, with lit torches tied to their horns. Many of the Taira warriors charged into the herd, while many others were simply knocked clean off the path, to their deaths in the rocky crags far below. Many more tried to retreat, but became lost in the various paths, meeting their deaths at the hands of Minamoto warriors lying in wait for them, or falling into various gorges and the like.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Oku no Hosomichi ... 2007
Matsuo Basho and NHK

Gabi Greve


Read more about the Waterfalls connected with Fudo :

Waterfalls and Fudo Myo-o 不動滝

O-Fudo-Sama in Japan: Waterfall Ascetism (taki shugyoo)


Afuri Jinja, Oyama 大山の阿夫利神社

A statue of Kurikara-ryu-o, or Kulika in Skt.Kurikara-ryu-o is believed to be an incarnation of Fudo-myo-o. Ryu-o is the king of dragon, and here the statue shows a dragon in a blaze is trying to swallow a sword.

. Oyama no Fudo 大山の不動様.


Most statues of Fudo Myo-O have him carry a special sword

Most statues of Fudo Myo-O have him carry a normal sword

gooma ken, gooma no ken 降魔の剣 goma sword of Fudo Myo-O
subjugating the demons, demon-quelling sword
gooma riken 降魔利剣 demon-subjugating sharp sword
fudoo ken 不動剣 sword of Fudo
eken, e-ken sword of wisdom


riken 利剣 the double edged sword of Sapience (or Hôken)
sacred sword

sanko ken 三鈷剣, sanko no ken 三鈷の剣
sword with a three-pronged vajra
Sankoji 三鈷寺 Sanko-Ji - Kyoto
"temple of the three-pronged vajra.

source : www.oparaq.com


- quote
Gravures ou Horimono sur katana
L'épée, ou Ken, représentait la divinité Fudo Myoo

LOOK at more photos here
- source : www.katananosekai.net


- quote
Fudo's Sword

"On an afternoon in November, 1963,1 went to the Kurama temple with the intention of walking over the top of the mountain and down the other side to Kibune," chronicles British professor of Japan studies Carmen Blacker in The Catalpa Bow. "A little way down from the summit I heard from among the trees a strong hard voice reciting what sounded like mantras. I left the path and followed the voice until, in a clearing in the forest, I saw an enormous cryptomeria tree, its huge trunk girdled about with the belt of straw rope, and before it, with her back to me, a woman seated on the ground reciting. The hard base voice continued for several minutes, through a number of invocations, while the woman sat perfectly motionless with a long rosary in her hands.

Venturing to approach her, I asked if there were still a good many tengu (half-bird, half-hawk spirit) to be found on the mountain. She turned to face me, a brown face peculiarly like an old bird, with an expression fierce yet remote and a pair of extraordinarily glittering eyes, brightly sparkling like steel. 'If you do gyo [austerities] like me you can see them,' she replied abruptly. I asked again if the kami (god) in the great tree was very strong. 'Ask it. The tree is more than a thousand years,' she replied, and without another word, and without looking behind her, she plunged rapidly down the mountainside until she disappeared among the dark green trees and yellow leaves."

This wilderness mystic - a modern day miko, Shinto priestess - peacefully haunting the sacred hill valleys of Japan is not different from the revered Hindu shamans of Nepal or India. Both can ply the palpable pure energy that interconnects all form - nagare in Shinto texts and Satchidananda in Sanskrit. Both use it to heal. The Indian shaman and Japanese yamabushi mountain ascetic both perceive the many planes that invisibly interpenetrate ours. The miko plucks a koto lute; the Hindu shaman claps a bell - by sound, both alert those who live beyond. Each know how the magic of fire, mantra and meditation further stretches open the veils between these worlds for communication with the beings that reside there - kami in Japanese and devas in Sanskrit. Both understand how a mountain - or lakes, trees or rocks - can be the home of celestials. Hindus trekking along the pilgrimage pathways of Japan would naively marvel at all the "Siva lingams." Oval boulders girdled with straw bands speckle sacred hilltops, drawing the pilgrim to halt and worship. Japanese refer to the physical portal to the deity's consciousness yorishiro, "vessel" - murthi in Sanskrit.

Fudo Myoo: A Japanese Siva Reflection
Overwhelmingly a one nerve current cavernously flows beneath the Orient landmass, welling up at different points and periods as yogis - Indian, Chinese, Japanese - plumbed the uniquely Asian akasha of consciousness. Cruder overland intercourse and dispersion of ideas by trade and travel mirrored the subtler mind routes. Today religious similarities, sympathies and sensibilities wed snow-capped Fuji to icy Kailas in an unearthly way. Examples abound. Esoteric Tendai Buddhists believe Maheshwara (Siva) taught them Yorigito, mediumship and at the secluded mountainside temple of Ryosanji, in Okayama, an ichiko, priest, wears large white swastikas, the ancient Hindu symbol, embroidered on front and back of his indigo gown.

The Shiva-like Japanese Deity Fudo Myoo re-echoes this pan-Asian interlacing. Like Shiva, Fudo Myoo specially befriends the recluse, mystic and mountain hermit, granting boons and powers. Fudo Myoo, explains Dr. Carmen Blacker, is the "central and paramount figure in the group of divinites known as the Godai Myoo or Five Great Bright Kings, who in esoteric Buddhism stand as emanations, or modes of activity, of the Buddha. His long hair hangs in a coil over his left shoulder." Like Siva Nataraja, He is always ringed with fire. The ichiko or Japanese shaman sees Fudomyoo as his own most interior Self and meditates on this essential oneness just as the Saivite tantric seeks to merge with Shiva-ness within. "Fudo is frequently represented by his attribute, an erect sword," continues Dr. Blacker, "twined about by the dragon Kurikara," not unlike Shiva entwined by a serpent and often represented by his trident alone. "The halo of flames which surrounds Fudo is the same fire which the ascetic must kindle in himself. Here again is surely a reminder of the kundalini snake which as it rises up the spine of the yogi confers upon him heat and transformed sexual energy. As it writhes spirally upwards round Fudo's erect sword, we see the shakti or feminine energizing force in its traditional serpent aspect. Once again we meet with this mysterious coincidence of images, so far unexplained, between India and Japan."
Article copyright Himalayan Academy.
- source : www.hinduismtoday.com

. yorigitoo 憑祈祷 / 憑り祈祷 exorcistic 祈祷 kito rituals .


Schwert-Fudoo (Kurikara Fudoo)

Zweischneidiges Schwert, von einem Drachen umwickelt, der die Schwertspitze im Maul hält. Der Drachenkönig Kurika (Sanksrit: Kulikah) hat eine goldene Körperfarbe. Manchmal mit einem Horn auf dem Kopf dargestellt. Von einem flammenden Nimbus umgeben.

Nach einer Überlieferung kam es einmal zu einem Wettkampf zwischen Fudoo Myoooo und dem Vertreter einer anderen Religion. Dabei verwandelte sich Fudoo in ein flammendes Schwert, aber der Gegner tat dies ebenfalls und sie fochten ohne Ergebnis. Nun verwandelte Fudoo sich in den Drachen Kurika, umwand das Schwert des Feindes und begann, es von der Spitze her zu verschlingen. Nach dieser Geschichte entstand das Kurikara-Schwert.

Drache zunächst als Bote bzw. Symbol des Fudô und später als die Gottheit selbst verehrt. Einziges Beispiel, bei dem Symbol und Gottheit getrennt und doch als Gleichwertig verehrt werden. Für die Samurai der Edo-Zeit war das Schwert ein ganz besonderer Gegenstand der Vasallentreue; in dieser Zeit breitete sich der Kurikara Fudoo besonders aus.

Aus Holz, Bronze, Eisen oder Stein. Oft entweder in der Myôô-Halle oder davor aufgestellt.

© Gabi Greve
Buddhastatuen (Buddha statues) Who is Who
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie von japanischen Buddhastatuen


Statue with Fudo holding his Kurikara sword

神代楠一木造 made from one piece of very old kusunoki 楠 camphor

- source : www.m-butsuzou.com - Mitooka -

. 水戸岡伯翠 Mitooka Hakusui .
Mitooka 水戸岡仏像彫刻研究所
Buddha Statues Store and Research


. Nanzoo-In 南蔵院 Nanzo-In, Nanzoin .
Fukuoka, Kyushu

Statue of Fudo Myo-O with a Dragon face !


- reference source : facebook -

. 犬鳴山 Inukaisan  七宝瀧寺 Shipporyu-Ji .


The Gods of War:
Sacred Imagery and the Decoration of Arms and Armor

By Donald J. LaRocca
the triple-pronged vajra as the hild of the sacred sword

look at a photo here :
- source : books.google.co.jp


. Swords with Dragon decorations .

- - - - #kurikara -