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- BACKUP Sasaguri Henro

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- BACKUP from February 2015

. Sasaguri 篠栗四国八十八箇所 .

Sasaguri 篠栗四国八十八箇所 88 Henro Temples
Sasaguri Shikoku Hachijuuhachi kasho (ささぐりしこくはちじゅうはちかしょ)
篠栗霊場 Sasaguri reijo

Pilgrimage to 88 sacred temples in Sasaguri, Fukuoka, Kyushu
in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海.


One of the three new Henro pilgrimages in Japan.

It has been established by a monk called 慈忍 Jinin around 1835, after he completed the Henro walk in Shikoku. He wanted to give the priests, nuns and villagers, who could not travel to Shikoku, to have a chance to the benefit of a full pilgrimage. After his death, the caritable people of the village 篤志家 continued to support this project.

Kobo Daishi at Nr. 62 石原山遍照院 Henjo-In

. Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan .

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples .  

Sasaguri (篠栗町 Sasaguri-machi) is a town in Kasuya District, Fukuoka.


- source : crossroad


01 - . Nanzooin, Nanzoo-In 南蔵院 Nanzo-In, Nanzoin .


2 松ヶ瀬阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 松ヶ瀬 - Amida Do
3 城戸釈迦堂 釈迦如来 城戸 - Shaka Do
4 金出大日堂 大日如来 金出 - Dainichi Do
5 郷ノ原地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 郷ノ原 - Jizo Do
6 小浦薬師堂 薬師如来 小浦 - Yakushi Do
7 田ノ浦阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 田ノ浦 - Amida Do
8 金剛の滝観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 山王 - Kannon Do
9 山王釈迦堂 釈迦如来 山王 - Shaka Do

10 切幡寺 千手観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 山王 - Kannon Bosatsu
11 山手薬師堂 薬師如来 山手 - Yakushi Do
12 千鶴寺 虚空蔵菩薩 郷ノ原 - Kokuzo Bosatsu
13 城戸大日堂 十一面観世音菩薩 城戸 - Dainichi Do
14 二ノ滝寺 弥勒菩薩 高野山真言宗 中ノ河内 - Miroku Bosatsu
15 妙音寺 薬師如来 天台宗 金出 - Yakushi Nyorai
16 呑山観音寺 千手観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 萩尾 - Kannon-Ji
17 山手薬師堂 薬師如来 山手 - Yakushi Do
18 篠栗恩山寺 薬師如来 上町 - Yakushi Nyorai
19 篠栗地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 上町 - Jizo Do

20 中ノ河内地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 中ノ河内 - Jizo Do
21 高田虚空蔵堂 虚空蔵菩薩 高田 - Kokuzo Do
22 桐ノ木谷薬師堂 薬師如来 桐ノ木谷 - Yakushi Do
23 山王薬師堂 薬師如来 山王 - Yakushi Do
24 中ノ河内虚空蔵堂 虚空蔵菩薩 中ノ河内 - Kokuzo Do
25 金剛山秀善寺 一願地蔵菩薩 高野山真言宗 山手 - Ichigan Jizo Bosatsu
26 薬師大寺 薬師如来 高野山真言宗 荒田 - Yakushi Dai-Ji
27 神峰寺 十一面観世音菩薩 金出 - Kannon Bosatsu
28 篠栗公園大日寺 大日如来 中町 - Dainichi Ji
29 荒田観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 荒田 - Kannon Do

30 田ノ浦斐玉堂 阿弥陀如来 田ノ浦 - Amida Nyorai
31 城戸文殊堂 文殊菩薩 城戸 - Monju Do
32 高田十一面観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 高田 - Kannon Do
33 本明院 薬師如来 天台宗 田中 - Yakushi Nyorai
34 宝山寺 薬師如来 高野山真言宗 郷ノ原 - Yakushi Nyorai
35 珠林寺薬師堂 薬師如来 浄土宗 金出 - Yakushi Do
36 呑山天王院 波切不動明王 高野山真言宗 萩尾 - Namikiri Fudo Myo-O
37 高田阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 高田 - Amida Do
38 丸尾観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 丸尾 - Kannon Do
39 篠栗山延命寺 薬師如来 高野山真言宗 上町 - Enmei-Ji - Yakushi Nyorai

40 一ノ滝寺 薬師如来 真言宗醍醐派 山手 - Yakushi Nyorai
41 平原観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 山王 - Kannon Do
42 中ノ河内仏木寺 大日如来 中ノ河内 - Dainichi Nyorai
43 源光山明石寺 千手観世音菩薩 真言宗大覚寺派 鳴渕 - Kannon Bosatsu
44 大宝寺 十一面観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 金出 - Kannon Bosatsu

45 城戸ノ滝不動堂 不動明王 篠栗 - Taki Fudo Hall
46 岡部薬師堂 薬師如来 岡部 - Okabe Yakushi Do
47 萩尾阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 萩尾 - Amida Do
48 中ノ河内観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 中ノ河内 Kannon Do
49 小松尾山雷音寺 釈迦如来 高野山真言宗 萩尾 - Shaka Nyorai

50 郷ノ原薬師堂 薬師如来 郷ノ原 - Yakushi Do
51 下町薬師堂 薬師如来 下町 - Yakushi Do
52 山手観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 山手 - Kannon Do
53 桐ノ木谷阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 桐ノ木谷 - Amida Do
54 中町延命寺 不動明王 中町 - Enmei-Ji - Fudo Myo-o
55 桐ノ木谷大日堂 大通智勝仏 桐ノ木谷 - Dainichi Do
56 松ヶ瀬地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 松ヶ瀬 - Jizo-Do
57 田ノ浦栄福堂 阿弥陀如来 田ノ浦 - Amida Nyorai
58 大久保観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 大久保 - Kannon Do
59 田ノ浦薬師堂 薬師如来 田ノ浦 - Yakushi Do

60 神変寺 大日如来 高野山真言宗 松ヶ瀬 - Dainichi Nyorai
61 山王寺 大日如来 真言宗御室派 山王 - Dainichi Nyorai
62 石原山遍照院 十一面観世音菩薩 - Henjo-In
63 天狗岩山吉祥寺 毘沙門天 天狗岩 - Bishamon Ten
64 荒田阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 荒田 - Amida Do
65 三角寺 十一面観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 御田原 - Kannon Bosatsu
66 観音坂観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 金出 - Kannon Do
67 山王薬師堂 薬師如来 山王 - Yakushi Do
68 岡部神恵院 阿弥陀如来 山王 - Amida Nyorai
69 高田観音堂 聖観世音菩薩 高田 - Kannon Do

70 五塔の滝 馬頭観世音菩薩 鳴渕 - Bato Kannon
71 城戸千手観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 城戸 - Kannon Do
72 田ノ浦拝師堂 大日如来 田ノ浦 - Haishi Do - Dainichi Nyorai
73 山王釈迦堂 釈迦如来 山王 - Shaka Do
74 城戸薬師堂 薬師如来 城戸 - Yakushi Do
75 紅葉ヶ谷薬師堂 薬師如来 郷ノ原 - Yakushi Do
(75) 善通寺 薬師如来 単立 荒田 - Zentsu-Ji - Yakushi Nyorai
76 萩尾薬師堂 薬師如来 萩尾 - Yakushi Do
77 山王薬師堂 薬師如来 山王 - Yakushi Do
78 山手阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 山手 - Amida Do
79 補陀洛寺 十一面観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 下町 - Fudaraku-Ji - Kannon

80 田ノ浦観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 田ノ浦 - Kannon Do
81 二瀬川観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 二瀬川 - Kannon Do
82 鳥越観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 鳴渕 - Kannon Do
83 千手院 聖観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 御田原 - Kannon Bosatsu
84 中町屋島寺 十一千手面観世音菩薩 中町 - Kannon Bosatsu
85 祖聖大寺 聖観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 郷ノ原 - Kannon BOsatsu
86 金出観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 金出 - Kannon Do
87 弘照院 聖観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 金出 - Kannon Bosatsu
88 大久保薬師堂 薬師如来 Okubo Yakushi-Do


- quote -
- source : wikipedia

- Sasaguri Sightseeing Spots -
- source :


sasaguri ささ栗(ささぐり)chestnut sweet
sasame sasaguri さゝめさゝ栗
from Gifu, Nakatsugawa town

. sweet chestnut (kuri 栗) .


. Kobo Daishi, Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .

. Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan .


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

- #sasagurihenro #sasaguriintroduction -

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Yokohama Naritasan

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Yokohama Naritasan 横浜成田山
Nr. 03 成田山 Naritasan 延命院 Enmei-In
- 横浜別院 Yokohama Betsu-In 

Kanagawa 神奈川県
発心の道場 The first round: Awakening your heart

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .


Kanagawa-ken, Yokohama-shi, Naka-ku, Nogechō, 3 Chome

- quote
The treasured Buddha statue of the Tokugawa family, Fudo Myo-o, which is said to fulfill people’s wishes is enshrined.
The temple is located on a hill, and offers views of the town of Noge and the Minatomirai area. The temple grounds also include Daishido (Founder’s Hall) where Kobo Daishi (another name for Kukai) is enshrined, Inarido, and old Buddha statues offering an enjoyable walk.

This is not a temple that is steeped in ancient history. It was set up around 150 years ago in 1870 as a satellite temple in Yokohama to the very famous Shinsho-ji Temple in Narita, near Narita airport. Apparently, this temple is famous as a holy ground for the warding off of bad omens and other kinds of evil influences. One can’t help wonder when looking at the historical timeline, how much the arrival of Commodore Perry and his black ships in Yokohama Bay influenced its hasty creation.

The buildings and statues here are not ‘ancient’ by any means, but they are quite old. This is a largish neighborhood-type temple where local business people and residence come to pray from time to time during the year. Indeed, you might be surprised at how completely surrounded by office buildings and apartment buildings the temple has become over the years. It is quite busy at the year-end and year beginning as people visit to celebrate and pray for the health and success of themselves and loved ones. They also come to buy the temple’s amulets and talismans, good luck charms that are said to be popular in the area.

Walk around the grounds and take note of the various building that house statues and alter. The temple has quite a few smaller outdoor statues as well, many of them dressed in red. Like many temples and shrines in Japan, the temple also sells food and drinks—depending on the season and whether or not a festival or ceremony is in progress.
- source : Larry Knipfing

- Chant of the temple
ありがたや 成田み山に まいみるは
ごまのけむりに あうぞ うれしき


- - - Fudo Myo-O in the garden

- - - - - - - - - -

- source and photos :


- O-mamori お守り amulets

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日元旦 ー 元朝大護摩御修行 January 1 - Fire Ritual
1月28日 - 初不動 - First Fudo Ritual
2月3日~9日 - 星まつり特別大護摩祈祷会
4月1日~8日 - 花まつり甘茶接待 - Hana Matsuri
5月1日~5日 - 春の大祭 - Great Spring Festival
10月1日~31日 - 七五三祝祷御加持 Shichi Go San Festival
12月28日 - 納め不動 - Last Fudo Ritual

- source :


The temple was under construction when Typhoon 18 hit the Kanto region in October 2014.

- quote
Powerful typhoon leaves 7 dead, 5 missing, in deluge of record rainfall
The 18th typhoon of the season blew itself out after racing across the Japanese archipelago, claiming seven lives, injuring 49 others and leaving five missing.

The typhoon, known as Phanfone outside Japan, made landfall in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, just after 8 a.m. on Oct. 6. It swept across central Japan, bringing heavy rains and triggering mass evacuations, before re-entering the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of Ibaraki Prefecture around 1 p.m.

A 25-year-old Buddhist monk was confirmed dead on Oct. 7 after he was found under a collapsed hall of the Naritasan Yokohama Betsuin temple in Yokohama's Naka Ward that was hit by a landslide on Oct. 6.
Yokohama recorded 310 mm in the 24 hours until 10:40 a.m. that day. Nine locations in Ibaraki, Kanagawa and Shizuoka prefectures were lashed with record rainfall in a 24-hour period.
- source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



- BACKUP Shikoku Henro List


Shikoku Henro Temple List

original link

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .

- - - - - BACKUP October 15, 2014

Pilgrimage to 88 temples in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai
. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku .
- Introduction -

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海

Those marked with "Fudo" have photos of the statues.
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .



Nr. 01, - . Ryoozenji 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji .

Nr. 02, - . Gokurakukji 極楽寺 Gokuraku-Ji .

03 - 亀光山 Kikozan 釈迦院 Shaka-In 金泉寺 Konzen-Ji
04 - 黒厳山 Kokuganzan 遍照院 Henjo-In 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji
05 - 無尽山 Mujinzan 荘厳院 Yogo-In 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji
06 - 温泉山 Onzenzan 瑠璃光院 Ruiko-In 安楽寺 Anraku-Ji

07 - . 光明山 Komyozan 蓮華院 Renge-In 十楽寺 Juraku-Ji .

08 - 普明山 Fumyozan 真光院 Shinko-In 熊谷寺 Kumatani-Ji
09 - 正覚山 Shokakuzan 菩提院  Bodai-In 法輪寺 Horin-Ji

Nr. 10, - . Kirihata 得度山 切幡寺 Kirihata-Ji .

11 - 金剛山 Kongozan 一乗院 Ichijo-In 藤井寺 Fujiidera

Nr. 12, - . Shoosanji 焼山寺 Shosan-Ji, Shozan-Ji .

13 - 大栗山 Ogurizan 花蔵院 Kezo-in 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji
14 - 盛寿山 Seijuzan 延命院 Enmei-In 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji
15 - 薬王山 Yakuozan 金色院 Konjiki-In 國分寺 Kokubunji
16 - 光耀山 Koyozan 千手院 Senju-In 観音寺 Kannon-Ji
17 - 瑠璃山 Rurizan 真福院 Shinpuku-In 井戸寺 Ido-Ji
18 - 母養山 Boyozan 宝樹院 Hoju-In 恩山寺 Onzan-Ji
19 - 橋池山 Gyozhizan 摩尼院 Mani-In 立江寺 Tatsue-Ji
20 - 霊鷲山 Ryojuzan 宝珠院 Hoju-In 鶴林寺 Kakurin-Ji

Nr. 21, - . Tairyuuji 太龍寺 Tairyu-Ji .

22 - 白水山 Hakusuizan 医王院 Shio-In 平等寺 Hyodo-Ji
23 - 医王山 Shiozan 無量寿院 Muryoju-In 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji



Nr. 24, - 室戸山 明星院 最御崎寺 Hotsumisaki-Ji

Nr. 25, - 宝珠山 真言院 津照寺 Shinsho-Ji
Nr. 26, - 龍頭山 光明院 金剛頂寺 Kongocho-Ji
Nr. 27, - 竹林山 地蔵院 神峯寺 Konomine-Ji
Nr. 28, - 法界山 高照院 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji
Nr. 29, - 摩尼山 宝蔵院 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji
Nr. 30, - 百々山 東明院 善楽寺 Zenraku-Ji
Nr. 31, - 五台山 金色院 竹林寺 Chikurin-Ji
Nr. 32, - 八葉山 求聞持院 禅師峰寺 Senjibu-Ji
Nr. 33, - 高福山 雪蹊寺 Sekkei-Ji

Nr. 34, - . Tanemaji 種間寺 Tanema-Ji .

Nr. 35, - . Kiyotakiji 清滝寺 Kiyotaki-Ji .

Nr. 36, - . Shooryuuji 青龍寺 Shoryu-Ji .
Namikiri Fudo

Nr. 37, - 藤井山 五智院 岩本寺 Iwamoto-Ji
Nr. 38, - 蹉跎山 補陀洛院 金剛福寺 Kongofuku-Ji
Nr. 39, - 赤亀山 寺山院 延光寺 Enko-Ji



Nr. 40, - . Kanjizaiji 観自在寺 Kanjizai-Ji .

Nr. 41, - . Ryuukooji 龍光寺 Ryuko-Ji .

Nr. 42, - 一カ山 毘盧舎那院 仏木寺 Butsumoku-Ji
Nr. 43, - 源光山  円手院 明石寺 Meiseki-Ji
Nr. 44, - 菅生山 大覚院 大寶寺 Daiho-Ji
Nr. 45, - 海岸山 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji
Nr. 46, - 医王山 養珠院 浄瑠璃寺 Joruri-Ji

Nr. 47, - . Yasakaji 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji .

Nr. 48, - 清滝山 安養院 西林寺 Sairin-Ji
Nr. 49, - 西林山 三蔵院 浄土寺 Jodo-Ji
Nr. 50, - 東山 瑠璃光院 繁多寺 Handa-Ji
Nr. 51, - 熊野山 虚空蔵院 石手寺 Ishite-Ji
Nr. 52, - 龍雲山 護持院 太山寺 Daisan-Ji
Nr. 53, - 須賀山 正智院 円明寺 Enmyo-Ji

Nr. 54,
. Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-ji .

Nr. 55, - 別宮山 金剛院 南光坊 Nanko-Bo

Nr. 56, - . Taisanji 泰山寺 Taisan-Ji .

Nr. 57, - 府頭山 無量寿院 栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji
Nr. 58, - 作礼山 千光院 仙遊寺 Senyu-Ji
Nr. 59, - 金光山 最勝院 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji

Nr. 60, - 石鈇山 福智院 横峰寺 Yokomine-Ji
Nr. 61, - 栴檀山 教王院 香園寺 Koon-Ji
Nr. 62, - 天養山 観音院 宝寿寺 Hoju-Ji
Nr. 63, - 密教山 胎蔵院 吉祥寺 Kichijo-Ji
Nr. 64, - 石鈇山 Ishizuchizan 金色院 前神寺 Maegami-Ji
Nr. 65, - 由霊山 慈尊院 三角寺 Sankaku-Ji



Nr. 66, - 巨鼇山 千手院 雲辺寺 Unpen-Ji
Nr. 67, - 小松尾山 不動光院 大興寺 Daiko-Ji
Nr. 68, - 七宝山 神恵院 Jinnei-In

Nr. 69, - . Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .

Nr. 70, - 七宝山 持宝院 本山寺 Motoyama-Ji

Nr. 71, - . Iyadaniji 弥谷寺 Iyadani-Ji .

Nr. 72, - 我拝師山 延命院 曼荼羅寺 Mandara-Ji
Nr. 73, - 我拝師山 求聞持院 出釈迦寺 Shusshaka-Ji
Nr. 74, - 医王山 多宝院 甲山寺 Koyama-Ji

Nr. 75, - 五岳山 誕生院 善通寺 Zentsu-Ji
. "Pine of the Revered Image" of Kukai 御影の松 .

Nr. 76, - 鶏足山 宝幢院 金倉寺 Konzo-Ji
Nr. 77, - 桑多山 明王院 道隆寺 Doryu-Ji
Nr. 78, - 仏光山 広徳院 郷照寺 Kosho-Ji
Nr. 79, - 金華山 高照院 天皇寺 Tenno-Ji

Nr. 80, - 白牛山 千手院 國分寺 Kokubun-Ji
Nr. 81, - 綾松山 洞林院  白峯寺 Shiromine-Ji

Nr. 82, - . Negoroji 根香寺 Negoro-Ji .

Nr. 83, - 神毫山 大宝院 一宮寺 Ichinomiya-Ji

Nr. 84, - 南面山 千光院 屋島寺 Yashima-Ji
. Temple Yashima-ji 屋島寺 and Tasaburo 太三郎狸 Tanuki .

Nr. 85, - . 五剣山 観自在院 八栗寺 Yaguri-Ji .

Nr. 86, - . Shidodera 志度寺 Shido-Dera .

Nr. 87, - . Nagaoji 長尾寺 Nagao-Ji .

Nr. 88, - . Ookuboji 大窪寺 Okubo-Ji .

kechigan Daruma 結願だるま The vow is fulfilled!
All 88 temples visited.


Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan

Rice Crackers for the Kobo Daishi Pilgrim !

関東 -- Kanto
1 関東八十八ケ所 - Kanto
2 御府内八十八ケ所 - Gofunai - old area of Edo
3 多摩八十八ケ所 - tama
4 玉川八十八ケ所 - Tamagawa

北陸・中部 -- Hokuriku, Chubu
5 越後廿一ケ所 21 temples in Echigo
6 佐渡新四国八十八ケ所 - Sado
7 甲斐百八ケ所 100 temples in Kai (Yamanashi)
8 美濃新四国八十八ケ所 - Mino
9 伊豆八十八ケ所 - Izu
10 知多新四国八十八ケ所 - Chita peninsula, Aichi

近畿 -- Kinki
11 三重四国八十八ケ所 - Mie
12 摂津国八十八ケ所 - Settsu no Kuni
13 淡路四国八十八ケ所 - Awaji Island

中国 -- Chugoku
14 美作八十八ケ所 - Mimasaku
15 広島新四国八十八ケ所 - Hiroshima
16 周防大島八十八ケ所 - Suo Oshima - Hiroshima

四国 - Shikoku
17 四国八十八ケ所 Shikoku Henro 88 temples
18 四国別格二十霊場 - special 20 temples in Shikoku
19 新四国曼荼羅 Shikoku Mandala
20 小豆島八十八ケ所 - Shodoshima (Kagawa)

九州 - Kyushu
21 篠栗(ささぐり)八十八ケ所 - Sasaguri
22 九州八十八ケ所
- source :


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Seishinji Aomori

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Seishinji 青森寺 Seishin-Ji

Nr. 17 成田山 Naritasan - 青森寺 - 成田不動尊 Narita Fudo
Seishinji 青森寺 Seishin-Ji
Aomori 青森県 - 忍辱の道場 ninniku

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

- Nr. 17 on this pilgrimage :
. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


1 Chome-4-24 Sakaemachi, Aomori Town

This temple is the sub-temple of Narita san in Chiba, main temple of Aomori.
The Chinese characters for the name 青森寺 usually read 青森 Aomori.

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

The main statue is the beneficial Fudo Myo-O 大聖不動明王.

In September 1888 the permission from the Head Temple in Narita was given to built a hall for Fudo Myo-O 青柳に不動堂 and hold rituals there.
The Hall was very popular and soon in 1908 the temple was build.
Pilgrims came from all over Northern Japan to pray here.
But during WW II, in the air raids of July 1945 most buildings were lost to fire.

All parishioners and friends of the temple collected money for the reconstruction, so in July 1957 a bigger and more beautiful Hall could be erected and the statue of Fudo Myo-O seated there.
Soon more buildings followed for the appeasement of local deities, 稲荷堂 Inari-Do for the Inari Fox Deity, 清瀧権現堂 Seiryu Gongen Do (for the Blue/Green Dragon Deity).

The most important festivals are the Setsubun Throwing of Beans in February and the Floating of Lanterns in July.

- Chant of the temple
めぐりきて 外ケ浜辺の ほとりなる 
成田不動へ 参へるうれした

The Nio Deva statues at the gate

source : xxx


source :


- - - - - A wide selection of amulets

- source : - 04

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

元 日       元朝大護摩供
15日~2月節分  開運厄除星まつり
28日 初不動大護摩供 First ritual for Fudo Myo-O  

節分  節分会(開運厄除追儺豆まき式) Setsubun

春分の日      彼岸会回向法要

25日 大祭流燈会(灯篭流し) Floating of Lanters

秋分の日      彼岸会回向法要

28日 納め不動大護摩供 Last ritual for Fudo Myo-O

- source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

Nr. 17  成田山 青森寺 Naritasan, Seishin-Ji


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kobo-Ji Tsugaru Aomori

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji

Nr. 16 高野山 Koya-San - 弘法寺 - 身代り不動 Migawari Fudo
Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji
Aomori 青森県 - 忍辱の道場 ninniku

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

Byōbuzan-1-244 Kizukuri Fukihara, Tsugaru

The village of Kizukuri 木造町 in in the middle of the reclamation land of Tsugaru, but information about the founding of this temple is scarce.

It may have been founded by Kukai Kobo Daishi.
The 7th head pries lived about 600 years ago, his grave stone says.
There have been calamities due to flooding and other problems, but in the Meiji period the temple revived. The temple was then called

But in the Showa period, it became its name we know it today.

Since 1952, the temple is also called 西の高野山 弘法寺
the "Koya San in the West of Tsugaru".

- Chant of the temple
身代りの不動のおわす 津軽路の 
西の高野に 法のともしび


the 不動堂 Fudo Hall

阿婆羅底童子 Abarati Doji in the garden

and one more Fudo in the garden

Mizukake Fudo 水かけ不動尊 to pour water over the statue

source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

. Migawari Fudoo 身代わり不動尊 Fudo as Substitute .

. Tsugaru San Fudoo 津軽三不動
Three Famous Fudo Statues in Tsugaru, Aomori .


- - - This temple is also part of other pilgrimages:

-- Nr. 61 of the 88 Northern Henro Temples

福禄寿 Fukuroku-Ju
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神
Seven Gods of Good Luck in Tsugaru .


-- Nr. 11 of the Kobo Daishi Pilgrimage of Tsugaru

o-yasumi Daishi お休み大師 Kobo Daishi taking a rest.

This is taken from the legend that Kobo Daishi on his pilgrimage in Shikoku once could not find a lodging for the night and had to rest below a bridge.
To our day the Henro pilgrims do not use their walking stick and carry it carefully when passing a bridge, so as not to awaken the sleeping Kukai.
There is a special small hall for this statue in the compound.

The prayer here is
ゆきなやむ 浮世の人を 渡さずば
一夜も十夜の 橋と思ほゆ

An amulet of the Sleeping Daishi !
(for 200 Yen)

Statue of Kobo Daishi in the garden

The two komainu real dogs at his feet wear red bonnets.

source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- another Kobo-Ji 弘法寺 in Kagoshima

4679-1 Kushirachō Shimoobaru, Kanoya-shi, Kagoshima
with 5 Great Myo-O 五大明王
本尊:大日如来 脇侍:弘法大師、不動明王)
- source :

- another Kobo-Ji 弘法寺 in Hagi, Yamaguchi
According to the temples founding legend Kukai (Kobo Daishi) stopped here on his way back from China and enjoyed the hot spring located next door.
Sopposedly founded in 807, the year after he was here.
- source : Jake Ojisan


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Henjo-In Akita

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Henjoo-In 遍照院 Henjo-In

Nr. 12 醫王山 / 医王山 - 長久寺 - 遍照院 - 長久不動 Chokyo Fudo
Henjoo-In 遍照院 Henjo-In -
Akita 秋田県 - 持戒の道場 - jikai

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

chookyoo 長久 chokyo - with the wish for a long period of existence.


6 Uwamachi, Ōdate-shi, Akita

Located in the Odate Plain of Akita.
The temple was supported by the Satake 佐竹 regents of Odate castle.
The Sakate samurai were called 小場 Koba before they changed their name around 1386.
The lord at that time, 小場大炊助義躬, had this one temple build outside the castle compound for the villagers to pray.

The main statue is Yakushi Nyorai, 薬師如来, Buddha of Healing and Medicine.
Other statues are
十二支守護佛 12 protector deities, Dainichi 大日 and Amida Nyorai 阿彌陀如来, 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O, the Bosatsu Kannon 観音, Kokuzo 虚空蔵, Monju 文殊, Fugen and 普賢 and Seishi 勢至菩薩. Most of them have their own halls now.
The statues are said to have been carved by the villagers themselves.

- Chant of the temple
光なす 仏住まわん 長久に 庭の公孫樹も 
参る 仏子にも

source :

. Michinoku no Yakushi みちのくの薬師如来 Yakushi from Tohoku .


- quote
Ōdate (大館市 Ōdate-shi) is a city in Akita
Ōdate is located in the mountains of northern Akita Prefecture, with the Ou Mountains on the east and Aomori Prefecture to the north. The city is a basin surrounded by mountains on all sides. Part of the city is within the borders of the Towada-Hachimantai National Park.
Much of the city area is covered in forest. Due to its inland location, the city is noted for its heavy snowfall in winter.
- - - History
The area of present-day Ōdate was part of ancient Dewa Province, although it remained outside of the control of the Yamato court until well into the Heian period.
During the Edo period, the area came under the control of the Satake clan, who ruled the northern third of the province from Kubota Domain, and who maintained a secondary fortification at Ōdate Castle.
The castle was destroyed during the Boshin War. After the start of the Meiji period, the area became part of Kitaakita District, Akita Prefecture in 1878. During the Meiji period, the discovery of "black ore" (sphalerite and galena - a mixture of zinc, lead, gold, silver, and other precious metals), led to the development of numerous mines in the area, including the Hanaoka mine; however, the deposits were depleted by the mid-Showa period.
On June 20, 2005, the towns of Hinai and Tashiro (both from Kitaakita District) were merged into Ōdate, increasing its population (as of 2011) to 77,703 and the area of the city to 913.70 km2 (352.78 sq mi).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - - - Page of the temple
- source :

- source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


Gyokuzoji Akita

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Gyokuzooji 玉蔵寺 Gyokuzo-Ji

Nr. 11 日王山 - 玉蔵寺 - 鯉川不動尊 Koikawa Fudo
Gyokuzooji 玉蔵寺 Gyokuzo-Ji
Akita 秋田県 - 持戒の道場 - jikai

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


Uchikoikawa-96 Koikawa, Mitane, Yamamoto District, Akita

It is related to the temple at Oga peninsula
赤神山日積寺永禅院 Akagamizan, Nisseki-Ji, Eizen-In

. Kisshoo-In 吉祥院 Kissho-In .

It has changed location about 300 years ago to the Koikawa village,  鮎川の寺畑 and then again 200 years ago to its present location.

The main hall has been erected in 1983, with stems from precious old keyaki zelkova trees 神代欅.
Even now there are many old trees in the compound, also the graveyard of the village.

- Chant of the temple
いかりたる お顔なれども 安心の 
まろきお肩に 鯉川不動

. keyaki 欅 伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .



- - - - - Page of the temple
- source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kisshoin Akita

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Kisshoo-In 吉祥院 Kissho-In

Nr. 10 赤神山 / 幸福山 - 吉祥院 - 波切不動尊 Namikiri Fudo
Kisshoo-In 吉祥院 Kissho-In
Akita 秋田県 - 持戒の道場 - jikai

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


Ienoushiro-45 Funagawaminato tsubaki, Oga, Akita

There are three famous mountains in Oga, 本山 Honzan (Motoyama)、
真山 Shinzan (Mayama) and 毛無山 Kenashiyama, as Buddhist retreats for priests.

Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 is the founder of
赤神山日積寺永禅院 Akagamizan, Nisseki-Ji, Eizen-In
the first Buddhist center in the region. He is also related to the shrine
Akagami Jinja.

The fifth abbot at Eizen-In, Kakuun 覚運 Kaku-Un (953-1007, was a disciple of Ryoogen, Ryōgen 良源 Ryogen( 912 – 985), the chief abbot of Enryaku-Temple ( Enryaku-ji).

In 1392 the temple was more affiliated with Mount Koyasan, Ryuko-In 龍光院, through the 29th abbot 頼叶 Raika at temple 日積寺 Niseki-Ji.

During the Bakumatsu and early Meiji period, the temple and shrine were often in a crisis of deslolation, but have somehow survived to our day.

The temple has been known with many names in its long history:
Now there is also temple 長楽寺 nearby.

- Chant of the temple
男鹿の島 めぐりて拝る 不動尊
寺庭(には)に 老樹(こぼく)の 椿花咲く

There is also a shrine, Akagami Jinja 赤神神社, close by.
五社堂 Goshado - Five little shrines overlooking the sea.
Legend knows that the Emperor Koobutei 孝武帝 Kobutei from China, also called Akagami (Red Deity) came here down from the sky.
Kobutei lived approximately from 372 - 396).
Jigaku Daishi founded the temple and shrine here, around 860.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA - Akagami Shrine!



- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事





- quote
Oga Peninsula 男鹿半島 (Oga Hanto)
Home to the renowned Namahage Legend, Oga Peninsula boasts spectacular views of the coastline.

Oga Peninsula, in the western part of Akita, juts out into the Japan Sea in the shape of an ax. Along its coastline are fantastic views of crags and boulders, and it is noted for its beautiful sunsets. It is also famous for a traditional event called "Namahage," at which time young people, disguised as ogres, visit houses to admonish lazy people, expel evil spirits, ward off disasters, and to bless people.

There are so many spots on the Oga Peninsula that you should not miss. The view at the Mt. Kampu Revolving Observatory at the base of the peninsula, where you can enjoy 360-degree panoramas of the Japan Sea and Lagoon Hachiro-gata, is simply stunning. And Godzilla Boulder, so named because of its shape: how can a tour of Japan not include a visit to this famous monster?
Add to these the west coast of Oga, with its long line of rude cliffs and rocks; Hachibodai, with the best views of Oga and clear out to the Ou Mountain Range; and of course, Nyudo-zaki Point, on the tip of the peninsula, with its spectacular view of the Japan Sea. A sightseeing boat leaves from nearby Oga Aquarium, and from it you can view the coastline, sprinkled with strange rocks and bizarre stones, magnificent sculptures that nature has created.

At Shinzan Shrine, the origin of Namahage, the Namahage Sedo Festival is held every winter. The Oga Shinzan Densho-kan (folklore museum) displays Namahage masks and holds Namahage stage shows, so you can get a sense of the Namahage atmosphere at any time of the year.
- source :


- - - reference - - -

CLICK for more photos !

. Namahage なまはげ in Oga, Akita .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46
