
Narita Fudo


Narita Fudo 成田不動尊
Shinshooji 新勝寺 Temple Shinsho-Ji

成田山 平和大塔 Peace Pagoda

大本山成田山新勝寺  大塔掛仏係

The Peace Pagoda in Narita was built in 1984. It is 58 m high and situated on a small hill.

In the second floor, a 6 meter large statue of Fudo Myo-O is placed.

In the fifth floor, the Diamond Hall (kongooden 金剛殿 こんごうでん)five statues of the five Wisdom Nyorai (gochi Nyorai 五智如来  ごちにょらい) are placed.

Mark Schumacher about the
Five Buddhas of Wisdom

- quote -
Narita San 成田山 Shinshō-ji 新勝寺 "New victory temple" 
The temple was established in 940 to commemorate the victory of the forces dispatched from the Heian capital to suppress a revolt by the powerful Kantō region samurai, Taira no Masakado.

The Shingon priest 寛朝大僧 Kanchō accompanied the force, bringing with him an image of Fudō myōō from the Gomadō (Fire Offering Hall) of Takao-san Jingo-ji in Kyōtō. Shingon founder 弘法大師 Kōbō Kobo Daishi himself was said to have carved the image and used it in Goma sacred fire rituals that helped stop a rebellion during his era. The rebellion in 940 also came to an end just as Kanchō completed a three-week Goma ritual with the same image.

source : naritasan.or.jp

According to legend, the image of the Unmovable Wisdom King became too heavy after the victory to move back to its home base, so a new temple on Narita-san, named Shinshō-ji (New Victory Temple), was built to enshrine it on the spot.
The temple maintains that the original image is enshrined in the Main Hall, where it is displayed on special occasions, but art historians date the current image to no earlier than the 13th century.
- source : wikipedia -

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai .
. (774 - 835)

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 .
(? - 940)


A stone statue of Fudo Myo-O from the temple Daigo-Ji in Kyoto, said to be carved by Kukai himself, was brought to the Kanto area to bring peace to the region and marks the beginning of Narita Fudo in Chiba.

. Daigoji 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji .


nana seigan 七誓願 Seven Sincere Vows
in the presence of Fudo Myo-O

・明るい笑顔で奉仕のはげみ-奴僕(ぬぼく)の行 -nuboku
・まごころこめて助け合い-羂索(けんさく)のおさとし - kensaku
・苦難に耐えれば開ける希望-盤石(ばんじゃく)の決意 - banjaku
・精進努力に豊かな実り-燃えさかる火炎 - kaen
・常に冷静 不動の心-ゆるぎなきみ心
・正しい判断さとりのめざめ-利剣(りけん)の智慧 - riken
・いただくご利益(りやく)みんなと共に-加持力(かじりき)- kajiriki

- reference -


Kabuki and Narita San

A succession of actors named Danjuro Ichikawa whose house name is 'Naritaya' has a deep relationship with Naritasan for many generations. The first Danjuro Ichikawa was born in 1660 during the Edo period. His father, Juzo Horikoshi was from Hataya in Narita city. Even now at the graveyard in the Toko-ji temple in Hataya, there is Danjuroo the first's tomb which was built by Danjuro the second.

Danjuro the first had difficulty having a child so he prayed to the Narita Fudo-myoo god and soon after had Danjuro the second. After that his Kabuki themes revolved around the spirituality of the Narita Fudo-myoo god. His play, 'Tsuwamonno-kongen-soga' became a hit. His successors, also named, Danjuro were also deeply religious in the Fudo-myoo god and performed a play called 'Risho-ki' about how people can be blessed by the Fudo-myoo god. Thanks to the success of their plays, the Fudo-myoo god became well-known among the people of the Edo period. Danjuro the seventh was also a believer and he donated one thousand Ryo (monetary unit of the Edo period) to build Gaku-do hall.

Danjuro II

Edo (Tokyo) peoples interest in Naritasan was stimulated by Kabuki performances and Naritasan monks displayed the Fudo-myoo god at Fukagawa-eidaiji temple. Eventually worship at Naritasan became popular with Edo (Tokyo) people through. At first, worship at Naritasan was only popular with high society and wealthy merchants, however, between 1804 and 1829 it became more popular with ordinary people because it was enjoyable four day return hike through beautiful scenery.
source :  www.city.narita.chiba.jp

CLICK for more .. Narita and Kabuki

The makeup of Danjuro II, called kumadori 隈取, was taken from the facial expression of the statue of Fudo Myo-O itself.
When Danjuro performed in Edo, people identified him with the deity and would throw donation money at the stage.

Ichikawa Danjūrō XII

(April 1985 - February 2013)
Previously known as Ichikawa Shinnosuke VI and Ichikawa Ebizō X.

Danjūrō was diagnosed with leukemia in late spring 2004, after falling ill and becoming unable to perform alongside his son (Ichikawa Ebizō XI), who was celebrating his shūmei at the time, having become the latest to take the name Ichikawa Ebizō. Though illness, and subsequent hospitalization, forced Danjūrō to leave the stage for long stretches in 2004-05, he later returned.

He died of pneumonia in a Tokyo hospital on February 3, 2013 at the age of 66.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Danjuro XII
and the freedom in Kabuki acting .

Danjuro painted a poster for the festival of the day of the fish, toto no hi 魚の日(ととのひ)
. Tsukiji Fish Market 築地市場 .

. Narukami Fudo Kitayama Zakura 雷神不動北山桜 .
Kabuki with Ichikawa Danjuro


Shibaraku (暫, しばらく) "Stop a Moment!"
is among the most popular pieces in the Kabuki repertoire, and one of the celebrated Kabuki Jūhachiban (Eighteen Great Plays)

The plot centers around the figure of Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa, who has become the stereotypical bombastic hero of the kabuki stage, with red-and-white striped makeup and strong, energetic movement. The historical Kamakura Kagemasa is famous for his bravery for having continued to fight after losing an eye in battle in the Gosannen War (1083-1087).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa 鎌倉権五郎景政
(born 1069) .


source : Naritasan Shinshoji Temple HP

O-Mamori - Amulets

for luck with money

to find a good partner - 恋愛成就絵馬

small scroll with Fudo Myo-O - kakejiku 尊影掛軸

Goma Amulet
Gomafuda is wooden amulet to receive benefits, which has been placed over a fire and blessed with the spirit of Fudomyoo through a Goma fire rite.
Migawari-omamori (Substitute-amulet) is a small amulet to ward off accidents and evils.

The Goma fire rite is the most important of the services conducted in Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, a temple of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. It is conducted several times every day and anybody can attend. The Goma rite is a mysterious temple service in which we pray to Fudomyoo, the main deity of Naritasan Temple, for the fulfillment of our wishes.
The chief priest burns Goma sticks with various burnt offerings. The fire, a symbol of the wisdom of Fudomyoo, extinguishes our earthly passions, which are symbolized by the sticks, and brings us to a higher state of mind to win the virtues and favors of Fudomyoo.

Fudomyoo, one of the popular Buddhist deities, is fierce-looking and wreathed in flames with a sword and a rope in his hands. The sword cuts away hindrances of passion and false knowledge, and the rope is used to draw in beings to Enlightenment. To demons he is terror, but to the faithful he is the remover of anxieties, banisher of evil and savior from oppression.
Fudomyoo of Naritasan Temple has been worshiped by numerous people from all over the country for a long time.

source : Narita san - Omamori

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


Print by Utagawa Kunisada / Toyokuni III

Ichikawa Ebizō V
as the Mystical Image (Reizō) of Fudō Myōō,

Ichikawa Saruzō I as Kongara dōji (矜迦羅童子), and
Ichikawa Komazō VII as Seitaka dōji (制吒迦童子)
No. 9 (九) from the series Eighteen Great Kabuki Plays
(Jūhachiban no uchi -十八番の内)
source : Lyon Collection


Ichikawa Ebizo, Ebizoo
十一代目 市川 海老蔵
The 11th Ishikawa, born 1977年12月6日

In December 2010, he caused quite an uproar when involved in a drunken pub brawl, causing him multiple fractures of facial bones.

. . . getting into a drunk brawl


Bronze Fudo in a Wood Shrine

. Fudo Myoo : Bronze Buddha In Wood Shrine  


A Peace Pagoda  Heiwa Daitoo
is a Buddhist stupa designed to provide a focus for people of all races and creeds to help unite them in their search for world peace. Most (though not all) have been built under the guidance of Nichidatsu Fujii (1885-1985), a Buddhist monk from Japan and founder of the Nipponzan-Myōhōji Buddhist Order. Fuji was greatly inspired by his meeting with Mahatma Gandhi in 1931 and decided to devote his life to promoting non-violence. In 1947, he began constructing Peace Pagodas as shrines to World peace.

The first Peace Pagodas were built as a symbol of peace in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where the atomic bombs took the lives of over 150,000 people, almost all of whom were civilian, at the end of World War II.

By 2000, 80 Peace Pagodas had been built around the world in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

"Civilization is not to kill human beings, not to destroy things, not to make war; civilization is to hold mutual affection and to respect one another."
-Most Ven. Fujii

Peace Pagodas in Asia

2.1 Hanaokayama, Japan
2.2 Hiroshima, Japan
2.3 Nagasaki, Japan
2.4 , India
2.5 Mount Kijosumi, Japan
2.6 Narita-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan
2.7 Darjeeling, India
2.8 Vaishali, India
2.9 Ladakh, India
2.10 Lumbini, Nepal
2.11 Gotemba, Shizuoka, Japan
2.12 Pokhara, Nepal

© Quote from the Wikipedia


Photo by my friend Hiroya Sato
and look at this video by Hiroya san:
Moonlight illuminates the Shinsho-ji Temple

Join us:
. Joys of Japan - Facebook Friends .


Haiku and Peace

World Peace Day International Day of Peace

War and Peace (sensoo to heiwa)  


Last Fire Ritual at Narita Fudo :
"Osame-Fudo" is a kigo for Winter.


Many temples have a Fudo statue consecrated at Narita (bunshin 分身), and are also called

xyz - Narita Fudo 成田不動.

They will be added in the comments to this entry as we continue the pilgrimages.


Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto  関東三十六不動霊場
Nr. 36, the last one

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

daisoojoo 大僧正 Daisojo, the Great Priest
The legend of 寛朝大僧 Great Priest Kanchō, see above

Yuuten 祐天 Saint Yuten
The young Yuten went to Narita san to pray to Fudo for wisdom.
- - - Read what Fudo did to the young acolyte:
. Yuuten, Yūten 祐天 Yuten Shami (1637 - 1718) .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


- #naritafudo #fudonarita #naritashinshoji #shinshojinarita -


Black Fudo


BLACK FUDO MYO-O Kuro Fudo Myo-O 黒不動明王
Black Fudo is not common in Japan.

The Unshakable Buddha
Circa: Meiji, 19th-early 20th century
H 9 in.(22.5cm.), W 5 in.(12.5cm.), D 3.5 in.(9cm.)
Private Collection

© BuddhaMuseum.Com

BuddhaMuseum.Com is a Company of ArtRampage Design, All rights reserved ©
black fudoo, black Fudou Myou-ou Myou ou

There Are Two Black Buddhist Gods Written On the Gohonzon
One Is On the Left and One is On The Right


Fudo myo 'o Art
We At this African and African/American Nichiren Shoshu web site realize that this subject matter is controversial and could cause concern, we would be happy to discuss this matter with anyone who is capable of bringing clarity to this issue. We find this subject to be interesting and motivating and we would love to discuss this issue.
Those Hokkeko members who have concerns by all means bring this matter to the Priests. If there is an error in our dissertation we will correct it. Our documentary research has led us to believe that we are correct and as it stands there are two Black Buddhas on the Gohonzon


Black Fudo Statue in the Hall for Ten Kings

十王堂 の 黒不動明王像



In the Yakushi hall there is a Fudo statue to ward off evil (厄除不動 yakuyoke Fudo - 赤黄不動明王 ).


. Yakuyoke Fudo 厄除不動 Fudo to ward off evil .




Medicine Buddha

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Quote From : Exotic India Art

The Tibetan word for Dharma is 'chos' which also means to cure or heal.

Indeed Tibetans have traditionally taken a deeply spiritual approach towards healing, the potency of which is only now being recognized by the entire world. When they speak of Dharma, what is implied is not just the traditional form and practice of orthodox Buddhism but the heroic effort to progress spiritually out of unconsciousness and into full awareness. The practice of Dharma is an essential means for remedying the mental and emotional obscurations that prevent enlightenment. Verily thus the Buddha of healing is shown here seated on a lotus pedestal. The lotus is a symbol of the total abandonment of samsara, so only those who have entered upon the transcendental path are represented enthroned on a lotus flower.

This smoothly sculpted Buddha is golden-hued, glowing with an inner radiance. Even though the expression on the face is supremely calm and serene, the whole solid body seems to be bursting with a kind of pregnant energy eager to burst forth. The Buddha's drape held in place with the help of the knot at the midriff seems to be the only element restraining this vigor from escaping. This is nothing but the potential healing energy inherent in each of us.

In the highest traditions of Tibetan and Nepalese art, the body of the Buddha is strong and well-formed, but even then there is no trace of hardness or rigidity. Rather there is a fluidity to the whole composition accentuated by the folds and falls of his drape, which collect finally like a stream of nectar at the Great Buddha's feet. The delicate, sensitive fingers too point to the high calibre of the artist.

Tibetan doctors traditionally perform rituals in front of an image of the Medicine Buddha, believing it to grant potency to their medications.



Eight Brothers of the Medicine Buddha



The Cosmos of Healing (Tibetan Medicinal Painting)


Materia Medica of Vegetable Origin



Front View of Human Anatomy

This painting shows the anterior view of the human anatomy. In the painting bones are classified into twenty-three different groupings.

For the cranial bones there are five groups: the skull, occipital bones nasal bones teeth and mandible.

For the trunk there are nine groups: vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, hipbones, shoulder bones, collarbones, sternum, ribs and costal cartilages.

For the arms there are three groups: humerus; forearm, including the radius and ulna; and the hand, including carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.

For the legs thee are five groups: femur; lower leg, including tibia and fibula; patella; calcaneus; and the foot, including the tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.

Finally there is a single group comprising the fingernails and toenails.

All the bones are connected by 12 major joints and 210 minor joints.

The human body is covered with thirty-five million pores, and on the head there are twenty one thousand hairs.

Also shown in this painting are the five full organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys), and the six hollow organs (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder and reproductive organs).


ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

More Tibetan Buddhas of Medicine

Copyright © 2006, ExoticIndiaArt


Medicine Buddha with Attendants

Tibet, roughly 15th century
Thangka, mineral pigments with gold on prepared fabric
Height 104 cm, width 84 cm (approximate)
© Leiko Coyle Asian Art


Peaceful and Wrathful Deity Body of the Bon Religion
Tibet, 20th century
Pigments on cloth
Height 104.1 cm, width 66.7 cm
Rubin Museum of Art

© www.orientations.com.hk, May 2008

The power centers in the body remind me of the chakras of India.


Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Healing in Japan
by Gabi Greve, Darumamuseum


Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum






Buddhist Sculptors Gallery


Mokujiki and his Fudo 木喰の不動さま


This file moved to the BLOG of Enku 円空
January 2012

. Welcome to Master Carver Enku 円空 ! .


Saint Mokujiki was born in Marubatake in 1718. He converted to Buddhism when he was 22 years old, and received his ordination with the name Mokujiki at the temple Rakanji in Tokiwa at the age of 45.
Mokuji underwent a type of severe ascetic training that does not allow the consumption of grains, fish, boiled food and salt. He kept to the rules of this training for his entire life.

He went on a pilgrimage throughout Japan until he was 93, and carved more than 1000 Buddist images during this time.

In his old age, when he had passed 80 years, he realized that people need something king and gentle to become kind themselves.


"Peoples hearts need to be all round,
everything needs to be all round and smooth!"

He then started carving Buddha statues with the special smile on their faces, for which he is now so famous. The smile and roundness makes his statues so different from the ones of his fellow Enku.

Smiling Guardian Deity for the People, Mori Town

Click HERE to look at more of his statues !!!!!


From temple Enzoo-Ji, Joetsu Town, Niigata


Writing by Mokujiki



nakigara wa
izuko no ura ni
sutsuru to mo
mi wa Ontake ni
ari ake no tsuki

Copyright(C) T.TAKEDA 1999


. 狸谷山不動院 Tanukidaniyama Fudo Temple .
In 1718, Saint Mokujiki practised zen ascetics in the cave here for 17 years.


Enku and his Fudo Myo-O

. Saint Tanshoo 但唱 Tansho .
and temple 万竜寺 Manryu-Ji



Who made Buddha Statues ?
Mark Schumacher

Buddhist Sculptors Gallery

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan



Akakura Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動

Fudo Myoo ("the immutable one"), the Buddhist divinity of fire, is one of the most important beings venerated at Akakura Mountain Shrine. He is known by his flaming sword and rope, with which he slashes away material connections and binds up evil-doers. His sword is used at Akakura in the Sword of Fudo healing ritual several times each year.

Fudo is the principal deity of the Five angry Lords of Light, venerated at Akakura in the Godaimyoo (Five Lords) hall. Fudo serves as tutelary deity to many of the shrine's kamisama spirit mediums. He has intimate associations with the dragon divinity and with the waterfall of Fudo, one of the most important sites of mountain ascetic discipline (shugyo). Several votive paintings at Akakura depict Fudo.

Akakura Fudo Waterfall 赤倉・不動滝
Akakura Mountain Shrine

- quote
The waterfall of Fudo, located within Akakura gorge, is located near the base of Akakura gorge. It is the most common destination of those undertaking shugyo (ascetic discipline) at Akakura Mountain Shrine. Here, worshippers pray intensely, reciting Hannya Shingyo and the Fudo-son-ken-Kudoku-no-mon prayer to the fire divinity Fudo Myoo.

At the waterfall, ascetics may experience revelatory visions of Fudo or of the mountain's principal divinity Akakura Daigongen in his various incarnations, including that of a dragon (a being intimately associated with water, rain and waterfalls.)

Akakura Daigongen, the principal divinity worshipped at Akakura Mountain Shrine, has multiple incarnations and forms.
He is at times seen as a young man, as a dragon (or pairs of dragons), as a beautiful woman, or even as a pair of trees or birds. His shotai (true form) is usually considered to be as a white-haired old man, as repesented in this shrine painting. -

On May 1st, when the gorge is still covered with snow and ice, the assembled shrine congregation collectively climbs to this spot and hangs a great shimenawa (sacred rice straw rope) above the waterall, in the Mountain Opening Ceremony (Yamabiraki)

The waterfall is depicted in several votive paintings in the shrine, as in this image of the shrine foundress undertaking water discipline (mizu gyo) within its icy waters. As Carmen Blacker notes in The Catalpa Bow, the dedicated medium is believed to possess such great internal heat that she may experience the waterfall as a fire, intimately associated with Fudo Myoo's own flaming sword.

In this painting, the praying foundress, to the left of the waterfall, beholds a vision of vision of Akakura Daigongen (in his incarnation as a white haired old man) floating on a golden cloud.

Akakura Mountain Gorge, looms large in the iconography and ritual practice of the shrine. It is characterized by many dramatic volcanic and geological features, and is compared by many worshippers to a woman's genitalia, "the thing of a woman". Through it runs Akakura river, the source of the life-giving water of the gods. The gorge also spatially orients those undertaking mountain asceticism (shugyo).

source : Ellen Schattschneider : immortal wishes:


- quote
Fudo Myoo Menuki
Fudo Myoo, the Buddhist divinity of fire, is one of the most important beings venerated at Akakura Mountain Shrine.

He is known by his flaming sword and rope, with which he slashes away material connections and binds up evil-doers.
- source : www.kriscutlery.com

. Menuki 目抜き  . sword fitting .
Menuki are pairs of small metal ornaments, secured one to each side of the hilt of the sword by means of a braid that covers the hilt.


- trying to locate the mountain, since there are many with this name in Japan.
- reference -

Mt. Akakuradake 赤倉岳 (あかくらだけ)
- google search
CLICK for more photos

- Top of the Mountain

photo by tenten mushi


- In Aomori 青森 

Akakurazawa 赤倉沢 at Mount Iwaki 岩木山

赤倉御殿 - 1433 meters

- source : www.yamareco.com


There seem to be two mountains with this name in the Hakoda Mountain range, Aomori:
- Northern Group:
Mount Akakuradake (赤倉岳 Akakura-dake) 1521 m
- Southern Group:
Mount Akakuradake (赤倉岳 Akakura-dake) 1290 m

The Hakkōda Mountains (八甲田山系 Hakkōda-sankei)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

第二十一番札所 赤倉山 金剛寺(あかくらさん こんごうじ)
21 - 赤倉山 Akakurasan - Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji

Miyamoto-141 Yawatasaki, Hirakawa-shi, Aomori

The main statue is Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩.

Legend knows that an old man with white hair, riding a dragon, appeared in a dream and asked for a temple hall to be built here.

Kobo Daishi roamed this region in 820 陸奥国御巡錫 and also passed the
Akakura Reijo 赤倉霊場 Akakura Sacred Region.
He stood in front of a huge boulder and recited


(All the sacred Buddhas, be my witness, let me promote the wisdom of Mikkyo Buddhism in this new land.
As a proof, show my footprint when I step on it.)

and as he stepped on the boulder, the footprint of his straw sandal became visible.

In 1960 the first 大師一代堂 Daishi Hall was erected in his honor, followed by the
大師堂 Daishi Do Hall in 1965.
In 1980 the main hall of temple 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji was built.

Every year at the 15th of June (now the third Sunday) for the beginning of the mountain climbing season a special fire ritual for the safety of the climbers are held
- yamabiraki 山開き
赤倉山霊場山開会 柴灯大護摩供執行

The uppermost temple in the compound, 金剛寺奥の院 Oku no In, there is a statue of Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 as the personal protector of people born in the year of the rabbit.
ichidai mamori honzon 一代守り本尊 personal protector deity

- Chant of the temple
ながき夜の 夢さませとや 赤倉の暗きこころに光明さしくる
怠らず 願うこころの 赤倉や 赤き血潮に勇む老いの身

- Yearly Festivals
卯年生れ文殊菩薩/五穀豊就大菩薩/開運厄除星祭 初祭典

旧9月23日 - 山納 - End of the Climbing Season.

旧10月21日 - 大師講 四国八十八ヶ所お砂踏
O-sunafumi of the Shikoku 88 Henro temples

- seal of the temple, dedicated also to
 布袋, God of Good Luck.

- Homepage of the temple (with a map)
- source : kongoji.net

. Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori Honzon .


Mount Akakura, a region for Shugendo mountain ascetics,
lies at the "back side" of Mount Iwaki


大石神社 Oishi Jinja and then
- 津軽赤倉山神社 Tsugaru Akakura Jinja
It has been built by 工藤むら Kudo Mura, who also made this statue of a Dragon-Fudo:

Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo-O are venerated here too.

Even further up the mountain is Akakura shrine

Beside it are more small sactuaries, dedicated to Jizo Bosatsu and others.

Along the road, another Kobo Daishi statue in white robes

next to a statue of "Yama no Kami", deity of the mountains.

And on top of the mountain, Akakura Shrine

with a three-storied pagoda.
Akakura Sacred Area 赤倉霊場
- source : www41.tok2.com/home/kanihei5







Enku and his Fudo Statues 円空仏

Seated Fudo Myo-O, about 30 cm high


© Kazo City, Saitama


A rather small, smiling Fudo


円空研究(5)新装普及版 Enku Study Group, Volume 5


「不動明王」日光市 清滝寺蔵
Fudo Myo-O from Nikko

More Enku Statues on this LINK


Saitama, Temple Jizo-In

総高 complete hight 48.7cm、像奥13.3cm、像幅22.5cm。
見沼区東大宮1-82-2 地蔵院 (大宮区高鼻町2-1-2 さいたま市立博物館寄託)
Saitama City Page


Enku and Bishamonten

岡崎市 Okasaki Town


Enku Woddblock by Munakata Shiko

画寸 45㎝×30㎝.... 額寸 58.5㎝×46.5㎝

Painting of Fudo by Munakata


Fudo Myoo(Enku) ©1997 Michael Hofmann



NHK Bi no Tsubo: Enku and Mokujiki , July 2006
File13 円空と木喰 : NHK 美の壷


. Welcome to Master Carver Enku 円空 ! .
His own BLOG !




Iwa Rocks


Fudo Rocks, Fudo-Iwa 不動岩
fudooiwa fudo iwa fudoo myoo iwa
Many rocks look like Fudo Myo-O and are revered like this deity.
Here is the Fudo Rock of Shiraishi Island.

As the story goes, if you place your head in the small dell at head level and make a serious wish three times in your heart, this will will be granted by Fudo Myo-O.

You can see my friend putting her head in the head-shaped stone cave to make a wish. The whole formation of this huge rock is venered as Fudo himself.

More about the Henro Pilgrimage of Shiraishi is here:
The Shiraishi Pilgrimage to the 88 Temples of Shikoku

Gabi Greve: Magaibutsu, Buddhas carved in Stone Cliffs
Introducing some of the Fudo Myo-O Carvings.

Waterfalls and Fudo Myo-o 不動滝


Fudo Iwa in Kumamoto / Oita

This formation was named in the Heian Period by a mountain ascetic who venerated Fudo Myo-O here. It has three Fudo Rocks, the front, middle and back Fudo. The highest Front Fudo, Mae Fudo 前不動 is 80 meters high and more than 100 meters in circumference.


Look at more photos here:

Fudo Rock at Yamaga-shi
There are three huge rocks on this hill in Yamaga city which are collectively called "Fudo Iwa" which means literally immovable rocks. These rocks are individually known as: Mae-Fudo, Naka-Fudo, and Ato-fudo.

Mae-Fudo is the biggest one, and from here you have a great view of mountain and sunset.

There is a story about these rocks that once upon a time, Fudo-Iwa and Hikodake (Mt. Hiko, located in Yamaga city) were step-brothers. Their mother always treated only Fudo-Iwa with affection because she gave birth to him, but treated the other Hikodake harshly.

One day, the mother told them to try the pulling rope game with their neck. She said, I will give the family treasure of 3 balls handed down for long time to the winner. When they started the game, because he was always eating soft and tasty beans the head of Fudo-Iwa came off easilly and fell into the Kubishi Pass where it remains turned into stone.

Now it is said that the rest of the body of Fudo-Iwa is the Fudo Iwa at present. Because Hikodake was always eating hard beans, he grew so big and tough. There is a Kyushu footpath around here to enjoy walking while looking at the seasonal flowers until you reach to the observatory.

© Kumamoto Prefectural Government

. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王と鬼伝説 
Oni Demon Legends and Fudo .

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

There are many more of these rock formations in Japan. I will introduce them here.


. daibanjaku 大盤石/大磐石 "huge rock" .

Sometimes a statue of Fudo sits on a huge rock,
at other places
a huge rock itself is venerated as Fudo Myo-O himself.


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