Quote From : Exotic India Art
The Tibetan word for Dharma is 'chos' which also means to cure or heal.
Indeed Tibetans have traditionally taken a deeply spiritual approach towards healing, the potency of which is only now being recognized by the entire world. When they speak of Dharma, what is implied is not just the traditional form and practice of orthodox Buddhism but the heroic effort to progress spiritually out of unconsciousness and into full awareness. The practice of Dharma is an essential means for remedying the mental and emotional obscurations that prevent enlightenment. Verily thus the Buddha of healing is shown here seated on a lotus pedestal. The lotus is a symbol of the total abandonment of samsara, so only those who have entered upon the transcendental path are represented enthroned on a lotus flower.

This smoothly sculpted Buddha is golden-hued, glowing with an inner radiance. Even though the expression on the face is supremely calm and serene, the whole solid body seems to be bursting with a kind of pregnant energy eager to burst forth. The Buddha's drape held in place with the help of the knot at the midriff seems to be the only element restraining this vigor from escaping. This is nothing but the potential healing energy inherent in each of us.
In the highest traditions of Tibetan and Nepalese art, the body of the Buddha is strong and well-formed, but even then there is no trace of hardness or rigidity. Rather there is a fluidity to the whole composition accentuated by the folds and falls of his drape, which collect finally like a stream of nectar at the Great Buddha's feet. The delicate, sensitive fingers too point to the high calibre of the artist.
Tibetan doctors traditionally perform rituals in front of an image of the Medicine Buddha, believing it to grant potency to their medications.
Eight Brothers of the Medicine Buddha

The Cosmos of Healing (Tibetan Medicinal Painting)

Materia Medica of Vegetable Origin

Front View of Human Anatomy
This painting shows the anterior view of the human anatomy. In the painting bones are classified into twenty-three different groupings.

For the cranial bones there are five groups: the skull, occipital bones nasal bones teeth and mandible.
For the trunk there are nine groups: vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, hipbones, shoulder bones, collarbones, sternum, ribs and costal cartilages.
For the arms there are three groups: humerus; forearm, including the radius and ulna; and the hand, including carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.
For the legs thee are five groups: femur; lower leg, including tibia and fibula; patella; calcaneus; and the foot, including the tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.
Finally there is a single group comprising the fingernails and toenails.
All the bones are connected by 12 major joints and 210 minor joints.
The human body is covered with thirty-five million pores, and on the head there are twenty one thousand hairs.
Also shown in this painting are the five full organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys), and the six hollow organs (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder and reproductive organs).
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
More Tibetan Buddhas of Medicine
Copyright © 2006, ExoticIndiaArt
Medicine Buddha with Attendants

Tibet, roughly 15th century
Thangka, mineral pigments with gold on prepared fabric
Height 104 cm, width 84 cm (approximate)
© Leiko Coyle Asian Art
Peaceful and Wrathful Deity Body of the Bon Religion
Tibet, 20th century
Pigments on cloth
Height 104.1 cm, width 66.7 cm
Rubin Museum of Art

© www.orientations.com.hk, May 2008
The power centers in the body remind me of the chakras of India.
Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Healing in Japan
by Gabi Greve, Darumamuseum
Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum
My very own Tibetan Buddha of Healing
shaba 娑婆 / しゃば / シャバ this world of Samsara
shaba sekai 娑婆世界
Shaba and Jodo 娑婆と浄土 the Defiled World and the Pure Land
samsara - the cycle of suffering in this world
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