
Akakura Fudo

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Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動

Fudo Myoo ("the immutable one"), the Buddhist divinity of fire, is one of the most important beings venerated at Akakura Mountain Shrine. He is known by his flaming sword and rope, with which he slashes away material connections and binds up evil-doers. His sword is used at Akakura in the Sword of Fudo healing ritual several times each year.

Fudo is the principal deity of the Five angry Lords of Light, venerated at Akakura in the Godaimyoo (Five Lords) hall. Fudo serves as tutelary deity to many of the shrine's kamisama spirit mediums. He has intimate associations with the dragon divinity and with the waterfall of Fudo, one of the most important sites of mountain ascetic discipline (shugyo). Several votive paintings at Akakura depict Fudo.

Akakura Fudo Waterfall 赤倉・不動滝
Akakura Mountain Shrine

- quote
The waterfall of Fudo, located within Akakura gorge, is located near the base of Akakura gorge. It is the most common destination of those undertaking shugyo (ascetic discipline) at Akakura Mountain Shrine. Here, worshippers pray intensely, reciting Hannya Shingyo and the Fudo-son-ken-Kudoku-no-mon prayer to the fire divinity Fudo Myoo.

At the waterfall, ascetics may experience revelatory visions of Fudo or of the mountain's principal divinity Akakura Daigongen in his various incarnations, including that of a dragon (a being intimately associated with water, rain and waterfalls.)

Akakura Daigongen, the principal divinity worshipped at Akakura Mountain Shrine, has multiple incarnations and forms.
He is at times seen as a young man, as a dragon (or pairs of dragons), as a beautiful woman, or even as a pair of trees or birds. His shotai (true form) is usually considered to be as a white-haired old man, as repesented in this shrine painting. -

On May 1st, when the gorge is still covered with snow and ice, the assembled shrine congregation collectively climbs to this spot and hangs a great shimenawa (sacred rice straw rope) above the waterall, in the Mountain Opening Ceremony (Yamabiraki)

The waterfall is depicted in several votive paintings in the shrine, as in this image of the shrine foundress undertaking water discipline (mizu gyo) within its icy waters. As Carmen Blacker notes in The Catalpa Bow, the dedicated medium is believed to possess such great internal heat that she may experience the waterfall as a fire, intimately associated with Fudo Myoo's own flaming sword.

In this painting, the praying foundress, to the left of the waterfall, beholds a vision of vision of Akakura Daigongen (in his incarnation as a white haired old man) floating on a golden cloud.

Akakura Mountain Gorge, looms large in the iconography and ritual practice of the shrine. It is characterized by many dramatic volcanic and geological features, and is compared by many worshippers to a woman's genitalia, "the thing of a woman". Through it runs Akakura river, the source of the life-giving water of the gods. The gorge also spatially orients those undertaking mountain asceticism (shugyo).

source : Ellen Schattschneider : immortal wishes:


- quote
Fudo Myoo Menuki
Fudo Myoo, the Buddhist divinity of fire, is one of the most important beings venerated at Akakura Mountain Shrine.

He is known by his flaming sword and rope, with which he slashes away material connections and binds up evil-doers.
- source : www.kriscutlery.com

. Menuki 目抜き  . sword fitting .
Menuki are pairs of small metal ornaments, secured one to each side of the hilt of the sword by means of a braid that covers the hilt.


- trying to locate the mountain, since there are many with this name in Japan.
- reference -

Mt. Akakuradake 赤倉岳 (あかくらだけ)
- google search
CLICK for more photos

- Top of the Mountain

photo by tenten mushi


- In Aomori 青森 

Akakurazawa 赤倉沢 at Mount Iwaki 岩木山

赤倉御殿 - 1433 meters

- source : www.yamareco.com


There seem to be two mountains with this name in the Hakoda Mountain range, Aomori:
- Northern Group:
Mount Akakuradake (赤倉岳 Akakura-dake) 1521 m
- Southern Group:
Mount Akakuradake (赤倉岳 Akakura-dake) 1290 m

The Hakkōda Mountains (八甲田山系 Hakkōda-sankei)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

第二十一番札所 赤倉山 金剛寺(あかくらさん こんごうじ)
21 - 赤倉山 Akakurasan - Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji

Miyamoto-141 Yawatasaki, Hirakawa-shi, Aomori

The main statue is Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩.

Legend knows that an old man with white hair, riding a dragon, appeared in a dream and asked for a temple hall to be built here.

Kobo Daishi roamed this region in 820 陸奥国御巡錫 and also passed the
Akakura Reijo 赤倉霊場 Akakura Sacred Region.
He stood in front of a huge boulder and recited


(All the sacred Buddhas, be my witness, let me promote the wisdom of Mikkyo Buddhism in this new land.
As a proof, show my footprint when I step on it.)

and as he stepped on the boulder, the footprint of his straw sandal became visible.

In 1960 the first 大師一代堂 Daishi Hall was erected in his honor, followed by the
大師堂 Daishi Do Hall in 1965.
In 1980 the main hall of temple 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji was built.

Every year at the 15th of June (now the third Sunday) for the beginning of the mountain climbing season a special fire ritual for the safety of the climbers are held
- yamabiraki 山開き
赤倉山霊場山開会 柴灯大護摩供執行

The uppermost temple in the compound, 金剛寺奥の院 Oku no In, there is a statue of Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 as the personal protector of people born in the year of the rabbit.
ichidai mamori honzon 一代守り本尊 personal protector deity

- Chant of the temple
ながき夜の 夢さませとや 赤倉の暗きこころに光明さしくる
怠らず 願うこころの 赤倉や 赤き血潮に勇む老いの身

- Yearly Festivals
卯年生れ文殊菩薩/五穀豊就大菩薩/開運厄除星祭 初祭典

旧9月23日 - 山納 - End of the Climbing Season.

旧10月21日 - 大師講 四国八十八ヶ所お砂踏
O-sunafumi of the Shikoku 88 Henro temples

- seal of the temple, dedicated also to
 布袋, God of Good Luck.

- Homepage of the temple (with a map)
- source : kongoji.net

. Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori Honzon .


Mount Akakura, a region for Shugendo mountain ascetics,
lies at the "back side" of Mount Iwaki


大石神社 Oishi Jinja and then
- 津軽赤倉山神社 Tsugaru Akakura Jinja
It has been built by 工藤むら Kudo Mura, who also made this statue of a Dragon-Fudo:

Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo-O are venerated here too.

Even further up the mountain is Akakura shrine

Beside it are more small sactuaries, dedicated to Jizo Bosatsu and others.

Along the road, another Kobo Daishi statue in white robes

next to a statue of "Yama no Kami", deity of the mountains.

And on top of the mountain, Akakura Shrine

with a three-storied pagoda.
Akakura Sacred Area 赤倉霊場
- source : www41.tok2.com/home/kanihei5







Enku and his Fudo Statues 円空仏

Seated Fudo Myo-O, about 30 cm high


© Kazo City, Saitama


A rather small, smiling Fudo


円空研究(5)新装普及版 Enku Study Group, Volume 5


「不動明王」日光市 清滝寺蔵
Fudo Myo-O from Nikko

More Enku Statues on this LINK


Saitama, Temple Jizo-In

総高 complete hight 48.7cm、像奥13.3cm、像幅22.5cm。
見沼区東大宮1-82-2 地蔵院 (大宮区高鼻町2-1-2 さいたま市立博物館寄託)
Saitama City Page


Enku and Bishamonten

岡崎市 Okasaki Town


Enku Woddblock by Munakata Shiko

画寸 45㎝×30㎝.... 額寸 58.5㎝×46.5㎝

Painting of Fudo by Munakata


Fudo Myoo(Enku) ©1997 Michael Hofmann



NHK Bi no Tsubo: Enku and Mokujiki , July 2006
File13 円空と木喰 : NHK 美の壷


. Welcome to Master Carver Enku 円空 ! .
His own BLOG !




Iwa Rocks


Fudo Rocks, Fudo-Iwa 不動岩
fudooiwa fudo iwa fudoo myoo iwa
Many rocks look like Fudo Myo-O and are revered like this deity.
Here is the Fudo Rock of Shiraishi Island.

As the story goes, if you place your head in the small dell at head level and make a serious wish three times in your heart, this will will be granted by Fudo Myo-O.

You can see my friend putting her head in the head-shaped stone cave to make a wish. The whole formation of this huge rock is venered as Fudo himself.

More about the Henro Pilgrimage of Shiraishi is here:
The Shiraishi Pilgrimage to the 88 Temples of Shikoku

Gabi Greve: Magaibutsu, Buddhas carved in Stone Cliffs
Introducing some of the Fudo Myo-O Carvings.

Waterfalls and Fudo Myo-o 不動滝


Fudo Iwa in Kumamoto / Oita

This formation was named in the Heian Period by a mountain ascetic who venerated Fudo Myo-O here. It has three Fudo Rocks, the front, middle and back Fudo. The highest Front Fudo, Mae Fudo 前不動 is 80 meters high and more than 100 meters in circumference.


Look at more photos here:

Fudo Rock at Yamaga-shi
There are three huge rocks on this hill in Yamaga city which are collectively called "Fudo Iwa" which means literally immovable rocks. These rocks are individually known as: Mae-Fudo, Naka-Fudo, and Ato-fudo.

Mae-Fudo is the biggest one, and from here you have a great view of mountain and sunset.

There is a story about these rocks that once upon a time, Fudo-Iwa and Hikodake (Mt. Hiko, located in Yamaga city) were step-brothers. Their mother always treated only Fudo-Iwa with affection because she gave birth to him, but treated the other Hikodake harshly.

One day, the mother told them to try the pulling rope game with their neck. She said, I will give the family treasure of 3 balls handed down for long time to the winner. When they started the game, because he was always eating soft and tasty beans the head of Fudo-Iwa came off easilly and fell into the Kubishi Pass where it remains turned into stone.

Now it is said that the rest of the body of Fudo-Iwa is the Fudo Iwa at present. Because Hikodake was always eating hard beans, he grew so big and tough. There is a Kyushu footpath around here to enjoy walking while looking at the seasonal flowers until you reach to the observatory.

© Kumamoto Prefectural Government

. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王と鬼伝説 
Oni Demon Legends and Fudo .

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

There are many more of these rock formations in Japan. I will introduce them here.


. daibanjaku 大盤石/大磐石 "huge rock" .

Sometimes a statue of Fudo sits on a huge rock,
at other places
a huge rock itself is venerated as Fudo Myo-O himself.


- - - - - #iwa #rockfudo - - - - -


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Stone Carvings and Sculptures
Magaibutsu 磨崖仏

I found this carving of Fudo Myo-O on Shiraishi Island in the harbour, at a very low level close to the beach.


Buddhist figures chiseled out of stone, the Magaibutsu of Japan.
They follow in the tradition of the greate figures along the Silk Road, from the un-famous reliefs of Bamiyan in Afganistan to Dunhuang and others in China.

Magaibutsu can be found all over Japan, but maybe the most famous are in Kunisaki in Kyushu.
Read the LINKs given below for more.


More about the Henro Pilgrimage of Shiraishi
and my STONE links is here:

The Shiraishi Pilgrimage to the 88 Temples of Shikoku

. Magaibutsu from the Kibi Region of Okayama
Bunei Sekibutsu 文英様石仏 Stone Buddhas of the Bunei style .



- quote -
magaibutsu 磨崖仏 Also written 摩崖仏. Ch: moyafo.
Also known as magai sekibutsu 磨崖石仏 or 摩崖石仏. A Buddhist image carved into the surface of natural rock such as a cliff face, a large rock, or a stone cave. The rock-face was first polished, and then the image was created with engraved lines *senkoku 線刻 in low relief *ukibori 浮彫 or in high relief takanikubori 高肉彫. Clay was used to model details on the relief carving. Occasionally colors and gold leaf were applied. The surrounding rock was often hollowed out to form an alcove for the figure, so a deeply carved magaibutsu was sometimes known as *butsugan 仏龕, meaning Buddha alcove and a cave temple large enough for people to enter was often referred to as sekkutsu jiin 石窟寺院 or sekkutsuji 石窟寺.
Rock carving flourished in the Han, and Northern and Southern dynasties in China as well as in India, Afghanistan, and Korea.
In Japan magaibutsu never formed the mainstream of Buddhist sculpture, but there are many surviving examples dating from the 7c to 14c. It has been pointed out that popular belief in the living spirit of rocks in Japan was combined with Buddhism and was expressed in magaibutsu. Examples can be found across the country, but Kyuushuu 九州 has the greatest concentration of rock carvings, including the famous stone Buddhas in Usuki 臼杵, Ooita prefecture (11-12c). The images were carved on soft rock such as tuff, a rock formed by the consolidation of volcanic ash and tufa, a porous calcium carbonate rock found around mineral springs.
The late Heian period was regarded as the peak of the magaibutsu, in Japan and Kamakura works were smaller in size, carved on hard stone such as granite, and often unpainted, leaving the natural stone surface. After the 14c, free-standing stone Buddhas *sekibutsu 石仏 became more popular, and fewer magaibutsu were made.
- source : JAANUS -


source : facebok

. Ooiwasan Nissekiji 大岩山日石寺 .
達磨不動明王 Daruma Fudo

真言密宗大岩山日石寺 - Toyama

. 北陸三十六不動尊霊場
Hokuriku - 36 Fudo Temples .

the following part is under construction

. Stones and Daruma san 石とだるまさん  

Magaibutsu 磨崖仏散歩 Stone Cliff Buddhas

CLICK for more photos

I will take this chance to tell you a little about Buddha figures chiseled out of stone, the Magaibutsu of Japan. They follow in the tradition of the greate figures along the Silk Road, from the un-famous reliefs of Bamiyan in Afganistan to Dunhuang and others in China.
Have a look at the Bamiyan Buddha before it was destroyed.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Here are some Buddhas from the oasis Dunhuang in China.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Magaibutsu can be found all over Japan, but maybe the most famous are in Kunisaki 国東半島 in Kyushu. On this HP you can find a lot of information about them, sorted according to areas in Japan, with explanations and access directions.         

. . . CLICK here for Photos from Kunisaki !

the Magaibutsu in Usuki 臼杵磨崖仏, Kunisaki
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Gohyaku Rakan 五百羅漢 The 500 Arhats from Kunisaki
Twenty long years were spent by a mason from Hiji-machi Town in carving this. It was done at the order of the 15th chief priest during the latter half of the Edo period. 538 bodies stand close to one another on a slanting surface.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Stone Buddhas from Kunisaki in Oita prefecture

Oita has a wealth of Buddhist figures carved into mountainsides and sculpted from stone. The group of 75 figures in the mountainside in the area of Usuki City (the Usuki Magaibutsu) is a National Treasure. The immense Kumano figures (Kumano Magaibutsu at Kitsuki) are also famous, and the 3,770 stone images at the Rakan-ji temple (Nakatsu) attract much attention.

This area was famous for Magaibutsu since the late Heian period. Three medallions of the Kamakura period are visible on the cliff face; they are carved with Sanscrit characters representing Fudo, Comet, and Yakushi. Two additional medallions, now weathered, represent Eclipse and Bishamon. The combination of deities has astronomical and astrological and protective significance, in keeping with the esoteric Buddhist (Tendai) affiliation of the shrine. Buddha figures of various periods are carved near the base of the cliff.       

- quote
The Kunisaki Peninsular in Oita Prefecture, northern Kyushu, was a major center of Shugendo, the syncretic mountain religion mixing elements of esoteric Buddhism, Daoism, and other forms of mountain "religions". The version practised in Kunisaki was a variant based on Tendai and Hachiman.

Though details differ, most statues of Fudo Myo have him holding a sword in his right hand, a rope in his left, and flames behind.

More glimpses of unfamiliar Japan
- source and more photso : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp

古園磨崖仏(十三仏)Koen Magaibutsu
There is a group of 13 statues, with Dainichi Nyorai in the middle (one of them is Fudo Myo-O:

この大日如来を中心に左右6体づつ、合計13体並んでおり、13仏といわれている。向かって右端から、多聞天、隆三世明王 観世音菩薩、普賢菩薩、薬師如来、釈迦如来、中尊が大日如来、弥勒菩薩、阿弥陀如来、文殊菩薩、勢至菩薩、不動明王、増長天と曼陀羅式に彫られている。
- source : sekibutukankocenter.com -

古園石仏群 Koen Sekibutsu
- source : wikipedia -

. Jusanbutsu 十三仏 13 Protector Buddhas .

豊後大野 磨崖仏 Bungo Ono Magaibutsu

Fuko-Ji Temple Magaibutsu Cliff-Carved Buddha


CLICK for enlargement !
source : facebook

天寧寺 Tennei-Ji
川中不動 Kawanaka Fudo

大分県国東半島 Oitak Kunisaki Hanto

CLICK for enlargement !

- More photos
- source : www.yado.co.jp/kankou/ooita


Stone Buddhas in Motohakone  元箱根の石仏

Have a look at this beautiful Jizoo Bosatsu of stone.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

The Big Yakushi Buddha at the Nihon-ji Temple in Nokogiriyama, Chiba Prefecture. He is 31 meters high. This temple is easily reached from Tokyo by ferryboat from Kurihama to Kanaya and then up the Nokogiri mountain by cablecar.
The whole area with its many stone statues is well worth a daytrip.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. asekaki Fudo 汗かき不動 sweating Fudo .
at Nokogiriyama

Read more details HERE

Magaibutsu, Buddhas carved in Stone Cliffs
Mark Schumacher


春雨や 確かに見たる 石の精
harusame ya tashika ni mitaru ishi no sei

spring rain -
I really saw this
spirit of the stone

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Murakami Kijoo 村上鬼城 Murakami Kijo .

Read Hugh Bygott about this haiku:


aotsuta no ganji garame ni magaibutsu

the vine creeper
has completely wrapped it -
cliff Buddha

Shoobu Ayame 菖蒲あや


Oita Prefecture
Kumano Magaibutsu Fudo Myo-O
This one is about 8 meters high and the largest in Japan.

© PHOTO : www.pref.oita.jp

CLICK to look at more photos !CLICK to look at more Cliff Fudo

Click thumbnails for more photos !


Fudo Cliff Statue

at Temple Fuko-Ji (Fukoo-Ji 普光寺), Urasa 浦佐, Niigata pref.
Also a Naked Festival of this temple.

. Tomikawa Magaibutsu 富川磨崖仏 Tomikawa Cliff Buddha .
mimidare Fudo 耳だれ不動 "Fudo with hanging earlobes".


hitoyama no kare no naka naru magaibutsu

in the middle
of this withered mountain forest -
cliff Buddha

Shoobuke Kazuo 正部家一夫
Tr. Gabi Greve


Iwa no Mi (岩の身) "Body of Rock"
This teaching was made famous by the legendary Miyamoto Musashi.
It describes a warrior who remains calm and imperturbable in all circumstances. There is a famous story regarding this saying. It seems that this saying became very famous in Japan, and naturally people became interesting as to what Musashi actually meant by "Iwa no Mi".

So it happened that one day a lord came to call upon Musashi and inquire what his teaching actually meant?
Musashi immediately summoned one of his deshi, Terao Ryuma Suke, and ordered him to commit seppuka instantly. The deshi instantly dropped to his knees, opened his kimono exposing his midsection, drew out his wakizashi and without hesitation began to thrust the blade into his belly. Musashi rapidly reached down and grasped his student's arm stopping him at the last second from carrying out his command of suicide. Musashi then looked at his quest and replied "This is the body of a rock". The lord took several steps back, bowed several times, and scurried on his way.

Historically, this story is actually recorded in the "Terao Ka Ki" 寺尾家記 the chronicle of the house of Terao.

- Shared by Steve Weiss -
Joys of Japan, July 2012


. Stones and Daruma san 石とだるまさん  

. Stone Daruma ... my PHOTO ALBUM

Stone Buddhas
石仏 ishibotoke, sekibutsu
. . . and HAIKU

Wayside Gods in Stone
道祖神 Doosojin (Doososhin, Dosojin Dososhin)


- #magaibutsu -


White Fudo


Fudo with white eyes , Mejiro Fudo 目白不動
White Fudo, Shiro-Fudo 白不動

shirofudo, shiro fudoo
Mejiro Fudo Tokyo Temple Kinjoo-In 金乗院 Kinjo-In
目白不動「金乗院」 豊島区高田2-12-39

source - tomiaki/goshiki/mejiro

. 関東三十六不動霊場 - Kanto
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .

Nr. 14 関東三十六不動霊場十四番札所


- quote

倶梨伽羅不動庚申 Kurikara sword

hengaku 扁額 temple name plate

- source : http://4travel.jp/travelogue

. hengaku 扁額 temple name plates .


神霊山 慈眼寺 金乗寺



Mejiro the White Eye, Konjo-in temple

Mejiro Fudo is the greatest of the Five-Color-Edo Fudos. Successive Tycoons of the Edo shogunate worshiped devoutly. Many samurai and people believed in Mejiro Fudo.
The statue of the Mejiro Fudo is an important and special Buddist image. Its left arm is cut under its left elbow. Fire spurts out from the elbow.

The statue of Mejiro Fudo was moved from Sekiguchi Bunkyo-ku to Konjo-in temple because of fire by World War II on May, 1945.


Mejiro Fudo Gansho Temple Osaka

The temple is known for having been built by its worshippers. The principal image was directly and elaborately carved out of an 800-year-old camphor tree. The precincts are also known for beautiful ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms.

Copyright (c) Tondabayashi city


The Red Inkstone Akama

Origin of the name
There is a story of the god, Mejiro Fudo Myo-o, who is enshrined at the old Seian-ji Temple in Sanyo-cho, Asa-gun, Yamaguchi prefecture. In this story Myo-o visited a man named Nizaemon, who lived in Ohko Sanyo-chohara, in his dream.
Myo-oh appeared and told him that there was suzuri somewhere.

He made a suzuri out of that suzuri and gave it to the domain lord Mori and given a authority to sell it to other countries. Because this rock (shale) contains iron oxide and it makes the stone color redder than normal ones.
This is why it is called "Akamaishi-red stone" and therfore, inc slab is called "Akama Suzuri- red ink-slab." One of other versions of story says it is called "Akama Suzuri", because they were mainly sold at Akamagaseki in Shimonoseki.

More about Kusunoki Town Outside Link.


White Fudo Statue at Takamizu San



Temple Kongoo-Ji , Aome, Tokyo
真言宗豊山派 青梅山 金剛寺
東京都青梅市, 天ヶ瀬町1032

本尊 : 白不動明王


This is a Picture Of A Contemporary White Fudo Myo'o

During my Karate days we use to sit in a Karate stance called the Fudo dachi (immovable stance) call the Fudo Dachi. The White image of Fudo Myo' O is adopted by many martial arts and Karate schools.
During my study of karate we learned of the Buddhist God Fudo myo'o. However never in my years as a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist did I realize that this deity was written on the Gohonzon.

Please understand that White Martial arts schools transform this deity to their culture however the minute an African or African/American claim or associate with this deity we are called racist. People often say what difference does it make? By my personally looking at the traditional Black Fudo Myo'o and the White one I get a different spirit.

This White Fudo myo'o reminds me of the wrestler and now Governor of Minnesota Jesse "The Body" Ventura. There is nothing wrong with a White Fudo Myo'o but the minute you say that he is white, then we are called racist. http://www.proudblackbuddhist.org/There_are_Two_Black_Buddhas_on/Untitled_6.html


made from 尾州桧材 Owari Hinoki pine wood
With a Garuda bird in the halo. 迦楼羅の火焔光背
Katsura Taniguchi, Kyoto 京仏商谷口
- source : www.katsura-taniguchi.net


Black-eyed Fudo
O-Fudo-Sama in Japan: Meguro Fudo Temple

Black Fudo 黒不動明王

White (shiroi) Haiku and the Color WHITE


. 関東三十六不動霊場 - Kanto
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .




Mudra of Fudo

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Mudra, Mudrā of Fudo Myo-O
(hand gestures, postures, emblems)

不動明王印 Fudo Myo-O no In

More about the hand positions and gestures of Buddha statues.

Daruma Mudra


- quote -

I came across another unusual Fudo Myo. This statue is at the base of the steps leading up to Ryuzoji, and as you can see he has absolutely nothing in either hand. His hands appear to be in a mudra, which are the hand positions that Buddhas and other Buddhist deities use, often to indicate the nature of the particular figure. Mudras are also used as a meditation technique. ...
- source : Jake Ojisan -


There are 14 mudra signs attributed to Fudo Myo-O in various Sutras :

01 needle sign, one-legged sign, mystic mudra
02 treasure mountain mudra
03 head mudra
04 eye mudra
05 mouth mudra

06 mind symbol
07 back manual sign, shiso kaji in 印
08 shishi funjin sign (a lion at bay) 分身不動
09 fire-flame manual sign
10 kaen rinshi manual sign, cessation of fire

11 sankha manual sign
12 khadga sword manual sign, removes disaster
13 noose manual sign
14 three-legged diamond manual sign

- Reference : Sampa Biswas -


- #fudomudra #mudrafudo -


Kujaku Myo-O


Peacock Wisdom King 孔雀明王 Kujaku Myo-O
Skt. Mahamayuri

Mahamayuri vidyarajni : The peacock goddess of wisdom
In his female aspect also defined as : Kujaku Bosatsu

Wards off evil from poisoning or calamity; prayed to in times of drought, poisoning, and disaster; rides a peacock (in India, the peacock is famous for eating poisonous snakes); one face, four arms.
Mark Schumacher on Kujaku Myo-O

Peacock Myo'o (Mayura Vidyaraja)
This work depicts an unusual form of a Myo'o (Vidyaraja), descending from Heaven on a peacock accompanied by clouds. This figure, with its three faces and six arms, differs from the Japanese style Kujaku Myo'o (Mayura Vidyaraja), which usually has one face and four arms. In contrast to the central face, which suggests a merciful disposition, the side faces appear fierce.

孔雀明王 Kujaku Myo-O
. Kyoto National Museum .



孔雀明王像 <安楽寿院>

孔雀明王 Kujaku Myo-O
. Kyoto National Museum .


More about Rain Rituals (amagoi, kiu あまごい 祈雨) 


Kujaku (Mahaa Mayuuri)

Der "Pfauen-Myoo-oo".

Hat als einziger Myo-O einen milden, barmherzigen Gesichtsausdruck und eine Figur wie ein weiblicher Bosatsu. In alten Schriften auch "Makamayuri" genannt.

Sutra: Butsumo Daikujaku Myo-O Kyoo.

Neutralisiert Schlangengift (Pfau frißt Giftpflanzen, giftige Tiere und Giftschlangen); heilt auch Fieber und Schmerzen und die Unsicherheit des Herzens. Schützt vor Naturkatastrophen.

In Japan als Gottheit für Regenzauber (kiu) verehrt.

Dieser Myo-O ist der älteste von allen Myo-O-Gottheiten. Die älteste Statue in Japan (Nara-Zeit) findet sich in der Goldenen Halle im Tempel Saidaiji in Nara.

Ein freundliches Gesicht, vier Arme. Keine flammenartigen Haare sondern Hohe Krone. Hält geöffnete Lotusblüte, Granatapfel, Buddha-Frucht sowie fünfschweifige Pfauenfeder in den Händen.
Reitet auf einem Lotussockel auf einem Pfau mit einem Nimbus aus Pfauenfedern.

Quoted from my book
Buddhastatuen - Who is Who


................... HAIKU 俳句

a white peacock
under cherry blossoms -
visiting the zoo

© Gabi Greve


in a spring breeze
spreading his tail

(harukaze ni / hane hirogetaru / kujaku kana)

Masaoka Shiki

Read a discussion about translating this haiku:
Peacock, Kujaku Haiku

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

monsoon clouds array
on the car front glass ~
a peacock's loud cry

Narayanan Raghunathan, India

New crop waves
Walks like a peacock
Village damsel

(Punjabi, Satyanand Jaya)

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

PEACOCK Haiku Club, Kenya

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Around here (Chesapeake Bay, USA), the peacocks spreading their tales would be an early summer kigo, as that is the mating season. Take this from me, who was once a zookeeper and has shoveled quite a lot of peacock manure!

azure summer
peacocks rattle their tail feathers
peahens ignore them

Peacocks not only spread their tales, but they shiver, which causes the tail feathers to rattle. The rattle of the feathers is a distinctive sound and is part of the mating ritual -- the peacocks are trying to attract attention. Most of the time the hens don't seem very interested. Nonetheless, the cocks must be successful because a few weeks later there will be scores of nests with eggs, and then the chicks hatch. Each hen will lay 3 - 12 eggs most of which will live.
Then the hens will parade with their chicks in a line.

I stop abruptly,
too much traffic!
a peahen with seven chicks.

There must have been a hundred or more of the peafowl. What an amazing sight to see them roosting in the oak trees, strolling the paths, and everywhere! Peafowl do not fly, but they jump and glide and in this manner can get quite high up in the trees. The largest of the cocks must have been around thirty pounds, and I occasionally saw him up a tree. They almost never hurry, even when they are getting a running start to jump and glide. I have seen them stroll up to a fence then suddenly leap five feet up.

blue, green and silver,
trees full of living jewels--
a flock of wild peacocks

The peafowl flock is the descendants of a pair that were bought as living lawn ornaments back in the 50s. The zoo was a farm then. The peafowl found it to their liking and have multiple and naturalized. People might think it strange that these 'tropical' birds survive our winters, but the peacock is really nothing more than the Asian turkey. Biologically they are very closely related to the North American wild turkey, eating the same foods and suffering from the same disorders.

Unaware that they
are living lawn ornaments,
peacocks stroll the grounds.

Among Native Nations in this area, the tail feathers of the wild turkey were (and still are) used to make feather cloaks. The feather cloak is the badge of office for a Lenape chief, and having seen a chief in his cloak, I can assure you, such a cloak is an extraordinarily beautiful thing! The duties of a Native chief are those of leadership, protection, and compassion for his people, so I see a parallel with the myoo.

December morning,
wild peacocks roosting
among the oak trees.

M. Kei
Editor of the Chesapeake Bay Saijiki, USA


Peacock and apple blossoms
Bairei Kono (1844-1895)


..................More Peacock KIGO

peacock butterfly, kujakuchoo 孔雀蝶
Kigo for all spring

peacock flies, fruit flies, kujakubae, shoojoobae 孔雀蝿,ショウジョウバエ
Kigo for all summer

Marigold, (Peacock plant) kujakusoo 孔雀草
harushagiku 波斯菊(はるしゃぎく)"Persian chrysanthemum"
janomesoo 蛇の目草(じゃのめそう)"snake eye plant"
koo oo soo 紅黄草(こうおうそう)
manjugiku 万寿菊(まんじゅぎく)"long live chrysanthemum"
marigoorudo マリーゴールド Marigold, Tagetes

kigo for late summer

. Marigold garlands in India .

. - The Six Birds of Paradise - 浄土の鳥 - .


