Fudo with white eyes , Mejiro Fudo 目白不動
White Fudo, Shiro-Fudo 白不動
shirofudo, shiro fudoo
Mejiro Fudo Tokyo Temple Kinjoo-In 金乗院 Kinjo-In
目白不動「金乗院」 豊島区高田2-12-39

source - tomiaki/goshiki/mejiro
. 関東三十六不動霊場 - Kanto
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .
Nr. 14 関東三十六不動霊場十四番札所
- quote

倶梨伽羅不動庚申 Kurikara sword
hengaku 扁額 temple name plate
- source : http://4travel.jp/travelogue
. hengaku 扁額 temple name plates .
神霊山 慈眼寺 金乗寺
Mejiro the White Eye, Konjo-in temple
Mejiro Fudo is the greatest of the Five-Color-Edo Fudos. Successive Tycoons of the Edo shogunate worshiped devoutly. Many samurai and people believed in Mejiro Fudo.
The statue of the Mejiro Fudo is an important and special Buddist image. Its left arm is cut under its left elbow. Fire spurts out from the elbow.
The statue of Mejiro Fudo was moved from Sekiguchi Bunkyo-ku to Konjo-in temple because of fire by World War II on May, 1945.
Mejiro Fudo Gansho Temple Osaka
The temple is known for having been built by its worshippers. The principal image was directly and elaborately carved out of an 800-year-old camphor tree. The precincts are also known for beautiful ume (Japanese apricot) blossoms.

Copyright (c) Tondabayashi city
The Red Inkstone Akama
Origin of the name
There is a story of the god, Mejiro Fudo Myo-o, who is enshrined at the old Seian-ji Temple in Sanyo-cho, Asa-gun, Yamaguchi prefecture. In this story Myo-o visited a man named Nizaemon, who lived in Ohko Sanyo-chohara, in his dream.
Myo-oh appeared and told him that there was suzuri somewhere.
He made a suzuri out of that suzuri and gave it to the domain lord Mori and given a authority to sell it to other countries. Because this rock (shale) contains iron oxide and it makes the stone color redder than normal ones.
This is why it is called "Akamaishi-red stone" and therfore, inc slab is called "Akama Suzuri- red ink-slab." One of other versions of story says it is called "Akama Suzuri", because they were mainly sold at Akamagaseki in Shimonoseki.
More about Kusunoki Town Outside Link.
White Fudo Statue at Takamizu San
Temple Kongoo-Ji , Aome, Tokyo
真言宗豊山派 青梅山 金剛寺
東京都青梅市, 天ヶ瀬町1032
本尊 : 白不動明王
This is a Picture Of A Contemporary White Fudo Myo'o

During my Karate days we use to sit in a Karate stance called the Fudo dachi (immovable stance) call the Fudo Dachi. The White image of Fudo Myo' O is adopted by many martial arts and Karate schools.
During my study of karate we learned of the Buddhist God Fudo myo'o. However never in my years as a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist did I realize that this deity was written on the Gohonzon.
Please understand that White Martial arts schools transform this deity to their culture however the minute an African or African/American claim or associate with this deity we are called racist. People often say what difference does it make? By my personally looking at the traditional Black Fudo Myo'o and the White one I get a different spirit.
This White Fudo myo'o reminds me of the wrestler and now Governor of Minnesota Jesse "The Body" Ventura. There is nothing wrong with a White Fudo Myo'o but the minute you say that he is white, then we are called racist. http://www.proudblackbuddhist.org/There_are_Two_Black_Buddhas_on/Untitled_6.html

made from 尾州桧材 Owari Hinoki pine wood
With a Garuda bird in the halo. 迦楼羅の火焔光背
Katsura Taniguchi, Kyoto 京仏商谷口
- source : www.katsura-taniguchi.net
Black-eyed Fudo
O-Fudo-Sama in Japan: Meguro Fudo Temple
Black Fudo 黒不動明王
White (shiroi) Haiku and the Color WHITE
. 関東三十六不動霊場 - Kanto
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .
- 神霊山 Shinreizan 金乗院 Konjo-In 慈眼寺 Jigen-Ji
豊島区高田2-12-39 / 2 Chome-12-39 Takada, Toshima ward
The main statue is 聖観世音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu. It is only 7 cm high and made of bronze, but it is a secret statue.
After World War II it was united with 東豊山浄滝院 新長谷寺 Shin-Hasedera in Mejiro.
Nr. 54 - Shinhasedera 新長谷寺 Shin Hasedera "New Hasedera"
- 東豊山 Higashibuzan 浄瀧院 Joryu-In 新長谷寺 Shin Hasedera
豊島区高田2-12-3 /Takada, Toshima ward
Gofunai Temple Nr. 54
豊山新長谷寺 Shinchokokuji (Shin-Hasedera) in Toyoshima has a statue of Fudo Myo-O, made by Kobo Daishi himself.
When Kobo Daishi was in 荷沢河, 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai appeared to him and then changed into Fudo Myo-O.
The Deity wielded its own sword and cut off its left arm at the ellbow. A lot of smoke and flames came out of this burning wound.
Kobo Daishi made the statue just as he had seen this.
Look at the statue here
Tokyo Mejirodai 目白台 Mejirodai district
Bunkyo, Mejirodai 一丁目 - 三丁目 first to third sub-district
The name refers to the Mejiro Fudo with white eyes. It used to be in the temple 長谷寺 Hasedera, which burned down. The White-eyed Fudo was then relocated.
A white horse was born in the Shoguns stable at that time as an auspicious sign.
Tokyo, 豊島区 Toshima ward
The statue of Mejiro Fudo 目白不動明王 Fudo Myo-O with white eyes at the temple 新長谷寺 Shinchokoku-Ji was made by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi.
When Kobo Daishi stayed at 荷沢河 Katakugawa, 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai appeared to him.
Soon after he changed to Fudo Myo-O. He swung the sword in his left hand and suddenly a lot of smoke came forth.
Kobo Daishi made the statue just as he had seen it.
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