
Sun and Moon

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. Introducing Buddha Statues .

Sun and Moon Deities of Japan

Amaterasu Oomikami, the Great Sun Godess 天照大神

Dainichi Nyorai The Great Sun 大日如来


Nikko Bosatsu (Sunlight)
Gakko Bosatsu (Moonlight)

Suryaprabha and Candraprabha

They were thought to be the children or attendants of Yakushi Nyorai.

One way to distinquish between the two is to look for the Gachirin symbol (月輪 = Moon Disc). The Gachirin (also called Gatsurin or Getsurin) is a perfectly round circle meant to represent the full moon, a frequently used symbol in Buddhist painting and sculpture. It represents the Buddha's knowledge and virtue and symbolizes the aspirations of sentient beings to attain Buddhahood. The Gachirin is a key attribute of Gakkou Bosatsu, who is often shown in statues and paintings wearing a headpiece representing the moon or holding a circular form in the palm of his hand.

Read the basic information from Mark Schumacher

病気平癒・身体健全・除病延寿・災難除去. 薬師如来を信仰する者を守護


ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Cultural Property from Sendai 仙台の文化財
From the Edo Period, 1645
Carved from one piece of wood each. The eyes are carved in natural form and whitend with powder (gofun).


ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Nikko and Gekko Bosatsu. Kofukuji Temple Nara


Alamy Stock Photography.

. Yakushi sanzon 薬師三尊 Yakushi Triad, Trias, Trinity .
with Nikko and Gakko.


Nitten and Gatten, the Hindu Gods of Sun and Moon
Great Heavenly Sun King
Great Heavenly Moon King

Nitten is also thought of as an incarnation of Kannon Bosatsu.

Gatten sometimes holds a half moon with a rabbit in it.

Look at two paintings from the emuseum of the TNM.

Nitten, Sūrya, Āditya 日天

Gatten, Candra 月天


ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

He holds a jewel representing the sunlight. Rides on a horse with three or five heads, even seven heads. In the old Indian stories of the deities, the sun god in a charriot with many horses was common.



He holds a jewel containing the moonlight. Sometimes he has a staff with a sickle moon and holds a lotus flower.


Copyright(c), 2000 All rights reserved by Tobifudoson Shoboin.

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Sasara Dance ささら踊り
Shiramazu, Chiba Prefecture 白間津のオオマチ(大祭)

This festival is performed only every four years.
The main deity of this dance are two boys under age of 15, representing Nitten and Gatten.
The festival lasts for 3 days.


Oonawatashi オオナ渡し
The Finale of the Festival

Two groups of boys older than 18 years pull the ropes to get the straw ring in the air. If the group for Nitten looses, there will be a dry spell this year. If the group for Gatten looses, the sea will be wild and bring damage. In this way, the weather for the year is foretold.

At the end of the festival, two large flags for Gatten and Nitten are brought back to the local shrine 日枝神社.




ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

LINK to the Mandala formation with these Deities.
Nr. 63 is Nitten, Nr. 64 is Gatten.


Myooken Bosatsu (Myoken Bosatsu) 妙見菩薩
Myoojoo Tenshi (Myojo tenshi) 明星天子
: Aruna

Nittenji, Gattenji and Myoojoo Tenji are also called the Three Heavenly Children.
The Nichiren Sect of Buddhism has a special affiliation to these Sun and Moon deities.

The Great Mandala, Go Honzon, Nichiren Sect

日天子 (にってんじ)、月天子(がってんじ)、明星天子(みょうじょうてんじ):

Star Shrines (Hoshi Jinja 星神社) by Gabi Greve


Zitat von
Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who

Gakkoo (Candraprabha)
Bosatsu des Mondes, links von Yakushi-Statuen. Auch "Alles beleuchtendes Mondlicht" (Gakkoo Henshoo) genannt.
Immer zusammen mit Nikkoo Bosatsu. Gakkoo und Nikkoo sind die Haupt-Bosatsu im Lapislazuli-Paradies des Yakushi Nyorai. Im Mandala der Mutterschoßwelt findet sich Gakkoo in der Abteilung des Jizoo Bosatsu.
Selten als Dreiergruppe zusammen mit Shaka oder anderen Nyorai.
Symbolisiert nach alten asiatischen Legenden durch einen Hasen oder Frosch (im Mond).
Stellt Intellekt und Rationalität dar; befreit die Menschen von den fleischlichen Lüsten.

Meist stehende Statue. Hält eine Mondkugel (gachirin) oder einen Halbmond in der Hand, auf einer langen Lotusblüte oder hat eine Mondkugel oder einen Halbmond in der Hohen Krone. In der Mondkugel kann ein Hase abgebildet sein.
Häufig haben Gakkoo und Nikkoo auch einfach gefaltete Hände.
Unter den fließenden Gewändern befindet sich manchmal eine Rüstung. Daraus kann man schließen, daß es sich bei Gakkoo und Nikkoo eigentlich um Wächtergottheiten handelt, wahrscheinlich den indischen Bonten (Brahma) und den Taishakuten (Indra).

Nikkoo (Suuryaprabha)
Sein vollständiger Name ist "Alles beleuchtendes Sonnenlicht" (Nikkoo Henshoo Bosatsu).
Bosatsu der Sonne, links von Statuen des Yakushi Nyorai. Siehe Gakkoo.
Verkörpert unendliche Tugend wie die Sonnenstrahlen.
Er errettet die in der Dunkelheit der Wiedergeburten leidenden Menschen durch Tausend Sonnenstrahlen, die er vom Himmel herabsendet.
Im Mandala der Mutterschoßwelt findet sich Nikkoo in der Abteilung des Monju Bosatsu.
Symbolisiert nach alten asiatischen Legenden durch die dreibeini~ge Krähe (in der Sonne).

Hält eine Sonnenkugel (nichirin) in der Hand oder hat eine Sonnenkugel in der Hohen Krone. Auf der Sonnenkugel kann eine Krähe abgebildet sein. Häufig auch einfach gefaltete Hände.
Seit der Heian-Zeit ist seine Ikonografie einheitlich mit einer Sonnenkugel in einer Lotusblüte.

Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie von japanischen Buddhastatuen
Gabi Greve


. taiyoo 太陽 the sun - die Sonne .

Nikkoo Gekkoo Nikkou Gekkou

- #nikkobosatsu #gakkobosatsu -


. Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神 Legends .

Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神

On the first day of the New Year, the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Oomikami is worshipped in many places of Japan. During the Edo period, is was customary to bow and clap your hands in prayer to the sun, o-tentoo-sama, every morning and also make offerings to the numerous Shinto deities at the small shelf for the Gods (kamidana) in every home.

The Sun Goddess, Queen of Kami, She Who Illuminates the Heavens, the Supreme Shinto Deity. Amaterasu is the child of Izanagi and Izanami (creator gods of Japanese mythology). Japan's imperial family claims direct decent from her line; the nation's flag symbolizes the sun; the name of the country means "Land of the Rising Sun."

Emperor Akihito (the current emperor) is said to be the 125th direct descendant of Emperor Jinmu, Japan's legendary first emperor and a mythical descendent of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess.
Read the Basic Information from Mark Schumacher.

In her Buddhist version, she is adressed to as Dainichi Nyorai The Great Sun.

Read more about the worship on January 1 of every year.


© Photo from the Wikipedia


by Micha F. Lindemans

The Japanese Shinto sun goddess, ruler of the Plain of Heaven, whose name means 'shining heaven' or 'she who shines in the heavens'. She is the central figure in the Shinto pantheon and the Japanese Imperial family claims descent from her. She is the eldest daughter of Izanagi. She was so bright and radiant that her parents sent her up the Celestial Ladder to heaven, where she has ruled ever since.

When her brother, the storm-god Susanowa, ravaged the earth she retreated to a cave because he was so noisy. She closed the cave with a large boulder. Her disappearance deprived the world of light and life. Demons ruled the earth. The other gods used everything in their power to lure her out, but to no avail. Finally it was Uzume who succeeded. The laughter of the gods when they watched her comical and obscene dances aroused Amaterasu's curiosity.

When she emerged from her cave a streak of light escaped (a streak nowadays people call dawn). The goddess then saw her own brilliant reflection in a mirror which Uzume had hung in a nearby tree. When she drew closer for a better look, the gods grabbed her and pulled her out of the cave. She returned to the sky, and brought light back into the world.

Later, she created rice fields, called inada, where she cultivated rice. She also invented the art of weaving with the loom and taught the people how to cultivate wheat and silkworms.

Amaterasu's main sanctuary is Ise-Jingue situated on Ise, on the island of Honshu. This temple is pulled down every twenty years and then rebuild in its original form. In the inner sanctum she is represented by a mirror (her body). She is also called Omikami ("illustrious goddess") and Tensho Daijin (in Sino-Japanese pronunciation).

© MCMXCV - MMVI Encyclopedia Mythica. All rights reserved.


Dolmen near by the cave where the Sun Goddess hid herself, Hiruzen Highlands.

© Photo Gabi Greve, Sakura, Cherry Blossoms




Izanagi 伊弉諾 - 伊弉冉尊 and
Izanami 伊邪那美命

two powerful deities who feature in the Japanese creation myth

According to Kojiki and Nihongi, one of the two kami (together with his consort Izanami) principally responsible for the formation of the world. Various theories have been proposed to explain the name, but it is usually assumed that iza means "invite" (izanau), while the suffixes ki (or gi) and mi mean "male" and "female" respectively, thus alluding to the divine marriage of these two deities.

According to the main text of Nihongi, the "three noble children" Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo were also produced at this time, but Kojiki and an "alternate writing" quoted in Nihongi state that the three were produced in a different way. According to these two records, Izanami died as the result of giving birth to the kami of fire, whereupon Izanagi Izanagi followed his dead wife to the land of Yomi and disobeyed her taboo (see kinki) not to look upon her. Fleeing from the pollution of death, Izanagi then performed lustration (see misogi) which resulted in the birth of the three noble children.

In contrast to Izanami as "earth mother," Izanagi is thought to have characteristics of a "heavenly father." According to Kojiki, Izanagi "hid away" (i.e., died) in Taga of Ōmi,
while Nihongi states that he died either in the province of Awaji or
Hi no Wakamiya ひの 少宮 /日之少宮.

source : Kadoya Atsushi - Kokugakuin 2005

Izanagi Jingu 伊弉諾神宮
Awaji Island

Look at more photos
source : www.genbu.net/data/awaji

Ame no nuboko 天沼矛(あめのぬぼこ) heavenly jeweled spear
amanonuboko あまのぬぼこ
This is given as an amulet
kootsuu anzen 交通安全 for road safety

at 幽宮 Kakuri no Miya

. momo 桃 peach amulet from Izanagi Shrine .


The Creation of Japan Myth (kuniumi shinwa) goes something like this.

The deities of heaven (Takamagahara) ask a male and female pair to descend to the unformed land below and create order there so people could live. The two deities were Izanagi (He Who Invites)
and Izanami (She Who Invites).
They are entrusted with a Heavenly Spear ...
source : www.greenshinto.com, John Dougill

. Izanagi in the Daruma Museum .


. WKD : taiyoo 太陽 the sun - die Sonne .

Native American Wisdom

Each soul must meet the morning sun,
the new sweet earth and the Great Silence alone!

-- Ohiyesa (Dr. Charles A. Eastman), SANTEE SIOUX

The most important thing we can do during the course of the day is pray in the morning.
There is a special time in the morning that has great power.
This is the exact time the sun is rising.
During the rising of the sun, everything on the Earth is waking up. Animals, plants, birds, and humans will be blessed at the rising of the sun.
This is a special time to help us prepare for the day.
During this time we ask the Creator to bless our day.
We ask Him to guide us, to protect us and to give us courage to overcome the day's obstacles.
Doing this everyday will give us knowledge of God's will for us.

- source : Elder's Meditation of October 14, 2013


. tooji 冬至 winter solstice .
Amaterasu emerges from her cave ! - December 21/22

. Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神 Legends .

- #amaterasu #izanagi -

Hadaka Jizo

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- - - Enmei Jizo, see below

Hadaka Jizo, Naked Jizo 裸地蔵

It is a version of the Substitute Jizo (migawari Jizoo 身代わり地蔵), where Jizo helps a person in distress. The statues are usually of a naked body, dressed in cloths.

Let us look at some famous Jizo of this kind.


Temple 延命寺 Enmei-Ji in Kamakura
The story goes way back to the Kamakura Period. The wife of Hojo Tokiyori ((1227~1263) had this temple built in honor of Jizo Bosatsu. One day the lady played a game of Sugoroku with a friend and they agreed that the one who looses had to walk home naked.
Tokiyori's wife lost the game and had to walk away naked ... when she prayed hard to Jizo Bosatsu to help her. He then appeared and walked away instead of the lord's lady.

I have seen this statue many times. It is clad in silken robes.

浄土宗のお寺です。北条時頼の夫人が建てたと伝えられています。延命寺には鎌倉二十四地蔵第二十三番目の身替わり地蔵(裸地蔵、Maedashi Jizo 前出地蔵とも呼ばれている)という有名な地蔵像があります。昔、北条時頼がある婦人と負けた方が裸になるという条件でSugoroku 双六をした時、賭けに負けて裸にならなければならなくなった婦人が念じたところ、地蔵が身替わりに裸になって双六盤の上に現れたという伝説があります。
北条時頼 ほうじょうときより (1227~1263).


Temple 伝香寺 Denko-Ji in Nara
This statue is dressed each year on the July 23/24, the monthly memorial day of Jizo Bosatsu. The statue is usually not shown to visitors. The old clothes are torn to small pieces and given as talismans to believers.
This statue had been made on the wish of a nun and carries a beautiful precious neclace on this breast.
During the Jizo Bon Ceremony the children of the nearby kindergarden come here to pray.



On this link you can look at a slideshow of the dressing ceremony.

Read about the Jizobon Ceremony by Gabi Greve




Temple 国安円光寺 Kokuan Enkoo-Ji

This stone statue is from the Nanboku period. It is about 1.24 meter high, including the halo.

様式から南北朝時代のものと考えられています。 円形後 背をもち高さ1.24m。


Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo

- quote -
Enmei Jizō 延命地蔵 (Life Prolonging Jizō).
Longevity Jizō. Enmei Jizō is also one of Six Jizō who protect all beings in the six realms of desire and rebirth.
Jizo is Nr. 4
Keiki Jizō 鶏亀地蔵,
also known as Enmei Jizō 延命地蔵 or Kōmi Jizō 光味地蔵
... 1822 Enmei Jizōson Inkou Riyakuki
(A Record of the Benefits of Printing the Image of the Life-Prolonging Jizō).
- source : Mark Schumacher -


. Jizooji 地蔵寺 - 金錫山 - Jizo-Ji .
ganfuujidera 癌封じ寺 Ganfujidera
Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵願王菩薩
岐阜県下呂市宮地939 / Gifu-ken, Gero-shi, Miyaji 939 - near Gero Onsen


Jookooji 定光寺 Joko-Ji
愛知県瀬戸市定光寺町373 Aichi

. Jokoji Kaido 定光寺街道 Jokoji Highway .

Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵願王菩薩
The main statue of the temple is Enmei Jizo.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : oumusan.jyokoji.com/about -

- quote -
Jokoji Temple contains the mausoleum of Tokugawa Yoshinao (1601-1650), the 9th son of warlord and first Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Yoshinao was the daimyo of the Owari domain, roughly present-day Aichi Prefecture, and involved in the upkeep and maintenance of Nagoya Castle. Yoshinao took up residence at the Ninomaru Palace of Nagoya Castle from 1620.
Jokoji, as the family temple of the Owari Tokugawa family, also contains the tombs of other members of this important Edo era clan.

The mausoleum of Tokugawa Yoshinao

Jokoji is a Myoshinji Rinzai Zen temple reached by climbing up a steep hill from Jokoji Koen. The temple's main gate is decorated in the Chinese style popular with the Tokugawa, who liked to see themselves as on equal status with the monarchs of the Middle Kingdom across the East China Sea.
- source : japanvisitor.blogspot.jp/2012 -


Enmei-jizo (Guardian deity for childrens’ longevity)
Nagiso 南木曽町 South Kiso Town

A sleeping image of Jizo, appeared on a large stone, was found in 1810 in the River Araragi nearby. Since that time a festival has been held here every April.

- source : town.nagiso.nagano.jp/kankou -


o-keshoo enmei Jizoo お化粧延命地蔵尊
Enmei Jizo with Make-up

. Sengakuji 泉岳寺 Sengaku-Ji .


富山市石倉町 at Itachigawa
(環境省の「平成の名水百選」選定 名水「いたち川の水辺と清水」)
- reference source : pref.toyama.jp/sections -


Enmei Hayari Jizo 延命はやり地蔵 Hayari Jizô, Hayarijizo
浅草金龍山八境 Asakusa Konryuzan

鳥居清長 Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815)

- source : metmuseum.org/art -

hayarijizoo はやり地蔵 "very popular Jizo"
.... "a new ’Hayari Jizō’ (lit. = Jizō that's all the rage) at the Sōtō 曹洞 Zen temple known as Kōganji 高岩寺 (in present-day Tokyo), claiming ’those gravely ill or those who have difficult-to-cure ailments, if they get a hold of a talisman of this Jizō statue, will definitely find relief.’"
De Visser
- source : Mark Schumacher -


- reference : Enmei Jizo -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................... Aichi 愛知県

In 豊田市 Toyota
Below the home of the 大塚家 Otsuka family there is a stone statue of Enmei Jizo. Once a man cutting weeds realized that the stone had fallen over. He wanted to lift it up and prayed "please make yourself light " so he could straighten the statue up again.

................... Fukushima 福島県

In 飯坂町 Iizaka
the Enmei Jizo at 梨平 Nashidaira is also called
Shibarare Jizo しばられ地蔵 or 無尽地蔵 Mujin Jizo.
It is a wooden statue and sometimes its arms, legs or head and even the whole statue had been stolen. But whoever steals a part will have a lot of misfortune and usually brings it back again.

In 川俣町 Kawamata
once upon a time, a monk practised austerities. One night he had a dream. Jizo appeared and told him, his statue had been burried here for a long time, so he should dig him out and build a proper temple for him. Then he would help the people in the region. Upon waking up he did as told and found a shining statue, the Enmei Jizo and built a small temple for it.

経塚山 淨光院 梅松寺 Baisho-Ji
Temple founded by 廓蓮社良然上人
Festival for 延命地蔵尊祭礼 Enmei Jizo in October
- source : jodo.jp/08-057 -

................... Kochi 高知県

In 大月町 Otsuki
A young man from 宇佐 Usa who had come here to help making カツオブシ Katsuobushi bonito flakes fell in love with a girl from the region. But the local boys got angry, bound him up and killed him. But now the local boys got ill one after the other and felt the curse of the killed man. So they prayed to Enmei Jizo and made the 24th day of the 7th month a special prayer day for Jizo and all the Henro pilgrims who had died on the road.

................... Nagano 長野県

In 南木曽町 Nagiso town
A man from Owari came fishing here and sat on a stone by the river. Suddenly the stone begun to move. He got up and looked closely, to see the figure of a sleeping Jizo. He took the stone home to venerate it.
In July during the rainy season, the figure of Jizo can be seen clearly on the stone.

................... Niigata 新潟県

In 上越市 Joetsu
an Enmei Jizo, who had been built to pray for an old lady who had been eaten by a wolf. BUt once during a flooding it got lost. Some years later a young man became ill and went to the doctor but never got better. Then he had a dream that the lost Jizo had been washed downstream and now wanted to get back to his original place upstream.
When they dug in the riverside, they found the statue and brought it back.
And the young man healed and became a sucessfull doctor himself.

................... Shizuoka 静岡県

At the 宇津谷の峠 pass of Utsuya a demon came out and captured humans. Then the Enmei Jizo from 素麺谷 Somendani in 宇都宮 Utsunomiya took on the form of a priest.

The rest of the story is told here:
. 宇津ノ谷の十団子 the 10 dumplings form Utsuya .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Fugen Enmei Bosatsu 普賢延命菩薩 .


- #hadakajizo #enmeijizo #jizobosatsu -



Four-armed Fudo


Four-armed Fudo 四臂不動尊 shihi Fudo Son

These statues are quite rare.


. Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji .

- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kanmankiriku


source : kyobibutsuzou.com


Famous Statue at the temple Hokke-Ji in Kyoto.
This temple is the first of the five big nunnaries in Kyoto since ancient times.

「迦楼羅」は「法隆寺玉虫厨子」の貴重 な絵画にも描かれております。
「台座」は「瑟瑟(しつしつ)座」で迦 楼羅炎と同じく、不動明王専用です。
「ガルーダー」はインドネシアの国鳥で したが今は違います。
「不動明王像」は「慈光殿」に安置され ております。


Fudo with four faces, four arms and four legs
Painting, Kyoto National Museum
76.4 cm long

四面四臂四足不動明王像 <京都国立博物館蔵>


通常の不動図像は一面二臂二足だが、本作品は多面多臂(臂は腕のこと)多足という珍しい姿である。異形不動といってよい。他の不動図像集の中には、本作品と同じものが見られ、もとは十世紀後半に活躍した源朝 が描いた形とされている。すぐれた筆描と火炎の動勢表現が見事である。

Normally, Fudo has only one face and two arms/legs. This painting from the Edo period is indeed special.


The Heavenly Houses and the Mystery of the Number Four









. Nr. 41 天長寺 Tenchooji 天長寺 Tencho-Ji .

Temple Nr. 41 Tenchooji 天長寺 Tenchoji, Tencho-Ji
At the Kyushu Henro Pilgrimage, Miyazaki
第四十一番 松林山 天長寺 宮崎県都城市都島町

The Fudo statue is one of the Secret Statues and not shown in public.

There is another Fudo stone statue at this temple garden.

- source : btvm.ne.jp


Juuniten Mandala
At the Temple Kokubunji in Shimonoseki.

In the middle of the mandala is a Fudo with four arms. It dates from the Kamakura Period.

絹本著色十二天曼荼羅図 (寺伝安鎮曼荼羅) Important Cultural Property.



About the 12 Heavenly Deities
The 12 Ten are the 12 Tenbu (deva guardian). They are the deities of the 8 directions(East: Taishaku Ten, South: Enma Ten, West: Sui Ten, North: Bishamon Ten, East south: Ka Ten, West south: Rasetsu Ten, West north: Fuu ten, East north: Ishana Ten), the two directions(Up:Bon Ten, Down:Chi Ten) and Nitten (the sun) and Gatten (the moon).

They are composed with deities who control the universe, ruling over all of Tenryu (dragon in heaven) , Kishin (demon), Seishuku (constellation), and Meikan (hell).
When worshipped on the circle platform, a Fudou Myou Ou with four arms should be placed.

- source : taogakusya.blog12.fc2.com

十二天曼荼羅 Juniten Mandala


The Celestial Houses and the Number FOUR

"These kingdoms have not arisen from outside.
They arise from the four divisions of your heart."
(Bardo Thödol [Tibetan Book of the Dead])
Dominion, or the System of 8 Houses by Patrice Guinard, Ph.D.

The astrological houses in the celestial sphere. Vishnu has four arms and manifests through a theoretically infinite number of avatars that regenerate the world.

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

The mention of Rahu, the demon of eclipse, which originally had four arms and a tail that was severed by Vishnu to become Ketu (comet) is interesting in that the demon is here darkening Kirttika (the Pleiades) in the month of Karttika (latter half of October, through mid November), for the tale goes on to relate that ...

Read about the COMETS connection here:
Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse, by Bob Kobres


............................................. FOUR

Four is the 4th dimension = time which is illusion.
Four is seen as the first solid number. Spatial in scheme or order in manifestation.
Static as opposed to the circular and the dynamic.
Wholeness; totality; completion; solid
Earth; order
Rational - relativity and justice
Symbol of measurement

The are four cardinal points; four seasons; four winds; four directions (as in North, South, East, West); four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) in the western culture.

There are four sides to a square; four arms to a cross. There are four rivers to Paradise, that formed a cross (the Garden of Eden was said to be within the four rivers). Within Paradise were four infernal regions, seas, and sacred mountains. There are four watches of the night and day, quarters of the moon.
There are four quarters to the earth. There are four tetramorphs. The Divine Quaternity is in direct contrast to the Trinity. Four is a symbolic number used throughout in the Old Testament. The quaternary can be depicted as the quatrefoil as well as the square and the cross.

Cultural References

Native American: As in other cultures, ceremonies and ritual acts are repeated in fours. The Native Amercican cultures have used the number 4 most frequently as in the four cardinal directions. The four winds are depicted by the symbol of the cross and by the symbol of the swastika. The swastika as some misbelieve was not created by Hitler. It was instead borrowed from the Native American and occult beliefs of which Hitler had great interests. Hitler derived his "insanity" of power from his misdirected interpretation and use of metaphysical principles. He used knowledge that his human consciousness couldn't possibly understand and the use of this knowledge for personal gain is part of the imbalance that creates the chaos and karma.

Buddhism: The Damba Tree of Life has four limbs and from its roots four sacred streams of Paradise that represent the the four boundless wishes of compassion, affection, love impartiality. It also represents the four directions of the heart as well.

Chinese Buddism: there are four celestial guardians of cardinal points are Mo-li Ch'ing, the East, with the jade ring and spear; Virupaksha, the West, the Far-gazer, with the four-stringed quitar; Virudhaka, the South, with the umbrella of choas and darkness and earthquakes; Vaisravenna, the North, with the whips, leopard-skin bag, snake and pearl.

Chinese: Four is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square. There are four streams of immortality. Four is even an number. It is Yin in polarity.

Christian: Four is the number representing the body, with three representing the soul. Again we see the theme of the four rivers in Paradise. There are four Gospels, Evangelists, chef arch-angels, chef-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets. There are four cardinal virtues--prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance. The are four winds from which the One Spirit is said to come. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Revelation: There four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth, holding back the four winds of the earth (Rev 7:1). The great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language (four-fold description) - Rev 5:9 11:9 13:7 14:6 the four-fold description indicates that these people come from all over the earth.

Egyptian: Four is the sacred number of Time, measurement of the sun. Four pillars support the vault of heaven. There are four canopic jars placed around the dead at the four corners guarded by the four sons of Horus who are associated with the cardinal points. In the Hermetic it is the divine quaternity. It represents God.

Gnostic: belief in Barbelo, the Four-ness of God.

Greek: Four is the sacred number of Hermes.

Hebrew: Four represents measuring; beneficence; intelligence. In the Kabbalah four is memory; four represents the four worlds of the Kabbalah.It also represents the four directions of space and the four levels of the hierarchical organism of the Torah.

Hindu: Four is Totality; plenitude; perfection. Brahma, the Creator is four faced. The temple is based on the four sides of the square, symbolizing order and finality. There are four tattvas the four bodies bodies of human and kingdoms of nature which are animal, vegetable, mineral, mind. There are four yugas. Four is the winning throw of the dice. There are four castes and pairs of opposites.

Islamic: tradition the four terms of the quaternary are the Principle which is Creator; Universal Spirit; Universal Soul; and the primordial matter. These correspond to the four worlds of Kabbalism. There are four angelic beings and four houses of death. There are four levels to the Bardo.

Mayan culture four giants support the celestial roof. Four is seen as the number of support .

Pythagorean: Four is Perfection; harmonious proportion; justice; the earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath. Four and ten are divinities. The Tetraktys 1+2+3+4=10.

Scandinavian: there are four rivers of milk flowing in Asgard.

Sumero-Semitic: Four astral gods are indentified with the four cardinal points.

Teutonic: Four dwarfs support the world.

Taoist: There are four celestial guardians, Li, with the pagoda; Ma, with the sword; Cho with two swords; Wen with a spiked club.

More about the Symbolism of Numbers in this outside LINK






nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

Fudo Myo-O Statue

Quoted from Maha Kala.com


Sanskrit Seed: KAN
Sanskrit Seed: UN
Name: Acala-vidyaraja
+ God of Fire +
Acalanatha means "Immovable"

"Some also say Fudo is the Hindu God Shiva. Flames in background said to represent the purification of the mind; in Kamakura, Fudo is enshrined at Joju-in and Myoo-in. Others say flame behind Fudo originated from the vomit of the mythical Karura."

"Personification of Dainichi Nyorai; best known of the five, and one of the main deities of the Shingon sect. Converts anger into salvation; furious, glaring face, as Fudo seeks to frighten people into accepting the teachings of Dainichi; carries "kurikara" or devil-subduing sword in right hand (also represents wisdom cutting through ignorance); holds rope in left hand (to catch and bind up demons); often has third eye in forehead (all-seeing); often seated or standing on rock (because Fudo is "immovable" in his faith).

In sculpture, Fudo is often flanked by two attendants, Kongara Douji and Seitaka Douji. "

This is quoted from a long illustrated list of Buddhist deities and other information on Buddhism.



Asta Mahapratiharya

and a lot more !!!!!


Singing Bowls of the Himalaya Region

The history of the Singing Bowls is quite mysterious. Some say that they were in use during the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, over 2500 years ago, in the indigenous communities of the Himalaya, while others speculate even earlier origins. The theory and practice revolving around the Bowls involves refination, geomantik perception, chakra healing, invocation, prayer, mantra, and astral projection.

They speak of the unified field of quantum physics, the tantric doctrine of vibration and the harmony of the spheres. The higher quality Bowls seem to have a particularly healing effect on the chakras, massaging in a sense the subtle energy channels of the light body in a way that relaxes both both body and mind, restoring a peaceful balance to the individual in relation to the environment, and heightening awareness. There is a magik about them that is impossible to describe outside of the singularity of the moment in which they are played.

History of the Singing Bowls
Playing the Singing Bowls
Healing and Sound
Bowl Tones and the Chakras
Heart Sutra


Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum


Dainichi Nyorai

[ . BACK to Daruma MuseumTOP . ]

Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来

The most important deity of Esoteric Buddhism. He is in the center of the Kegon Sutra and the Mandala of Both Worlds.
Great Sun, Dai Nichi.

He is usually depicted seated only, to express his unmovable position in the center of the universe.

English Information about Dainichi Nyorai
by Mark Schumacher !!!!!

Below is some information in Japanese and German.


Taizookai Mandala, Womb Mandala 胎蔵曼荼羅

Great LINK in Japanese. 日本語の資料

. Dainichi Sutra 大日経 Dainichi Kyo
Mahavairocana Sutra .


Statues 仏像

Sano Bijutsukan Museum
Dainichi from the Heian Period

【重要文化財】 平安時代(12世紀)





by 山本勉

この大日如来像を所蔵する個人から照会の書状を頂戴したのは昨年7月だった。 同封の写真から、わたしが16年前の論文で運慶作品として評価した、栃木県足利市の光得寺[こうとくじ]大日如来像によく似た像容であることがわかっていたが、9月後半に所蔵者のお宅にうかがって実際に調査してみると、想像をはるかにこえる優作であった。

細部まで光得寺像と同じ形で、像高はほぼ倍の66.1cm(光得寺像は31.3cm)。 光得寺像同様、作風・構造技法いずれも運慶自身の特色を濃厚に示し、上げ底式に刳[く]り残した像底部に台座との接合用の金具を打ち込む点は、光得寺像との共通点としてことに興味深かった。

衝撃的な新発見の像をどう位置づけてよいものか、正直なところ、最初はかなり悩み、迷ったのだが、調査データを整理して写真をくりかえしながめるうちに、像は多くのことを語りはじめた。 しだいにさまざまなものがみえてきた。




© Copyright 2000 Zuiun Matsuda.


Paintings 如来図

Dainichi Nyorai and Kobo Daishi

Copyright(C)1999-2006 Eitikai


. Dainichi son no kirei, oni no dorei 大日尊の鬼鈴
demon clay bell for Dainichi Nyorai .

temple Bannaji 鑁阿寺, Ashikaga town, Tochigi


Temple 妙楽寺 Myoraku-Ji, Chiba
Dainichi Statue, Heian period

Dainichi Temple Visit (Dainichi Mairi)
kigo for the New Year

Fudo Myo-O is an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai

Aizen Myo-O is an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai


Japanese LINKS


Statue at Meguro, Tokyo


. . . . . H A I K U

yama warau hibutsu dainichi nyorai toka

mountains laughing -
the secret statue of
Dainichi Nyorai ... they say

© Kanda Shoori 金田勝利

O-Take Nyorai お竹如来 and haiku by ISSA


observance kigo for late autumn

. Daikakuji Dainichi E 大覚寺大日会
Ceremony for Dainichi Nyorai
at Temple Daikaku-Ji .

At the Dainichi Hall of the Octagonal Hall
28 of October


Dainichi Nyorai (Mahaa Vairocana Tathaagata)

Auch Großer Birushana (Maka Birushana) oder Großer Strahlender (Daikoomyoo henshoo) genannt. Mächtigster aller Nyorai, kosmischer Buddha. Eventuell aus einem alten Sonnenkult entstanden. Sein Körper ist die Personifizierung der Lehre des Buddismus.

"Die Sonne scheint nur Tags und Nachts ist Schatten, aber die Weisheit des Nyorai strahlt immer und überall, daher wird er "Große Sonne" (DAI NICHI) genannt." Aus ihm gehen alle anderen Buddhas und Bosatsu hervor. Alle Dinge des Universums bilden den Körper des Dainichi.

Höchste zentrale Gottheit des esoterischen Buddhismus. Durch die übergroße Macht des Dainichi wird die Lehre direkt in der Welt verbreitet, ohne daß der Vermittler Shakyamuni notwendig wird. Aus Dainichi entspringt die Tugend des ganzen Kosmos, und alle Tugenden der einzelnen Buddhas führen letztendlich wieder zum Dainichi zurück. Diese Beziehungen werden in den Mandalas der beiden Welten ausgedrückt.
Siehe auch "Die fünf Weisheitsbuddhas".

In Indien, China und Korea gibt es wesentlich weniger Statuen des Dainichi als in Japan, da der esoterische Buddhismus in Japan bis auf den heutigen Tag noch praktiziert wird.

Dainichi ist das Zentrum der Mandalas der beiden Welten, aber in der Shingon-Sekte finden sich seine Statuen auch als Hauptkultbild, dann meist in der Form der Diamantwelt. Seine japanische Entsprechung (honjibutsu), Amaterasu Oomikami, wird nur im Schrein in Ise verehrt.

Dainichi der Diamantwelt:
Verkörpert den äußeren Aspekt der Weisheit des Dainichi bzw. der Funktion des Weltalls. Größte Figur des Mandala in der Mitte der obersten Reihe von drei Reihen mit insgesamt neun Feldern.
Mitleidshaltung der Hände. Sie drückt die höchste Form der Erleuchtung und damit die religiöse Theorie (kyoosoo) aus. Hohe Krone. Brustschmuck.
Weitere Inkarnation als Goosanze Myôô.

Dainichi der Mutterschoßwelt:
Verkörpert den inneren Aspekt der Vernunft des Dainichi bzw. die Form des Weltalls. Größte Figur in der Mitte des Mandala; auf einem Lotussockel.

Meditationshaltung der Hände. Über den gefalteten Händen breitet sich das ganze Weltall aus. Diese Handhaltung versinnbildlicht die religiöse Praktik (jisoo) des esoterischen Buddhismus.
Hoch aufgekämmte Haare. Kein oder wenig Brustschmuck. Insgesamt einfachere Figur.
Weitere Inkarnation als Fudoo Myôô.

In einer mehr volksnahen Version spendet Dainichi Glück in dieser Welt, heilt Krankheiten und verhilft zur sicheren Geburt.
Das jährliche Abbrennen eines großen Feuers in der Form des Schriftzeichens "DAI" (Daimonji no Hi) am Nyoi-ga-oka-Berg in Kyooto geht möglicherweise auf diese Gottheit zurück. 大文字焼

Dainichi selbst ist eine sehr hohe Gottheit. Daher hat er drei Inkarnationen (sanshu rinhsin). Als Nyorai verkörpert er die Eigennatur (jishoo rinjin), als Bosatsu die rechte Lehre (shooboo rinshin) und als Myoooo die Verbreitung der Lehre (kyooryoo rinshin).

Einziger Nyorai mit Schmuck eines Bosatsu (einschl. langes Perlengehänge (yooraku) um den Körper sowie Reifen um Ober- und Unterarme (wansen, hisen), aber ohne fliegende Gewänder. Hohe Krone (hookan) mit den fünf Weisheitsbuddhas. Brustschmuck (munakazari).
Oft Mitleidshaltung der Hände mit beiden Fäusten vor der Brust. Manchmal auch Rad der Lehre in der Hand.

Im Allgemeinen nur sitzende Statuen. Dies soll seine unbewegte Existenz als Zentrum des Universums verdeutlichen.

Besondere Statuen:
Dreiergruppe des Dainichi (Dainichi sanzon) 大日三尊
Dainichi Nyorai mit Shaka Nyorai und Amida Nyorai. Diese Formation gehört weniger dem esoterischen als dem allgemeinen Buddhismus an, da sich Shaka und Amida beim Volk großer Beliebtheit erfreuten.

Quoted from my books on Buddhist Art.

Dietrich Seckel

Buddhastatuen (Buddhastatues) Who is Who,
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie von japanischen Buddhastatuenby Gabi Greve
Review by Dietrich Seckel

Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans by Gabi Greve
(Buddhist Ritual and Ceremonial Tools, butsugu, hoogu)
Review by Dietrich Seckel







mizukake 水掛 Watered Deities

To throw water on the statue of a deity, that is a custom found in many places of Japan and the Buddha statues can vary. For example, Mizukake Jizo, Mizukake Kannon.

The believer throws a ladle full of water over the statue and watches it drip down, hoping his wish will be fulfilled and his soul purified by this ritual.

This is a pun with the word gankake 願掛け / 願掛 - to make a vow or say a wish for the deities to fulfill.

Here we will look at some Fudo Statues and Jizo Bosatsu.

Mizukake Fudo, Mizukake Fudou Myouou 


Gokuraku-Ji, Temple Nr. 2 on the Shikoku Pilgrimage

My Visit at Gokurakuji, Summer 2005


Mizukake Fudo at Hoozenji 法善寺 Hozen-Ji
法善寺横丁 Osaka

This statue is quite covered with koke 苔 moss by all the dowsing of water. People come here to wash away their sorrows and worries, but also there joys and pleasures, their detachment to this world in genera. "mizu ni nagasu" is the Japanese expression.

There are many paper lanters which give the place a special atmosphere and reflect on the pavement after people have thrown water on the statue.
The precincts have two famous boards with calligraphy, one by the third Harudani Katsura on the east gate, and one by Kambi Fujiyama on the west gate.

This temple is featured in some novels, too, for example the Stories of Osaka Life by Oda Sakunosuke.

A life-size replica of the Buddhist deity Fudo Myo-o, (one of the Kings of Wisdom) at Hozenji in the Yokocho district of Osaka represents one of the most popular urban gathering spots Japan. Its folk history is well known through novels and songs.

© National Museum of Japanese History. Rekihaku 歴博

Here is a photo from the first fire ceremony of the year.

© Snapshot by Kazuaki Katori

First Fire Ceremony, a kigo for haiku

The moss and Fudo Myo-O
Click for more photos !

and a restaurant named Daruma nearby in the small side street yokocho 横丁
serving cotelette on a stick 串かつ


source : splash1801

Nearby is also a small pilgrimage to 7 Jizo statues
Nana Jizoo mairi 七地蔵参り
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


source : Momoko on facebook

護国山金剛院国分寺 Osaka Kokubun-Ji
勅願道場護国山 Chokugan-Dojo, Gokokusan

摂津国八十八箇所 第9番 Settsu Henro Nr. 9
近畿三十六不動尊霊場 第7番 Kinki 36 Fudo Nr. 7

- Chant of the temple
み仏の 譲り給える 国分寺 
ゆるぎなき世の 鎮めなりけり

- HP of the temple -

shared by Jake Ojisan

. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples 近畿三十六不動尊巡礼 .


- - - - - mizukake Fudo 水掛不動尊 / 水かけ不動 - - - - -

. Daijiji 大慈寺 Daiji-Ji . - Kumamoto

. Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji . - Morioka Iwate

. Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji . - Tsugaru, Aomori

A Fudo where you can wash your money to double it.
Mikamo Fudo Son Zeni-arai Fudo 銭洗い不動尊

Mizukake Fudo Myo-O 水掛不動明王
. Temple Manman-ji (万満寺 - 萬満寺) Chiba .

. 36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .
13 御瀧山 - 明王院 泉龍寺 - 水掛け乙女不動 - Mizukake Otome Fudo


Konpira-In Tottori

鳥取県倉吉市 Kurayoshi Tottori
source : konpirain


mizukake Jizoo 水掛地蔵 Mizukake Jizo Bosatsu

Mizukake Jizo at Jisshu Jinja 十種神宝 in Kyoto about to get a good dowsing of water..
- shared by John Dougill

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .


- #mizukakefudo -


Mikamo Fudo Son

Mikamo Fudo Son みかも不動尊
Tochigi Prefecture, Fujioka Town

Including other Fudo to wash your money

This statue is outside and people pour water over it when making a wish. They also wash their money, a custom usually associated with Benten (Zeni-arai Benten 銭洗い弁天, for example in Kamakura). You wash some money, coins or paper, dry them properly and put them back in the purse. You then have to spend that money within a week, and it will come back to you in double, triple and even more ... if you wash it properly. Below are some more of these money-and-water-friendly Fudo statues.



名称:三毳山 不動院 Mikamoyama Fudo-In
通称:みかも不動尊 Mikamo Fudo Son




Money-washing Fudo at Sengaku-Ji, Shinagawa, Tokyo
銭洗不動, 泉岳寺

This temple is also home to the grave of Tatsugoro, a famous fireman during the Edo Period.


At this temple there is also a special statue of Jizo.
o-keshoo enmei Jizoo お化粧延命地蔵尊

. Keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵 Kesho Jizo Bosatsu with make-up .


Koobai-In, Mitato Ward Tokyo 銭洗不動(黄梅院)

黄梅院 宝雲山

高輪銭洗不動 Also called: Takanawa Zeniarai Fudo.

And one more
Asa no Taki, famous waterfall
with a money-washing Fudo close by.


Pouring Water over the Fudo Statue
Mizukake Fudo 「水かけ不動尊」


These statues have their own page. There are quite a lot.


Zeni-Arai Benten at Kamakura :
Zeniarai Benten

... there are a handful of devout worshipers, mostly merchants, who deeply revere the Shrine and wash bundles of 10,000-yen (roughly US$80) bills. (As noted above, zeni means coins, not paper money.) In fact, hundreds of torii gate appearing near the entrance of the Shrine were donated by those merchants who believe their wealth was brought by virtue of the power of Ugajin here.

Those merchants come visit here every month on the Day of Serpent by all means to attend the rituals held by the Shrine. Police warns car-drivers not to drive into the neighborhood on weekends and the Serpent Days in particular. Most crowded is the first Serpent Day of the year, which usually falls on an early February day and Benten Festival takes place.

Zeniarai Benten Shrine , Kamakura

Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 / 弁財天 and Food


A comment from Mark Schumacher on the subject

Curious that Fudo is associated with the money-washing tradition.

Benzaiten, a goddess of fortune, is easy to understand. She is always located near water (river, pond, lake, ocean). She is associated with the NAGA (serpents and dragons), who guard treasure.

But why Fudo? His real symbol is fire. His aureole is almost always the flames of fire. He is also the main honzon for GOMA , a fire ceremony still popular today in which defilements are symbolically burnt away.

So why would people wash money under Fudo's protection? Because he washes away impurities, kanna? Hmmm. Does not sound right. Maybe, perhaps, because drawings of Fudo show him standing on a rock rising from the sea?

For example, the drawing at Daigoji, Kyoto, and the famous 1282 drawing by Shinkai of Fudou standing on a rock rising from the sea. Moreover, Kurikara, a dragon wound around a sword, may appear in paintings of Fudou.
Also, both Kurikara and Fudou are found often near ascetic places of religious practice, such as small waterfalls. Perhaps this is the reason.

For much more on Fudo iconography and history in Japan,
please see the JAANUS page.



Thanks for this comment. Also, we have
the Namikiri Fudo, the Wave-Cutting variety .


