mizukake 水掛 Watered Deities
To throw water on the statue of a deity, that is a custom found in many places of Japan and the Buddha statues can vary. For example, Mizukake Jizo, Mizukake Kannon.
The believer throws a ladle full of water over the statue and watches it drip down, hoping his wish will be fulfilled and his soul purified by this ritual.
This is a pun with the word gankake 願掛け / 願掛 - to make a vow or say a wish for the deities to fulfill.
Here we will look at some Fudo Statues and Jizo Bosatsu.
Mizukake Fudo, Mizukake Fudou Myouou

Gokuraku-Ji, Temple Nr. 2 on the Shikoku Pilgrimage

My Visit at Gokurakuji, Summer 2005
Mizukake Fudo at Hoozenji 法善寺 Hozen-Ji
法善寺横丁 Osaka
This statue is quite covered with koke 苔 moss by all the dowsing of water. People come here to wash away their sorrows and worries, but also there joys and pleasures, their detachment to this world in genera. "mizu ni nagasu" is the Japanese expression.
There are many paper lanters which give the place a special atmosphere and reflect on the pavement after people have thrown water on the statue.
The precincts have two famous boards with calligraphy, one by the third Harudani Katsura on the east gate, and one by Kambi Fujiyama on the west gate.
This temple is featured in some novels, too, for example the Stories of Osaka Life by Oda Sakunosuke.
A life-size replica of the Buddhist deity Fudo Myo-o, (one of the Kings of Wisdom) at Hozenji in the Yokocho district of Osaka represents one of the most popular urban gathering spots Japan. Its folk history is well known through novels and songs.

© National Museum of Japanese History. Rekihaku 歴博
Here is a photo from the first fire ceremony of the year.

© Snapshot by Kazuaki Katori
First Fire Ceremony, a kigo for haiku

The moss and Fudo Myo-O
Click for more photos !
and a restaurant named Daruma nearby in the small side street yokocho 横丁
serving cotelette on a stick 串かつ

source : splash1801
Nearby is also a small pilgrimage to 7 Jizo statues
Nana Jizoo mairi 七地蔵参り
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

source : Momoko on facebook
護国山金剛院国分寺 Osaka Kokubun-Ji
勅願道場護国山 Chokugan-Dojo, Gokokusan
摂津国八十八箇所 第9番 Settsu Henro Nr. 9
近畿三十六不動尊霊場 第7番 Kinki 36 Fudo Nr. 7
- Chant of the temple
み仏の 譲り給える 国分寺
ゆるぎなき世の 鎮めなりけり

- HP of the temple -

shared by Jake Ojisan
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples 近畿三十六不動尊巡礼 .
- - - - - mizukake Fudo 水掛不動尊 / 水かけ不動 - - - - -
. Daijiji 大慈寺 Daiji-Ji . - Kumamoto
. Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji . - Morioka Iwate
. Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji . - Tsugaru, Aomori
A Fudo where you can wash your money to double it.
Mikamo Fudo Son Zeni-arai Fudo 銭洗い不動尊
Mizukake Fudo Myo-O 水掛不動明王
. Temple Manman-ji (万満寺 - 萬満寺) Chiba .
. 36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .
13 御瀧山 - 明王院 泉龍寺 - 水掛け乙女不動 - Mizukake Otome Fudo

Konpira-In Tottori
鳥取県倉吉市 Kurayoshi Tottori
source : konpirain
mizukake Jizoo 水掛地蔵 Mizukake Jizo Bosatsu

Mizukake Jizo at Jisshu Jinja 十種神宝 in Kyoto about to get a good dowsing of water..
- shared by John Dougill
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- #mizukakefudo -
1 comment:
Statue damaged at Hozenji temple
The Yomiuri Shimbun
The upper half of a stone statue standing next to the popular Mizukake Fudo statue at Hozenji temple in the Minami entertainment district of Osaka was found toppled early Tuesday with its head and arms damaged, police said.
A passerby found the 90-centimeter-tall statue, Seitaka Doji, damaged at about 5:30 a.m. and reported it to the police, who are investigating the case.
According to the police, the damaged statue was one of two small statues placed on either side of the Mizukake Fudo statue, the official name of which is Nishimuki Fudo Myoo.
The damaged upper part of the Seitaka Doji statue was a separate piece from the statue's lower body.
No irregularities were found when a temple worker checked the statue at about 11 p.m. Monday. The police are checking security video footage.
Well-wishers frequently visit the temple to pray for prosperity and good fortune, pouring water on Mizukake Fudo and its attendant statues.
Mizukake Fudo appears in "Meoto Zenzai," a novel written by Sakunosuke Oda (1913-47), as a symbol of the Hozenji Yokocho court.
Shinei Kanda, 28, deputy head priest of the temple, said: "It's like I lost a family member. We want to repair it as soon as possible."
Toshio Matsui, 47, a restaurant operator of Higashi-Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, who visits the temple every month, said the vandalism was "a sinful act."
(Jun. 4, 2008)
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