Showing posts with label Kanto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kanto. Show all posts


Todoroki temple

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Todoroki 等々力 Fudo in Edo

. Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo .  
- Introduction -


Todoroki Fudo 等々力不動尊
東京都世田谷区等々力1丁目22−47 - Seatagaya

- quote
Todoroki Fudo Temple,
Todoroki valley and waterfall, a Heian era temple and sacred spot for mountain ascetics in Setagaya, Tokyo

Todoroki Valley (等々力渓谷, todoroki keikoku) is located in Setagaya, Tokyo…in a surprisingly urban setting – although located just by Kanpachi driveway (Tokyo loop driveway 8), but it is rich in nature attracting Tokyo walkers all year around.

The ONLY Valley in the Tokyo Metropolis, it is a pocket of nature and wildlife. The valley stretches for about 1 km with Yazawa river running through it. A number of water springs and streams can be seen in the ravines, but the most famous spot is, of course, the small “Fudo no Taki” waterfall in “Todoroki Fudo” temple. Although some people like to try the water found on the inner park grounds, local hygiene authorities advise the public not to drink the water.

The history of the temple goes back to Heian era centuries ago. The Todoroki Fudo temple’s adjacent waterfall has been used by Shugendo mountain ascetic practices since ancient times, and still serves as a misogi training and meditational spot for the religious. There is the old wooden temple, but also a newer modern
Shingon Manganji Temple  満願寺 別院(等々力不動尊) 
where religious studies and seminars are carried out.

The temple venerates Dainichi Nyorai, the statue of the deity (not accessible to the public) said to have been carved by Kukai a.k.a. Kobo Daishi himself. There is a statue along of the path of En no Gyoja Fudo, also said to have been made by En no Gyoja himself, and according to the Temple foundation story, Kobo Daishi had a dream in which he was told that the statue of En no Gyoja Fudo which was in Yamato-Nara at the time, had a strong connection with Musashino and so off he went, bearing the statue to Musashino, where he found our said ravine marked by auspicious clouds. There he dug a cave from which burst a stream of waterfall with a roaring sound.

The temple is surrounded by a tree grove, there is a traditional temple garden, a nearby picnic and hanami spot that you can visit as well as an ancient tomb in the valley. The researchers estimate this tomb was build about 1,300 years ago. The place is a popular spot for Tokyo walkers, especially in the summer.
- source :


Todoroki Fudo Festival 等々力不動尊青葉まつり
May 28

- Homepage of Mangan-Ji
- source :


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Hozo-Ji Tochigi

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Hoozooji 宝蔵寺 Hozo-Ji

19 光明山 摂取院 宝蔵寺 - 成田不動
Komyosan, Sesshu-In, Hozoji - Narita Fudo
Tochigi prefecture 口密の道場 - kumitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


栃木県宇都宮市大通り四丁目 - Utsunomiya town

The temple has been built in 857 by Saint Ennin.
It is now located close to the station and the compound is rather small.
But its history is rather old and dates back to 857.

To quell the uprising of Taira no Masakado, a samurai 田原藤太郎秀郷 got a Fudo Statue from Takaosan Fudo Hall 高雄山神護寺不動堂 (in 939), carried it all the way to the Fudo Temple in Narita, Chiba and prayed for peace. In no time, his prayers came true and he went back to Utsunomiya to build this temple
He had a hall build to place it, called 二里山 (now 宇都宮市塙田沢 in Utsunomiya).
Another name in this old history is 寛朝大僧正 priest Kancho (916 - 998) from the temple 広沢遍照寺 Hirozawa Hensho-Ji.

In 1087 lord Utsunomiya Munetsuna 宇都宮宗綱 / 宇都宮 国綱 (1576 - 1608) built the temple Kokawadera 粉川寺 / 粉河寺 and relocated the Fudo statue to this temple.
But in 1597, lord 宇都宮國綱 Utsunomiya Kunitsuna was banned from the region and the temple declined.

During the Meiji restoration the temple found its final place where it is now, but was later lost to fire.
In 1983 the Fudo Hall was rebuilt.
The main statue is a seated Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来坐像.

In the Fudo Hall is also a statue of Fugen Bosatsu on a white elephant, made by sculptor Takada 高田仏師 in the Kanei period (寛政 - 1789 - 1801).


source : - ayumi

Check the link for more beautiful carvings of the Fudo Hall.

statue of Fudo Myo-O made from metal
source : - ayumi

Check this link for more statues in the temple garden.


Photos by Takatoshi Goto, a facebook friend - 2014 -


- quote
Oyori no Kane およりの鐘 Great Bell
Hozoji Temple houses the much-loved “Oyori no Kane” bell.
On the surface of the famous bell is the tri-colored mark of the Utsunomiya clan and was originally donated by Utsunomiya Sadatsuna, the 8th head of the Utsunomiya clan. It is said the bell was moved to Hozoji Temple as part of city planning in the Showa Era and was used as a chime for reporting the time at dusk in Utsunomiya City, leading to its nickname of “Oyori no Kane” given by the people who cherished the bell.
- source :

source :

The bell is 143.3 cm high and 8 cm thick. Its mouth diameter is 80 cm.

. kane 鐘 / bonshoo 梵鐘 temple bell .


. Ennin 円仁 (794 - 864) .

. Taira no Masakado 平将門(平將門) (903 - 940) .

. Fugen Bosatsu 普賢菩薩 Samantabhadra .



- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事


- a treasure found on the way -

Ayumi - 宇都宮の宝蔵寺
- source :

- - - reference - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .




Kongo-In Numata

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Kongooin, Kongō-In 金剛院 Kongo-In, Kongoin

Nr. 2 海王山 - 善福寺 金剛院 - 沼田成田不動尊
Kaio-zan Zenpuku-Ji, Numata Narita Fudo Son
Gunma prefecture - 身密の道場 shinmitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


The temple used to be called 赤城山金剛院 Akagizan Kongo-In
refering to the sacred mountain Akagiyama in Gunma.

The present building dates to 1787, former buildings had been burned by fire frequently.
It has been built under the guidance of priest 覚便法印.

本堂 格天井 火鳥の図 - Special ceiling of the main hall

When the daimyo Miura Numata 三浦沼田, Numata Goro 沼田五郎景 left his position to become a monk, he had this temple built.
During the time of the Sanada clan (in 1615) 伊豆守信幸 relocated the temple to its present location.
It was the main road of the village of Numata and the regional lords had to pass its bridge during their annual travel to the local domaines (sankin kootai 参勤交代).

The statue of Narita Fudo 成田不動尊

This statue has been brought by priest Irisawa Katsuumi 入沢亮海法印 in the year 1881, April 14 from the Narita Fudo temple.

mizukake Fudoo 水掛け不動尊 to pour water over the statue in the park

This park was created by 庭師武井良一 Takei Ryo-Ichi with 108 stones from the sacred 鳥海山 Mount Chokai-San in Tohoku.


The Nio-O statues 金剛院仁王像 at the entrance gate are made from wood of Kiso.


There are also small shrines in the compound

須賀神社 Suga Jinja

善福寺稲荷大明神 Inari Shrine

江舟法印像 priest Efune in the 26th generation


Rakugo performance in the main hall
四代目柳家三語楼他 Yanagia Sangoro
The temple has regular entertainment performances.

Hayashiya Kikuo is coming ! 林家木久扇

. rakugo 落語 comic storytelling performance .


樹齢300年のドウダンツツジ azalea bush of more than 300 years

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

初詣 正月 - First Temple Visit in January
修正会 元旦 御年賀
節分豆まき 2月3日 厄除け 大護摩奉修 - Great Goma Fire
涅槃会 2月15日 お釈迦様の入滅日(涅槃図開帳)
彼岸会 3月と9月 大施餓鬼会奉修
花まつり 4月8日 お釈迦様の誕生日
盂蘭盆会 8月13日~16日 御先祖様の里がえり
大師講 11月24日 天台大師入滅日(お斉ご接待)
成道会 12月8日 釈尊悟りの日
除夜の鐘つき 12月31日 おおみそか


- - - reference - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .




Pilgrim North Kanto INFO

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36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto

- reference source : tagesan 多気山 -
- - - CLICK for enlargement !

- - - LIST in the WIKIPEDIA !


Arranged in the order of the sanmitsu 三密 "three secrets"
of the Shingon sect.
The Three Mysteries :
symbolic activities of Body, Speech, and Mind

The symbolic activities of Body, Speech, and Mind (the Three Mysteries or Three Secrets) are present everywhere in the universe. Natural phenomena such as mountains and oceans and even humans express the truth described in the sutras. The universe itself embodies and can not be seperated from the teachings. In his work, "Attaining Buddhahood in This Body," Kobo Daishi said,

Form mudras with your hands,
recite mantras with your mouths,
and dwell in meditation with your minds.

These secrets allow you to experience the Buddha nature that exists within yourself and also of the larger Universe.
- source :


Gunma prefecture 身密の道場 shinmitsu

1 成田山 - 水上寺 - 成田山水上不動尊 - Naritasan Minakami Fudo
. Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera .

2 海王山 - 善福寺 金剛院 - 沼田成田不動尊 - Numata Narita Fudo
. Kongooin, Kongō-In 金剛院 Kongo-In, Kongoin .

3 秀巌山 - 滝水院 大福寺 - 室田之滝不動尊 - Murota no Taki Waterfall Fudo
. Daifuku-Ji 大福寺 Murota no Taki .

4 龍本山 - 松井田院 不動寺 - 松井田不動尊 - Matsuida Fudo
. Matsuida Fudo 松井田不動 .

5 成田山 - 光徳寺 - 成田山不動尊 - Naritasan Fudo
. Naritasan Fudo Son 成田山不動尊 Takasaki .

6 石岡山- 不動院 退魔寺 - 茂呂不動 - Muro Fudo
. Muro Fudo 茂呂不動 - 退魔寺 Taima-Ji .

7 真光山 - 永照院 長安寺 - みかえり不動 - Mikaeru Fudo
. Mikaeri Fudo みかえり不動 Fudo looking back .

8 日輪山 - 観音院 南光寺 - 笠懸不動 - Kasakake Fudo
. Kasakake Fudo 笠懸不動 - 南光寺 Nanko-Ji .

9 各願山 - 来迎院 西慶寺 - 新田の触不動 - Nitta Fure Fudo
. 新田不動院 Nitta Fudo-In .

10 清池山 - 医王寺 - 黄金身代わり不動尊 - Koganei Migawari Fudo
. Koganei Migawari Fudo 医王寺 Io-Ji .

11 赤岩山 - 地蔵院 光恩寺 - 赤岩不動尊 - Akaiwa Fudo 赤磐
. Akaiwa Fudo 赤磐不動 - 地蔵院 Jizo-In .

12 高錀山 - 釈迦院 遍照寺 - 新宿不動尊 - Shinjuku Fudo
. Shinjuku Fudo 新宿不動尊 - 遍照寺 Henjo-Ji - .


Tochigi prefecture 口密の道場 - kumitsu

13 御瀧山 明王院 泉龍寺 - 水掛け乙女不動 - Mizukake Otome Fudo
. Senryuuji 泉龍寺 Senryu-Ji .

14 如意山 吉祥院 延命寺 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-Ji .

15 光明山 金智院 正仙寺 - 吹上不動 - Fukiage Fudo
. Seisenji 正仙寺 Seisen-Ji .

16 梅沢山 金蔵院 華蔵寺 - 梅沢不動 - Umezawa Fudo
. 華蔵寺 Kezo-Ji 金蔵院 Kinzo-In .

17 古峯ヶ原 金剛山 瑞峯寺 - 金剛不動尊 - Kongo Fudo
. 瑞峯寺 Zuiho-Ji .

18 多気山 持宝院 不動寺 - 多気不動尊 - Tagesan - Tage Fudo
. 不動寺 Fudo-Ji .

19 光明山 摂取院 宝蔵寺 - 成田不動 - Narita Fudo
. 宝蔵寺 Hozo-Ji .

20 稲毛山 金剛王院 崇真寺 - 開運犬切り不動尊- Kaiun Inukiri Fudo
. 崇真寺 Shoshin-Ji . - Fudo who killed a dog -

21 喜連山 歓喜院 慈光寺 - 芝山薬師不動 - Shibayama Yakushi Fudo
. 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji .

22 霊水山 普門院 光明寺 - 感満不動 - Kanman Fudo
. 光明寺 Komyo-Ji .

23 北照山 田福寺 金乗院 - 那須波切不動尊 - Nasu Namikiri Fudo
. 田福寺 Denfuku-Ji .

24 龍頭山 - 不動院 龍泉寺 - 龍頭不動尊 - Ryuto Fudo
. 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji .


Ibaraki prefecture 意密の道場 - imitsu

25 法満山 一乗院 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. 一乗院 Ichijo-In .

26 伝灯山 和光院 明楽寺 - 田島の身代わり血不動尊
Tajima Migawari Chi Fudo
. 和光院 Wako-In .

27 笠原山 東光院 神崎寺 - 開運水戸不動 - Kaiun Mito Fudo for Good Luck
. 神崎寺 Kamisaki-Ji .

28 俊明山 無量寿院 西福寺 - 開運不動尊 - Kaiun Fudo
. 西福寺 Saifuku-Ji .

29 降魔山 護国院 経音寺 - 厄除不動尊 - Yakuyoke Fudo
. 護国院 Gokoku-In, Kashima .

30 医王山 不動院 東光寺 - 願満不動尊 - Ganman Fudo
. 江戸崎不動院 Edosaki Fudo-In .

31 羽黒山 今泉院 大聖寺 - 土浦大師不動尊 - Tsuchiura Daishi Fudo
. 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji .

32 筑波山 一乗院 真福寺 愛宕坊 - 筑波不動 - Tsukuba Fudo
. 一乗院 Ichijo-In 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .

33 秋嶠山 地蔵院 妙法寺 - 金色不動尊 - Konjiki Golden Fudo
. 妙法寺 Myoho-Ji .

34 道楽山 地蔵院 永光寺 - 牡丹不動尊 - Botan Fudo
. 永光寺 Eiko-Ji .

35 明王山 智恩院 慈光寺 弓田のポックリ不動尊 - Pokkuri Fudo
. 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji - Nr. 35 .

36 清安山 不動院 願成寺 - 安産子育不動尊 - Anzan Koyasu Fudo
. 願成寺 Ganjo-Ji Itabashi .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


- #northkanto #pilgrimnorthkanto ##fudo -



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Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera

Nr. 1 成田山 - 水上寺 - 成田山水上不動尊
Narita san Minakamidera Fudo Son
Gunma prefecture - 身密の道場 shinmitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


source :

This temple has as main statue one from the great Narita Fudo temple in 1888.
People carried the statue on their shoulders for 28 days from Narita to here.

source :

Dainichi Daishoo Fudoo Myoo zazoo
Seated statue of Fudo Myo-O, incarnation of Dainichi

The statue is one of the three famous Fudo statues of Japan

People come here to pray and get amulets for a good harvest and happiness for all people.
The first priest was Ozuhata Terukiyo 小豆畑照清和尚, who helped to introduce more prayers and amulets for the temple, making it one of the biggest ones to come for a special wish in the Eastern Kanto region.

During the Great Festivals of spring and autumn there is a popular karaoke meeting カラオケ大会, keeping the temple ahead with the needs of our modern times.


In 2008 this festival was held in the main hall:
mitama fesutibaru みたまフェスティバル "Mitama Soul Festival"


"The Way of People" 人道 
by priest Ozuhata 小豆畑照清和尚


There is also a sacred camphor tree (kusunoki 楠) from Narita Fudo.


Seated Fudo statue, related to the nearby hot spring Mizukami Onsen 水上温泉.

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

kekkai fuda 結界札(5枚1組) "talisman for the boundary"
5 talismans make one group to purify the five directions, one in each direction of the room or home and one in the center room

charms - many amulets of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

元朝護摩 正月元旦  first fire ceremony, January 1

初詣期間 1月1日 - 20日まで first temple visit, January

節分追儺式 2月3日 Setsubun festival

春例大祭 5月5日 Spring Festival, May
- - - 特別大護摩供厳修 - 釜鳴の法・光護摩 釜鳴の法・光護摩後、「投げ餅式」

お盆供養会 8月25日 - O-Bon rituals for the ancestors
 - - - 特別大護摩供厳修 午後1時より 追難法要厳修

秋例大祭 10月第1日曜日 Autumn festival 大護摩供厳修 
- - - 釜鳴の法・光護摩 釜鳴の法・光護摩後、「投げ餅式」

大祓 12月18日 Great Purifucation in December

除夜の鐘 12月31日Ringing in the New Year


- - - reference - - -

kekkai, the barrier between here and there, this world and the other world.
Sanskrit : siimaa-bandha
. kekkai 結界 "sacred boundary" .
Die Abgrenzung des Heiligen Bereiches


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 




Kozuke Province

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

The Buddhist Sculptures of Kozuke Province

source :

Editor's Note:
The following articles are translations of reviews carried by the latest issue( No. 1393) of Kokka, a prestigious art magazine published in Japan. The publication, which specializes in old Japanese and Oriental art, was founded in 1889 by Tenshin Okakura, a well-known Japanese art critic and philosopher (1862-1913), among others. It is held in high esteem by researchers and experts aboard.

* * *

The Buddhist Sculptures of Kozuke Province


After Buddhism was first brought to Japan around the middle of the 6th century, it soon spread from the capital cities to the regional areas. Amidst this, the beginnings of Buddhist culture appeared in Kozuke province (centering on present-day Gunma Prefecture) during the latter half of the 7th century. Fragments of molded figurines excavated at Sannohai-ji, built in the 4th quarter of the 7th century and thought to be the ruins of Hoko-ji, are said to be scenes of the Jataka Tales that appeared on the first story of a stupa.

During the Nara period, according to a document known as the Kozuke no kuni kotai jitsurokucho, a gold colored seated figure of Shaka (S: Sakyamuni) with a figure height of 250 cm, and standing attendant figures of Monju (S: Manjusri) and Fugen (S: Samantabhadra), with figure heights of 300 cm, plus Shitenno figures, were enshrined in the Kondo of Kozuke Kokubun-ji, established around the middle of the 8th century.

The earliest extant wooden Buddhist sculptures handed down in the Kozuke region date from the late Heian period onwards. The ichiboku-zukuri, or solid single block construction, figures dating from the 11th century consist of the
Standing Fudo Myoo at Soji-ji,
the Seated Fudo Myoo of Tokujo-ji,

the Standing Eleven-Headed Kannon of Onabuchi Kannondo, the Standing Eleven-Headed Kannon of Chokoku-ji, and the Standing Eleven-Headed Kannon of Nichirin-ji. In the next century, both single block construction and yosegi-zukuri, or joined hollow block construction, works appear. Typical examples from this period can be seen in the Jizo Bosatsu with Pendant Leg (S: Ksitigarbha) of Kongo-ji and the Standing Amida Nyorai figures of Choraku-ji and Iwamatsu Shoren-ji.

From the Kamakura period, early 13th century figures include the Sho-Kannon (S: Aryavalokitesvara) of Shobo-ji and the Amida Triad of Ko'on-ji. These works all continue the Fujiwara style of yosegi-zukuri, using hollow joined blocks of hinoki wood. By around the middle of the 13th century, Unkei-style images appear, such as the Standing Amida Nyorai of Fugen-ji and Kaikei-style images such as the Standing Amida Nyorai of Sozen-ji. From the latter half of the 13th century to the beginning of the 14th century, figures made in the front-back split yosegi-zukuri method appeared, such as the Standing Eleven-Headed Kannon of Sankoin, the hidden statue Standing Eleven-Headed Kannon of Chokoku-ji, the Standing Bato Kannon (S: Hayagriva Avalokitesvara) of Namezawa Kannondo, and the Yakushi Nyorai (S: Bhaisajya) of Otsubayakushido. On the other hand, from the 12th century onwards, when it seemed that lacquered and gilded yosegi-zukuri images completely dominated wooden images, there appears to be a concurrent and continuous production of single block construction images, such as the Shinto images at Mangyo-ji and Nitta Yoshisada at Soji-ji. Around the middle of the 13th century, various different sculptural methods began to develop in the area, such as the stone image Standing Fudo at Miyata, the bronze Senkoji-style Standing Amida Triads at Kiryu's Shoren-ji and other temples, the iron figure of a Seated Amida Nyorai at Zensho-ji, and the molded clay figure of the seated figure of Eicho Zenji at Choraku-ji. Of further note are the priest portrait sculptures at Nitta-no-sho Choraku-ji and the portrait of Shoshin Shonin at Hofuku-ji.

The two guardian figures at Myoo-in exhibit the baroque style of the Northern and Southern Courts period, while it is interesting to note that there is a fascinating glimpse of powerful, regional-style sculpture in the Muromachi period's production of the ever present technically proficient yosegi-zukuri which turned away from true sculpting.

During the Edo period, the mid-17th century Seated Amida Nyorai of Choraku-ji combines classical style with a pre-modern sense of added decorativeness. The majority of the works created during this period were small in scale, and they reflect the efficient creation of standardized forms. However, the great increase in the number of Buddhist images created conveys a sense of the deepening connection between people and Buddhist images.

The author is an art Historian(Japanese Art), Research Scholar of Buddhist Art Research Institute, Inc.


Standing Fudo Myoo(S: Acalanatha)

Wood with white undercoating, polychrome and carved eyeballs
Fig.H. 99.5 cm
Soji-ji, Ota City

This image is noteworthy as one of the few standing images of Fudo, dating prior to Jocho. The honpa style of alternating high and low areas of drapery folds shows extremely shallow carving of the drapery folds. The thin chest, and face with slightly smaller than usual eyebrow and eye forms are all characteristic of images created in the first half of the 11th century.

Two features, namely the face turned to the right and the appearance of raised knees with skirt hems symmetrically arranged to the right and left of center, are all shared with two major examples of early period, pre-Jocho standing images of Fudo at Myoho-in and Taisan-ji. These two characteristics accord with the Standing Fudo depicted in the "Chuo-zu" of the Ninnokyo gohoshoson-zu said to be in the hand of Kukai. Thus it can be thought that the sculptural images of standing Fudo figures were created under the influence of this Chuho-zu image.

This figure is shown in walking pose with one foot raised. This pose is said to represent the function of this deity as a guide to the afterlife, and is modeled after such images as the Amida Nyorai in Cave 16 at the Anyue-Yuanjue Caves in Sichuan province, China. Prayers to Fudo were one element of Heian period Buddhist funerary rituals, and thus it is possible that this type of Fudo image was created for the role of guide for the deceased to the Pure Land.

The author is an art historian(Japanese art), Inspector at the Agency for Cultural Affairs

MORE DETAILS in this article ABOUT

Jizo Bosatsu (S: Ksitigarbha) with One Leg Pendant
Wood with lacquer, gilding and carved eyeballs
Kongo-ji, Ota City

Seated Amida Nyorai (S: Amitabha)
Zensho-ji, Maebashi City

Standing Amida (S: Amitabha) Triad
Gilt bronze
Shoren-ji, Kiryu City

Standing Eleven Headed Kannon (S: Ekadasa-mukha)
Wood with lacquer, gilding and crystal eyeballs
Sanko-in, Numata City

Figure Seated in a Chair, Traditionally Said to be
Nitta Yoshisada
Wood with traces of polychrome and crystal eyeballs
Soji-ji, Ota City

Seated Figure of Gessen Shinkai
Wood with original faded polychrome and later wodden eyeballs
Choraku-ji, Ota City


Koozuke no Kuni 上野国 Kozuke - now mostly 群馬県 Gunma prefecture

Nitta Yoshisada
(1301 – August 17, 1338)
was the head of the Nitta family in the early fourteenth century, and supported the Southern Court of Emperor Go-Daigo in the Nanboku-chō period, capturing Kamakura from the Hōjō clan in 1333.

. Temple Kinryuji 金竜寺, Ota town, Gunma .

. Yoshisada Nitta 新田義貞 - Kamakura .

- quote -
Kanayama Castle (金山城 Kanayama-jō),
also known as Ōta Kanayama Castle and
as Nitta Kanayama Castle
is a yamashiro (castle sited on a hill) located on top of Mount Kanayama in Ōta, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
Kanayama Castle was built in 1469 by Iwamatsu Iezumi. In 1528, a retainer of the Iwamatsu Clan, Yokose Narishige (his family later changed their name to Yura), began ruling over it. The castle withstood sieges by Uesugi Kenshin in 1574, Takeda Katsuyori in 1580, and Satake Yoshishige in 1583. The Hōjō clan captured the lord of Tatebayashi Castle, Nagao Akinaga, and Yura Kunishige. The two brothers gave the Hōjō Kanayama Castle, under the condition that he be released. In 1590, as part of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's campaign against the Hōjō, Kanayama Castle was seized by Maeda Toshiie. Following this, the castle was abandoned and never used again. The castle's ruins (which have partly been restored) are currently maintained by the City of Ota.
It was long believed
until 1965 that the tenshu (keep) of Kanayama Castle was moved to Inuyama Castle by Ishikawa Mitsuyoshi in 1559. Such theory was disapproved as a result of examination through a large scale restoration work, involving the dismantling of the donjon of Inuyama Castle, carried out between 1961 and 1965.
- source : wikipedia -

- Kanayama Castle 金山城
- source : -


#kozuke #nittayoshisada


Tobi Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Tobi Fudo ... 飛不動尊 ... Flying Fudo

Temple Shobo-In 正宝院
kanto Pilgrimage Nr. 24 - Tokyo 台東区竜泉3-11-11

source : Temple Shobo-In

The temple was founded in 1530 by St.Shozan 正山上人, a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect. St.Shozan pilgrimaged around the country after completion of his hard ascetic practices in the holy Mt.Ohmine in Nara. When he visited this place of Ryusen and lodged with the inhabitants, he dreamed of a dragon flying high up into the air in a streak of light.

The dream of a dragon was interpreted as the symbol of divine protection by Fudo (one of Gods in Buddhism). Then, he determined to sculpture an image of Fudo to pray for the health and longevity of inhabitants and for the safety of his own pilgrimage. And he founded Shoboin temple to enshrine the image of Fudo.

. . . . The Legend of Tobi-Fudo

Shortly after the foundation of the temple, the chief priest took the image of Fudo with him to the holy Mt.Ohmine for his ascetic exercises there. One night, however, Fudo flew back alone all the way of 300 miles to Edo(old Tokyo) to answer the local people who were praying to the duplicated image during absence of Fudo.
Hence the Fudo came to be called as Tobi (Flying)-Fudo, and highly reputed as the god flying straightly to the prayers to answer. The temple name appears as Tobi-Fudo in many old maps and history books issued in Edo period(1603-1868) instead of it’s formal name Shoboin.

This suggests that Tobi-Fudo has been popularly known and worshiped from old times.In recent years, in connection of this legend with the development of air transportation, an increasing number of people have come to visit the temple to pray for their safe flights and journeys.

Fudo’s protective amulets called “Hiko-Mamori”飛行守り (hikoo mamori) for safe flights and journeys are now available at the temple.

for travel by ship or aeroplane
source :  tobifudo HP

CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more photos

. . . . .

Kookuu anzen 航空安全お守り safe flight amulets
... higyoo (hikoo) anzen 飛行安全お守り
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


The story behind this temple is that after it had been founded in 1530, its chief priest travelled from Edo to the distant Mt. Omine in Nara for religious training, and he took the temple’s honzon (it’s central figure of Fudo Myo-o) with him. In the meantime, more and more people gathered at the temple back in Edo to pray to Fudo Myo-o. To answer all the prayers of his followers, Fudo Myo-o flew all the way back from Mt. Omine, and the honzon became known as ‘Tobi-Fudo’ (Flying Fudo), the god who would fly directly to the aid of all living things.

ゴルフ安全護 golf amulet

Taking up the theme of ‘flying,’ the shrine offers the ‘Golf-mamori’ charm, which will help your golf ball fly further, for 2,000 yen. We haven’t been able to confirm whether Japan’s favourite young golfer Ryo Ishikawa has one, but if you’re looking to improve your golf score, it’s definitely the charm for you.
source :

. Kootsuu anzen 交通安全 traffic safety .
safety on the road

. Golf Amulets .

. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 


. Tobifudo - Ryukozan Sanko=Ji Shobo-In
龍光山三高寺正寶院 .

Introduction in Japanese

関東三十六不動霊場 - Kanto
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto
発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa , 修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo, 菩提の道場 Bodai- Saitama, 涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba


ni no tori o hazurete tsukeri Tobi Fudo

after the second festival day
the temple is still lit by lanterns -
Tobi Fudo

Matsuda Hiromu 松田ひろむ

kigo for early winter:
Festivals and markets on the "Days of the Rooster"
. ni no tori 二の酉(にのとり)market on the second day of the rooster .





Shusse Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Shusse Fudoo 出世不動
Fudo Myo-O for a good career !

First read the basics about Shusse Daruma :

Daruma for a good career !

At Fukagawa, Tokyo 出世不動尊

This temple was built by the Edo government and belongs to the Jodo Sect of Buddhism.
It was first build on the reclaimed land near the river Kandagawa, but the construction on the unstable land was difficult.
At that time the priest at the Temple Mii-Dera in Omi had a dream about the Fudo Statue in his temple: Fudo appeared in his dream and told him, he should be carried off to Edo to help build the temple.
So they did and put his statue in a contemporary building close to the construction site. Now the building was finished without much more problems and the statue had come to be called "Fudo for a good career".
In 1653, after the great earthquake, the temple was relocted to the present position and the statue now is called: "The Career Fudo from Fukagawa".


. Fukagawa Fudoo Doo 深川不動堂 Fukagawa Fudo Do .


At Kanda in Tokyo

CLICK for original Link : neko no sanpo

The original temple was built more than 1200 years ago by Chishoo Daishi Enchin 智証大師, but now the small building amongst the scyscrapers is all that remains. It was later relocated here to protect the Hitotsubashi Family of Daimyos.
It is still very popular with the sumo wrestlers to pray here for a good career.


. Enchin 圓珍 - 円珍 / 智證大師 Chisho Daishi .


Shusse Fudo Yugawara, Hakone

CLICK for more photos

At the Fudo Taki waterfall, there is a small sanctuary.


. 高野寺 出世不動 - Koya-Ji, Shusse Fudo .


More Japanese Reference


. WASHOKU - Shusse uo 出世魚 career fish  

- #shussefudo -


Narita Fudo


Narita Fudo 成田不動尊
Shinshooji 新勝寺 Temple Shinsho-Ji

成田山 平和大塔 Peace Pagoda

大本山成田山新勝寺  大塔掛仏係

The Peace Pagoda in Narita was built in 1984. It is 58 m high and situated on a small hill.

In the second floor, a 6 meter large statue of Fudo Myo-O is placed.

In the fifth floor, the Diamond Hall (kongooden 金剛殿 こんごうでん)five statues of the five Wisdom Nyorai (gochi Nyorai 五智如来  ごちにょらい) are placed.

Mark Schumacher about the
Five Buddhas of Wisdom

- quote -
Narita San 成田山 Shinshō-ji 新勝寺 "New victory temple" 
The temple was established in 940 to commemorate the victory of the forces dispatched from the Heian capital to suppress a revolt by the powerful Kantō region samurai, Taira no Masakado.

The Shingon priest 寛朝大僧 Kanchō accompanied the force, bringing with him an image of Fudō myōō from the Gomadō (Fire Offering Hall) of Takao-san Jingo-ji in Kyōtō. Shingon founder 弘法大師 Kōbō Kobo Daishi himself was said to have carved the image and used it in Goma sacred fire rituals that helped stop a rebellion during his era. The rebellion in 940 also came to an end just as Kanchō completed a three-week Goma ritual with the same image.

source :

According to legend, the image of the Unmovable Wisdom King became too heavy after the victory to move back to its home base, so a new temple on Narita-san, named Shinshō-ji (New Victory Temple), was built to enshrine it on the spot.
The temple maintains that the original image is enshrined in the Main Hall, where it is displayed on special occasions, but art historians date the current image to no earlier than the 13th century.
- source : wikipedia -

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai .
. (774 - 835)

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 .
(? - 940)


A stone statue of Fudo Myo-O from the temple Daigo-Ji in Kyoto, said to be carved by Kukai himself, was brought to the Kanto area to bring peace to the region and marks the beginning of Narita Fudo in Chiba.

. Daigoji 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji .


nana seigan 七誓願 Seven Sincere Vows
in the presence of Fudo Myo-O

・明るい笑顔で奉仕のはげみ-奴僕(ぬぼく)の行 -nuboku
・まごころこめて助け合い-羂索(けんさく)のおさとし - kensaku
・苦難に耐えれば開ける希望-盤石(ばんじゃく)の決意 - banjaku
・精進努力に豊かな実り-燃えさかる火炎 - kaen
・常に冷静 不動の心-ゆるぎなきみ心
・正しい判断さとりのめざめ-利剣(りけん)の智慧 - riken
・いただくご利益(りやく)みんなと共に-加持力(かじりき)- kajiriki

- reference -


Kabuki and Narita San

A succession of actors named Danjuro Ichikawa whose house name is 'Naritaya' has a deep relationship with Naritasan for many generations. The first Danjuro Ichikawa was born in 1660 during the Edo period. His father, Juzo Horikoshi was from Hataya in Narita city. Even now at the graveyard in the Toko-ji temple in Hataya, there is Danjuroo the first's tomb which was built by Danjuro the second.

Danjuro the first had difficulty having a child so he prayed to the Narita Fudo-myoo god and soon after had Danjuro the second. After that his Kabuki themes revolved around the spirituality of the Narita Fudo-myoo god. His play, 'Tsuwamonno-kongen-soga' became a hit. His successors, also named, Danjuro were also deeply religious in the Fudo-myoo god and performed a play called 'Risho-ki' about how people can be blessed by the Fudo-myoo god. Thanks to the success of their plays, the Fudo-myoo god became well-known among the people of the Edo period. Danjuro the seventh was also a believer and he donated one thousand Ryo (monetary unit of the Edo period) to build Gaku-do hall.

Danjuro II

Edo (Tokyo) peoples interest in Naritasan was stimulated by Kabuki performances and Naritasan monks displayed the Fudo-myoo god at Fukagawa-eidaiji temple. Eventually worship at Naritasan became popular with Edo (Tokyo) people through. At first, worship at Naritasan was only popular with high society and wealthy merchants, however, between 1804 and 1829 it became more popular with ordinary people because it was enjoyable four day return hike through beautiful scenery.
source :

CLICK for more .. Narita and Kabuki

The makeup of Danjuro II, called kumadori 隈取, was taken from the facial expression of the statue of Fudo Myo-O itself.
When Danjuro performed in Edo, people identified him with the deity and would throw donation money at the stage.

Ichikawa Danjūrō XII

(April 1985 - February 2013)
Previously known as Ichikawa Shinnosuke VI and Ichikawa Ebizō X.

Danjūrō was diagnosed with leukemia in late spring 2004, after falling ill and becoming unable to perform alongside his son (Ichikawa Ebizō XI), who was celebrating his shūmei at the time, having become the latest to take the name Ichikawa Ebizō. Though illness, and subsequent hospitalization, forced Danjūrō to leave the stage for long stretches in 2004-05, he later returned.

He died of pneumonia in a Tokyo hospital on February 3, 2013 at the age of 66.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Danjuro XII
and the freedom in Kabuki acting .

Danjuro painted a poster for the festival of the day of the fish, toto no hi 魚の日(ととのひ)
. Tsukiji Fish Market 築地市場 .

. Narukami Fudo Kitayama Zakura 雷神不動北山桜 .
Kabuki with Ichikawa Danjuro


Shibaraku (暫, しばらく) "Stop a Moment!"
is among the most popular pieces in the Kabuki repertoire, and one of the celebrated Kabuki Jūhachiban (Eighteen Great Plays)

The plot centers around the figure of Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa, who has become the stereotypical bombastic hero of the kabuki stage, with red-and-white striped makeup and strong, energetic movement. The historical Kamakura Kagemasa is famous for his bravery for having continued to fight after losing an eye in battle in the Gosannen War (1083-1087).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kamakura Gongorō Kagemasa 鎌倉権五郎景政
(born 1069) .


source : Naritasan Shinshoji Temple HP

O-Mamori - Amulets

for luck with money

to find a good partner - 恋愛成就絵馬

small scroll with Fudo Myo-O - kakejiku 尊影掛軸

Goma Amulet
Gomafuda is wooden amulet to receive benefits, which has been placed over a fire and blessed with the spirit of Fudomyoo through a Goma fire rite.
Migawari-omamori (Substitute-amulet) is a small amulet to ward off accidents and evils.

The Goma fire rite is the most important of the services conducted in Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, a temple of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. It is conducted several times every day and anybody can attend. The Goma rite is a mysterious temple service in which we pray to Fudomyoo, the main deity of Naritasan Temple, for the fulfillment of our wishes.
The chief priest burns Goma sticks with various burnt offerings. The fire, a symbol of the wisdom of Fudomyoo, extinguishes our earthly passions, which are symbolized by the sticks, and brings us to a higher state of mind to win the virtues and favors of Fudomyoo.

Fudomyoo, one of the popular Buddhist deities, is fierce-looking and wreathed in flames with a sword and a rope in his hands. The sword cuts away hindrances of passion and false knowledge, and the rope is used to draw in beings to Enlightenment. To demons he is terror, but to the faithful he is the remover of anxieties, banisher of evil and savior from oppression.
Fudomyoo of Naritasan Temple has been worshiped by numerous people from all over the country for a long time.

source : Narita san - Omamori

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


Print by Utagawa Kunisada / Toyokuni III

Ichikawa Ebizō V
as the Mystical Image (Reizō) of Fudō Myōō,

Ichikawa Saruzō I as Kongara dōji (矜迦羅童子), and
Ichikawa Komazō VII as Seitaka dōji (制吒迦童子)
No. 9 (九) from the series Eighteen Great Kabuki Plays
(Jūhachiban no uchi -十八番の内)
source : Lyon Collection


Ichikawa Ebizo, Ebizoo
十一代目 市川 海老蔵
The 11th Ishikawa, born 1977年12月6日

In December 2010, he caused quite an uproar when involved in a drunken pub brawl, causing him multiple fractures of facial bones.

. . . getting into a drunk brawl


Bronze Fudo in a Wood Shrine

. Fudo Myoo : Bronze Buddha In Wood Shrine  


A Peace Pagoda  Heiwa Daitoo
is a Buddhist stupa designed to provide a focus for people of all races and creeds to help unite them in their search for world peace. Most (though not all) have been built under the guidance of Nichidatsu Fujii (1885-1985), a Buddhist monk from Japan and founder of the Nipponzan-Myōhōji Buddhist Order. Fuji was greatly inspired by his meeting with Mahatma Gandhi in 1931 and decided to devote his life to promoting non-violence. In 1947, he began constructing Peace Pagodas as shrines to World peace.

The first Peace Pagodas were built as a symbol of peace in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where the atomic bombs took the lives of over 150,000 people, almost all of whom were civilian, at the end of World War II.

By 2000, 80 Peace Pagodas had been built around the world in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

"Civilization is not to kill human beings, not to destroy things, not to make war; civilization is to hold mutual affection and to respect one another."
-Most Ven. Fujii

Peace Pagodas in Asia

2.1 Hanaokayama, Japan
2.2 Hiroshima, Japan
2.3 Nagasaki, Japan
2.4 , India
2.5 Mount Kijosumi, Japan
2.6 Narita-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan
2.7 Darjeeling, India
2.8 Vaishali, India
2.9 Ladakh, India
2.10 Lumbini, Nepal
2.11 Gotemba, Shizuoka, Japan
2.12 Pokhara, Nepal

© Quote from the Wikipedia


Photo by my friend Hiroya Sato
and look at this video by Hiroya san:
Moonlight illuminates the Shinsho-ji Temple

Join us:
. Joys of Japan - Facebook Friends .


Haiku and Peace

World Peace Day International Day of Peace

War and Peace (sensoo to heiwa)  


Last Fire Ritual at Narita Fudo :
"Osame-Fudo" is a kigo for Winter.


Many temples have a Fudo statue consecrated at Narita (bunshin 分身), and are also called

xyz - Narita Fudo 成田不動.

They will be added in the comments to this entry as we continue the pilgrimages.


Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto  関東三十六不動霊場
Nr. 36, the last one

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

daisoojoo 大僧正 Daisojo, the Great Priest
The legend of 寛朝大僧 Great Priest Kanchō, see above

Yuuten 祐天 Saint Yuten
The young Yuten went to Narita san to pray to Fudo for wisdom.
- - - Read what Fudo did to the young acolyte:
. Yuuten, Yūten 祐天 Yuten Shami (1637 - 1718) .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


- #naritafudo #fudonarita #naritashinshoji #shinshojinarita -