. Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 不動明王 .
Fudo Myo-O legends from Fukushima
不動明王 - 福島県の伝説
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
shibu 田螺 Tanishi, mud snail
Before the hatsu uma 初午 First Day of the Horse people put salt in the four corners of the yururi 圍爐裡 / ユルリ (irori 囲炉裏) open hearth。Then they throw mud snails on the roof. If they reach far to the other side, there will be no fire for the coming year.
Tanishi are the messengers of Fudo Myo-O.
If eaten, they will cure eye disease.
. tanishi 田螺 / たにし mud snail .
. hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 First Day of the Horse .
in February
- Iwashiro province 岩代国. Nishiniidono, Nihonmatsu, Fukushima
Once upon a time
in the hamlet of Mokusho-uchi 杢少内 (Mukkyoji in local dialect ムッキョジ) in 西新殿 Nishiniidono there was a wooden statue of Fudo Myo-O お不動様 in the Fudo Hall on the hill.
The villagers had great faith in the statue and came to pray and worship here every day with all kinds of wishes.
. Tanishi Fudo タニシ不動 / たにし不動 Mud-Snail Fudo .
Legends from Fukushima and other prefectures.

会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu
A story told by 長嶺トキ Nagamine Toki.
After an operation for an artificial hip joint she was unconscious for 4 days. In the evening of the 4th day in the room for the nurses there appeared Fudo Myo-O in the left corner of the ceiling. In the middle appeared many 地蔵様 Jizo figures and in the right there was 観音様 Kannon sama leading a child.
(After that vision she was healed.)
原町市 Haramachi
tenjin 天人 heavenly maiden
A man named from the Miura clan named 三浦左近国清 Miura Sakon Kunikiyo lived in 太田村別所 Ota village 別所館 Besshonotate. He went to the Fudo Waterfall at 馬場村 Babamura to pray for a wife. That night Fudo appeared in his dream and told him, that in this world there was no wife to fit him. He should go to the pond at 五台山 Mount Godaisan where the tenjin 天人 heavenly maiden come to bath and snatch one of their hagoromo 羽衣 feather mantles. Kunikiyo did as he dreamt, got the mantle and went back home. Soon the maiden came to his home and wanted her mantle back, but eventually she stayed on and became his wife. They had two sons and one daughter.
When the children had grown up, the maiden took her mantle, said good bye and went back to heaven. Kunikiyo was very sad and his daughter was even more sad. She eventually threw herself into the pond and died. Now there is even a stone memorial in her memory at the pond, 姫塚 Himezuka.
and also
- reference source : joukan.sakura.ne.jp/joukan/hukushima/bessho -

. hagoromo 羽衣 and the heavenly maidens .
いわき市 Iwaki town 四倉町 Yotsukuramachi
shinmeisama しんめい様 Shinmei Sama
At the old family home of the 渡邊 Watanabe there was a 神明宮 Shinmei Shrine venerating the deity Shinmei Sama.
Eventually there was no successor to the family line to care for the Shrine. So Shinmei Sama called on Fudo for help and sent an old blind man to continue the worship.
. shinmeisama しんめい様 Shinmei Sama .
郡山市 Koriyama 湖南町 Konan
Two farmers were sleeping in the fields during lunchtime, when suddenly a large boulder came rolling down and stopped right beside them. "This must be a stone to venerate Kannon Bosatsu"!
Then some specialists came from Aizu Wakamatsu and said it should be placed at the Waterfall of Kitamori 北森の滝 where Fudo Myo-O is venerated.
So the villagers carried the stone near the waterfall, shounting "Kan man baran" all the way. カンマンバラン Kanmanbaran is the local name of the Fudo Myo-O.
Kanmanboron, Kanman Boron カンマンボロン.

This is "kanman boron" in a different cliff
at Mizugakiyama 瑞牆山(みずがきやま) in Yamanashi
- source and photos : thunter.or.tv/irorian
noomaku sanmanda bazaradan senda
makaroshada sowataya
un tarata kanman
. The mantra of Fudo Myo-O .
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. 源八幡太郎義家 Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro .
He came to Oshu to fight 奥州征伐 the local people in 1189. At 不動滝 the Fudo Waterfall the 馬の足跡 footprints of his horse can still be seen.

西白河郡 Nishi-Shirakawa district 表郷村 Omotegomura
ryuu 竜 dragon
Once it rained very very strong. A priest who had come along recited the sutras, then he left three コケラ(うろこ)fish scales and ascended to heaven.
A statue of Fudo with these three scales is the main statue of the temple 天竜山法泉寺 Tenryuzan Hosen-Ji.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
不動 福島
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
. Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 不動明王 .
- - #fudolegendsfukushima #fukushimalegends -
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