. 九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 Fudo temples .
- Saga 佐賀県
24 誕生院 錐鑽 身代り不動 - Kirimomi Migawari Fudo
25 大聖寺 杉岳の身代り不動 - Migawari Fudo
26 無動院 願かけ不動 - Gankake Fudo
27 正福寺 身代り不動 - Migawari Fudo
28 千如寺宝池坊 道中守り不動 - Dochu Mamori Fudo
29 真光院 くぼた不動 - Kubota Fudo
30 延命院 一願不動 - Ichigan Fudo
31 金乗院 出世不動 - Shusse Fudo
Some Temples also belong to the Henro Pilgrimage.
This number is given in brackets (xx).
source : setokeiichiro.com
24 誕生院 錐鑽 身代り不動 -
Tanjo-In Kirimomi Migawari Fudo
佐賀県鹿島市納富分2011 / Kirishima
25 大聖寺 杉岳の身代り不動 Daisho-Ji - Suginotake Migawari Fudo
佐賀県杵島郡北方町大字大崎6694 / Kishimagun, Kitagatamachi
26 無動院 願かけ不動 - Mudo-In Gankake Fudo
佐賀県杵島郡山内町大字大野9122 / Kishigamun, Yamauchicho
27 正福寺 身代り不動 Shofuku-Ji - Migawari Fudo
佐賀県東松浦郡北波多村大字大杉838 / Matsuuragun, Kitahatamura, Daigaku Osugi
Sennyoji 千如寺 Sennyo-Ji
Nr. 28 雷山 Raizan - 千如寺 - 宝池坊 Hochi-Bo
道中守り不動 - Dochu Mamori Fudo to protect on the road
The main temple is located on the border to Fukuoka
福岡県前原市雷山626 626 Raizan, Itoshima, Fukuoka
- quote -
a Shingon temple in Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Its honorary sangō prefix is Sennyo-ji Daihiō-in (千如寺大悲王院).
It is also referred to as Raizan Kannon (雷山観音).
According to legend, Sennyo-ji was founded in the Nara period by 清賀上人 Seiga, a priest who came from India.
Due to its position in the north overlooking the Sea of Genkai, it has been expected from the shogunate as a prayer temple of the foremost line against the Mongol invasions of Japan during the Kamakura period. In its heyday has been said to be lined up to 300 priest living quarters around the temple. Sennyo-ji is a general term of this temple, and it is also referred to as the priest's lodge that was located next to the middle sanctuary, the present day site of Ikazuchi-jinja. The wooden Avalokiteśvara statue is the subject of mountainous faith that has been enshrined in the main hall.
Afterwards the priest living quarters were ruined during the long war between Muromachi and Sengoku periods, there only remains the priest's lodge. In 1573, however, the main hall was founded by Kuroda Tsugutaka (1703–1775), the 6th feudal lord of Kuroda clan. Big maple trees, which has been designated as a natural monument of Fukuoka prefecture, has been said to be planted by him.
CLICK for more autumn photos !
Mount Rai has two sanctuaries, one at the middle of the mountain and one at its peak. The middle sanctuary was founded in honor of Emperor Suinin whom he is conventionally considered to have reigned from 29 BC to AD 70. Both sanctuaries have been governed by the temple until the Edo period. However, the priest's lodge in the middle sanctuary was abolished by the separation of Shinto from Buddhism, introduced after the Meiji Restoration. Cultural properties, such as Buddha statues including the main Buddha and the ancient documents, were moved to the main hall.
The temple is also known for being a great place for cherry blossom viewing in the spring, and many people visit in the autumn to see the fall foliage.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Priest Seiga brought brought seeds from camellia (tsubaki 椿) and made oil from them for the first time.
Mount Aburayama 油山 (597 m) in Fukuoka is named in memory of this event.
油山観音正覚寺 Aburayama Kannon, Temple Shokaku-Ji
(82) 雷山 千如寺大悲王院 Raizan Sennyo-Ji - Daihio-In
- reference source : kyushyu88.com/temple82-
29 真光院 くぼた不動 Shinko-In - Kubota Fudo
佐賀県佐賀郡久保田町新田 / Sagagun, Kubotacho, Shinden
30 延命院 一願不動 Enmei-In - Ichigan Fudo
佐賀県佐賀市与賀町2-45 / 2-45 Yokamachi, Saga-shi
31 金乗院 出世不動 Konjo-In - Shusse Fudo
佐賀県神埼郡三田川町目達原 / Kanzakigun, Mitagawacho, Medabara
bangai 萬寿寺 Manju-Ji(通称・お不動さん)
本尊 -- 不動明王
- - - reference - coara.or.jp/~rinsaiji - 佐賀県 - - -
. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .
. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan .
. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .
- #sagapilgrims -
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