ryuuzoo, ryūzō 立像 ryuzo, ritsuzo - standing statues
. zazoo 座像 / 坐像 seated statues .
- Introduction -

CLICK for more photos of standing Fudo !
Joofukuji 成福寺 Jofuku-Ji
2356 Yoshiichō Yoshii, Ibara-shi, Okayama
The temple was founded on behaf of 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno in 739 by 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu.
In the garden are 33 statues of Nyoirin Kannon, also made by Gyoki.
The carver of the Fudo Statue is not known, but it dates back to the late Heian or beginning of the Kamakura period. It is about 88 cm high and made from one piece of hinoki 檜 Japanese cypress.
- reference source : www.ibarakankou.jp
- HP of the temple
- source : ibara.ne.jp/~ryounin -
. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki, Gyōgi
A temple with the same name in Osaka
円通山成福寺は大阪府和泉市芦部町169 / Ashibecho, Izumi, Osaka

Belongs to the following pilgrimage
和泉西国三十三ヶ所霊場第十五番札所 Izumi Saikoku 33 Kannon Temples
- reference source : izumisaigoku.web.fc2.com/jouhukuji -
Standing statues can be divided in various ways:
The tallest
The smallest
The way the feet are placed
Made from one piece of wood 一本造り
Made from various pieces put together (yosegi)
under construction
The tallest 日本一の不動明王 (so far)
20 meters high (including the podestal)

source : daizukan9.blog63.fc2.com
Isshinji 一心寺 Isshin-Ji
大分市 Oita Town, Kyushu
305 Megusuno Tuskano Oita City, Oita

The temple has been founded in 1963 by priest 安部一僧正 with the sincere wish to save people.
He made the road, planted the cherry trees and eventually was able to put the statue of Fudo Myo-O here in Tsukano village. The temple grounds are among the largest in Western Japan.
The Fudo here is 初七日導師 who leads the souls of the dead on the 7th day. His fire-halo lights the way for their proceeding to cross "Kurayami Toge"くらやみ峠 , the pass of darkness.
「初七日まもるは不動尊」. The bereaved family members come her on the 7th day after a death in the family and offer candles to light the way too.
Another huge statue (17 meters) is of 薬師観音像 Yakushi Kannon
The Kannon of Medicine, holding a medicine flask 薬壺 like Yakushi Nyorai.
This refers to nr. 12 of the vows of Kannon Bosatsu:
Other statues feature a nehanzo 釈迦涅槃像 of Shaka Nyorai
Saint Kaizan Shonin 海山上人像(安部一僧正)the founder of the temple.
Nearby are the Isshinj Waterfalls 一心寺の滝 and the temple also houses the largest Buddhist bell 念佛鐘 in Japan.
The cherry blossom time is the best to visit.
- Homepage of the temple 不動尊霊山一心寺
- source : issinnji.web.fc2.com
- quote
ryuuzou 立像 - Also read ritsuzou.
A Buddhist image which is standing, as opposed to seated (see *zazou 坐像). Most standing images stand up straight chokuritsu 直立 in a natural manner, but there are some variations.
The bronze sculptures of bodhisattvas *bosatsu 菩薩 Nikkou 日光 and Gakkou 月光 at Yakushiji 薬師寺 in Nara, for example, stand in a relaxed position with most of the weight shifted onto one leg. The straight leg with the weight is called rikkyaku 立脚, and the bent leg without the weight is called yuukyaku 遊脚.
Attendants of *Amida 阿弥陀 in the raigou composition (see *raigou-zu 来迎図) which have their knees bent forward are considered to be standing images called jiritsu 侍立. The bodhisattvas Kannon 観音 and Seishi 勢至 in the wooden Amida triad Amida sanzon 阿弥陀三尊 from Shourenji 青蓮寺 in Kumamoto prefecture (dated 1295) are the best known examples of ryuuzou.
Zaou Gongen 蔵王権現 sculpted in wood in Nyoirinji 如意輪寺 in Nara (dated 1336), has one leg raised in a stamping or running position jaritsu 邪立.
A walking image *gyouzou 行像 as typified by *kinhinzou 経行像, is also considered to be a type of ryuuzou and is contemplated during Buddhist meditation .
- source : JAANUS
- - - - - Some statues show Fudo with a fluttering robe

. Statues in Oogi, Ōgi 仰木 Ogi, Shiga .
Stehende Figuren (ryuuzoo)
Standfiguren sind besonders häufig.
Entweder direkt frontal (chokuryuuzoo) oder mit leicht gebogenen Hüften (hinetta koshi) oder quasi im Laufen, mit einem leicht erhobenen Fuß (yugyoozoo, kinhinzoo, gyoozoo). Durch diese Laufposition wird der Wille Buddhas darge~stellt, in die Welt zu gehen und den Menschen zu helfen. Der Oberkörper ist dabei leicht nach vorne gebeugt. Diese Form findet sich besonders bei Jizoo und Kannon Bosatsu. Erste Arten dieser Figuren kennen wir aus Thailand.
Ein Fuß stark angehoben wie beim Tanz (buseizoo) oder nach hinten gestreckt (teiji ryuuzoo) findet sich oft bei Myo-O-Statuen.
. Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who ... .
Kurze historische Übersicht
Allgemeines über Statuen
Gabi Greve
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
. Daruma - standing statues 置物 okimono .
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