Kesen Narita Fudo 気仙成田不動尊
Nr. 24 Nyoizan 如意山 - 金剛寺 - 気仙成田不動尊 - Kesen Narita Fudo
Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji
in Rikuzen Takata
Iwate 岩手県 - 精進の道場 - shoojin
. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .
岩手県陸前高田市気仙町 - Kesen village, Rikuzen Takata town
The main statue is Nyoirin Kannon 如意輪観世音菩薩.
The river Kesengawa flows right through the inlay, where the thriving fishing port of Rikuzen Takata 陸前高田 used to be before the earthquake of 2011.
The first priest of this temple was 宥鑁法印 Yuban, who had been banned from the capital of Kyoto and then been pardones in 888.
Around the year 885 the poet 大江千里 Oe no Chisato passed here.
Date Masamune took residence at this temple when he passed the region during an inspection. During that time there were more than 30 sub-temples near the compound.
In our times it was a temple for mountain ascetics, with the hall for Fudo Myo-O at the top of the mountain. This hall had been built in 1673, when a messenger from the main Narita temple in Chiba came here to pray and dedicate it.
- Chant of the temple
. Date Masamune 伊達政宗 .
(September 5, 1567 – June 27, 1636)
Ooe no Chisato, Ōe no Chisato 大江千里 Oe no Chisato
- reference -
poet nr. 23 of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu poetry collection
Kesen Narita 気仙成田山護摩堂 Narita San, Goma-Do

- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/syory159sp
. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji in Chiba - the Main Narita Temple
After the earthquake in 2011, many people from the Main Narita Temple came here to help as best as they could.

被災松を使った大勝御守 おおかちおんまもり
ookachi on mamori -
special amulet to "win" and carry on after the tsunami

This had been lost in the tsunami, but now been re-newed at Narita san, Main temple.
This amulet is bringing together all people of the world, to help after the tsunami.
- Read more about all the efforts here :
- source : naritasan.or.jp/special
本堂と客殿 - after the earthquake

- More photos -
- source : www.mituzoin.jp

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
不動堂 The Fudo Hall
- source : www.tohoku36fudo.jp
- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事
January 1 - 初詣(元旦)First visit to Fudo Myo-O
縁日(8月28日)- fire ritual every month on the 28th
December 26 - 納札お焚きあげ - ritual fire ceremony to burn the old amulets
- - - reference - - -
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .
- Not to mix with :
The famous port of Kesennuma 気仙沼, Miyagi, has been destroyed by the great earthquake on March 11, 2011.
It used to be a town full of restaurants serving local specialities.
. Kesennuma ningyoo 気仙沼の人形 Kesennuma dolls .
Rikuzentakata 陸前高田市
is a city located in Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
In the quinquennial census of 2010, the city has a population of 23,302 (2005: 24,709) and a population density of 100 persons per km². The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami caused extensive damage to the city, and as of February 2014, the city had an estimated population of 19,449 and a population density of 83.7 persons per km². The total area was 1,259.89 km².
Rikuzentakata is located in the far southeast corner of Iwate Prefecture, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east. The city contained Lake Furukawanuma until the 2011 tsunami destroyed it. Parts of the coastal area of the city are within the borders of the Sanriku Fukkō National Park.
The area of present-day Rikuzentakata was part of ancient Mutsu Province, and has been settled since at least the Jomon period. The area was inhabited by the Emishi people, and came under the control of the Yamato dynasty during the early Heian period. During the Sengoku period, the area was dominated by various samurai clans before coming under the control of the Date clan during the Edo period, who ruled Sendai Domain under the Tokugawa shogunate.
The towns of Kesen and Takada were established within Kesen District on April 1, 1889 with the establishment of the municipality system. The area was devastated by the 1896 Sanriku earthquake and the 1933 Sanriku earthquake Kesen and Takada merged with the neighboring town of Hirota and villages of Otomo, Takekoma, Yokota and Yonezaki on January 1, 1955 to form the city of Rikuzentakata.

CLICK for more photos of the destruction !
2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
Rikuzentakata was reported to have been "wiped off the map" by the tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake. According to the police, every building smaller than three stories high has been completely flooded, with buildings bigger than three stories high being flooded partially, one of the buildings being the city hall, where the water also reached as high as the third floor. The Japan Self-Defense Forces initially reported that between 300 and 400 bodies were found in the town.
On 14 March, an illustrated BBC report showed a picture of the town, describing it as "almost completely flattened." "It is not clear how many survived." The town's tsunami shelters were designed for a wave of three to four metres in height, but the tsunami of March 2011 created a wave 13 metres high which inundated the designated safe locations. Local officials estimate that 20% to 40% of the town's population is dead. "Rikuzen-Takata effectively no longer exists." Although the town was well prepared for earthquakes and tsunamis and had a 6.5 meter high seawall, it was not enough and more than 80% of 8,000 houses were swept away.
A BBC film dated 20 March reported that the harbour gates of the town failed to shut as the tsunami approached, and that 45 young firemen were swept away while attempting to close them manually. The same film reported that 500 bodies had been recovered in the town, but that 10,000 people were still unaccounted-for out of a population of 26,000. As of 3 April 2011, 1,000 people from the town were confirmed dead with 1,300 still missing, In late May 2011, an Australian reporter interviewed a surviving volunteer firefighter who has said 49 firefighters were killed in Rikuzentakata by the tsunami, among 284 firefighters known to have died along the affected coast, many while closing the doors of the tsunami barriers along the seashore.
Sixty-eight city officials, about one-third of the city's municipal employees, were killed. The town's mayor, Futoshi Toba, was at his post at the city hall and survived, but his wife was killed at their seaside home. The wave severely damaged the artifact and botanical collection at the city's museum and killed the staff of six people. The final death toll was 1656 killed and 223 missing and presumed dead. Portions of the city subsided by over a meter.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan .
. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46
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