ibotori Fudo イボ取り不動尊 take away warts
ibotori 疣取り / イボ取り / いぼとり take away warts
ibotori san いぼとりさん deity to take away warts
ibogamisan いぼ神さん Shinto deity to take away warts
Warts and problems of the skin are becoming a bigger problem in old age.
There are quite a few shrines and temples to pray for prevention or healing.
Jizo Bosatsu いぼとり地蔵 is the most common of the deities to offer help.
. ibotori - take away warts .
- Introduction -
- quote
イボ取り不動尊 Ibotori Fudo
temple Yoomeiji 永明寺 Yomei-Ji
1167 Harada, Fuji shi, Harada. Shizuoka 富士市原田
There are a lot of waterfalls in the mountains of this area.
Legend knows this:
Once upon a time, there lived a young girl near the waterfall. She had warts all over the body. She had already seen many doctors and tried all kinds of medicine, but nothing would help.
One day she talked to the priest at temple Yomei-Ji. He told her:
"Please try to pray to the Fudo in the pond of our temple!"

So for 21 days (three times seven - 三掛ける七) she came every day barefeet and prayed to Fudo.
On day 21 her prayers were all done and in the morning she had a dream of Fudo, who told her:
"Today, throw some water of the pond on your body!"
So when she woke up, she hurried to the temple and scooped a lot of water on her body.
And what do you say ! all the warts disappeared suring this washing. Now she was a beautiful girl as ever there was one.
Since then people called the statue "Fudo who takes away warts" and prayed here.
tarumi uke ibotori Fudoo kan tsubaki
I get some water
from Ibotori Fudo Sama -
camellia in the cold
孝子 Takako
- source : blog.fujibijin.shop-pro.jp 孝子
井澤山不動院 Chooyooji 眺洋寺 Choyo-Ji
1166 Misakichōizawa, Isumi-shi, Chiba

- source : www.geocities.co.jp/AnimalPark-Shiro
Toozenji 東漸寺 Tozen-Ji
千葉県いすみ市国府台59 / 59 Kounodai, Isumi-shi, Chiba
Nichiren sect

ibotori no mizu いぼとりの水 / いぼとり不動明王
The water heals all kinds of diseases.
- source : www.touzenji.ne
- further reference -
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
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