
Kongo-In Numata

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Kongooin, Kongō-In 金剛院 Kongo-In, Kongoin

Nr. 2 海王山 - 善福寺 金剛院 - 沼田成田不動尊
Kaio-zan Zenpuku-Ji, Numata Narita Fudo Son
Gunma prefecture - 身密の道場 shinmitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


The temple used to be called 赤城山金剛院 Akagizan Kongo-In
refering to the sacred mountain Akagiyama in Gunma.

The present building dates to 1787, former buildings had been burned by fire frequently.
It has been built under the guidance of priest 覚便法印.

本堂 格天井 火鳥の図 - Special ceiling of the main hall

When the daimyo Miura Numata 三浦沼田, Numata Goro 沼田五郎景 left his position to become a monk, he had this temple built.
During the time of the Sanada clan (in 1615) 伊豆守信幸 relocated the temple to its present location.
It was the main road of the village of Numata and the regional lords had to pass its bridge during their annual travel to the local domaines (sankin kootai 参勤交代).

The statue of Narita Fudo 成田不動尊

This statue has been brought by priest Irisawa Katsuumi 入沢亮海法印 in the year 1881, April 14 from the Narita Fudo temple.

mizukake Fudoo 水掛け不動尊 to pour water over the statue in the park

This park was created by 庭師武井良一 Takei Ryo-Ichi with 108 stones from the sacred 鳥海山 Mount Chokai-San in Tohoku.


The Nio-O statues 金剛院仁王像 at the entrance gate are made from wood of Kiso.


There are also small shrines in the compound

須賀神社 Suga Jinja

善福寺稲荷大明神 Inari Shrine

江舟法印像 priest Efune in the 26th generation


Rakugo performance in the main hall
四代目柳家三語楼他 Yanagia Sangoro
The temple has regular entertainment performances.

Hayashiya Kikuo is coming ! 林家木久扇

. rakugo 落語 comic storytelling performance .


樹齢300年のドウダンツツジ azalea bush of more than 300 years

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kongoin.com


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

初詣 正月 - First Temple Visit in January
修正会 元旦 御年賀
節分豆まき 2月3日 厄除け 大護摩奉修 - Great Goma Fire
涅槃会 2月15日 お釈迦様の入滅日(涅槃図開帳)
彼岸会 3月と9月 大施餓鬼会奉修
花まつり 4月8日 お釈迦様の誕生日
盂蘭盆会 8月13日~16日 御先祖様の里がえり
大師講 11月24日 天台大師入滅日(お斉ご接待)
成道会 12月8日 釈尊悟りの日
除夜の鐘つき 12月31日 おおみそか


- - - reference - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



1 comment:

Gabi Greve - Darumapedia said...

Gunma Akagisan, Akagiyama 赤城山と伝説 Legends about Mount Akagi
Legends and tales . . .