Statues with seated Buddhas (zazoo 座像 / 坐像)
Hanka fumisage position 半跏踏下坐

不動明王のフィギュア Modern Fudo Myo-O Figure
On this link there is also a green Fudo in this position, which is different from the usual seated positions of Fudo Myo-O, especially different from the famous seated statue at the temple Toji (東寺) in Kyoto and quite unusual for a statue of Fudo Myo-O.
source : kazu_san
. 高野山別格本山 赤不動明王院 Aka-Fudo
Red Fudo at Myo-O-In, Mt. Koya .

source : Mariusz Szmerdt. facebook
. Daruma by Mariusz .
Reference : Sumie from Poland .
Izayamaji 勇山寺 Izayama-Ji
482 Katsuta, Maniwa, Okayama

Shooshunji 正俊寺 Shoshun-Ji
- 長尾山 Nagaosan / Osaka

source : facebook

Koyasan Shoochi-in 正智院 Shochi-In
159 Koyasan, Koya, Ito District, Wakayama
He holds a sword with a four-pronged vajra.
He has a lotus flower on his head.

- ebay, facebook -

CLICK for more samples !
This is maybe the most famous statue in this position.
Miroku is silently and quietly pondering how to save the world and all creatures on it, now and in the future.

source : 仏像マニアックス
Chuuguuji 中宮寺-菩薩半跏像 Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩
Temple Chugu-Ji in Nara
. Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩 Maitreya .
Statues with seated Buddhas (zazoo 座像 / 坐像)
Seated statues usually present a great quietude and serenity. The Nyorai are all seated in deep meditaion.
Crossed legs in the full louts position (kekka fuza 結跏趺坐) or
half-lotus position (hanka fuza 半跏趺坐).

source : uchiko yoga
gooma za 降魔坐 - the left leg is uppermost
kichijoo za 吉祥坐 - the right leg is uppermost
Half-crossed legs (rinnooza 輪王坐 )
The right knee is raised.
Example: Wish-fulfilling Kannon.
Seated on a throne with both legs (izoo 倚像, iza 倚坐) or
one leg hanging down (hanka fumisage 半跏踏下坐, hanka iza 半跏倚坐).
This form is most popular with statues of Ten deities and priests.
zenka iza 善跏倚坐 both legs down
Somethimes both legs are down and crossed at the ankle
(kookyakuzoo 交脚像).
This version is typical for China and seldom seen in Japan.

Example: Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩
A special placement is the "Kannon placing her soles together"
(ashizuri Kannon 足摺観音)
like both hands in prayer.

source : city.kanuma.tochigi.jp
Example: From Kanuma Town in Tochigi 鹿沼市. Important cultural property.
The wooden statue is about 63 cm high.
- quote
zazou 坐像
A Buddhist image which is seated, as opposed to standing *ryuuzou 立像. The most common seated position is *kekka fuza 結跏趺坐, also called the full-lotus posture, a cross-legged position of meditation for a Buddhist image *nyorai 如来 or tathagata. The hanka shiyui 半跏思惟 position, a pose of meditation in which the figure has the right leg crossed over the pendant left leg, is also frequently employed on bodhisattva *bosatsu 菩薩, images.
More rarely shown positions include: *kiza 箕坐, where both legs are stretched out to one side; *koki 胡跪, a kneeling posture; *rinnouza 輪王坐, seated with one knee raised, among others.
Images which have both legs pendant over a throne are called *izou 倚像 and are also regarded as zazou images.
- source : JAANUS
. ryuuzoo, ryūzō 立像 ryuzo, statue of a standing figure .
(another reading is ritsuzo)
Sitzende Figuren (zazoo 座像)
Sitzende Figuren drücken im allgemeinen eine große Ruhe aus.
Meist zeigen sie einen Nyorai in tiefer Meditation. Gekreuzte Beine im vollen (kekka fuza 結跏趺坐) oder halben (hanka fuza 半跏趺坐) Lotussitz.
"Halbverschränkungssitz": Sitzend mit dem rechten Knie nach oben aufgestellt (rinnooza 輪王坐 ) wie die Wunscherfüllende Kannon.
Auf einem Podest sitzend mit beiden (izoo 倚像) oder
einem Bein nach unten (hanka fumisage 半跏踏下坐).
Diese Formen finden sich häufig bei Ten- und Priesterfiguren.
Manchmal sind die Beine nach unten hängend überkreuzt (kookyakuzoo 交脚像); diese Version ist typisch fuer China und findet sich kaum in Japan.
Eine besondere Figur ist die "Fußreibende Kannon" (ashizuri Kannon 足摺観音):
Beide Fußsohlen sind aneinandergelegt, wie die Hände im Gebet.
. Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who .
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source : deepkyoto
- #fudoseated #fudozazoo #seatedfudo -
1 comment:
Gooma Fudoo 降魔不動尊 Goma Fudo
Fudo subjugating the demons
Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji -
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