Ichigan Fudo 一願不動 One Wish Fudo
sometimes written
ichigan Fudo 一眼不動尊 "Fudo with one eye"
- see below -
Ichigan, you make one promise or wish and when this is fulfilled, you come back to the temple, make a thank you prayer and offer a wooden votive tablet (ema). Then you can then make your next wish. So be sure to wish for something that can be fulfilled within reason ...

- source : Roberto Borsi fb -
at Masuda-cho Maebashi .Gunma
Here are samples from the
Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples.
Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage .. Nr.19 . Hoju-Ji (Hoojuji) . 宝寿寺
Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage .. Nr.28 . Hagiwara-Ji . 萩原寺
一眼不動 - Ichigan Fudo "with one eye"
Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage .. Nr.34 . Jinno-Ji 神応寺
九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 Fudo temples
30 延命院 一願不動 - Ichigan Fudo / - Saga 佐賀県
. Umegafuchi Fudo Hall 梅ヶ淵不動堂 .
Kagoshima 鹿児島市伊敷町6
At the temple Daiyu-Ji (Daijuuji) 太融寺
Kita, Osaka 大阪市北区太融寺町3
This temple is famous for the history of Minamoto no Tooru 源融 and Emperor Saga Tenno.
Kobo Daishi built this temple on the strong wish of Emperor Saga in 821.
chokugan, the strong vow or promise, and temples built on the behest of an emperor are often called "chokuganji" ちょくがんじ【勅願寺】.
The main statue of this temple was a Kannon with thousand arms, shown only once a year on January 18.
The large photo shows the old statue of Fudo Myo-O before the war. It is lost now. The hall for this "one wish Fudo" had also been built on behest of Emperor Saga.
Many people come here, make one vow or wish, walk around the statue once or sometimes even one hundred times.

Fudo in the Hall

© PHOTO : pilgrimari.exblog.jp
五大山 Godaisan 不動院 Fudo-In - 五大山不動院
東京都港区六本木三丁目15-4 Tokyo Minatoku, Roppongi

Azabu Fudozaka no Ichigan Fudo
also called
Rokkenmachi no Meki Fudo - Fudo with Yellow Eyes
The date of its establishment is not quite clear, but it might have been relocated from 麹町平河町 Kojimachi Hirakawachoin 1658. It was moved to 麻布六軒町 Azsabu Rokkencho.
During the Edo period, 兒稲荷 Kabuto Inari in the compound was quite popular.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

source : kazu1950.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1386
- source : goshuin.ko-kon.net/gofunai88
Nr. 06 in this pilgrimage in Central Tokyo :
. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Henro Temples in Edo .
"Waterfall Fudo Temple" Takidani Fudo 瀧谷不動尊
滝谷不動明王寺(滝谷不動尊)Takidani Fudo-Ji Osaka
This temple has been established by Kobo Daishi Kukai in 821. It was build on the strong behest of Emperor Saga for the wellbeing of the people. The statue of Fudo was carved by Kobo Daishi.
It is counted as one of the three most famous Fudo Temples.

This is a statue where people throw water over Fudo whilst making a wish.
Mizukake Fudo.水掛不動尊
In the hall for the Ichigan Fudo 一願不動堂

Fudo in the Hall

© PHOTO : www.motoharusumi.com
CLICK at this LINK for more photos.

. hashiri Fudo 走り不動 "running Fudo" .
- quote
滝谷不動明王寺 Takidani-fudou-myouou-ji
Takidani Fudo Myo-o Temple belongs to the Shingon Shuchizan school of Buddhism, and is located in Tondabayashi, Osaka.
Takidani Fudo Myo-o Temple is counted as one of three large Fudo in Japan. Praying at the temple is reputed to help prevent or cure eye diseases. As a result, the temple is also known as 'God of Eye' and 'Fudo of Sprout'.
The priest Kukai established the temple in 821. In 1463, it was moved to its present place. The temple's principal image is of Acala. The statues to Kongara and Seitaka are said to have been created by Kukai himself. These images are all designated as important cultural assets.
Monthly on the 28th day, a festival is held at Takidani Fudo Myo-o Temple to which over 30,000 people gather.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp
One of the 36 Fudo Temples in the Kinki Pilgrimage.
近畿36不動尊霊場, 第32番札所
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in Kinki .
From the pilgrimage to 88 temples in Settsu.
At the temple Shoen-Ji (Shooenji) 正圓寺
Osaka 大阪市阿倍野区松虫通

At the temple Senkoji (Senkooji) 全興寺
Osaka 大阪市平野区平野本町

© PHOTOs : motutyan3
Senko-Ji 地獄堂 Jigoku-Do "Hall of Hell"

source : kimura on facebook

Like this sign, reading “Tell a lie and I’ll rip out your tongue!”
- quote -
... Here’s where we get our first peek at hell. It’s a disclaimer to parents reading, “We opened this temple of hell to teach children right from wrong and the value of life… Don’t use it indiscriminately to scare your kids into listening to what you say.”
... If you tell lies, this is supposedly where you will end up. If your sins are of a different variety, they say you will see what hell will be like for you if you look into this mirror. ...
- source : en.rocketnews24.com/2012... -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .
Stone Cliff Fudo at Iwabune
岩船不動明王磨崖仏 . (一願不動)
at Toono, Nara prefecture 当尾(とおの)

© PHOTO : kasihara_diary
more about these stone carvings:
Magaibutsu Stone Carvings 磨崖仏不動
There are quite a few temples with this Fudo in Japan.
Click on this photo to see more.

at temple Konzo-Ji (Konzooji) 金蔵寺
ichigan Fudo 一眼不動尊 "Fudo with one eye"
With two eyes, Fudo sees very clearly all the bad points of a human, with one eye he sees only half and can thus extend his benevolence and mercy to more people.
. Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji . - Ehime, Matsuyama

source : momo2011.way-nifty.com/blog/2014
near 岩船寺 Gansen-Ji, Kyoto

source : ameblo.jp/kuukaisan/entry
Taiyuuji 太融寺 Taiyu-Ji, Daiyu-Ji, Osaka

Ryuusenji 大本山大峯山龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji
from the Kinki pilgrimage 近畿三十六不動尊
Nara, Yoshino, Tenkawa 奈良県吉野郡天川村
Other ICHIGAN Deities
One Wish Kannon, Ichigan Kannon 一願観音

One Wish Jizo, Ichigan Jizoo 一願地蔵

See also:
Ichiji Fudo ... 一事不動 "One Item Fudo"
EMA <> Votive Tablets 絵馬
Three Most Famous Fudo . 三大不動尊 Sandai Fudo Son
. Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji "Imperial Temple" .
established by direct orders from an Emperor
- #ichigan #ichiganfudo -
Ichigan Fudo
Akibasan Juurin-in Hookoo-an Gyokkeiji 秋葉山十輪院法皇庵 玉桂寺
玉桂寺 Temple Gyokei-Ji in Shigaraki
Jionji 本山慈恩寺 Honzan Jion-Ji
31 Jionji, Sagae, Yamagata Prefecture
... in 746 priest Baramon Sojo 波羅門僧上 Bodaisenna founded the temple in the name of Shomu Tenno (701 - 756) as a chokuganji 勅願寺
ganman Fudo 願満不動 "Fudo to make one wish"
江戸崎不動 Edosaki Fudo
医王山 (いおうぜん) Iozen 不動院 Fudo-In 東光寺 Toko-ji
茨城県稲敷市江戸崎2617 / Ibaraki, Inashiki city, Edosaki
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