
Shikoku Fudo 32

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Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Temple Nr. 32 . Tenpuku-Ji . 天福寺

第32番 美応山 天福寺 真言宗御室派
香川県香川郡香南町岡 1077 0878-79-2243

Fudo on a hill, Oka Fudo 岡不動

This temple is located at the top of a mountain, where you have an easy slope for women and a steep one for men to climb up, each with 75 steps. Then another 60 steps to the main gate.
There is also a statue of Yakushi Nyorai, said to be made by Gyoki.

Myokozo (Myookoozoo) Doji 妙光蔵童子
Myookuuzoo 妙空蔵童子

© PHOTO : www.rokuriyu.or.jp

on koonan tokujitsu sowaka
おん こうなん とくじつ そわか


Fudo Pilgrims in Shikoku

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum

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