Yellow Fudo, Ki Fudo 黄不動明王
Fudo with Yellow Eyes, Meki Fudo 目黄不動

Manshuuin 曼殊院 Manju-In (Manshu-In)
A Heian Period painting of Fudo Myo shows the muscled "immovable" guardian of Buddha's doctrine, wide-eyed and grimacing, sword at the ready, in strange uplighting to emphasize his otherworldly nature.
Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄
Quoted from the Saicho Exhibition, TNM 2006

目黄不動明王 Meki Fudo Myo-o
. 六軒町の目黄不動 Rokkenmachi no Meki Fudo
- Fudo with Yellow Eyes .
五大山 Godaisan 不動院 Fudo-In
東京都港区六本木三丁目15-4 Tokyo Minatoku.
麻布不動坂の一願不動さん Azabu Fudozaka no Ichigan Fudo
Manshuuin 曼殊院 Manju-In (Manshu-In),
京都府京都市左京区一乗寺竹ノ内町42 - Kyoto

Ki Fudo 黄不動 Yellow Fudo

source : watashinouta.at.webry.info

- shared by Masayoshi, facebook
- Homepage of the temple Manshu-In
- source : www.manshuinmonzeki.jp
. 近畿三十六不動尊巡礼
Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in Kinki .
Nr. 17 - 近畿三十六不動尊第十七番
- quote
Manshuuin Monzeki 曼殊院門跡 Manshu-In Monzeki
is a large temple located next to the Shugakuin Imperial Villa in the north east of Kyoto. Manshuin was established in the 8th century by Dengyo Daishi, who also founded Enryaku-ji (延暦寺) and is credited for starting the Tendai sect of Buddhism. Manshuin was originally called 'Tobibo' and was built near Enryaku-ji on Mt. Hiei. Around 1108 it changed its name to Manshuin. Then, 500 years later at the beginning of the Edo period, the temple was moved to its current location when Prince Ryosho was the abbot. It is he who designed the garden and gave the buildings the Shoin style, also found on the Katsura Imerial Villa (he was prince, after all...)
Manshuin has a great number of beautifully painted sliding doors (襖 fusuma) and panels, with each room having a different theme. These rooms are: the Tiger room, the Peacock room, the Waterfall room, the Bamboo room, the Snow room, the Fuji room, the Twilight room and the Round Hearth room. Not all these rooms may be viewable, and it is of course prohibited to photograph to protect the paintings.
- source : damien.douxchamps.net
- quote
These decorative methods are even more elaborately worked out in another masterpiece of the same type, the Fudo-myoo (Acala) in the Shoren-in temple at Kyoto.
The god Fudo-myoo is a manifestation of the fury of Dainichi-nyorai (Vairocana), supreme god the esoteric pantheon, and he has been deeply venerated in Japan since the ninth century. Though usually appearing in the midst of four other Myoo (Raja), he is also often represented singly both in painting and sculpture.
In the ninth century a monk named Enchin (better known under the honorable title of Chisho-daishi), who introduced many esoteric elements into the Tendai doctrine, had images made of Fudo-myoo under the peculiar aspect in which he had seen the god in his mystical visions.
One of these images is the Ki-fudo (yellow-bodied Fudo), still piously preserved in the Onjo-ji monastery.
Unlike the mystical, exotic representation of the "yellow Fudo" standing in mid-air, the Shoren-in painting conforms to the customary iconography of the god: his body is blue and he is seated on a rock between his two attendants, Kongara (Kinka-rah) and Seitaka (Cetakah), who look like young boys. The triangular grouping of the three figures gives a classic stability to the composition, while the sublime power of the god is expressed by the swirling tongues of flame which, carefully studied, suggest the symbolic forms of the Karula (Garuda), the Buddhist mythical bird.
But the beauty of this painting lies above all in its harmonious combination of pure and delicate colors. The dark blue silhouette of the god tells out against a background of red and orange flames; he wears a bright orange scarf and two skirts, a green one and a longer, purplish brown one. The pink figures of the two attendants, one light, one dark, re-echo the god's aureole and balance the base of the composition. Costumes are decorated with patterns instead of kirikane. These various stylistic features, together with the extreme finesse and suppleness of the black outlines, enable us to date the picture to the mid-eleventh century.
Quoted from : Treasures of Asia: Japanese Painting
by Akiyama Terukazu, 1961

- source : facebook
Shoren-In Monzeki 青蓮院門跡 Kyoto
. Hairstyle 髪 of Fudo Myo-O .
「不動明王二童子像」Kyoto, 青蓮院 Shoren-In
Said to be the first painting with the 19 signs of Fudo.
Nezumi Fudo . 鼠不動 . Mouse Fudo
With Yellow Eyes,
at the temple Eikyu-Ji (Eikyuuji) 永久寺 in Tokyo, near Minowa station.
Recapitulate the basics of the five colored Fudo.
. YELLOW and haiku .
Konjiki Golden Fudo 金色不動明王
The upgraded version of a yellow Fudo 黄不動.
Painting from
Otsu City Museum of History 大津市歴史博物館
telephone card テレフォン カード
with Fudo Myo-O
. Shoren-In Monzeki 青蓮院門跡 Kyoto .
青蓮院 - Shoren-In
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