. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- - - Enmei Jizo, see below
Hadaka Jizo, Naked Jizo 裸地蔵
It is a version of the Substitute Jizo (migawari Jizoo 身代わり地蔵), where Jizo helps a person in distress. The statues are usually of a naked body, dressed in cloths.
Let us look at some famous Jizo of this kind.
Temple 延命寺 Enmei-Ji in Kamakura
The story goes way back to the Kamakura Period. The wife of Hojo Tokiyori ((1227~1263) had this temple built in honor of Jizo Bosatsu. One day the lady played a game of Sugoroku with a friend and they agreed that the one who looses had to walk home naked.
Tokiyori's wife lost the game and had to walk away naked ... when she prayed hard to Jizo Bosatsu to help her. He then appeared and walked away instead of the lord's lady.
I have seen this statue many times. It is clad in silken robes.
浄土宗のお寺です。北条時頼の夫人が建てたと伝えられています。延命寺には鎌倉二十四地蔵第二十三番目の身替わり地蔵(裸地蔵、Maedashi Jizo 前出地蔵とも呼ばれている)という有名な地蔵像があります。昔、北条時頼がある婦人と負けた方が裸になるという条件でSugoroku 双六をした時、賭けに負けて裸にならなければならなくなった婦人が念じたところ、地蔵が身替わりに裸になって双六盤の上に現れたという伝説があります。
北条時頼 ほうじょうときより (1227~1263).
Temple 伝香寺 Denko-Ji in Nara
This statue is dressed each year on the July 23/24, the monthly memorial day of Jizo Bosatsu. The statue is usually not shown to visitors. The old clothes are torn to small pieces and given as talismans to believers.
This statue had been made on the wish of a nun and carries a beautiful precious neclace on this breast.
During the Jizo Bon Ceremony the children of the nearby kindergarden come here to pray.

On this link you can look at a slideshow of the dressing ceremony.
Read about the Jizobon Ceremony by Gabi Greve

Temple 国安円光寺 Kokuan Enkoo-Ji
This stone statue is from the Nanboku period. It is about 1.24 meter high, including the halo.

様式から南北朝時代のものと考えられています。 円形後 背をもち高さ1.24m。
Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo
- quote -
Enmei Jizō 延命地蔵 (Life Prolonging Jizō).
Longevity Jizō. Enmei Jizō is also one of Six Jizō who protect all beings in the six realms of desire and rebirth.
Jizo is Nr. 4
Keiki Jizō 鶏亀地蔵,
also known as Enmei Jizō 延命地蔵 or Kōmi Jizō 光味地蔵
... 1822 Enmei Jizōson Inkou Riyakuki
(A Record of the Benefits of Printing the Image of the Life-Prolonging Jizō).
- source : Mark Schumacher -
. Jizooji 地蔵寺 - 金錫山 - Jizo-Ji .
ganfuujidera 癌封じ寺 Ganfujidera
Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵願王菩薩
岐阜県下呂市宮地939 / Gifu-ken, Gero-shi, Miyaji 939 - near Gero Onsen
Jookooji 定光寺 Joko-Ji
愛知県瀬戸市定光寺町373 Aichi
. Jokoji Kaido 定光寺街道 Jokoji Highway .

Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵願王菩薩
The main statue of the temple is Enmei Jizo.
- Homepage of the temple
- source : oumusan.jyokoji.com/about -
- quote -
Jokoji Temple contains the mausoleum of Tokugawa Yoshinao (1601-1650), the 9th son of warlord and first Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Yoshinao was the daimyo of the Owari domain, roughly present-day Aichi Prefecture, and involved in the upkeep and maintenance of Nagoya Castle. Yoshinao took up residence at the Ninomaru Palace of Nagoya Castle from 1620.
Jokoji, as the family temple of the Owari Tokugawa family, also contains the tombs of other members of this important Edo era clan.

The mausoleum of Tokugawa Yoshinao
Jokoji is a Myoshinji Rinzai Zen temple reached by climbing up a steep hill from Jokoji Koen. The temple's main gate is decorated in the Chinese style popular with the Tokugawa, who liked to see themselves as on equal status with the monarchs of the Middle Kingdom across the East China Sea.
- source : japanvisitor.blogspot.jp/2012 -
Enmei-jizo (Guardian deity for childrens’ longevity)
Nagiso 南木曽町 South Kiso Town

A sleeping image of Jizo, appeared on a large stone, was found in 1810 in the River Araragi nearby. Since that time a festival has been held here every April.
- source : town.nagiso.nagano.jp/kankou -
o-keshoo enmei Jizoo お化粧延命地蔵尊
Enmei Jizo with Make-up
. Sengakuji 泉岳寺 Sengaku-Ji .
富山市石倉町 at Itachigawa
(環境省の「平成の名水百選」選定 名水「いたち川の水辺と清水」)
- reference source : pref.toyama.jp/sections -
Enmei Hayari Jizo 延命はやり地蔵 Hayari Jizô, Hayarijizo
浅草金龍山八境 Asakusa Konryuzan

鳥居清長 Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815)
- source : metmuseum.org/art -
hayarijizoo はやり地蔵 "very popular Jizo"
.... "a new ’Hayari Jizō’ (lit. = Jizō that's all the rage) at the Sōtō 曹洞 Zen temple known as Kōganji 高岩寺 (in present-day Tokyo), claiming ’those gravely ill or those who have difficult-to-cure ailments, if they get a hold of a talisman of this Jizō statue, will definitely find relief.’"
De Visser
- source : Mark Schumacher -
- reference : Enmei Jizo -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................... Aichi 愛知県
In 豊田市 Toyota
Below the home of the 大塚家 Otsuka family there is a stone statue of Enmei Jizo. Once a man cutting weeds realized that the stone had fallen over. He wanted to lift it up and prayed "please make yourself light " so he could straighten the statue up again.
................... Fukushima 福島県
In 飯坂町 Iizaka
the Enmei Jizo at 梨平 Nashidaira is also called
Shibarare Jizo しばられ地蔵 or 無尽地蔵 Mujin Jizo.
It is a wooden statue and sometimes its arms, legs or head and even the whole statue had been stolen. But whoever steals a part will have a lot of misfortune and usually brings it back again.
In 川俣町 Kawamata
once upon a time, a monk practised austerities. One night he had a dream. Jizo appeared and told him, his statue had been burried here for a long time, so he should dig him out and build a proper temple for him. Then he would help the people in the region. Upon waking up he did as told and found a shining statue, the Enmei Jizo and built a small temple for it.
経塚山 淨光院 梅松寺 Baisho-Ji
Temple founded by 廓蓮社良然上人
Festival for 延命地蔵尊祭礼 Enmei Jizo in October
- source : jodo.jp/08-057 -
................... Kochi 高知県
In 大月町 Otsuki
A young man from 宇佐 Usa who had come here to help making カツオブシ Katsuobushi bonito flakes fell in love with a girl from the region. But the local boys got angry, bound him up and killed him. But now the local boys got ill one after the other and felt the curse of the killed man. So they prayed to Enmei Jizo and made the 24th day of the 7th month a special prayer day for Jizo and all the Henro pilgrims who had died on the road.
................... Nagano 長野県
In 南木曽町 Nagiso town
A man from Owari came fishing here and sat on a stone by the river. Suddenly the stone begun to move. He got up and looked closely, to see the figure of a sleeping Jizo. He took the stone home to venerate it.
In July during the rainy season, the figure of Jizo can be seen clearly on the stone.
................... Niigata 新潟県
In 上越市 Joetsu
an Enmei Jizo, who had been built to pray for an old lady who had been eaten by a wolf. BUt once during a flooding it got lost. Some years later a young man became ill and went to the doctor but never got better. Then he had a dream that the lost Jizo had been washed downstream and now wanted to get back to his original place upstream.
When they dug in the riverside, they found the statue and brought it back.
And the young man healed and became a sucessfull doctor himself.
................... Shizuoka 静岡県
At the 宇津谷の峠 pass of Utsuya a demon came out and captured humans. Then the Enmei Jizo from 素麺谷 Somendani in 宇都宮 Utsunomiya took on the form of a priest.
The rest of the story is told here:
. 宇津ノ谷の十団子 the 10 dumplings form Utsuya .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
. Fugen Enmei Bosatsu 普賢延命菩薩 .
- #hadakajizo #enmeijizo #jizobosatsu -
Thank you Gabi san for precious information.
- 宝林山 Horinzan 地蔵院 Jizo-In 来福寺 Raifuku-Ji
This temple was founded in 990 by priest 智弁阿闍梨 (智瓣) Chiben Ajari.
The main statue is 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo (経読地蔵 Kyoyomi Jizo), carved by Kobo Daishi.
- 金鶏山 Kinkeizan 真成院 Shinjo-In 海繁寺 Kaihan-Ji
新宿区若葉2-7-8 / 2 Chome-7-8 Wakaba, Shinjuku ward
statue of Enmei Jizo
Gofunai Henro temple
Nr. 51 - Enmeiin 延命院 Eimei-In
- 玉龍山 Gyokuryuzan 延命院 Eimei-In 弘憲寺 Koken-Ji
台東区元浅草4-5-2 / 4 Chome-5-2 Motoasakusa, Taitō
Temple 如意山 Nyoinzan 吉祥院 Kichijo-In 延命寺 Enmei-Ji
The main statue is
延命地蔵菩薩 Enmei Jizo Bosatsu for a long life
栃木県栃木市大平町西水代1864-1 / Gunma Tochigi city, Ohiramachi, Nishi-Mizushiro
Tajima Migawari Chi Fudo 田島の身代わり血不動尊 Substiture Fudo painted with blood
伝灯山 Dentozan 和光院 Wako-In 明楽寺 Myoraku-Ji
The main statue is 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo
茨城県水戸市田島 / Tajimacho, Mito, Ibaraki
Enmei Jizo at
Jizoji 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji - Honmachidori
宝部山 Hobuzan 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji
愛知県 一宮市本町通8-23 / Aichi, Ichinomiya,Honmachidori
and Shrine Masumida Jinja 真清田神社
yakuyoke kosodate enmei Jizo 厄よけ子育ての延命地蔵尊
at the temple 瑞祥山 Zuishozan 鳳林寺 Horinji
Tokyo 杉並区高円寺南2-39-1 / Suginami ward, Koenji-Minami
Jizo legend from Kanagawa, 中郡 Naka district 平塚市 Hiratsuka city
During the reign of 後鳥羽天皇 the Emperor Gotoba Tenno
a person's head was cut of with a sword,
but Jizo came in as a substiture and the man was without a wound.
But the statue of Jizo was bleeding .
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