Tokusa Fudo Temple with a Daruma Fair
It is said that "Hibuse-no-Fudo", Hibuse Fudo 火伏不動 protects from fire and theft. The dealers in the outdoors of about 500 shops gather, and Dharma, garden trees, toys, food, etc. are sold on that day.
The Dharma fair which is held at the very end of the New Year Season in the Kanto district.
From 9:00 to around 17:00. January 28, the Day of Fudo.
Shimo-Asao Fudo-in Temple at Asao ward , Kawasaki city
Asao Fudo Daruma Market
麻生不動だるま市, ダルマ市」
Asao Ward, Kawasaki Town
At the Temple Asao Fudo Hall 麻生不動院

The name Asao is said to originate from the area's agricultural production of hemp, or "asao" in Japanese. It is said that linen cloth made from hemp of the area was offered as tribute to the Imperial Court in the 8th century.
The Daruma Market in Asao, which happens to be the last of all Dharma doll fairs held in Kanto region every year.
source : www.city.kawasaki.jp

. asao 麻紵 麻緒, 麻苧, asahimo 麻紐, asa-ito 麻糸 .
hemp string and threads
asaodana asao-dana 麻苧店 store selling asao hemp thread
asatonya, asadonya 麻問屋 hemp dealer
不動院は、明王不動院盤若坊と称する真言宗豊山(ぶざん)派の寺院ですが、木賊(とくさ)不動とも呼ばれています。 木賊不動と呼ばれるようになったのは、昔この地が木賊の生い茂る所だったためとか、あるいは村人が木賊ガ原で草を刈っていたときに不動像を発見し、これを祀(まつ)ったからだともいわれています。 不動院の縁日は1月28日で、この日は境内及びその周辺に農機具やおみやげを売る露店のほか、ダルマを売る店が多数出店されますので、「関東の納めダルマ市」と呼ばれています。 不動院の縁日にダルマが売られるようになったのは、明治の終わり頃からで、現在は平塚市四の宮や厚木市でつくられている「相模ダルマ」が中心となっています。

木賊不動 Tokusa Fudo

© PHOTO : higefuji
Striking sparks over a Daruma Doll after it is sold, to increase the Good Luck it will bring to the new owner.
Daruma no Hi-uchi 達磨の火打ち

© PHOTO : noriclimber
hiuchi, hi-uchi 火打ち striking a fire
hiuchi doogu 火打道具 utensils to strike a fire
hiuchi ishi 火打石 flint stone
hiuchi bako 火打箱 / 燧箱 tinder box
hiuchi bukuro 火打ち袋
pouch to keep the fire tools when travelling
hokuchi 火口 tinder, lit. "fire mouth"
To strike fire for good luck (kiribi 切り火)when someone leaves the home for a trip or a dangerous job is a familiar scene from Zenigata Heiji, the detective of the Edo period. The sparks will ward off evil influence and bad luck.
. Zenigata Heiji 銭型平次 and Kanda Myojin
Legend tells of Prince Yamatotakeru (日本武尊) , who had to go on a mission to the North to quell enemies. His aunt gave him a pouch with a flintstone, which saved him in peril on the trip.
Even now you can buy the flint stone as a lucky charm.

Japanese flint stones are made from a kind of quarz glass (sekiei 石英) or from agate (menoo 瑪瑙).
They can be used with a piece of metal to produce sparks (hiuchi gane 火打ち金/燧鉄).
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Fire can also be made by the more primitive fire drills (momikiri 揉錐 )
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Hiuchigama (fire beating sickle)
along with the hiuchi ishi (fire beating stone, flintstone) and hokuchi (tinder) were used to light fires in feudal Japan.
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hiuchigama 火打ち鎌 tool to strike a fire
hiuchigane 火打ちがね
source and more photos : www.d3.dion.ne.jp/~makiuchi
hiuchigama uri 火打ち鎌売り vendor of tools to strike a fire
The store Masuya 升屋 near Shiba Shinmei 芝神明 shrine sent out his vendors to make business in Edo. They carried an old helmet sign (kabuto 兜) on top of their merchandise as advertisement, because this was the shop sign of Masuya.
Another shop at the postal station Yoshii-juku 吉井宿 also used such a sign. His merchandise was of good quality and soon sold all over Japan.

source : www.jti.co.jp/tobacco-world
. tsukegi 付木 startwood for fire, "match" .
and vendors of these "matches" in Edo
. Doing Business in Edo .
hiuchi yaki 火打焼 a kind of mochi
from Nara.
Its origin is a sweet from China called Buto ぶと.

In 768, when the shrine Kasuga Taisha was built, the priests of the shrine dress in hunters gear (kariginu 狩衣 ) and pound rice for mochi, which are fried in oil. They are also written 伏兎.
The tea stall near the shrine, Chiyo no sha 千代の舎, began selling them during the Edo period. They were now filled with rough sweet beans (tsubu anko) and grilled on both sides to purify them.
Nowadays they are called gyuuhi mochi 求肥(ぎゅうひ)餅.
All kinds of Mochi Ricecakes
Hibuse Daruma ... 火防達磨
Fire and war preventing Daruma. Temple Junshin-Ji
tokusa 木賊 (とくさ) horsetail fern, scouring rush
. . . . . 砥草(とくさ)
Equisetum hyemale , Plant. Schachtelhalm
kigo for mid-autumn
tokusa karu 木賊刈る (とくさかる) cutting scouring rush
kigo for late autumn

tokusayama 木賊山(とくさやま) "Tokusa-Mountain"
famous float during the Gion Festival in Kyoto
kigo for late summer
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

daikan ya Daruma hi-uchi de okuridasu
great cold -
with lucky Daruma sparks
I am sent off
source : snmhaiku.web

kigo for late spring
sugina 杉菜 (すぎな) field horsetail
tsugimatsu 接ぎ松(つぎまつ)
inusugina, inu sugina 犬杉菜(いぬすぎな)"dog field horsetail"
Equisetum arvense
It grows wild from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
susamaji ya sugina bakari no oka hitotsu
how overwhelming !
a whole hill full of
field horsetail
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .
. Tsukushi 土筆(つくし)horsetail plant .
fude no hana, "brush flower" 筆の花(ふでのはな)
picking horsetail plants, tsukushi tsumi 土筆摘(つくしつみ)
Equisetum (horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass)
is the only living genus in the Equisetaceae, a family of vascular plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds.
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Haiku with HIUCHI
^何もなし飛騨山中の火打ち石 津沢マサ子 華蝕の海
切り火打ち今宵銀河へ母還す 館 さくら
初竃祖先供養の火打ちかな 池上奈々子
引鶴へ鶴守切火打ちにけり 朝田黒冬
熊手また売れたり火打ち石をちょい 高澤良一 燕音
輪飾りを懸けなん切火打ちにけり 渡辺恭子
をだまきや鬱と暮れゆく燧岳 堀口星眠
一聲や妙高かけて燧山 会津八一
伊予柑に光沢与ふ燧灘 高澤良一 寒暑
凍む国の神火をきりし火燧臼 下田稔
加茂人の火を燧(キル)音や小夜鵆 蕪村 冬之部 ■ 一條もどり橋のもとに柳風呂といふ娼家有、ある夜、太祇とともに此樓にのぼりて
大花野雲のかがやく燧岳 伊澤福也
夫送る三ツ燧を切りて鵜匠妻 松井利彦
実山椒を手揉みに朝の燧岳 榎本好宏
山冷えの水口祭る燧火かな 松村蒼石 寒鶯抄
山焼の燧袋も古りにけり 石井露月
嵯峨菊は火花打ち出す燧石 高澤良一 ぱらりとせ
時鳥旦夕(黄昏)里さび燧うつ比 服部嵐雪
月の辺に燧し星や蚊喰鳥 赤松[ケイ]子
松の蕊群立つ燧灘を前 山口誓子
火を起す音の笹鳴き燧岳 堀口星眠 営巣期
燧灘目差し鯛網船続く 岡田一峰
燧灘銀泥延べし良夜かな 渡部抱朴子
燧石使つてみたき落葉あり 後藤比奈夫 めんない千鳥
燧石修二会の行の火を点す 木村閑流
秋燕や海高ければ燧灘 宮坂静生 樹下
秋風やいただき割れし燧岳 福田蓼汀
稲妻の闇大いなる燧ヶ岳 針ヶ谷里三
笠に入れて燧うちけりさ月雨 召波
虫声如雨燧石すりこぼす 雑草 長谷川零餘子
蟇鳴いて黒雲かくす燧岳 福田蓼汀 秋風挽歌
郭公や沼も燧岳も茜色 石川英子
鞴祭燧石にて火を創り 平野照子
鯵刺や青砥の如き燧灘 武田玄女(渋柿)
Haiku with Hiuchi Ishi
かじか啼て袖なつかしき火打石 蕪村遺稿 秋
こぶし咲く商家に江戸の火打石 長谷川秋子 『菊凪ぎ』『鳩吹き』『長谷川秋子全句集』
むめが香や誰が売喰ひの火打石 史邦 芭蕉庵小文庫
何もなし飛騨山中の火打ち石 津沢マサ子 華蝕の海
冷房の淡きところの火打石 能村研三 鷹の木
初灯明上ぐ火打石うちにけり 関戸高敬
左義長の宝前におく火打石 西村三穂子
炎昼や離れてふたつ火打石 花谷和子
熊手また売れたり火打ち石をちょい 高澤良一 燕音
白玉や連中といふ火打石 加藤耕子
雪国の雪の奥より火打石 穴井太 土語
嵯峨菊は火花打ち出す燧石 高澤良一 ぱらりとせ
燧石使つてみたき落葉あり 後藤比奈夫 めんない千鳥
燧石修二会の行の火を点す 木村閑流
虫声如雨燧石すりこぼす 雑草 長谷川零餘子
鞴祭燧石にて火を創り 平野照子
gyooja mochi 行者餅 Mochi for Yamabushi mountain priests
A small crepe-pancake is wrapped around white miso paste The crepe is made from a special kind of flower, gyuuhi 求肥(ぎゅうひ), which gives it its special "mochi mochi" soft texture. It is a very simple but well-loved sweet.
These sweets are only sold on one day of the year, on July 16, the day in honor of En no Gyoja, founder of the Yamabushi.
Hibuse 火伏不動尊 Fudo preventing fire - INFO
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