List of Famous Statues in Kyoto
不動明王 - お不動様
●国宝 National Treasure
京都 教王護国寺 木造不動明王座像(平安時代)
●重要文化財 Important Cultural Treasure
京都 広隆寺 木造不動明王座像(平安時代)
京都 般船院 木造不動明王座像(平安時代)
京都 遍照寺 木造不動明王座像(藤原時代)
京都 同聚院 木造不動明王座像(藤原時代)
- source : www.butsuzou.com/jiten/fudou1.html
Two statues made by Zuiun 瑞雲作 Zui-Un

- source : www.butsuzou.com/list

- source : www2.tbb.t-com.ne.jp/butsuzou/houwa
智剣は三毒を殺す不動明王 Fudo Myo-O delivers from the "three poisons" with his sword of wisdom
- 不動尊効能 - treaties by Kobo Daishi
kashoo zanmai 火生三昧(かしょうざんまい)
spiritual contentration (samadhi) whilst living in the flames
智火 the fire of wisdom
chie no hono-o - chi e 智恵の炎 the flames of wisdom and mercy
. sandoku 三毒 "three poisons" . three passions .
and the sword of Fudo Myo-O
dakkoo butsu 微笑仏(だっこ仏) smiling Buddha statues by Zui-Un
Made in 2013
- source : www.buddhacarving.com
松田瑞雲の略歴 Life of Matsuda Zui-Un
Born in 1953 in Kagoshima

carving a Kannon Bosatsu
- source : www2.tokai.or.jp/zuiun

source : item.rakuten.co.jp/kobijutu

by Matsuhisa Soorin 松久宗琳 Matsuhisa Sorin
Fudo statue by Matsuhisa Hoorin 松久朋琳 Matsuhisa Horin
. Matsuhisa Family of Sculptors .
Asahidera Izumo

The familiar figure of a Fudo Myo statue marks my way up Mount Asahi towards the 29th temple located near the summit at 324 meters, and named after the mountain itself.

Fudo at Kongo-Ji, Izumo Kannon Pilgrimage Nr. 30
- source : Jake Ojisan - Izumo Pilgrimage
Hanasaka 花坂不動尊 Fudo from Hanasaka village

和歌山県伊都郡高野町大字花坂 - Wakayama
Above the Hanasaka drive-in on the way to Mount Koyasan.
In the back of the temple, up more steps, is a golden statue of
Dainichi Nyorai 金色の大日如来様.
Maruyama Koen 円山公園 Hokkaido

Fudo no Taki 不動の滝 waterfall in Tokyo


おがみ神社 Ogami Jinja
岡山県備前市 Okayama Bizen / 深谷の滝 Mitani no Taki waterfall
Unshooji 雲照寺 Unsho-Ji
Nishinasuno; Tochigi.

- shared by Louise on facebook -
A benign looking Fudo Myoo stands solitary guard over an abandoned misogi spot at Oiwa Jinja on the edge of Kyoto.

The mystery of Oiwa 大岩
and Koiwa 小岩 (big rock and small rock)
- source : Dougill John -
Landscape in Etchu 越中

- source : masupage.com/hokkoku-hokurikudo
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