- - - taki reio 滝霊王 see below ---
Waterfalles named "Fudo no Taki" 不動の滝
An impressive waterfall is considered the personification of Fudo, for example the Great Waterfall at Nachi, about which I wrote in the story about
Waterfall Ascetism (taki shugyoo) 滝修行
Kurikara Fudo Taki 倶利伽羅不動滝

. Kurikara, the Sword of Fudo Myo-o
List of some Fudoo-Waterfalls in alphabetical order
Akataki Fudoo-son 赤滝不動尊
Near Asama. There are two stone steles in honor of Fudo Myo-o
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Akiu Otaki 秋保大滝 Akiu Great Falls .
大滝不動 Otaki Fudo
Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji, Sendai, Miyagi
. Fudo Taki 不動瀧 and Gongen Taki .
Yonakomachi, Suzaka-shi, Nagano
and Fudo Temple 米子瀧山不動寺 Yonako Takizan Fudo-Ji
. Fudosawa 不動沢滝 Fukushima .
Tsubakuro-dani つばくろ谷 Tsubakuro valley
Asama : A frozen Fudo-Waterfall 浅間不動滝

Gunma Akagi Fudo-Otaki 赤城山 不動大滝
Kasukawamachi Murosawa, Maebashi, Gunma
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
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Azabu keikoku 浅布渓谷 Azabu Gorge
Azabu Gorge is a 1.6 km gorge located in the upstream of the Hazama River, which flows out of Mt. Kurikoma in the northern part of Miyagi Prefecture. It is known as a scenic place where eroded rocks create wonderful figurative art of nature.

The varied scenery of the gorge includes two waterfalls, to both of which visitors can get near by taking the walking trails.
The Fudo Waterfall flows down gently with a full river width, while the Shikan-no-taki Waterfall flows down dynamically with splashes of water from the narrow torrent.
In summer, a lot of people come to enjoy fishing, viewing fresh tender green and bathing in cool flow of water. In fall, dense foliage covering rocks turn red and yellow and add flamboyant colors to the landscape. Viewing beautiful red and yellow patterns created on rock surfaces and listening to the sounds of stream, you will be able to spend a luxurious time of refreshment and relaxation.
- source : nipponkichi -
- quote -
幸田町 不動ヶ滝 The Fudogataki Waterfall in Koda Town
The Fudogataki Waterfall in Fudogataki-en Park in Koda Town, Aichi Prefecture, is an artificial waterfall with a height of 6 m and a width of 5 m. The park is a part of Mikawa Bay Quasi-National Park.

Clear stream that springs out of Mt. Tobone flows down gently over an artificial stone wall built in the park. Though the water volume is small, water is cold even in summer and provides a fine and safe bathing pond for children.
Surrounded with fresh green trees, Fudogataki-en Park is designed to utilize natural land features. As the park is equipped with a camping site for 60 people, cooking facilities, kiosks and picnic shelters, visitors can fully enjoy various outdoor activities. The Waterfall Festival is held in July every year.
- source : nipponkichi -
Ogi, Kota, Nukata District, Aichi
. Ibigawa Fudo Waterfall 揖斐川町 Gifu .
with a Fudo Legend
. Imakumasan 今熊山 Tama, Tokyo .
Kiyotaki at Asama 清滝、浅間
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Myooken no taki 妙見の滝 Waterfall of Myoken Bosatsu .
and Fudoo no taki 不動の滝 Waterfall of Fudo Myo-O
In the year 701, this waterfall has been established officially 大宝律令 to heal mentally instable people 精神障害者.
Iwakura waterfall and
temple Daiun-Ji 岩倉大雲寺
0oji Fudoo no Taki 王子不動之滝 Fudo Waterfall in Oji, Edo

There used to be at least seven waterfalls of the river Shakuji-I gawa 石神井川, also called 滝野川 in Edo. People came here in summer to feel the cool, have a snack and relax.
Now part of Nerima ward.
- source : yogimessage.seesaa.net
. Edo no taki 江戸の滝 waterfalls in Edo .
The statue of Fudo 滝不動尊 is now preserved at the temple 正受院 Shoju-In.
桑不動様 - 新桑不動滝 Sarakuwa Fudo Taki

source : mienotaki.raindrop.jp
Mie prefecture 三重県南島町棚橋竈地区
Tajimi (Gifu), Onoda village
多治見市 - 小名田不動尊

source : www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/kankyo
Takamori Fudo Waterfall

高さ50m、幅10m余りで、規模の大きさといい、周囲の谷間も広く、雄大な景観は実に素晴らしい。 若芽萌える春に、夏の涼を求めるに、秋の紅葉に、又、冬は全面結氷して、巨大な氷岩となり、四季を通じて訪れる人が多い。長野県自然百選の一つである。
Takizawa Waterfall .. Tsuruoka Town
Other Fudo Waterfalls
Fukushima Prefecture

CLICK for more beautiful photos !
Tatsusawa Fudo Taki 達沢不動滝
福島県猪苗代町大字蚕養, Inawashiro town
. Tatsuzawa, Tassawa Fudo on Taki 達沢不動滝 .

CLICK thumbnails for more photos !
Long list of the location most Fudo Waterfalls in Japan.
They are sorted by province.
I will introduce some more later.
. my BCC
. . . CLICK here for many more Photos 瀧不動 !

source : facebook
佐賀県小城市清水の滝 Shiga prefecture, Ogi Town
Taki Fudoo 瀧不動 Fudo Waterfall
霜月の瀧に聲 (声)なき瀧不動
shimotsuki no taki ni koe naki taki Fudoo
there is no voice
in this waterfall in november -
Fudo Waterfall
Shimomura Hiroshi 下村ひろし 西陲集
taki Fudoo mizu ni utsushite hatsu momiji
Fudo Waterfall -
in its water reflected
the first red leaves
Abe Toshiko 安部 トシ子
高澤良一 素抱
河野南畦 湖の森
河野南畦 湖の森
高澤良一 素抱
source : HAIKUreikuDB
Tr. Gabi Greve

source : Teruaki - facebook
牛の滝 / 牛滝 Ushi no Taki
愛知県豊川市東上 / 3 Chome-133 Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the waterfall !
fudooson take de fukitari tamuke kana
in Fudo Myo-O's sanctum, blowing bamboo as an offering
(bamboo, as in shakuhachi flute)
shuryouya kokoro kiyomeru sengataki
autumn chill! heart-cleansing Sengataki falls
sengataki hisabisa nagashi mizu no oto
sengataki, flowing on through ages- the sound of water
Glenn Swann (chikukai)
(my own haiku and translation)
Translating Haiku Forum, August 2009
Glenn lives near asama yama, close to a fudo-son waterfall in karuizawa called sengataki.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the Waterfall!
. MORE - Haiku and Fudo Myo-O
- MORE -
. Fudo on Taki 達沢不動滝 Photo Collection .
Waterfall (taki) as a KIGO
Waterfall Hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List .
taki rei-oo, taki reio, taki reiō 滝霊王 / 瀧霊王
Spirit-king of the waterfall

鳥山石燕『今昔百鬼拾遺』 Illustration by Toriyama Sekien
諸国の滝つぼよりあらはるると云 青竜疏に一切の鬼魅諸障を伏すと云々
There are many waterfalls in Japan, where this Yokai appears..
One is mentioned in the 青竜疏 Blue Dragon Commentary by Saicho.
It is not really a Yokai, but seems to be Fudo Myo-O himself.
. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 最澄 伝教大師 .
(766 - 822) - established the Tendai Sect.
Another legend knows this as its origin:
Once the priest 相応和尚 So-o of the temple 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In Myo-O In in Shiga found a 霊木 divine tree in the waterfall basin and carved this statue of Fudo Myo-O out of it.
. 建立大師相応和尚 Konryu Daishi So-O Kasho .
(833 - 918)
and the Katsuragawa 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In

The statue of Fudo is a secret statue and only shown on the 28th day of the 8th month.
- - - - - Taki Rei-O in modern versions

- #fudonotaki #fudotaki #fudowaterfall #waterfall #taki -
. Kurikara, the Sword of Fudo Myo-O .
Read more about it here.
Waterfall at Oiwayama
between the rushes,
gushes of the waterfall
an angler quietly waits for catch
John Tiong Chunghoo
waterfall clear
micro crystals
in my hands - Fudo
Roy Lindquist
by Tokugawa Aoi san, FB
There is a legend of the water fall.
After Revolt of Hogen Heiji( 1156-1159), Many Ochimusha (落ち武者;Defeated soldiers fleeing the enemy) fled and came to Tsukechi Valley.
And they built a temple .
Chisho( 智澄) who was a super extra high rank monk was the temple master.
He was a monk who was a veterinary expert.
he seemed to be stingy with money.He had much coins in his temple.
When He was 74 years old, he was killed by the village people.
I think, only he was rich.
Many villegers were poor. So villegers vented their frustration against Chisho monk.
After they killd Chisho, Villegers threw his body from a bridge at the lower part of a river..
A strange thing happened to Monk’s body.
The Monk’s Body went up the river and arrived the waterfall.
For a while , Monk’s body ( it is said that is was only Monk’s head) was turning around under the waterfall.
After the Monk's murder , people who are responsible for Monk murder have had misfortune or mysterious death.
It is said that Fudo Myoo statue was built in order to soothe Chisho ‘s vengeful spirit .
Because Fudoo Myoo beats all bad spirits.
Kurotaki 黒滝 / 黒瀧 "Black Waterfall"
Fudooji 不動寺 Temple Fudo-Ji, Kurotaki
Kurotaki Fudo 黒滝不動
Oshiozawa, Nanmoku Village, Kanra District, Gumma
Mataichi no taki 又一の滝 不動尊 Mataichi Waterfall
With a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O 不動の滝 Fudo Waterfall
Tono, Aomori
Tsugaru, Aomori
In the Nakano gorge is a waterfall dedicated to Fudo Myo-O 不動の滝.
Tsugaru San Fudoo 津軽三不動 Three Fudo Statues in Tsugaru, Aomori
Fukushima 福島県
Jaoigataki, ja-oi-ga-taki 蛇追ヶ滝 Jaoigataki Waterfall
Kobo Daishi passed here and exorcised a huge serpent from the waterfall. Nearby is now a temple in honor of Fudo Myo-O.
Kagawa 塩江温泉 Shionoe Hot Spring
不動の滝 Fudo no Taki Waterfall - abour 40 meters high
When Kobo Daishi made ablutions at this waterfall, suddenly Fudo Myo-O appeared to him, hence the name.
Yamagata 山形県 Legend
The 赤滝の不動様 Fudo from Akataki "Red Waterfall" has special powers to heal eye disease.
Sometimes he changes into 大蛇 a huge serpent and people who happen to wintess this are cursed. Therefore all are quite afraid of this place.
赤滝 Akataki - 黒滝 Kurotaki - Black Waterfall
yuuhidaki 雄飛滝 Yuhidaki waterfall
Horigiri, Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture 410-2418
Kozo Fudo no Taki waterfall, kanchu misogi
ablutions in the cold
Fudonishi Ichihasama, Kurihara, Miyagi
Waterfall purification is performed on January 15 every year at Kozo Fudo Sui Shrine in Ichihasama Nagasaki in Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture. The men who have reached their Yaku-doshi (the unlucky ages) and who have attained adulthood participate in the purification.
At around 7:00 in the evening, the men wearing loincloths, straw sandals and headbands march into the precinct of the shrine, carrying the Mikoshi made of straw rice bags. After they offer a prayer for their safety during the purification ritual, they run to the Kozo-Fudo Waterfall and jump into the basin with renewed vigor.
- more
識蘆の滝 Shikiro no taki
The Shikiro Waterfall Shiga
The Shikiro Waterfall is located in the valley behind Eigenji Temple in Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture. This 25 m tall waterfall flows down in two stages; the upper stage is 20 m tall and the lower is 5 m tall.
The name “Shikiro” derives from “Shikiro-an,” a hermitage built by Ogura Sanezumi, who was both a good warrior and a good scholar in the late Muromachi period (1336-1573). It is said that he took clear water from this waterfall to offer it to the statue of Buddha every morning.
A small statue of Fudo Myoo stands beside the waterfall today.
The waterfall dynamically gushes down the tall cliff. It looks especially beautiful in fall, when it is surrounded with autumn leaves. The water flows at a slant in the upper stage into the first basin, from which it flows down as if it was kinked into the lower basin. The white flow and the emerald green basin make a wonderful contrast. You can enjoy a moment of coolness even in the midst of the hot summer.
taki no nushi 滝の主と伝説 Legends about the master of the waterfall
Hyogo 兵庫県 姫路市 Himeji city
chi no ike jigoku 血の池地獄 the blood pond of hell
There is ritual near the 観音橋 Kannon bridge over the small river on the way to the 不動の瀧 Fudo Waterfall. Women who have died giving birth are supposed to fall into the blood pond of hell, but on this bridge they have put some white cotton cloths on sticks. People passing here can scoop sone water and if the cloths make a whole to let the water through, the soul of the dead person will be saved and soon go to the Buddhist paradise.
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