
Tokai Pilgrims INFO

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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

東海三十六不動尊霊場 Tokai 36 Fudo Temples

Tokai Sanjuroku Fudo Son Junrei
東海三十六不動尊巡礼 ― 法話と札所案内


- Map of Aichi 愛知

Maps of Mie 三重 and Gifu 岐阜
- source : http://www.36fudo.jp ...


- Aichi 愛知

. 01 Inuyama Naritasan 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji .
. 02 Tsugaozan 寂光院 Jakko-In .
. 03 Hobuzan 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji .
. 04 Choshozan 萬徳寺 Mantoku-Ji .
. 05 鳳凰山 甚目寺 Jimoku-Ji - - see below -
. 06 Mikyozan 護国院 Gokoku-In .
. 07 Togakuzan 長久寺 Chokyu-Ji .
. 08 Tokukozan 建中寺 Kenchu-Ji .
. 09 Toenzan 七寺 Nanatsudera 長福寺 Chofuku-Ji .

. 10 Kitanosan 宝生院 Hosho-In .
. 11 Naritasan 萬福院 Manpuku-In .
. 12 Nyoizan 福生院 Fukusho-In .
. 13 Nyoizan 宝珠院 Hoju-In .
. 14 Fudozan 大学院 Daigaku-In .
. 15 Ryufuku-Ji 笠覆寺 (りゅうふくじ) Kasadera .
. 16 養学院 Yogaku-In みちびき不動尊 Michibiki Fudo .
. 17 Toyokawa Kaku 豊川閣 妙厳寺 Myogon-Ji .
. 18 Henjoo-In 遍照院 Henjo-In .
. 19 Muryooji 無量寺 Muryo-Ji .

. 20 Konrenji 金蓮寺 Konren-Ji .
. 21 Noma Daibo 野間大坊 - 大御堂寺 Omido-Ji .
. 22 Daichi-In 大智院 .
. 36 興正寺 Kosho-Ji .

- Mie 三重 

. 23 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji .
. 24 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji .
. 25 不動院 Fudo-In .
. 26 岡寺山 Okadera 継松寺 Keisho-Ji .
. 27 常福寺 Jofuku-Ji .
. 28 新大仏寺 Shin Daibutsu-Ji .
. 29 大聖院 Daisho-In .

- Gifu 岐阜

. 30 貞照寺 Teisho-Ji .
. 31 乙津寺 Osshin-Ji - 梅寺 Umedera .
. 32 円鏡時 Enkyo-Ji .
. 33 華厳寺 Kegon-Ji .
. 34 大徳院 Daitoku-In .
. 35 長福寺 Chofuku-Ji .
. 36 興正寺 Kosho-Ji - Mie .


to add images of the 36 attendants

- source : www.36fudo.jp

. Sanjuroku Doji 三十六童子 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O
Sanjuuroku Dooji


05 Jimokuji 甚目寺 Jimoku-Ji
愛知県あま市甚目寺東門 / 鳳凰山

hanging scroll, painted on silk, about 12th century

- quote -
Jimokuji Kannon 甚目寺観音
Established in A.D. 597
In the Asuka period (552-710), a fisherman called Tatsumaro, who lived in Jimoku Village, found a golden image of Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) in his fishing net at a00m southeast from the present temple.
Then he built a thatched roof hut and enshrined it in 597. This is the beginning of this temple.
We can view the image of Kannon once in every 50 years.
The last exhibition was held on Nov.18 to 25 in 2001.
Jimokuji Kannon is one of the Four Kannons (Goddess of Mercy) in the Owari area, including Nagoya, . . .
- source : kikuko-nagoya.com/html -

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- reference : www.36fudo.jp

- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



- #tokai #fudopilgrims -

Buso Pilgrims INFO

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

武相不動尊二十八所 - Busoo - Buso
Musashino and Sagami - 28 temples

Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki

source : www.raifuku.net/junrei


1 金剛山 金乗院 平間寺 川崎大師不動堂 Kawasaki Daishi Fudo
. 平間寺 Heiken-Ji .

2 身代り不動尊 大明王院 川崎本山 身代り不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. Daimyo-O In 大明王院 .

3 青龍山 龍厳寺 お腹ごもり不動尊 - O-haragomori pregnant Fudo
. Ryuganji 龍厳寺 Ryugan-Ji . - Kawasaki - Kawasaki

4 諏訪山 圓能寺 明王院 Suwazan
. Ennoji 圓能寺 Enno-Ji .

5 命府山 龍台寺
. Ryudaiji 龍台寺 Ryudai-Ji .

6 星王山 寶蔵院 能満寺 千歳不動尊 Chitose Fudo
. Nomanji 能満寺 Noman-Ji .

7 圓瀧山 光明院 興禅寺 善立不動尊 Zenryu Fudo
. Kozenji 興禅寺 Kozen-Ji .

8 清林山 佛乗院 金蔵寺 日吉不動尊 Hiyoshi Fudo
. Konzooji 金蔵寺 Konzo-Ji .

9 補陀落山 安養院 西方寺 日ぎり不動尊 / 日切不動 Higiri Fudo
. Saihooji 西方寺 Saiho-Ji .

10 高貴山 福聚院 火伏不動尊 - Hibuse Fudo
. Fukuju-In 福聚院 .

11 圓國山 観音寺 身代り不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .

12 佛法山 東漸寺 出世不動尊 - Shusse Fudo
. Toozenji 東漸寺 Tozen-Ji .

13 明王山 西光寺 (鴨居山 林光寺) - 波切不動尊 - Namikiri Fudo
. Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji / Rinko-Ji.

14 瑞雲山 本覚院 三会寺 - 厄除不動 Yakuyoke Fudo
. Sanne-Ji 三会寺 Sankai-Ji .

15 大聖山 真福寺 和田不動尊 Wada Fudo
. Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .

16 南龍山 不動院 無量寺 鉄縛り不動尊 Tetsushibari Fudo
. Muryooji 無量寺 Muryo-Ji .

17 摩尼山 長松寺 駒岡不動尊 Komaoka Fudo
. Chooshooji 長松寺 Chosho-Ji .

18 瑞應山 蓮華院 弘明寺 波切不動尊 - Namikiri Fudo
. Gumyooji 弘明寺 Gumyo-Ji .

19 南海山 瑠璃光院 正泉寺 生麦不動尊 Namamugi Fudo
. Shoosenji 正泉寺 Shosen-Ji .

20 子生山 東福寺
. Toofukuji 東福寺 Tofuku-Ji .

21 愛宕山 宝蔵院 寺尾不動尊 Terao Fudo
. Hoozooin 宝蔵院 Hozo-In .

22 大綱山 宝幢院 光明寺 多摩川不動尊 - Tamagawa Fudo
. Hoodooin 宝幢院 Hodo-In .

23 平栄山 泉福寺
. Senpukuji 泉福寺 Senpuku-Ji .

24 来迎山 円光寺
. Enkooji 円光寺 / 圓光寺 Enko-Ji .

25 喜修山 正蔵院 了仲寺 羽田不動尊 - Haneda Fudo
. Shoozooin 正蔵院 Shozo-In .

26 遍照山 光明寺 新羽不動尊 - Nippa Fudo
. Koomyooji 光明寺 Komyo-Ji .

27 明王山 聖無道寺 成就院 Joju-In
. Joojuin 成就院 Joju-In .

28 高幡山 明王院 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji 高幡不動尊 - Takahata Fudo
. Takahata Fudo Temple 高幡不動尊 .


soobu, aibu sagamu 相武(そうぶ、あいぶ、さがむ)
same as busoo, buai 武相(ぶそう、ぶあい)

Sagami no Kuni 相模国 Sagami Province
Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province
Two regions of the Edo period.


- reference : wikipedia
. source : plala.or.jp/ANNIE .

- reference 武相不動尊霊場の案内 - tesshow -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



- #busopilgrims #musashino ##fudo -

Kirimomi Fudo


Kirimomi Fudoo
錐揉不動, 錐揉み不動, きりもみ不動, 錐鑽不動
Kirimomi Pierced Fudo Myo-O Statue

This statue has migrated . . . to three temples in Japan.


第6番 秀盤山 不動院 真言宗大覚寺 Fudo-In
徳島県三好郡井川町西井川 0883-78-2917 Tokushima

. Shikoku Pilgrims - Nr. 06 .  
The Legend of Kirimomi Fudo and Kakuban 覚鑁 (1095 - 1143)
Koogyoo Daishi 興教大師 Kogyo Daishi - Kakuban

Later Kakuban left Koyasan and spent the rest of his life at the temple

. Negoroji 根来寺 Negoro-Ji - Wakayama .

錐もみ不動明王 Kirimomi Fudo Myo-O
根来寺不動堂 岩出市


Kirimomi Migawari Fudo 錐鑽(きりもみ)身代り不動
Tanjo-In 誕生院 Saga, Kyushu

Nr. 24 of the pilgrimage to Fudo Temples in Kyushu.
Related to the legend of Kakuban above.
The statue from Wakayama had been handed to this temple, Tanjo-In in the Taisho period.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.tanjoin.net -

. 九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 pilgrim temples .
- . Saga Fudo Pilgrims 佐賀県 .

this temple is also Nr. 62 of the 88 Henro Temples in Kyushu


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Kaburai-Ji Kobe

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Kaburaiji 鏑射寺 Kaburai-Ji
kaburai, kabura i  - lit. "shooting a Kabura arrow"
Hyogo, 兵庫 Kobe 神戸市北区道場町生野1078-1

. 近畿三十六不動尊巡礼
36 Fudo Temples in Kinki .

The nearby town of Mita 三田市 takes its name from these three auspicious things bringing good fortune when holding sacred rituals

三福田 sanpukuden
(kyooden 敬田, onden 恩田 jiden 悲田)
also called the "Three Treasures - sanboo 三宝" Sanbo.

- quote
The Three Jewels, also called the Three Treasures, Three Refuges, Precious Triad, or most commonly the Triple Gem Pali: त्रिरत्न (triratna), are the three things that Buddhists take refuge in, and look toward for guidance, in the process known as taking refuge.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


At the foot of mount Dokkosan 独鈷山, which is about 350 meters high.
This region has been sacred to mountain worship since olden times,called Kamihogura  神秀倉, Kagurayama 甘楽山 or Gochi no Mine 五智の峰 (peak of five wisdom kings).

The temple has been founded in 581 by Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子, since this was the homeland of his mother.
He made it the temple of Buddhist Studies 仏教弘通 (bukkyo guzu) and offered a special kabura arrow, hence the name Kaburai Temple.

- Chant of the temple
百千代に かけて高鳴る かぶら矢を 
民安かれと はなつおん寺

for generations the high sound of the Kabura arrow
of this temple brought peace of mind to the people

Later Kukai Kobo Daishi passed here and dug the well
Dokko Mizu no Ido 独鈷水の井戸.
In the cliffs 百丈岩 are also the ramains of clay tiles with Buddha statues (穿仏 senbutsu).

The temple later declined and many parts burned down. In 1862 it was rebuild by saint 勇阿上人.
In 1873 it was again destroyed by the soldiers of the Tenchugumi 天誅組 / 天忠組 Tenchu-Gumi in an effort to separate Shinto and Buddhist sanctuaries.
In 1955 久邇宮朝融 Kuninomiya Asaakira climbed up the wilderness  and started the rebuilding.
In 1959 Priest Nakamura Kimitaka 中村公隆 settled here and the rebuildings of the old halls began.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/shi_mi3

It has a statue of a seated Fudo Myo-O in the 護摩堂 Goma Hall with piercing eyes, carved by Murata Kyuusaku 村田久作 Murata Kyusaku, who also made the Nio-O statues of 浅草寺 Senso-Ji temple in Asakusa, Tokyo.

dokko 独鈷 / 独鈷杵 single-pointed vajra,
single-pointed "Thunderbolt", a ritual tool in Buddhism.

. 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .

. 弘法大師 空海 Kobo Daishi, Kukai .


source : blog.goo.ne.jp/hirugao1706

In the pond of the garden grow special lotus flowers from the Jomon remains, called Ooga hasu 大賀ハス Oga hasu lotus.


- source : www.kinki36fudo.org


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kaburaiji.or.jp


kabura-ya 鏑矢 Kabura arrow

- quote
Signal arrows, (turnip-headed arrow),
a type of arrow used by the samurai class of feudal Japan. Kabura-ya were arrows which whistled when fired and were used in ritual archery exchanges prior to formal medieval battles.
The sound was created by a specially carved or perforated bulb of deer horn or wood attached to the tip. In English, these are often called "whistling-bulb arrows", "messenger arrows", or "signal arrows."
Kabura literally translates to "turnip", and thus the Japanese term technically means "turnip-shaped arrows."
In battle, particularly around the time of the Heian period, kabura-ya would be fired before a battle, to alert the enemy.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


The temple is also on the pilgrimage to 17 temples of
Aizen Myo-O in Saikoku Western Japan.


01 . 愛染堂勝鬘院
02. 東光寺
03. 鏑射寺 - Kaburai-Ji
04. 摩耶山天上寺
05. 大龍寺
06. 正覚院
07. 大聖寺
08. 東寺
09. 覚性律庵
10. 高野山増福院
11. 愛染院
12. 久修園院
13. 西大寺
14. 宝山寺
15. 施福寺
16. 福智院
17. 金剛三昧院
- source : www.aizenreijo.com

. Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

January 1 1月1日 修正会 Shushoo-E

January 28 1月28日 - February 03 
節分会(星祭り)Setsubun, Hoshi Matsuri Star Festival

August 15  8月15日 盂蘭盆会 Urabon-E

August 15  8月15日 千灯会 Sentoo-E

November 22  11月22日 愛染祭 Aizen Myo-O Rituals
(and every month on the 22 rituals for Aizen


. senbutsu 甎仏 Clay Tiles with Buddha Figures .

- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Kyushu Pilgrims INFO

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 Fudo temples

九州三十六不動めぐり ― お不動さまのご利益を授かる旅!

It takes about 1530 kilometers to walk.


- source : www.rengein.jp/archive/reijyo


. Oita 大分県 .
01 両子寺 無風帯不動 Futago-Ji - Mufutai Fudo
02 神宮寺 大獄不動 Jingu-Ji - Daigoku Fudo
03 成仏寺 除災不動 Jobutsu-Ji - Josai Fudo
04 文殊仙寺 仙の不動 Monjusen-Ji - Sen no Fudo
05 実相院 夷不動 Jisso-In - Ebisu Fudo
06 無動寺 黒土不動 Mudo-Ji - Kurotsuchi Fudo
07 応暦寺 慈相不動 Oreki-Ji - Jiso Fudo
08 三明院 身代り不動 Sanmei-In - Migawari Fudo
09 円寿寺 願かけ不動 Enju-Ji - Gankake Fudo
10 臨済寺 厄よけ不動 Rinzai-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo

. Miyazaki 宮崎県 .
11 光明寺 萬寿不動 Komyo-Ji - Manju Fudo
12 長久寺 魔よけ不動 Chokyu-Ji - Mayoke Fudo
13 潮満寺 波切り不動 Choman-Ji - Namikiri Fudo
14 極楽寺 厄除不動 Gokuraku-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo

. Kagoshima 鹿児島 .
15 高野山西大寺 厄よけ不動 Koyasan Saidai-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo
16 最福寺 厄よけ不動 Saifuku-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo
17 福昌寺 波切り不動 Fukusho-Ji - Namikiri Fudo

. Kumamoto 熊本県 .
18 高野寺 出世不動 - Koya-Ji, Shusse Fudo
19 長寿寺 木原不動 - Choju-Ji, Kihara Fudo Son
20 大慈寺 水かけ不動 - Daiji-Ji, Mizukake Fudo
21 蓮華院誕生寺 一願成就不動 - Renge-In
01 bangai - 人吉恵山会 人吉不動 Hitoyoshi Fudo
02 bangai - 荒尾不動院 倶利伽羅不動 Arao Fudo-In, Kurikara Fudo

. Nagasaki 長崎県 .
22 龍照寺 厄よけ不動 - Ryusho-Ji, Yakuyoke Fudo
23 正覚寺 波切り不動 - Shokaku-Ji, Namikiri Fudo

. Saga 佐賀県 .
24 誕生院 錐鑽 身代り不動 Tanjo-In - Kirimomi Migawari Fudo
25 大聖寺 杉岳の身代り不動 Daisho-Ji - Suginotake Migawari Fudo
26 無動院 願かけ不動 - Mudo-In Gankake Fudo
27 正福寺 身代り不動 Shofuku-Ji - Migawari Fudo
28 千如寺宝池坊 道中守り不動 Sennyo-Ji - Dochu Mamori Fudo
29 真光院 くぼた不動 Shinko-In - Kubota Fudo
30 延命院 一願不動 Enmei-In - Ichigan Fudo
31 金乗院 出世不動 Konjo-In - Shusse Fudo

. Fukuoka 福岡県 .
32 清岩寺 開運厄よけ不動 Seigan-Ji - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo
33 (?92) 不動院 身代り不動尊 Fudo-In - Migawari Fudo
34 (88) 鎮国寺 波切り不動 Chinkoku-Ji - Namikiri Fudo
35 恵光院 五鈷不動 Eko-In - Goko Fudo

36 東長寺 結願不動 Tocho-Ji - Ketsugan Fudo
- The Last Fudo Pilgrim Temple

- - - this is also the first temple of the pilgrimage
.九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples.
in honor of Kukai Kobo Daishi.


- source and photos : www.geocities.jp/htngw620


- source : www.coara.or.jp/~rinsaiji
with temple introduction


九州三十六不動霊場会 - Facebook Page
- source : facebook.com/kyushyu36fudou

- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .
in honor of Kobo Daishi


Mountain Mandalas - Shugendo in Kyushu
Allan G. Grapard

In Mountain Mandalas Allan G. Grapard provides a thought-provoking history of one aspect of the Japanese Shugendo tradition in Kyushu, by focusing on three cultic systems: Mount Hiko, Usa-Hachiman, and the Kunisaki Peninsula. Grapard draws from a rich range of theorists from the disciplines of geography, history, anthropology, sociology, and humanistic geography and situates the historical terrain of his research within a much larger context.

This book includes detailed analyses of the geography of sacred sites, translations from many original texts, and discussions on rituals and social practices. Grapard studies Mount Hiko and the Kunisaki Peninsula, which was very influential in Japanese cultural and religious history throughout the ages. We are introduced to important information on archaic social structures and their religious traditions; the development of the cult to the deity Hachiman; a history of the interactions between Buddhism and local cults in Japan; a history of the Shugendo tradition of mountain religious ascetics, and much more.
- - - Table Of Contents
- source : bloomsbury.com/au/mountain-mandalas -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


- #kyushufudopilgrims -



[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Yakuyoke Fudo 厄除不動 Fudo to ward off evil

. yakuyoke 厄除け amulets to ward off evil .  

source : item.rakuten.co.jp

kaiun 開運 to bring good luck
八方厄除不動龍 Happoo Yakuyoke Fudo Ryuu
by 江藤草淳


. Kuro Fudo Myoo-Oo 黒不動明王 Black Fudo .

. Mejiro Fudo 目白不動 White Eyes .

. Negoroji 根来寺 Negoro-Ji . Wakayama
Kirimomi Fudo 錐もみ不動明王

. Rendaiji 蓮台寺 Rendai-Ji . Kurashiki, Okayama

Ryuugeji 龍華寺 Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Flower Temple" - Shizuoka

. Ryuushooji 龍照寺 Ryusho-Ji . - Nagasaki

. Sanne-Ji 三会寺 (さんねじ) / 三會寺 / Sankai-Ji .

. Shoodaiji 聖代寺 Shodai-Ji .
Shikoku Fudo Pilgrimage Nr. 36

. Takahata Fudo Temple 高幡不動尊 .

. Yugasan Yakuyoke Fudo 由加山厄除不動

source : uzumoyo.blog88.fc2.com
Takahata Fudo Temple 高幡不動尊


source : srs21.blog59.fc2.com

Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage - Tokushima
Kyoogonzan Unpenji 巨鼇山 雲辺寺 Unpen-Ji


. Fukuoka Fudo Pilgrims 福岡県 .
32 清岩寺 開運厄よけ不動 - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo

. Kagoshima Fudo Pilgrims 鹿児島 .
15 高野山西大寺 厄よけ不動 Koyasan Saidai-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo
16 最福寺 厄よけ不動 Saifuku-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

29 降魔山 護国院 経音寺 - 厄除不動尊 - Yakuyoke Fudo


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

. Yakuyoke Fudo in Tohoku 厄除不動尊 .

05 龍覚寺 - 厄除不動尊 - Yakuyoke Fudo - Yamagata
07 普伝寺 - 厄除不動 - Yakuyoke Fudo - Akita
14 大圓寺 - 厄除不動尊 - Yakuyoke Fudo - Aomori
18 青龍寺 -厄除不動 - Yakuyoke Fudo - Aomori

34 圓養寺 - 厄除不動 - Yakuyoke Fudo - Fukushima
. Enyooji 圓養寺 Enyo-Ji / 円養院 Enyo-In - Shirakawa .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- #yakuyokefudo #yakuyoke -

Enyo-Ji Fukushima

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Enyooji 圓養寺 Enyo-Ji / 円養院 Enyo-In

Nr. 34 成田山 圓養寺 - 成田不動尊 Narita Fudo - 厄除不動 Yakuyoke Fudo
Narita San - Enyo-Ji - Narita Fudo Son
Fukushima 福島県 - 智慧の道場 - chie

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


福島県白河市天神町43 - Fukushima, Shirakawa town

The original temple was probably founded earlier, but the main hall burned down around 1729. It had been in a rather abandoned state for a long time.
During the Edo period, it was called 連峯山福寿院

Fudo was shared with Narita san in by priest Oikawa 及川照龍律師 in the Meiji period, who died on October 17, 1907 ( 明治四十年十月十七日没), so this day is now the main festival day for the founder and the name changed to Enyo-In.


- temple chant
詣で来る 己身の迷いこの寺に しばしとどめて 関を越ゆく

come to this temple and stop to worry about yourself for a while to pass the gate to better understanding

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.tohoku36fudo.jp


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


source : www.cosmo-kaken.co.jp

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46




Yamamoto Fudo Fukushima

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

山本不動尊 - Yamamoto Fudo Son

Fukushima 福島県 - 智慧の道場 - chie

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


Kohizawa-94-2 Kitayamamoto Tanagura,Higashishirakawa District

The temple is famous for its seasonal flowers.
130 stone steps are leading up to the temple and old trees line the access path.
Founded in 807 when Kobo Daishi passed here and held a ceremony to appease the demons of the Yamizo mountains 八溝山

Situated in a huge park, with a stone cliff above the Fudo Hall.

- source and photos : spottedseal.at.webry.info


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www15.ocn.ne.jp/~y-fudou


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

January 1 - 元朝大護摩祈祷
February 3 - 節分会豆まき式 Setsubun
April 28 - 例大祭寄席 落語会 rakugo Meeting
April 20 - 水子霊総供養法要
October - 七五三詣りご祈祷 Shichi-Go-San for Children
November - 紅葉ライトアップ - Light-up with red leaves


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi, Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


source : www.cosmo-kaken.co.jp

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Onegai Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Onegai Fudoo おねがい不動さま / お願い不動
Onegai Fudo Sama - Fudo to make a wish

成田山 東京別院 深川不動堂

. Fukagawa Fudoo Doo 深川不動堂 Fukagawa Fudo-Do .  
関東三十六不動霊場二十番札所 Kanto Pilgrims

source : aqua-planetclub.cocolog-nifty.com


- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.fukagawafudou.gr.jp


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Onegai お願い Buddhas to grant a wish .


Aizu Goshiki INFO

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Aizu Goshiki Fudo - Five Colors, Five Temples

Aizu Junrei 会津巡礼 Aizu Pilgrimage
Aizu Wakagaeri Goshiki Fudo son
Aizu Fudo pilgrimage to get young again

The last Fudo is a bringer of youth - seishun Fudo 青春不動.

. Goshiki Fudo Myo-O 五色不動明王
Five Fudo with different colored eyes in Edo .


- - - - - All things in Five Elements
・地 Earth = 黄(おう) yellow  
・水 Water = 白(びゃく) white  
・火 Fire = 赤(しゃく) red  
・風 = Wind 黒(こく) black  
・空 = Sky  青(しょう) Blue/Green

. godai ... 地水火風空の五大
Five Great Elements of the Universe .

. The Four Animals, Shijuu (四獣,四聖獣) .
Four Gods, Shijin (四神)

Tortoise (genbu, Black Warrior) = North, Winter, Black, Water, Mountain 玄武
White Tiger (Kirin) = West, Fall, White, Metal, Road 白虎
Red Bird (Phoenix, Vermilion Bird) = South, Summer, Red, Fire, Sea 朱雀
Blue Dragon (Azure Dragon) = East, Spring, Blue/Green, Wood, River 青龍


- source : www.miru.co.jp/aizu-zensyu

如法寺 - 出発不動 - shuppatsu Fudo - the beginning
Nyohooji 如法寺 Nyoho-Ji
耶麻郡西会津町野沢 - Inawashiro, Yama-gun

Founded in 807 by priest Tokuitsu 徳一大師.

. Priest Tokuitsu 得一 徳溢 .
(760 - 835)

Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest Tokuitsu and the fighting with the Emishi people in the Tohoku region by the imperial government in Kyoto.
. Enichiji 慧日寺 Enichi-Ji .


- source : www.miru.co.jp/aizu-zensyu

white (白色)
西勝寺 - 奮起不動 - funki Fudo - to rouse yourself
Saishooji 西勝寺 Saisho-Ji
耶麻郡猪苗代町新町 - Inawashiro, Yama-gun

Founded in 996 by priest Ningai 仁海僧正 (951 - 1046).


- source : www.miru.co.jp/aizu-zensyu

red (赤色)
龍興寺 - 離悩不動 - rinoo Fudo - to part from troubles
大刀剱不動 - Fudo with a large sword
Ryuukooji 龍興寺 Ryuko-Ji
会津美里町中町 - Aizu, Misato

Founded in 848 by priest 慈覚大師.
Famous for its lotus pond and a lotus sutra with each letter on a lotus pedestal 一字蓮台法華経.

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 .
(794 – 864)


- source : www.miru.co.jp/aizu-zensyu/aizuzensyu

black (黒色)
慈恩寺 - 慈愛不動 - jiai Fudo - to love and cherish
Jionji 慈恩寺 Jion-Ji
南会津町中町 - Minami Aizu, Nakamachi

Founded in the Muromachi period and was not very popular for a long time. Priest 高層良叶 brought it back to life.
The temple is located along the main street of the village Nakamachi 中町.


- source : www.miru.co.jp/aizu-zensyu/aizuzensyu

green / blue (青色)
常楽院 - 青春不動 - seishun Fudo - Fudo of Youth
Joorakuin 常楽院 Joraku-In
南会津町福米沢 - Miyanomae-1392 Fukumezawa, Minamiaizu

source : siyuin.shikisokuzekuu.net/aidu-gosikifudou

Founded by priest Kaijun 海順上人 in 1519.
The Fudo statue takes on and gives back the power of youth for body and mind.
The temple is surrounded by mountains and has the power of nature.

There is also a Maria Kannon マリア観音 in the compound.


- - - - - Other pilgrimages in Aizu

三十三観音巡り Kannon
七福神巡り Shichi Fukujin
二十一地蔵尊巡り Jizo Bosatsu
十二支守り本尊巡り 12 Zodiac Animals
御蔵入 - 三十三観音巡り Kannon

- source : www.aiaiaizu.com/aizumeguri

. Aizu korori Kannon ころり三観音巡り Kannon Bosatsu granting a sudden death .

. Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松 Yakushi Pilgrims .
Aizu Go Yakushi 会津五薬師 Five Yakushi temples
Aizu Juuni Yakushi Mairi 会津若松 - 十二薬師巡り 12 Yakushi temples


- - - reference - - -

- source : www.aiaiaizu.com/aizumeguri

離悩不動 龍興寺
source : chakumokusanskrit.web.fc2.com

名刹 と 神社 (会津美里町)
- source : www.aizue.net/jyunrei/aizu5

- - - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


source : www.cosmo-kaken.co.jp
Fukushima prefecture  福島県

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46

