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Kobo-Ji Tsugaru Aomori

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Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji

Nr. 16 高野山 Koya-San - 弘法寺 - 身代り不動 Migawari Fudo
Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji
Aomori 青森県 - 忍辱の道場 ninniku

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

Byōbuzan-1-244 Kizukuri Fukihara, Tsugaru

The village of Kizukuri 木造町 in in the middle of the reclamation land of Tsugaru, but information about the founding of this temple is scarce.

It may have been founded by Kukai Kobo Daishi.
The 7th head pries lived about 600 years ago, his grave stone says.
There have been calamities due to flooding and other problems, but in the Meiji period the temple revived. The temple was then called

But in the Showa period, it became its name we know it today.

Since 1952, the temple is also called 西の高野山 弘法寺
the "Koya San in the West of Tsugaru".

- Chant of the temple
身代りの不動のおわす 津軽路の 
西の高野に 法のともしび


the 不動堂 Fudo Hall

阿婆羅底童子 Abarati Doji in the garden

and one more Fudo in the garden

Mizukake Fudo 水かけ不動尊 to pour water over the statue

source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

. Migawari Fudoo 身代わり不動尊 Fudo as Substitute .

. Tsugaru San Fudoo 津軽三不動
Three Famous Fudo Statues in Tsugaru, Aomori .


- - - This temple is also part of other pilgrimages:

-- Nr. 61 of the 88 Northern Henro Temples

福禄寿 Fukuroku-Ju
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神
Seven Gods of Good Luck in Tsugaru .


-- Nr. 11 of the Kobo Daishi Pilgrimage of Tsugaru

o-yasumi Daishi お休み大師 Kobo Daishi taking a rest.

This is taken from the legend that Kobo Daishi on his pilgrimage in Shikoku once could not find a lodging for the night and had to rest below a bridge.
To our day the Henro pilgrims do not use their walking stick and carry it carefully when passing a bridge, so as not to awaken the sleeping Kukai.
There is a special small hall for this statue in the compound.

The prayer here is
ゆきなやむ 浮世の人を 渡さずば
一夜も十夜の 橋と思ほゆ

An amulet of the Sleeping Daishi !
(for 200 Yen)

Statue of Kobo Daishi in the garden

The two komainu real dogs at his feet wear red bonnets.

source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- another Kobo-Ji 弘法寺 in Kagoshima

4679-1 Kushirachō Shimoobaru, Kanoya-shi, Kagoshima
with 5 Great Myo-O 五大明王
本尊:大日如来 脇侍:弘法大師、不動明王)
- source :

- another Kobo-Ji 弘法寺 in Hagi, Yamaguchi
According to the temples founding legend Kukai (Kobo Daishi) stopped here on his way back from China and enjoyed the hot spring located next door.
Sopposedly founded in 807, the year after he was here.
- source : Jake Ojisan


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Goma Fudo Morioka

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Gooma Fudoo, Gōma Fudō 降魔不動尊 Goma Fudo
Fudo subjugating the demons

Nr. 19 宝珠盛岡山 - Goma Fudo 不動尊
Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji - Shingon Zen 真言宗
Iwate 岩手県 - 精進の道場 - shoojin

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

There are other 降魔不動 Goma Fudo (Koma Fudo, Kouma Fudo) in the temples of Japan.


2 Chome-1-1 Shimoyonai, Morioka

盛岡聖天 永福寺 Morioka Shoten Eifuku-Ji
also known as
shusse Shooten 出世聖天 Shoten for a good career

The temple was first built in 794 in Sannohe 三戸 as one of the 奥州六観音 Six Kannon Temples in the Northern Oshu province by 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro,

On request of Godaigo Tenno 後醍醐天皇 (1288 - 1339) had a statue of the deity 大聖歓喜天 Daisho Kangiten placed here for worship.
The statue was made by 高野大師 Takano Daishi.

In 1615 when the capital of the Nanbu domaine was located in Morioka, temple Eifuku-Ji was also re-built there as the main temple for the lord of the domain to pray on orders of 南部利直 Nanbu Toshinao. It was placed in the Northern un-auspicious kimon 鬼門 direction of the new castle to protect it from evil influence. It had become a very rich temple in the city, comprizing the
本堂歓喜院 Main Hall for Kangiten
護摩堂 Goma-Hall for fire ceremonies, six quarters for special purposes
and was thus the most important temple in Morioka 筆頭寺院.

At that time the "five important temples of Morioka" 盛岡五山 were also designated.

In the Meiji time it lost its power. Since the temple venerated a deity of esoteric Buddhism, it lost most of its buildings and its influence.

The Hall for Kangiten 歓喜院 was re-build in 1947 at its present location.

It used to be a powerful temple to worship Kangiten and had 45 statues of this deity from India. Therefore it was also called the
Shooten no gozan 聖天の御山 Sacred Temple of Shoten.


- Chant of the temple


The main statue is 大聖歓喜天尊
. Kankiten (Kangiten) 歓喜天, 聖天 Shoten - Ganesh.

At the right side of the torii gate is a Fudo to throw water on

mizukake Fudo 水掛不動尊


After worshipping at the main hall to Kangiten
pilgrims have to come here to Fudo Myo-O and his powers to subdue evil influence.
Throwing water on the statue outside is the first step.
Offering incense at the Goma Fudo statue in the next step.


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

一月 元旦~十六日 新年特別祈祷会

二月 一日・十五日 取子結縁感謝祭

三月 第二日曜日 光明会(土砂加持会)

五月 第二日曜日 春の大祭(百味供養)

六月 第二日曜日 報恩感謝会

八月 第二日曜日 施餓鬼会

十月 第二日曜日 秋の大祭(百味供養)

十二月 十五日・十六日 越年祭

十二月 十五日~晦日 納め参り

- source :


Morioka Gozan 盛岡五山 Five Zen Temples of Morioka

Shoojuji 聖寿寺 Shoju-Ji - 盛岡市北山2丁目
founded by 三光国斎国師

大寶山東禅寺 Tozen-Ji (臨済宗)
大宝山 Toozenji 東禅寺
- source :

Kyoojooji 教浄寺 Kyojo-Ji
- source :

Hooonji 報恩寺 Hoon-Ji
31-5 Nasukawacho, Morioka, Iwate Prefecture
Famous for the statues of 500 Rakan 五百羅漢
- source : wikipedia

Hoosenji 法泉寺 Hosen-Ji
2 Chome-16-8 Kitayama, Morioka
- source :


source : miracakoto/archives

- quote
gooma-in 降魔印 - shokuchi-in 触地印 -
Also read sokuji-in ( Sk: bhusparsa-mudra). Also gouma-in 降魔印.
Earth-touchting mudra.
A type of hand gesture (Jp: *in 印, Sk: mudra) found on Buddhist images. The right hand is placed on the right knee with the palm turned down and the forefinger, pointing downward, almost touching the pedestal *daiza 台座 on which the image is sitting.
This mudra is based on the tradition that when the historical Buddha *Shaka 釈迦, meditating on the adamantine seat *kongou houza 金剛宝座, (Sk:Vajrasana) at Buddhagaya in India, was tempted by demons, he summoned the earth goddess, Sthavara, Kenroujishin 堅牢地神 by touching the earth with his right hand. With the help of the goddess, the Buddha dispersed the demons and then retained enlightenment gouma joudou 降魔成道 (goma jodo) (see *Shaka hassou 釈迦八相).

Hence this mudra is also called goma-in (mudra for subjugating demons).
As a symbol of the Buddha's subjugation of evil and his enlightenment, the shokuchi-in was often used in Indian Buddhist images of Shaka.

After the establishment of Esoteric Buddhism mikkyou 密教 it became the mudra for the Buddha *Ashuku 阿しゅく. In Esoteric teachings, Ashuku is considered to be the head bushu 部主 (Sk: kulesa) of the kongoubu 金剛部 (Sk: Vajrakula ; Adamantine Family) of deities who subjugate enemies of Buddhism.
Although Shaka images with the shokuchi-in are found in Asia, including the principal image *honzon 本尊 attended by the sixteen arhats *juuroku rakan 十六羅漢 at Sokkulam (Jp: Sekkutsuan 石窟庵) in Kyongju 慶州, Korea (751), very few examples have been found in Japan. The few extant examples seem to have been introduced from abroad, such as Buddha statues imported from Ming and Qing China. Other gilt-bronze images influenced by Tibetan Buddhism were brought to Japan from Manchuria and Inner Mongolia before World War II.

In Japan, the shokuchi-in is known as the mudra of Esoteric Buddhas, such as Ashuku in the Kongoukai 金剛界 (see *Kongoukai mandara 金剛界曼荼羅) and Tenkuraion 天鼓雷音 in the Taizoukai 胎蔵界 (see *Taizoukai mandara 胎蔵界曼荼羅). The earliest example of Ashuku with shokuchi-in was the principal of the Koudou 講堂 (presently Kondou 金堂) on Mt. Kouya 高野 (Koya-san), a temple which was founded by *Kuukai 空海(774-835), but this was lost when the building was burnt down in 1926. Having been kept as a secret Buddha *hibutsu 秘仏, no photograph was taken, and so there is no way of verifying whether or not it was the original image.
- source : JAANUS


- - - reference - - -

- source :


. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)

Sitting cross-legged in meditation
gooma za 降魔坐 - the left leg is uppermost
kichijoo za 吉祥坐 - the right leg is uppermost

. Statues with seated Buddhas (zazoo 座像) .

gooma no ken 降魔の剣 goma sword of Fudo Myo-O
sword for subjugating the demons
. Happuu Fudo Son 八風吹不動 .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kisshoin Akita

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Kisshoo-In 吉祥院 Kissho-In

Nr. 10 赤神山 / 幸福山 - 吉祥院 - 波切不動尊 Namikiri Fudo
Kisshoo-In 吉祥院 Kissho-In
Akita 秋田県 - 持戒の道場 - jikai

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


Ienoushiro-45 Funagawaminato tsubaki, Oga, Akita

There are three famous mountains in Oga, 本山 Honzan (Motoyama)、
真山 Shinzan (Mayama) and 毛無山 Kenashiyama, as Buddhist retreats for priests.

Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 is the founder of
赤神山日積寺永禅院 Akagamizan, Nisseki-Ji, Eizen-In
the first Buddhist center in the region. He is also related to the shrine
Akagami Jinja.

The fifth abbot at Eizen-In, Kakuun 覚運 Kaku-Un (953-1007, was a disciple of Ryoogen, Ryōgen 良源 Ryogen( 912 – 985), the chief abbot of Enryaku-Temple ( Enryaku-ji).

In 1392 the temple was more affiliated with Mount Koyasan, Ryuko-In 龍光院, through the 29th abbot 頼叶 Raika at temple 日積寺 Niseki-Ji.

During the Bakumatsu and early Meiji period, the temple and shrine were often in a crisis of deslolation, but have somehow survived to our day.

The temple has been known with many names in its long history:
Now there is also temple 長楽寺 nearby.

- Chant of the temple
男鹿の島 めぐりて拝る 不動尊
寺庭(には)に 老樹(こぼく)の 椿花咲く

There is also a shrine, Akagami Jinja 赤神神社, close by.
五社堂 Goshado - Five little shrines overlooking the sea.
Legend knows that the Emperor Koobutei 孝武帝 Kobutei from China, also called Akagami (Red Deity) came here down from the sky.
Kobutei lived approximately from 372 - 396).
Jigaku Daishi founded the temple and shrine here, around 860.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA - Akagami Shrine!



- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事





- quote
Oga Peninsula 男鹿半島 (Oga Hanto)
Home to the renowned Namahage Legend, Oga Peninsula boasts spectacular views of the coastline.

Oga Peninsula, in the western part of Akita, juts out into the Japan Sea in the shape of an ax. Along its coastline are fantastic views of crags and boulders, and it is noted for its beautiful sunsets. It is also famous for a traditional event called "Namahage," at which time young people, disguised as ogres, visit houses to admonish lazy people, expel evil spirits, ward off disasters, and to bless people.

There are so many spots on the Oga Peninsula that you should not miss. The view at the Mt. Kampu Revolving Observatory at the base of the peninsula, where you can enjoy 360-degree panoramas of the Japan Sea and Lagoon Hachiro-gata, is simply stunning. And Godzilla Boulder, so named because of its shape: how can a tour of Japan not include a visit to this famous monster?
Add to these the west coast of Oga, with its long line of rude cliffs and rocks; Hachibodai, with the best views of Oga and clear out to the Ou Mountain Range; and of course, Nyudo-zaki Point, on the tip of the peninsula, with its spectacular view of the Japan Sea. A sightseeing boat leaves from nearby Oga Aquarium, and from it you can view the coastline, sprinkled with strange rocks and bizarre stones, magnificent sculptures that nature has created.

At Shinzan Shrine, the origin of Namahage, the Namahage Sedo Festival is held every winter. The Oga Shinzan Densho-kan (folklore museum) displays Namahage masks and holds Namahage stage shows, so you can get a sense of the Namahage atmosphere at any time of the year.
- source :


- - - reference - - -

CLICK for more photos !

. Namahage なまはげ in Oga, Akita .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Chokon Fudo Miyako Iwate

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Chookon Fudo 長根不動尊 Chokon Fudo

Nr. 20 玉王山 - 長根寺 - 長根不動尊
Chookonji 長根寺 Chokon-Ji
Iwate 岩手県 - 精進の道場 - shoojin

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

source :

Miyako town 宮古市 is located in central Iwate Prefecture,
bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east, where the Hei River (閉伊川 Heigawa) flows into Miyako Bay.

The area of present-day Miyako was part of ancient Mutsu Province, and has been settled since at least the Jomon period. The area was inhabited by the Emishi people, and came under the control of the Yamato dynasty during the early Heian period with the construction a fortified settlement on the coast. During the Sengoku period, the area was dominated by various samurai clans before coming under the control of the Nambu clan during the Edo period, who ruled Morioka Domain under the Tokugawa shogunate. During the Boshin War of the Meiji restoration, the Battle of Miyako Bay was one of the major naval engagements of the war.

The towns of Miyako and Kuwagasaki were established within Higashihei District on April 1, 1889. The area was devastated by a 18.9 metres (62 ft) tsunami in 1896, which killed 1859 inhabitants. Higashihei District became part of Shimohei District on April 1, 1897. Miyako and Kuwagasaki merged on April 1, 1924. On March 3, 1933, much of the town was destroyed by the 1933 Sanriku earthquake, which killed 911 people and destroyed over 98% of the buildings in the town. Miyako attained city status on June 20, 1940.

On June 6, 2005, Miyako absorbed the town of Tarō, and village of Niisato (both from Shimohei District), more than doubling the old city's size. On January 1, 2010, Miyaki absorbed the village of Kawai (also from Shimohei District).

2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

CLICK for more photos!

On March 11, 2011, Miyako was devastated by a tsunami caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake.
At least 401 lives were lost. Only about 30–60 boats survived from the town's 960 ship fishing fleet. A subsequent field study by the University of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Institute revealed that the waters had reached at least 37.9 metres (124 ft) above sea level, almost equaling the 38.2 metres (125 ft) meter record of the 1896 Meiji-Sanriku earthquake tsunami. The final reported death toll from the disaster was 420 confirmed dead, 92 missing, and 4005 buildings destroyed.

Some of the most iconic footage of the tsunami, repeatedly broadcast worldwide, was shot in Miyako. It shows a dark black wave cresting and overflowing a floodwall and tossing cars, followed by a fishing ship capsizing as it hit the submerged floodwall and then crushed as it was forced beneath a bridge.
- source : wikipedia -


1 Chome-2-7 Nagane, Miyako-shi, Iwate-ken

The first Yakushi Hall 薬師堂 had been founded by
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 in 807.
A bronze bell from this time is still existing. Sakanoue seems to have founded three Kannon temples in Nagane (Chookon) 観音長根, with Amida Buddha too.

In a written document from 1848 there is mention of a
"Kuromori Gongen 黒森権現"

There is a shrine names
Kuromori Jinja 黒森神社 in Miyako, Iwate, too, called "Gongen Sama" 権現様, where a famous kagura dance is performed.
This shrine was the center of Yamabushi Shugendo in the area since the Nara period.

Kuromori Yama 黒森山 is a small mountain of 310 meters in Miyako.

- Chant of the temple

威徳はたかし 南無不動尊

Namu Fudo Son



- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- sharing photos from Takada san, January 2018 -

migawari Jizo


Kuromori Kagura 黒森神楽 Kagura Dance

- quote
Kuromori noh kagura dance
Kuromori Shrine and incarnation of Buddha
A pile is covered to huge tree so that the name shows in the past, and, in the Mt. Kuromori of more than 330 meters above sea level, it is said that it was mountain which is thick and is at noon, and is gloomy located at the north side of Miyako city area. Because there was big cedar on the mountaintop and was accompanied by marks (expectation mountain) such as fishermen who sailed Gulf of Miyako, we gathered faith widely as mountain which protected fishery, trade of the Rikuchu coast.

Tool for esoteric Buddhism method assumed thing of (the eighth century) in the Nara era by excavation survey of the foot of Kuromori excavates, and it is indicated that Kuromori mountain was base of area faith from the ancient times. Called "Kuromori University honorific title of a Japanese god company", and billboard announcing a framework-raising ceremony from 1370 (Oan era 3) years existed including iron covering (prefecture designation) in 1334 (origin of Kenbu era) years that was Ryozen of mixture of Buddhism and Shintoism until (the Edo era) in the early modern times, and Kuromori Shrine has been protected carefully by each generation feudal lord.

As for the incarnation of Buddha (humped-head goldfish), 20 of them are stored as "retired person" including north and south early the morning and thing of estimated bearing no signature, thing of 1485 (civilization 17) years. The origin of Kuromori noh dance and beginning of cruise are unknown, but it is Morioka feudal clan and local ancient document to have gone round and can confirm range like the present in 1678 (Enpo era 6) years.

Cruise of noh dance- (jungyo) Kagura procession
With "incarnation of Buddha" (humped-head goldfish) who moved divine spirit of Kuromori Shrine when Kuromori noh dance is New Year holidays, we go around village of the Rikuchu coast and we dance honorific title of a Japanese god dance at garden of houses and perform prayer of exorcism and fire prevention. We put noh dance curtain on room of private house which became hotel and play kagura performed at night and please people by dance of prayers such as staple grains abundant harvest, the big catch accomplishment or All the world is at peace and bring blessing at night. As for this cruise, kaimura does coastal place of former Morioka feudal clan every other year in "north rotation" to go north from Yamaguchi, Miyako-shi to Kuji-shi and "the south circumference" going south to Kamaishi-shi, and the range is not strange from the early days in the early modern times. Because there was not similar instance as for the long-term noh dance that went round nationwide in such a wide area either, and valuable manners and customs were continued now, we were appointed in important formlessness folk cultural assets of country in March, 2006.

Ebisu dance
Iwato difference
Kuromori noh dance exhibition room
at 1, Yamaguchi, Miyako-shi 3-14
- source :
(this seems to be a maschine-translation)

. . . CLICK here for Photos - Kuromori Gongen !

- further reference -


- - - Japanese reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Miyukiji Matsuyama

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Miyukiji 御幸寺 Miyuki-Ji
Matsuyama-shi, Miyuki, 1 Chome−442−1

A temple famous for the 天狗 Tengu.

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

Mount Miyukijisan 御幸寺山 - 118 m high

Someone walked on the mountain road on the 6th day of the 5th lunar month during the rice-planting season at 12 in the night, when suddenly he felt a strange something, a black something with a white something waving like hair on its top. He could not figure out what it was, but developed a high fever that lasted for seven days.
A wise old man told him that this was the onryoo 怨霊 vengeful spirit of a young man from a rich family, who had once made the Tengu very angry. The Tengu had thrown him high in the sky to fall to his death. This was his vengeful spirit.


inuboo no rei 犬坊の霊 the spirit of Inu-Bo
The Lord of 御幸寺山城 Miyukiji castle went to war riding his horse. He fell into a valley and died. Other versions say he died during the war.
His spirit appeared riding a horse, cursing anyone who happened to see him.
If anyone sees this apparition, he will fall ill.
To appease his soul, 大脇清太夫 sat on a horse and ordered the soul of Inu-Bo to leave. They saw a white piece of paper fly away and landing on the top of 石手寺山 Mount Ishitejiyama.
Since then the apparition did not show up any more.


- source : Bradford on facebook


. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

天狗泣き 天狗笑ふや 秋の風
tengu naki tengu warau ya aki no kaze

one Tengu cries
one Tengu laughs -
autumn wind

秋の山 御幸寺と申し 天狗住む 
aki no yama miyukiji to moshi tengu sumu

mountain in autumn
it is called Miyuki-Ji
and Tengu live there

秋の水 天狗の影や うつるらん


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #miyukiji -


Chomei Nagaiki Aizu

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Choomei Fudoo, Nagaiki Fudo 長命不動尊
Chomei Fudo granting a long life

32 大龍寺 臨済宗妙心寺派 - 長命不動尊
Dairyuuji 大龍寺 Dairyu-Ji
Fukushima 福島県 - 智慧の道場 - chie

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


福島県会津若松市慶山2-7-23, Aizu Wakamatsu, Keizan

The main statue besides Fudo is a Holy Kannon Bosatsu 聖観音菩薩.

According to legend is was promoted by the daimyo Hoshina 保科正之 and founded the Zen Master 機外昭鑑禅師.

The statue of Fudo had been venerated at the temple 成就院 but after the Meiji Restoration most Buddhist statues were re-located to the temple Dairyu-Ji by the priest 太宗玄義和尚 and the worship of Fudo was revived.
Most visitors were the elderly, so now it is known as the "Fudo who grants a long life".
They often come on the Fudo day of the rooster 酉(とり)or on the 28th of a month, the Day of Fudo Myo-O.

. Hoshina Masayuki 保科正之 .
June 17, 1611 – February 4, 1673
... the founder of what became the Matsudaira house of Aizu. He was an important figure in the politics and philosophy of the early Tokugawa shogunate.

- Chant of the temple

ありがとうとて 只参る
長命不動(ながいきふどう) Naga-iki Fudo

I am greatful for today
and come to worship here
to the Fudo of Long Life,
overlooking the town of Aizu


- source with larger photo :


This temple is also on the pilgrimage to the 12 Zodiac Animals in Aizu.
会津十二支守り本尊 Mamori Honzon
- source :

. Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守り本尊 Personal Protector Deity .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- -


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest Tokuitsu and the fighting with the Emishi people in the Tohoku region by the imperial government in Kyoto.
. Enichiji 慧日寺 Enichi-Ji .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


source :

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Pilgrim North Kanto INFO

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto

- reference source : tagesan 多気山 -
- - - CLICK for enlargement !

- - - LIST in the WIKIPEDIA !


Arranged in the order of the sanmitsu 三密 "three secrets"
of the Shingon sect.
The Three Mysteries :
symbolic activities of Body, Speech, and Mind

The symbolic activities of Body, Speech, and Mind (the Three Mysteries or Three Secrets) are present everywhere in the universe. Natural phenomena such as mountains and oceans and even humans express the truth described in the sutras. The universe itself embodies and can not be seperated from the teachings. In his work, "Attaining Buddhahood in This Body," Kobo Daishi said,

Form mudras with your hands,
recite mantras with your mouths,
and dwell in meditation with your minds.

These secrets allow you to experience the Buddha nature that exists within yourself and also of the larger Universe.
- source :


Gunma prefecture 身密の道場 shinmitsu

1 成田山 - 水上寺 - 成田山水上不動尊 - Naritasan Minakami Fudo
. Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera .

2 海王山 - 善福寺 金剛院 - 沼田成田不動尊 - Numata Narita Fudo
. Kongooin, Kongō-In 金剛院 Kongo-In, Kongoin .

3 秀巌山 - 滝水院 大福寺 - 室田之滝不動尊 - Murota no Taki Waterfall Fudo
. Daifuku-Ji 大福寺 Murota no Taki .

4 龍本山 - 松井田院 不動寺 - 松井田不動尊 - Matsuida Fudo
. Matsuida Fudo 松井田不動 .

5 成田山 - 光徳寺 - 成田山不動尊 - Naritasan Fudo
. Naritasan Fudo Son 成田山不動尊 Takasaki .

6 石岡山- 不動院 退魔寺 - 茂呂不動 - Muro Fudo
. Muro Fudo 茂呂不動 - 退魔寺 Taima-Ji .

7 真光山 - 永照院 長安寺 - みかえり不動 - Mikaeru Fudo
. Mikaeri Fudo みかえり不動 Fudo looking back .

8 日輪山 - 観音院 南光寺 - 笠懸不動 - Kasakake Fudo
. Kasakake Fudo 笠懸不動 - 南光寺 Nanko-Ji .

9 各願山 - 来迎院 西慶寺 - 新田の触不動 - Nitta Fure Fudo
. 新田不動院 Nitta Fudo-In .

10 清池山 - 医王寺 - 黄金身代わり不動尊 - Koganei Migawari Fudo
. Koganei Migawari Fudo 医王寺 Io-Ji .

11 赤岩山 - 地蔵院 光恩寺 - 赤岩不動尊 - Akaiwa Fudo 赤磐
. Akaiwa Fudo 赤磐不動 - 地蔵院 Jizo-In .

12 高錀山 - 釈迦院 遍照寺 - 新宿不動尊 - Shinjuku Fudo
. Shinjuku Fudo 新宿不動尊 - 遍照寺 Henjo-Ji - .


Tochigi prefecture 口密の道場 - kumitsu

13 御瀧山 明王院 泉龍寺 - 水掛け乙女不動 - Mizukake Otome Fudo
. Senryuuji 泉龍寺 Senryu-Ji .

14 如意山 吉祥院 延命寺 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-Ji .

15 光明山 金智院 正仙寺 - 吹上不動 - Fukiage Fudo
. Seisenji 正仙寺 Seisen-Ji .

16 梅沢山 金蔵院 華蔵寺 - 梅沢不動 - Umezawa Fudo
. 華蔵寺 Kezo-Ji 金蔵院 Kinzo-In .

17 古峯ヶ原 金剛山 瑞峯寺 - 金剛不動尊 - Kongo Fudo
. 瑞峯寺 Zuiho-Ji .

18 多気山 持宝院 不動寺 - 多気不動尊 - Tagesan - Tage Fudo
. 不動寺 Fudo-Ji .

19 光明山 摂取院 宝蔵寺 - 成田不動 - Narita Fudo
. 宝蔵寺 Hozo-Ji .

20 稲毛山 金剛王院 崇真寺 - 開運犬切り不動尊- Kaiun Inukiri Fudo
. 崇真寺 Shoshin-Ji . - Fudo who killed a dog -

21 喜連山 歓喜院 慈光寺 - 芝山薬師不動 - Shibayama Yakushi Fudo
. 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji .

22 霊水山 普門院 光明寺 - 感満不動 - Kanman Fudo
. 光明寺 Komyo-Ji .

23 北照山 田福寺 金乗院 - 那須波切不動尊 - Nasu Namikiri Fudo
. 田福寺 Denfuku-Ji .

24 龍頭山 - 不動院 龍泉寺 - 龍頭不動尊 - Ryuto Fudo
. 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji .


Ibaraki prefecture 意密の道場 - imitsu

25 法満山 一乗院 - 身代わり不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
. 一乗院 Ichijo-In .

26 伝灯山 和光院 明楽寺 - 田島の身代わり血不動尊
Tajima Migawari Chi Fudo
. 和光院 Wako-In .

27 笠原山 東光院 神崎寺 - 開運水戸不動 - Kaiun Mito Fudo for Good Luck
. 神崎寺 Kamisaki-Ji .

28 俊明山 無量寿院 西福寺 - 開運不動尊 - Kaiun Fudo
. 西福寺 Saifuku-Ji .

29 降魔山 護国院 経音寺 - 厄除不動尊 - Yakuyoke Fudo
. 護国院 Gokoku-In, Kashima .

30 医王山 不動院 東光寺 - 願満不動尊 - Ganman Fudo
. 江戸崎不動院 Edosaki Fudo-In .

31 羽黒山 今泉院 大聖寺 - 土浦大師不動尊 - Tsuchiura Daishi Fudo
. 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji .

32 筑波山 一乗院 真福寺 愛宕坊 - 筑波不動 - Tsukuba Fudo
. 一乗院 Ichijo-In 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji .

33 秋嶠山 地蔵院 妙法寺 - 金色不動尊 - Konjiki Golden Fudo
. 妙法寺 Myoho-Ji .

34 道楽山 地蔵院 永光寺 - 牡丹不動尊 - Botan Fudo
. 永光寺 Eiko-Ji .

35 明王山 智恩院 慈光寺 弓田のポックリ不動尊 - Pokkuri Fudo
. 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji - Nr. 35 .

36 清安山 不動院 願成寺 - 安産子育不動尊 - Anzan Koyasu Fudo
. 願成寺 Ganjo-Ji Itabashi .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


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