
Kamitera Miyagi

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Kamitera Fudo 神寺不動尊

27 松景院 真言宗智山派 - 神寺不動尊
Shookei-In 松景院 Shokei-In
Miyagi 宮城県 - 禅定の道場 zenjoo

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


- source and more photos : minkara.carview.co.jp/smart

Machi-80 Nakazone, Misato-machi, Tōda-gun

- footprints of Fudo Myo-O

This temple was a center of asceticism, combining Buddhist and Shinto rituals.
The main statue (secret) is 大聖歓喜天 Daisho Kangiten and people come here to pray for good luck.

- quote
Kamitera Fudoson Shokeiin
is a temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. It was founded in 1591 by the priest Jitsue, Jitsu-E 実恵法印 / 実慧 (786 - 845).

In those days, there was a pine grove with old palm trees in the area around the temple, which was located between the Tajiri River 田尻川 and the Bijo River 美女川. Likening the buds coming out from the ground by the river to bamboo trees, Jitsuetsu said,
“This is a very celebrated place, where pine, bamboo and palm trees grow together. I am going to build a temple for ridding people’s bud luck and bringing them better luck,”
and named the temple “Baikozan Shokeiin 梅光山,” which literally means “Pine Landscape Temple in Palm Light Mountain.”

The temple was called Kamitera (God’s Temple) because the ascetic training in the Shugendo method (mountain practice in which Shinto and Buddhism were mixed together) has been performed at this temple. Even after the Meiji period (1868-1912), when the movement of Haibutsu Kishaku (the anti-Buddhism movement) arose, the tradition of Shinbutsu Shugo (fusion of Shinto and Buddhism) has been uniquely handed down at this temple.

The principal image of worship, Kamitera Fudoson, is about 7 m tall and weighs 40 tons. It is the world’s largest clay statue. The statue is made of clay in which the ashes of 210,000 prayer sticks, which were burned for 21 days in the Goma fire kept burning by the priest who was observing a fast, were mixed.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp

. Kankiten (Kangiten) 歓喜天 .
Ganesh, the elephant-headed deity of Hinduism


sozoo 塑像 clay statue
This is the greatest seated clay statue of Fudo Myo-O in the world.


- Amulets from the temple

交通安全ステッカー sticker for traffic safety

chigo mamori 稚児守り Amulet to protect small children at festivals

星座守り - Amulet of your birth star constellation

For the health, to prevent dementia and cancer and many more
ぼけ封じ守り / 癌封じ守り

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.acala.jp/kamitera

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. chigo 稚児 temple acolytes, children at festivals .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

元旦~7日 新年特別大護摩祈祷
1月第3土・日曜日 一日山伏修行
1/28 初不動
2月節分 星祭 - Star Festival
3月彼岸(中日) 春彼岸法要
3/28 不動尊春季大祭 Great Spring Festival for Fudo
4月第3日曜日 大般若祈祷
7/28 千巻心経会
8/15 大施餓鬼法要
8/15夜 少年山伏火渡り
9月彼岸(中日) 秋彼岸法要
10/28 不動尊秋季大祭 Great Autumn Festival for Fudo
11/15 七五三子育祈祷
11/23 大根炊き
12/28 納めの不動尊
12/30 大祓


- quote
Jitsue, Jitsu-E 実慧 (786–847)
A priest of the True Word (Shingon) school in Japan, also known as the Supervisor of Priests Hino’o or the Great Teacher Dōkō. He first studied the doctrine of the Dharma Characteristics (Hossō) school under Taiki of Daian-ji temple. When Kōbō, who was later to found the True Word school in Japan, returned from China to Japan, Jitsue became his disciple. He helped establish Kongōbu-ji temple on Mount Kōya and, in 823, moved to Tō-ji temple in Kyoto. Thereafter he founded Kanshin-ji temple at Hino’o in Kawachi Province.
He was regarded highly by the imperial court and revered as foremost among Kōbō’s ten major disciples.

His works are
The Orally Transmitted Teachings on Meditation on the Character a
(sanscrit a - - represents the vowel sound “ă”),
The Teachings Orally Transmitted to Hino’o, and The Treatise on the Diamond Realm.
- source : www.nichirenlibrary.org


- reference : www.tohoku36fudo.jp

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


nippon kichi

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Fudo - 日本吉 - NIPPON-KICHI - nipponkichi

A rich source of information about Japan.
Here is the collection about Fudo Myo-O: 不動明王
- source : nippon-kichi+fudo


高鍋大師 Takanabe Taishi - Takanabe Daishi

Takanabe Taishi is the generic name of about 700 stone Buddhist statues located in Takanabe-cho, Koyu-gun, Miyazaki Pref.
The statues were carved by Yasukichi Iwaoka (1889-1977), who devoted his half a lifetime to this feat. Distressed by a series of robbing of Mochida Kofun, Yasukichi turned over his family business to his son at the age of 40 and began to carve stone statues to console the souls of the ancient chieftains. In 1931, he obtained a part of land, where a group of kofun are located, and invited a stone workman from Usuki, Oita Pref. to learn how to carve statues.
The stone statues included the huge statues of Fudo Myoo, Inari Okami, Twelve Yakushi Nyorai, Juichimen Kanzeon (11-faced Kanzeon), Amaterasu Okami, Susanoo no Mikoto and various other small statues. Prayers, requiem and the feelings that people handed down since the ancient times are all embodied in these statues.
- source and many photos : japanvisitor.com... -

45 高鍋 legends to explore



. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- #nipponkichi #nippon-kichi -


Saiko-Ji Sendai

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Ootaki Fudo 大滝不動 Otaki Fudo at the Big Waterfall

Nr. 29 Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji - 大滝不動
Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji
Miyagi 宮城県 - 禅定の道場 zenjoo

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


Ōtaki-11 Akiumachi Baba, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi

秋保大滝 Akiu Great Falls

Akiu (Akiho) is a famous hot spring near Sendai with one of the famous huge waterfalls nearby.
The waterfall is about 55 m long and 6 meters wide.

Priest Ennin tried to built a temple at the mountain 長嶺山 near the waterfall, but could not succeed the first time. He continued his pilgrimage in Tohoku, toward the mountains of Dewa and in860 founded the famous Yamadera 山寺.
On the way back he was again stopped by the powerful energy of the waterfall and the forest and this time carved a statue of Fudo Myo-O himself. He established this temple as the "Oku no In" of Yamadera.

The Fudo Hall 不動堂 is on a cliff above the fall. Further down is a bridge over the river, 不動橋 Fudobashi .

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. Risshaku-ji (Ryushaku-ji) 立石寺 - Yamadera 山寺 .

- Chant of the temple

南無不動 功徳は世々にあらわれて 
みちびきたまえ 秋保大滝

Hail to Fudo !
May his charity prevail and lead us
at the Waterfall of Akiu

Legend knows that in 1770 a priest performed austerities here for 1000 days 千日籠り to pray that his mother would be healed. And the powerful energy of this area indeed helped to get her well.

- quote
Saiko-ji, or Takimotosan (Mt. Takimoto) as it is officially called, is regarded as the inner shrine of Risshaku-ji in Yama-dera, Yamagata Prefecture. It is said that the priest Jikaku Daishi (also known as Ennin) founded Risshaku-ji during his preaching tour around Tohoku in the Jogan Period (856-875 CE), after undergoing a rigorous course of religious training for a hundred days at Akiu Otaki (a waterfall) located right beside the current Fudo-do (hall dedicated to Fudo Myoo).

The temple features a huge bronze seated statue of Fudo-myoo which is 3.3 meters in height, 5.1 meters around the waist, 7.2 meters around the knees, and has flaming nimbus 5 meters high.

In 1828 (year 11 of the Bunsei era), after completing the statue of Fudo, saint Chisoku Shonin 知足上人 jumped into the waterfall, praying for all people to have their wishes come true. Since then many people have prayed to the statue to grant them their wishes. Right behind the Fudo-do is Akiu Otaki, which is designated as a national area of natural beauty.
The statue of Fudo is said to have been cast during the Edo period, when Chisoku-shonin rebuilt the temple.
- source : www.sentabi.jp/en


不動明王座像 Statue of the seated Fudo Myo-O

Look at more photos of the waterfall and the temple :
- source : www11.atpages.jp/ruisho


- CLICK for more photos !

- quote -
Akiu no taue odori 秋保の田植踊 rice-planting dance
Taue Odori (the rice planting dance) handed down in Akiu Town in Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, is a traditional folk performing art that is nationally designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property. It is said that the dance dates back to the 12th century, when the Heike refugees, who settled in the Nagafukuro area, began the dance to recall the good old days.
This rice planting dance
is danced by a large number of dancers. It is said that as many as from 50 to 60 dancers or over 100 at peak time joined the dance in the past. The dances are dedicated to Nagafukuro Myojin Shrine, Baba Otaki Fudo-do Temple and Yumoto Yakushi-do Temple from the middle of April to the beginning of May every year.
Two boys
taking a part of “Yajuro” appear on the stage followed by the two young boys taking a part of “Suzufuri (the bell men)” and give the prologue, after which the rice planting dance is performed by 8 to 14 girl dancers called “Saotome” in hope for a rich harvest in the coming fall.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp... -


- - - - - Pilgrim page of the temple
- source : www.tohoku36fudo.jp


- - - reference 西光寺 仙台 不動 - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Aoi blue green Fudo

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Aoi 青不動 blue / green Fudo

. Goshiki Fudo 五色不動明王 in Five Colors .  
- Introduction -

Sometimes AO is blue, like the blue mountains we see over there,
sometimes it is green, like in ao-ringo, green apples (the unripe fruit).
. aoi 青い blue and green .
- Introduction -


Me-ao 目青不動 blue (green) eyes of Fudo  

Kyoogakuin 教学院 Kyogaku-In

もとは港区麻布谷町(現:六本木)の勧行寺(または正善寺)にあったが1882 (明治15年)青山南町にあった教学院に移転。

- source : tencoo.fc2web.com/jinja


Aoi Fudo 青不動 blue (green) Fudo

source : facebook


Hanyain, Hannya-In 華香山 般若院 Hanya-In
Kyushu Fudo Pilgrimage, Nr. 02

福岡県福岡市南区大池1丁目3-15, Fukuoka
1 Chome-3-15 Oike, Minami Ward, Fukuoka

http://ojisanjake.blogspot.jp - Jake Davies


Kenzanji 剣山寺 Kenzan-Ji
Kyushu Fudo Pilgrimage, Nr. 49

The main hall of the temple is a big surprise. It's a Portakabin....., quite a large one for sure, but still its one of those temporary buildings that are dropped in to building sites.

Behind the portakabin are a couple of altars and a small man-made cave containing a Fudo Myo statue painted bright blue.

The rocks behind are painted with flames and its quite a quirky thing.
- source : Jake Davies

1239-6 Hiyoshicho Hioki, Hioki, Kagoshima
Visitors say the main statue of Fudo in the temple is sort of smiling, niko-niko ニコニコ and telling them to :
"Don't hurry, don't rush, take it slowly, you are just right the way you are"
- source : www.kyushyu88.com

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu Pilgrims - Fudo temples .


. Taikooji 太光寺 Taiko-Ji . - Hiroshima
seated statue


- MORE - 目青不動 -

- MORE - 青不動 -


. Green Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .
Most statues of green color are made from bronze (seidoo 青銅).


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Goshiki Fudo 五色不動明王 in Five Colors .  
- Introduction -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




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Teachings with Fudo Myo-O 不動明王

winning is a lesson
loosing is a lesson

everything in life
is a lesson

- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kensuzu21


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




left hand

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Fudo Myo-O and his left hand / arm

19 Characteristic Signs of Fudo Myo-O
不動十九観 / 不動十九相観

12 He carries a rope in his left hand.

. 19 Characteristic Signs of Fudo Myo-O .  

kensaku 羂索 rope - lasso - lariat - noose

- quote
Kensaku 羂索 or Kenjaku
安穏を得る. Achieves peace.
In addition to the 1000-Armed Kannon, other esoteric deities carry this object, including Fukūkenjaku Kannon (a multi-armed esoteric form of Kannon who carries a lasso to catch straying souls and lead them to salvation), and Fudō Myō-ō (the leader of the esoteric Mantra Kings, who holds a lasso to bind up the wicked or keep people from straying).
The lasso also represents the Precepts (need to give source) in some traditions.
- source : Mark Schumacher

遍照寺 Henjo-Ji, Kyoto

- quote
kenjaku 羂索
Also read kensaku, kenzaku; also saku 索.
A rope, made from five different coloured strands (blue, yellow, red, black and white). It often has a metal ring at one end, and one or more prongs, like a *kongousho 金剛杵, at the other.

Found as an attribute *jimotsu 持物 held by Buddhist deities including *Fudou Myouou 不動明王, *Fukuukenjaku Kannon 不空羂索観音, Kongousaku bosatsu 金剛索菩薩 and *Senju Kannon 千手観音.
In ancient India the kenjaku was used as a snare to capture animals, and it was adopted by Buddhism as a symbol of the salvation of mankind. A good example of a figure holding a kenjaku is the Fudou Myouou in Henjouji 遍照寺 (10-12c), Kyoto.
- source : JAANUS

CLICK for more photos !


standing figures show Fudo holding the rope up

source : www.biwako-visitors.jp

Temple 松尾寺 Matsuo-Ji
不動明王二童子像 (不動堂安置)Statue from the Kamakura period
滋賀県愛知郡愛荘町松尾寺873番地 874 Matsuoji, Aisho, Echi - Shiga

or hanging the rope down

source : www.town.kawai.nara.jp

Temple 定林寺
statue from hinoki wood, about 92 cm high.
奈良県北葛城郡河合町川合 468 Tachibe, Asuka, Takaichi District - Nara


source : rakuten.co.jp/naka


. Tooji, Tō-ji 東寺 Toji, To-Ji . - Kyoto

Here Fudo is holding a simple rope without any attachments on the ends.


His left hand is pressed to the hips.

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/youkenn1966 - 五体加持文

五體加持 / 五体加持 Gotai Kaji
(Prayer for the Body Parts)

. Fudo Myo-O and related Sutras 不動とお経 .


Sometimes Fudo uses both hands to hold his sword.

Fudo like a swordsman holding the sword in both hands
- source : Eisei Bunko Museum

. kenkaku, kenkyaku 剣客 swordsman Fudo .


Nr. 08 Ryuushooji 隆照寺 - 遍照山 Ryusho-Ji

- source and more photos : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp

What is the object Fudo is carrying here?

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples
Fudo Pilgrims in Kyushu .


A six-spoke wheel sometimes in his uphold left hand

hoorin 法輪 "wheel of the Dharma Law"

at a temple roof in Tibet


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Aikyo-In Miyagi

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Aikyoo-In 愛敬院 Aikyo-In
駒場滝不動尊 Komabataki Waterfall Fudo

滝入不動尊 / Komaba no taki 駒場の滝 Komaba Waterfall

30 愛敬院 本山修験宗 - 駒場滝不動尊 Komabataki Fudo
Aikyoo-In 愛敬院 Aikyo-In Komabazan 駒場山
Miyagi 宮城県 - 禅定の道場 zenjoo

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


981-2116 宮城県伊具郡丸森町字不動59
55-5 Kamidakinishi, Marumori, Igu District, Miyagi 981-2116

Located in the Abukuma Keikoku 阿武隈渓谷 ravine of the Abukuma National Park.
It is a temple of Shugendo and the Yamabushi 修験山伏.

The main statue is of Fudo Myo-O.

Chant of the temple

水清き駒場が滝の不動尊 守らせ給え人の世の幸

The temple is a sub-temple of the famous Monzeki 聖護院門跡 Shogo-In Monzeki, Nr. 18 of the
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in Kinki
近畿三十六不動尊巡礼 .


The statue of Fudo Myo-O has been carved by Jigaku Daishi more than 1100 years ago. He built the temple to protect the region from evil influence in the unlucky "Demon Gate" (鬼門 kimon) Northern direction. He carved the statue and placed it into a cave of the cliffs around the waterfall.
Since then the yamabushi have come here to practice in great numbers.

Even Minamoto Yoshitsune is said to have passed here on his travels up North to Hiraizumi. His strong retainer-monk Benkei 弁慶 on a horse is said to have jumped straight over the waterfall, the hooves of his horse are still to be seen.

The Nio-Mon gate 仁王門 has been build about 200 years ago by the local samurai Kikuchi Tahei 菊地太兵衛, who gave away all his riches and had the gate built for the well-being of all creatures, especially the farmers of this region. He spent many years praying at the waterfall. He then accused the malicious officials of the domaine and was taken to prison, where he died. But his voice was heared and the domaine revised its policy toward the poor farmers.
The Nio-Mon gate was finally finished in 1981.
The Nio statues were carved by the grandchild of Tahei, 法橋雲龍.

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 .
(794 – 864)

. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 and Benkei .
(1159 – 1189)


The temple sells amulets for all kinds of purposes.

Every month on the 28th, Day of Fudo, a special fire ceremony is held.

hashiramoto goma 柱源護摩
It brings the "flames of wisdom" 仏の智慧の火 to the participants, who write their wishes and hopes on a small piece of wood (gomagi 護摩木) which is burned in the flames.

In may there is also a ritual climb to the top of mount Ryoozen 霊山(りょうぜん)Ryozen - a volcano.
mine-iri 入峰修行.

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.d6.dion.ne.jp/~zenkou


- quote
Hashiramoto Jinpi hô shugen fire ceremony
Acting towards all the creatures, this rite shows the celestial and earthly principles that govern the universe. It demonstrates the beginning of comprehension of the union of all the principles in the universe. These pillars (hashira) are the "roots" that support the universe; the source (moto) union of the sky and earth, yin and yang.
This is a meditation on the universe in order to understand the secret mechanisms in an intelligent manner. It shows that water is the vital and basic principle of all life: sky and earth, male and female, are born of water then separate themselves and return to water. The beings, gyojas (practicing Shugen) are born of water.
The two sticks (nyumoku) covered with black fabrics that surround the central stick (covered in brocade) on the central altar, are these pillars showing the breath of life (helium and hydrogen), the father, the mother, the Yin and the Yang. This breathing is the feminine and the masculine sign is linked to water.

My body (the central pillar clothed in brocade) constituted of the five elements, is similar to the one of the universal Buddha Dainichi. The ritual is a certificate of this truth! The spatial universe inside the practitioners body is similar to the one outside of it.
The square altar (Goma) where the ceremony takes place is comparable to the letter A, the origin from which all things originate and where all returns. The SUIRIN, the receptacle where one places water, is where one will insert the three embedded pillars (the two black nyumoku and the Akka fuda of brocade), is the root of all the beings; the union of the two waters, sky and earth; father and mother, white water and red water. The two sticks Nyumoku are clothed of a fine fabric of black silk. If one removes this fabric, one discovers that the stick on the right carries the sanskrit letter BAN (Kongokai mandala, the thought mandala) meaning that the faithful ones advance towards the Buddha Dainichi and that the left one carries the letter A (Taizokai mandala, the mandala of the phenomenal world) meaning that the Buddha Dainichi himself cirlces about all beings.

The left stick is made out of willow. It represents the entry into the mountain which is held in the autumn and summer (Akki-No-mined), the direction of East, the goddess Izanami, the yin with its female aspect , red water, the interior of the temple, the ground (chi), the left side of the body.
The right stick is made out of chestnut wood and represents the asceticisms which proceed in spring (Aru-No-Mined), the Western direction, the father and the yang aspect, the shinto god Izanagi, the white, the dharma, the outside of the temple, the sky (ten) and the right-side of the human body.

This ritual retraces the creation of the universe creation with the big bang and follows to the essence of Dainichi! The universal being, the big bang, the expansion corresponding to an expiration (breathing out)… the person that practices this can go back to the source of the universe, that is Dainichi Nyorai himself. He can commune with the entire universe !

All the objects used in the ritual are metal, covered in gold. But one rediscovered in the province of Nigata had the objects made from enamelled wood. At the center, is located the SUIRIN of these three pillars. To the middle is the akka-fuda (brocade pillar) surrounded by the two Nyumoku (pillars of black silk).
The Suirin is a cylinder with an opening in the lid, so that the official can also pour water which will be taken using a long kind of spoon, which are held in two cylindrical containers, being in front of the suirin, and forms a triangle, the Akka-ki. Between the akka-ki is located a small cup containing whole rice, symbolizing ones own funerary ashes (the shari-ki). In front of the Shari is placed the scepter (vajra) with a single point (tokko-sho).
Behind the akka-ki are located the two cuttings, containing the eight leaves of a tree, the Sakaki, intended to be used as lotus seats to call and gather the invited divinities who will come and appear through fire. All these receptacles and cups rest on a removable rectangular lid(the danban).

To the left seat of the officiant is located a table where are set : The hand censer (égoro), the ko-katana (or Shibauchi / shibanagi) that serves to cut the strings securing the sticks to burn, the pairs of pliers to use in the fire (hibachi), the thirty-six big sticks of wood (danboku) that will be piled up on four levels above the brazier. While starting with the left, one will align four sticks vertically, then horizontally five others while beginning by the bottom.

Two leaves of Sakkaki will be used to invite the divinities to the banquet; and two small torches (taimatsu) to light the wood. Six packages of sticks (Suiboku) are to burn during the ceremony at precise moments, for a total of hundred eight sticks, representing the passions to sublimate. To right of the officiant are located the two Udégoro (or Hijigoro), sort of cylindrical staves of thirty-six cm of long and three centimeters of diameter (representing the Buddha himself); the ko-uchigi (two other much smaller staves in front of the Udégoro) of fifteen centimeters of long and 2.7 of diameter (representing the yamabushi that is officiating); a stick to hit the kettledrum; the Kasen (Hisen or Ogi) the cypress fan to stoke the fire and carry the words of the official to the Buddha.

The text in Japanese (Gamon and Hyobyaku) explains the goals of this ceremony. The conch (Horagai) is blown at the beginning and at the end of the ritual. Bewarned that this ceremony lasts for about 45 minutes and no second is idle!
- source : www.shugendo.fr/en


Aikyô Dôji, Aikyoo Dooji 愛敬童子 Aikyo Doji - one of the 15 attendants of Benten with bow and arrow.
He represents military class and also the god of love 敬愛和合.
His mantra is
おんぎヤぎヤりぎヤぎヤり そわか

He is also called Sekon Doji 施願童子.

. Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 .


During the Edo period travel along the river Abukumagawa 阿武隈川 was frequent and together with the tax rice Daruma dolls were shipped around.

. Abukumagawa 阿武隈川 .


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Hibutsu secret statues

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Hibutsu 秘仏 secret statues

Secret Buddha Statues are enshrined in special tabernacles called zushi 厨子 and are shown at regular intervals to the public. Some are shown every year, others every seven, seventeen, thirtythree or hundred years only. Some are never shown.
This can be a replica of the original hidden statue or a different one altogether.

Usually a substitute statue ("stand before it" maedachi 前立) is placed in front of this tabernacle and can be venerated in prayers at any time.

. hibutsu 秘仏 secret or hidden Buddha Statues .  
- Introduction -


不動明王の秘仏像 Secret Statues of Fudo Myo-O

. Hoozanji 宝山寺 Hozan-Ji / Ikomasan 生駒山 . - Nara

. Juurin-In 十輪院 Jurin-In . - Nara
..... 玉桂寺 Gyokei-Ji

. Kookenji 弘憲寺 Koken-Ji . - Takamatsu, Kagawa

. Koyasan, Namikiri Fudo 高野山 波切不動明王 .

. Myoorakuji 妙楽寺 Myoraku-Ji . - Chiba

. Saishoo In 最勝院 Saisho-In . - Hirosaki, Aomori

. 天長寺 Tenchooji 天長寺 Tencho-Ji . - Miyazaki

. Yokoyama Fudo 横山不動尊 .
..... Daitokuji 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji, Miyagi

. Zuigan-Ji 瑞巌寺, Godai-Do 五大堂 .
..... Matsushima松島, Miyagi


Kannon with 1000 arms 千手観音立像
and at her side (wakiji 脇侍) Fudo Myo-O
and Bishamonten
These statues are important cultural property 国重要文化財.
The statues are from the late Kamakura period.

These statues are shown once every 33 years, from October 17 to November 23.

Shoomyooji 正明寺 Shomyo-Ji
滋賀県蒲生郡日野町松尾 - Matsuo town, Shiga

The original temple was lost in a fire during the period of the warring states 戦国時代 (ca. 1467 - 1573). It was rebuilt in the Edo period. The Main Hall was relocated from the Imperial Palace 清涼殿 on the wish of emperor Gomizuno Tenno 後水尾天皇 (1596 - 1680)

- source : kanagawabunnkaken.web.fc2.com

- - - - - - - Other Fudo statues on this list of hibutsu

香川・出釈迦寺 Shukkeshaka-Ji - Kagawa
(Nr. 73 on the Henro Pilgrimage)

Kyoto 京都
神応寺杉山谷不動尊 Jinno-Ji, Sugiyama Fudo
Shoogo-In 聖護院門跡 Shogo-In Monzeki Imperial Temple
大蓮寺 Dairen-Ji  / Gokuraku-In 極楽院
青蓮院国宝  Shoren-In
Sanzenin 三千院 Sanzen-In - Konjiki Fudo 金色不動 

三重・常福寺 - Jofuku-Ji - Mie

大阪・金剛寺、 Kongo-Ji, 観心寺 Kanjin-Ji Osaka

金剛寺 Kongo-Ji

秘仏御開帳 - a long list
- source : kanagawabunnkaken.web.fc2.com


- reference -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- #hibutsu #hibutsufudo -