
Pendant and omamori


Pendant with KAAN 梵字ペンダント(不動のカーン)

Pendants of the seed syllable KAAN, for Fudo Myo-O.

Daruma Museum
Fudo Myo-O Pendant with Kan syllable カーン梵字ペンダントヘッド


For those born in the year of the rooster.

サイズ: 約11.5mm×19mm
材質: シルバー925(一部燻し仕上)
On Sale here



Special Cedar Wood from Okayaqma

(株)ストラップヤ ドット コム
250-0011 神奈川県小田原市栄町2-9-46オービックビル3F
(TEL) 0465-22-8064 (FAX)0465-22-8065


Bracelet (Rosary) with KAAN

親玉:水晶 約11mm
主玉:水晶 約8mm
Japan Art Memory TEL 03-3388-8266


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

source : rakuten.co.jp/rapanui


Chain with Silver Fudo

約 縦2.5cm×横1.5cm
バチカン 約 縦0.8cm×横0.1cm
不動明王 約 縦1.5cm×横0.7cm
チェーン長さ 約45cm

Copyright(C) 2005 G-victure


If you are looking for KAAN accessory, check ebay or yahoo auctions.

Copy this and enter it in the search box
hit 検索 to start the search.


Pendant with Fudo Myo-O ンペンダント

source : rakuten.co.jp/idea 510

Pendants with Fudo Myo-O


不動明王 お守り O-Mamori

CLICK For original LINK ...

CLICK for more photos

kootsuu anzen 交通安全 Kotsu Anzen
Road Safety, Traffic safety


Fine woodcarvings


Good Luck charm shields お守りシール

source : 有限会社 RayLand,Buddhirs (ブッディーズ)


不動明王 シール

CLICK for more photos !


. Yokoyama Fudo 横山不動 .
original O-mamoribukuro お守り袋 / Daitokuji 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji

. MORE to google :
O-Mamori Talisman with Fudo Myo-O


Mandala Pendant with Fudo Myo-O

Fudo Talismans (omamori) in this BLOG

. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 

Alphabetical Index of the Daruma Museum



Meaka Fudo


Me-aka Fudo, the Red-eyed Fudo 目赤不動

One of the Fudo with five different eye-colors of Edo. For LINKS, see below.
Temples to these five Fudo were constructed by the third Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu to protect the town of Edo.
Meaka Fudo was called as Akame Fudo before it was moved to Hon-Komagome 駒込. Iemitsu had the Meaka Fudo installed at Do-Zaka 道坂 on the way to his grounds for hawk hunting.

The color red was associated with the element fire.

Recapitulate the basics of the five colored Fudo.

Below is also the Red Fudo, Aka Fudo.


At Temple Nankoku-Ji 南谷寺





............................. More Japanese Links

目赤不動尊は、 もとは赤目不動尊と言われていた。 元和年間(1615~24) 比叡山の南谷(みなみだに)に万行律師がいて、 明王を尊信していた。ある夜、伊勢国(三重県)の赤目山に来たれとの夢見があり、赤目山に登り、 精進を重ねていた時、虚空から御声があって、一寸二部の黄金造りの不動明王像を授けられた。


寛永5年(1628)、 三代将軍家光が鷹狩りの途中、 立ち寄り、「御徳御尋になり由来を言上したところ、府内五不動の因縁を以て赤目を目赤と唱へる様にとの上意が」あり、 現在の地を賜った。

後に、寺院を建立して、智證大師作 不動明王を御前立に安置した。以後、目赤不動尊として、 「年を超え月を重ねて利益日々に著しく参拝の諸人絶えること」がない。 としています。

目赤不動 駒込浅香町にあり。伊州〔伊賀国〕赤目山の住職万行(まんぎょう)和尚(満行、?~一六四一)Priest Mangyo
Akame Fudo

. Mangyoo 満行 / 万行和尚 Priest Mangyo . .
満行大権現 Mangyo Daigongen / 満行権現 Mangyo Gongen
榛名大明神 Deity Haruna Daimyojin / Gunma


http://humsum.cool.ne.jp/hakusan.html 白山神社と赤目不動


Close to Nankoku-Ji, there is a temple with an Enbiki-Jizoo for drawing your good luck.


Aka Fudou - The RED FUDO 赤不動

The chief of the Five Great Myoo and the Eight Great Myoo.

He appears in wrath; vanquishes all evil and renders virtue, making trainees decide to attain enlightenment. He has the power to make people attain enlightenment with the wisdom of Buddha. He was called Fudou (immobile) because he never moves in the perfect spiritual state of concentration in fire, vanquishing all kinds of sins. He appears in a child style; hanging down a pigtail of hair over his left shoulder with his left eye shut thin sitting on the rock. He also holds a sword of wisdom in his right hand, a rope in his left subduing earthly desires of ordinary people.

There exists the iconography of Esoteric Buddhism in Giki (the book of secret ritual practice), however, many of them are created freely. He was attended by Kongara Douji and Seitaka Douji. Gurikara Fudou appears not in Myoo, but a dragon (Gurikara Myoo) coiling itself around the sword of wisdom thrusting on the rock and trying to swallow the sword from its top. The color of the skin of Fudou Myoo is generally the one of ditch mud's explaining that he saves ordinary people living in the indecency world, however, yellow, red, or blue Fudo Myoo are sometimes worshipped.
Copyright (C) 2005 KURITA TRADING CO.,LTD


aka Fudoo Myoo Oo 赤不動明王 Red Fudo

about 15 cm high
made by
. Bokuda Shuu-un 牧田秀雲 Bokuda Shu-Un .  


Meioo-In, Aka-Fudo, Red Fudo Temple
Adachi Ward, Tokyo
源為義の三男、帯刀先生(たてわきせんじょう)志田三郎義広が 創建したという古刹。


高野山別格本山 赤不動明王院 Aka-Fudo
Red Fudo at Myo-O-In, Mt. Koya

It was originally opened at the time Kukai founded Koyasan enshrining as a central deity and image of Godai Myoo. The image was lost to a fire in 1631, however, and presently there is enshrined a painting of a red Fudo Myoo said to have been painted by Chisho Daishi Encho. He used red mineral pigments mixed with his own blood.






Quted from Mark Schumacher:

(text courtesy JAANUS)

Literally "Red Youth." Also often called Kasuga Akadouji 春日赤童子.
A mysterious human figure said to have appeared on a rock immediately in front of the Kasuga 春日 Shrine gate. He often is shown as a youth, douji, colored red, aka, standing on a rock, and leaning on a staff. In certain poses both in paintings and in prints, Akadouji resembles Kongoudouji 金剛童子, one of the attendants of Fudou Myouou 不動明王.

His connection with Kasuga is obscure, but he has been identified with Ame-no-Koyane 天児屋根, the God of the Third Sanctuary there; with Jinushi gami 地主神, the land god; with a healer's helping spirit; and with a thunder god of Mount Mikasa 御蓋, which stands behind the shrine at Kasuga. Extant images date from the Muromachi to Edo periods.



Goshiki Daruma and Color Symbols 五色だるま ―色彩散歩 Gabi Greve

O-Fudo-Sama in Japan: Meguro Fudo Temple Gabi Greve

The Color Red in Japanese Mythology, by Mark Schumacher


painted in blood -
the Red Fudoo
speaks to my soul

Gabi Greve, 2004, January 28
Hatsu Fudoo


. 関東三十六不動霊場 - Nr. 13
Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto (Bando) .




Books about Fudo Myo-O


Books and articles about Fudo Myo-O 不動明王


不動明王 - 智慧と力のほとけすべて
下泉全暁 Shimoizumi Zengyo



- Gakken Kenkyu


. Fudoo shinkoo 不動信仰 Fudo Shinko
Believing in Fudo Myo-O .

Hisao Tanaka 田中久夫

- - - - - - - - - -

不動信仰事典 Fudo Shinko Jiten - Encyclopedia

Miyasaka Yuushoo 宮坂宥勝 Miyasaka Yusho (1921 - 2011)

READ it here :
- source : books.google.co.jp

不動信仰と民俗宗教——宮家 準

第1章 「不動信仰」入門
「不動信仰」七つのキーワード——編 集 部
不動信仰のあゆみ——インド・中国・朝鮮半島から日本へ——編 集 部
不動明王を説いた名僧たち——空海・円仁・円珍・覚鑁・文覚・明恵など——編 集 部
歴史上の不動信仰者——市川団十郎・二宮尊徳・乃木希典など——編 集 部

第2章 目で見る不動信仰
全国調査 不動信仰と不動講——編 集 部
能・狂言に見る不動明王——編 集 部
翻訳・解説「大日教」——編 集 部
道誉上人と謡曲「成田山」——旭 寿山 - Dooyo Shoonin / Doyo Shonin

第3章 研究成果を読む
弘法大師の密教 不動明王信仰を中心として——宮坂宥勝
後七日御修法と不動明王信仰 山折哲雄
江戸の不動信仰—目黒不動の場合— ——坂本勝成
成田山新勝寺の江戸出開帳について——小倉 博
修験道と不動明王信仰 越中大岩山日石寺とその周囲——菊池武
巡礼と現代 関東三十六不動霊場を中心として——中山和久


More books about Fudo Myo-O

source :  www.amazon.co.jp


MORE about books and items at amazon com japan
- source : www.amazon.co.jp - Japan

MORE about books and items at amazon com English


Fudo Myo-O (Acalanatha Vidyaraja)
in Art and Iconography of Japan by Sampa Biswas

Acalanatha Vidyaraja (Fudo Myo-o) by Massimo Claus

- source : www.amazon.com/s


- - - - - Articles - - - - -

Colello - David Colello, 2009
. Buddhism Deity .


Martial Arts: Defining Martial Concepts
Fudo: - The Concept of Immovability

By Christopher Caile

Fudo is a Japanese term often used in Buddhism, especially in Zen and Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyo) to represent a mental state -- one of immovability, not physically or literally, but in mind, one that is not captured, or moved, or dwells, or loiters on a thought or in a focus - a total unobstructed awareness and focus on everything, thus not moving with, or fixed upon something (limited by a focused attention).

In the martial arts the character "shin," meaning spirit, heart or will, is often added to the root "fudo" to become "fudoshin," a term meaning calm spirit, even when faced with danger, without fear or confusion, that does not dwell or become fixed on anything. This was the highest attainment of spiritual skill only attainable when the mind is totally focused on the totality of sensory input and free of thoughts and emotions - detached but aware and present. A related term "mushin" also is often used to mean "without mind" (not occupied by thought or emotion). (1)

Using the "fudo" root, other related terms include "fudo-chi," meaning immovable spirit or wisdom that can't be influenced, or confused, "fudotai" or immovable body, and "fudoshise" or immovable stance and "fudo-dachi" or "immovable stance" also sometimes referred to as a "preparation stance" (as in the initial and final stance in kata, one that allows the participant freedom of movement and action in any direction).

The concept of "Fudo" is also important to martial artists. The famous Zen priest Takuan in his famous three part treatise titled "Fudochi Shinmyoroku" ("The Mysterious Records of Immovable Wisdom") identifies Fudo-Myo-o attributes as they apply to Japanese (Samurai) swordsmanship. He notes the Fudo Myo-o's grasp of the sword in his right hand, his body standing firmly with mind immovable (detached and not distracted), looking at something but not stopping the mind during a flow of action or combat. He warned the Samurai against stopping the mind on a particular object, emotion or thought, noting that such stopping clutters (stops) the mind, something that curtailed the performance of technique.

The most famous Japanese swordsman known today is Miyamoto Masashi. He too was influenced by Fudo Myo-o. "Fudo" and its derivative concepts (noted above) represent a central concept in Masashi's strategy of combat (that reflect Takuan's tenets), (3) ideas he later encapsulated in his famous text on strategy, "The Book of Five Rings."

Even today many martial artists use Zazen (seated Zen meditation), chants (some derived from Esoteric Buddhism), and other to clear, fortify and purify the mind. Standing and/or meditating under a cold waterfall is another similar practice. Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, is famous for this practice (which he termed Misogi) of ritual purification. (4)

It should be noted, however, that in modern times most martial artists who use these practices do so to enhance their mental and spiritual discipline, and to clarity their awareness and mind, ends that are separate from any religion or religious doctrine.

Modern martial artists also express similar concepts of the immovable mind. Mas Oyama (founder of Kyokushinkai karate and one of my first karate teachers), for example, used to tell me that the ideal karate mind is that of a person who could walk through a burning building without fear -- a very Fudo Myo-o image.

Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura (founder of Seido Karate and my current karate teacher) has said that a true karate-ka must be present in the now, the present moment, totally absorbed in action, mind void of distraction (thought or emotion) and spirit supreme.

Author's Note:
Two other articles on FightingArts.com give practical advice related to the concept of "no mind." See: "Fighting Zen - How Meditation Can Enhance Your Fighting Skills" and is "Controlling The Flinch, The Blink and The Turn Away."

- - - Footnotes:
1-Mushin or "no mind" is also a very popular concept in Zen where meditation is used to free the mind of thought or emotions while simultaneously developing awareness, and focus, not on just one spot or image, but on everything perceived.

2-Few Samurai before the Edo period actually practiced Zen, although later it became popular.

3-Masashi is also noted for his brushwork and drawings, one being a remarkable 18 inch high wood carving he made of Fudo Myo-o. Masashi is also known for his practice of ritually purifying himself under ice cold waterfalls. There is no evidence, however, that Masashi actually practiced esoteric Mikkyo Buddhism in addition to his study of Zen, although he was influenced by Fudo Myo-o.

4-When I visited Ueshiba's summer retreat and dojo in Iwama, Japan in 1994 (later the home dojo of Seito Sensei), students talked about the waterfall in the nearby hills that Ueshiba has often used for this practice. _
- source : www.fightingarts.com/reading


Mack, Karen
The Dissemination and Popularization of Fudo Imagery from the 9th to 14th Century in Japan
(Kansas, S. Fowler, M. Haufler) - dissertation 2005





Miso Jizoo


Miso Jizoo, the Bean Paste Jizo みそ地蔵, ミソ地蔵, 味噌地蔵

There are various samples all over Japan.

The Bean Paste Jizo of 才蔵寺 Temple Saizo-Ji


There is a temple in Hiroshima, Higashiyama, where people bring a flat pack of miso (bean paste), put it on the head of a seated Jizo statue, say a prayer and then put it on their own head, to cure illness or pray for intelligence, to pass the school and university exams.
In the area here in Hiroshima, this Jizo is more popular than Sugawara Michizane, another deity venerated for passing school exams and promotion of learning.

The statue is in the temple Saizo-Ji, in honor of Kani Saizo, retainer of Fukushima Masanori and his deeds during the war at the beginning of the Edo period.

miso can be short for noomiso, the brain, and miso jizo is a play of sounds.

. Kani Saizō 可児才蔵 Kani Saizo .
Kani Yoshinaga 可児吉長 - - (1554 - 1613)

Read more about Fukushima Masanori in my library




Look at the many packs of miso paste, and one on the head of the statue.

Interview of Dai chan.




There are a few more photos on this link


The Miso Licking Jizo of the temple Yatadera
矢田寺 :「みそなめ地蔵」

A stone relief of about the size of one tatami.
A farmer's wife had problems with the taste of her home-made miso paste. At night she had a dream, where this Jizo appeared and said: If you past your bad miso on my mouth for me to taste, I will change the taste of it!

As she did so the next morning, the taste of her home-made miso improved greatly.
Now many women come here to smear a bit of miso around the mouth of this Jizo, when they make a new batch of the bean paste every year.


Miso Licking Jizo of Yonago

Way in the past, there lived an old priest and his young disciple in Yonago, in the temple Baioo-Ji. They decided to prepare some miso and boiled a large pot of soy beans. When the beans were boiled, the old greedy priest wanted to eat some right away, filled a big bowl with them and retreated to the temple toilet, a smelly place, to eat them in peace, because he thought nobody would detect him there.

The little disciple had the same idea, filled his bowl with beans and headed for the toilet, only to find it occupied by his head priest. The young one's face turned all red, since he felt discovered by his boss, and in a clever movement, streched his arms with the bowl toward the priest and said: "Here, Master, I brought you another bowl to taste."

To that day, it is custom when you have a wish granted, to go to the Jizo statue at this temple and smear some miso around his mouth. During the annual Bon festival, miso is also spread for this Jizo. On the 24th of August, the day of the "Jizo Bon (Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆", there is a large festival in honor of this Miso Jizo.



While looking for material about the Miso Jizo, I found a page about the relation of
Miso and Budda Statues.

The habit of spreading miso sauce around the head and especially the mouth, to have a "Licking Jizo" is found in some other places.


Miso Jizo of Hiroshima

Licking Miso Jizo of Koofu

Spreading miso for eye diseases and Jizo

Licking Miso Jizo (Grandpa and Grandma)
Temple Tenkei-Ji at Numada Town
You spread miso on the part of a stone Jizo, which corresponds to the part of your body which hurts. This Jizo is especially well known for healing tooth aches.


Spreading Miso on Bishamon Ten at Narushima

参考資料はこちら:   みそ文化誌

The Bishamonten Hall at Narushima 味噌奉納堂



There is even a brand of real miso, called "Jizo Miso 地蔵味噌".



Read Mark Schumacher about Jizo Bosatsu .


Karasudate Fudo Myo-O 烏舘不動明王
Near Iwaki, Fukushima

His great festival is in autumn, September.
People come to pray for healing their eyes.
Water for healing the eyes: Kichijoozui 目に効く名水「吉祥水」.
After the festival, people are offered
miso balls ( みそ団子miso dango).


Kannon Miso 観音みそ
At the Kannon Temple Nr.31 in Chichibu
There are more thsn 14000 statues of Jiso Bosatsu for children in the temple grounds.

There is a teahouse on the way, Kannon Chaya 観音茶屋 , where they sell a special Kannon Miso.
It is made by hand from a recipe which the owner had learned from her grandmother, who had learned it from her grandmother.
It comes in variuos flavors, with yuzu citron, sesame or walnuts or hot with chilies. And also a "Miso for mountain ascetics" (gyooja miso 行者みそ ).


WASHOKU ... Japanese Food - - - TOP

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .





Aizen Myo-O


Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 Aizen Myō-ō

C: http://www.sakai.zaq.ne.jp/piicats/aizen.htm

Read Mark Schumacher about Aizen in English.

Since the Heian period the most well known Myo-O beside Fudo.
He is considered an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, Kongoo Satta, Kongoooo and Kongooai Bosatsu.

In the Shingon sect he is venerated in special ceremonies, Aizenhoo 愛染法、Kyooaihoo 敬愛法.


- quote
Myoo identified with Dainichi Nyorai or Kongou Satta; The main vow is love and compassion; embodies the perfect state of spiritual concentration leading " Eearthly desires are spiritual awakening. For that, his countenance is full of wrath and violence, however, he has the original vow of great love in his mind.

He has three eyes and six arms carrying various weapons. The three eyes give the achievement of Buddha to common people of the three worlds. The body is red carrying flame of the sun on his back; vanquishes illusions. His hairs are being stuck violently with wrath, and he is carrying a fluke with five hooks over his head; gives health and wealth.

Tenkyu aizen-Myoo
This deity is more popular these days among people because of the meaning of Kanji letter "Aizen" which means "dyed with love". He has an arrow aimed at the Heaven.
(tenkyuu aizen 天弓愛染)

Ryoto aizen-myoo
The another transformation of Aizen Myoo. Aizen Myoo and Fudou Myoo are Combined together holding their both head, meaning the both Myoo.
(ryootoo Aizen 両頭愛染)

Copyright © 2005 KURITA TRADING CO.,LTD

With links to more Myo-O figures.

. ryootoo Aizen 両頭愛染 Ryoto Aizen with two heads .
Look at more photos here on my page.


Aizen on a horse

Nichiren is recording the formal visitation of Aizen and Fudo
Dated the 25th day of the 6th month of the 6th year of Kencho (1254).
Newly authenticated and added to the Gohonzonshu in the 1999 edition.


C: Great link about Goma Ceremonies:



敬愛法(愛染明王) (きょうあいほう)Kyooaihoo

おん まからぎゃ ばさら うしゅにしゃ ばさら さた(と)ば じゃくうんばんこく 

密教の五種法、息災・増益・敬愛・調伏・鉤召のうち「敬愛法」(きょうあいほう) がもっとも広範におこなわれたようです。 敬愛法には、「出世間法」と「世間法」の二法あります。 平安貴族や皇族の中には、出世のために相手を殺すような呪術として利用したものも あるようです。しかし、一般的には「夫婦の不和の修復や、かなわぬ恋愛の成就、衆人 からの敬愛の獲得などを願って修されたようです




C: 詳しいことはこちら:


- quote
Aizen Myo’o (King of Lust)
Ragaraja, Buddhist Lord of Passion, traveled from India to Japan, where he transformed into Aizen Myo’o, venerated by Japan’s esoteric Buddhist sects as King of Love, Lust, and Desire, patron of erotic love and sacred sexuality. He helps convert earthly, physical desires into transcendent love and spiritual awakening.

Aizen Myo’o is King of Lust because he helps control it, explore it, or transform it into enlightenment. He is petitioned for assistance with the physical and emotional frustrations of suppressed sexuality. Aizen Myo’o is revered as patron of gay love, but he may be invoked for assistance with any kind of love or romance, including self-love.

Aizen Myo’o has three eyes, six arms, and either one or two heads (with three eyes per head). He wears a crown with a Shishi dog over his wild hair.
- source : shop.hauntedcuriosities.com


source : facebook



kigo for mid-summer

Aizen matsuri 愛染祭 (あいぜんまつり) Aizen festival
..... Aizen mairi 愛染参(あいぜんまいり)Visiting the Aizen temple
Shooman mairi 勝鬘参(しょうまんまいり)visiting temple Shoman-in
Shooman-e 勝鬘会(しょうまんえ)

Festival in honor of Shotoku Taishi, at the temple Shooman-in 勝鬘院, in Osaka.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference : Shoman-In Aizendo


- source : facebook butsuzoo


Aizen (Raagaraaja, Ragaraja)
Seit der Heian-Zeit nach Fudoo am besten bekannter Myôô in Japan.
Inkarnation des Dainichi Nyorai, Kongoo Satta, Kongoooo und Kongooai Bosatsu.
Sutra: Yugikyoo (Suutra of all Yogas and Yogiis of the Pavilion with the Vajra-Top)

In der Shingon-Sekte in der Zeremonie "Aizenoohoo" verehrt.
Aizen repräsentiert die Reinen Gefühle, die Reine Liebe.
Er wandelt die irdischen Leidenschaften der Menschen direkt in die rechten Gefühle eines Bosatsu um.
In der Tachikawa-Sekte des Shingon spielt er eine besondere Rolle in den verschiedenen Zeremonien.

Äußerlich furchterregender Gesichtsausdruck, aber er plant immer nur die Erlösung der Menschen von ihren verderblichen Leiden~schaften. Er verwandelt die verschlingende Liebe in die Reine Liebeskraft des religiösen Herzens um. In der Edo-Zeit die Schutzgottheit der käuflichen Damen im Yoshiwara-Viertel.
Da er Waffen in den Händen hält, wurde er von den Samurai besonders verehrt.

Es gibt auch einige Mandalas, in denen Aizen die Zentralfigur ist.
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung über Aizen Myoooo findet sich bei Goepper (4).

Roter runder Nimbus mit Flammen oder spezieller Nimbus aus drei Kreisen oder einem großen Kreis, der die Sonne symbolisiert.
Rote Körperfarbe als Ausdruck der Leidenschaften.

Einen Kopf, drei Augen, sechs Arme. Krone mit einem Löwenkopf, über dem auch ein Haken mit fünf Spitzen (gokokoo) sichtbar sein kann.

In den Händen:
Donnerkeil-Glocke, Donnerkeil mit fünf Zacken, Lotusblüte, Pfeil, Bogen u.a.
Die Gegenstände in den Händen beziehen sich auch auf verschiedene esoterische Zeremonien, bei denen Aizen eine Hauptrolle spielt.
In den linken Händen trägt er die Gegenstände der Lehre, also machmal auch das wunscherfüllende Juwel (Gebet um Glück) oder ein Sonnenrad (Gebet um Schutz des eigenen Leibes).
Selten mit drei Köpfen.
Mit Pfeil und Bogen als Gottheit der Liebe.
Nur sitzende Statuen auf einem Lotussockel. Unter dem Sockel eine Vase (kenbyoo), aus der alle Schätze fließen.

Besonders Statuen:
Aizen mit dem Himmlischen Bogen (tenkyuu Aizen)

Aizen mit einem Bogen mit aufgelegtem Pfeil zum Himmel gerichtet "als würde er auf die Helligkeit aller Sterne zielen" [Goepper (4)]. Daher auch frei als "Der nach den Sternen zielende Aizen" (shatenzoo) übersetzt.
Der Bogen wird hoch über dem Kopf gehalten.
Insgesamt sechs Arme. Mittlere Hände mit Donnerkeil und Donnerkeil-Glocke. Eine rechte Hand mit Lotusblüte.

Eine der linken Hände hält manchmal einen abgeschnittenen Kopf.
Möglicherweise eine Version des indischen Liebesgottes Kama bzw. des römischen Cupid.

Fünf Finger großer Aizen
(goshiryoo Aizen 五指量愛染)

「瑜祇経」の愛染王の印に、「五股(鈷)の印」があります。  東寺に伝えられた最極の秘印だったそうです。   ここでは、梵字が書けませんので、音だけです。 短の「ウン」、重の「ウン」 

Look at the statue here / 写真はこちら

県立金沢文庫主任学芸員 永井晋


- quote
Aizen, Mantra-König der Liebe
Aizen Myōō wird oft schrecken­er­regender als Fudō dar­gestellt. Erkennbar an seiner feuer­roten Haut­farbe und an Pfeil und Bogen (neben anderen Waffen) kann er bis zu sechs Arme und Beine besitzen. Auch er erfuhr vor allem im esoterischen Bud­dhis­mus große Ver­ehrung. Sein Name bedeutet zwar wörtlich „Mantra-König der Liebe“, doch bedeutet das lediglich, dass er die irdischen Leiden­schaften der Menschen in die rechten Gefühle eines Bosatsu verwandelt — und das mit seinen Methoden.

Wie die meisten anderen Myōōs (außer Fudō) dürfte Aizen mit dem Rück­gang des esoterischen Buddhismus in der Edo-Zeit an Bedeutung verloren haben und ist daher heute ver­hältnis­mäßig wenig bekannt. Doch noch in der Edo-Zeit fühlten sich Liebende — oder die, die mit der Liebe handelten — zu ihm hingezogen. Er galt zu dieser Zeit als der Be­schützer der Geishas in Yoshiwara, dem Freudenviertel von Edo.
- source : www.univie.ac.at/rel_jap - Uni Wien


Aizen mit zwei Köpfen (ryoozu Aizen, ryootoo Aizen)
Einer der Köpfe ist Fudo Myo selbst.

Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who,
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie von japanischen Buddhastatuen

by Gabi Greve 1994


