Fudo from Museum Collections 不動明王
Los Angeles County Museum

A hibitsu or “secret Buddha” is a temple statue, not necessarily of the Buddha, that is shown rarely or not at all. Cultures around the globe have religious art intended to be displayed on special occasions.
Japan takes this universal idea to chronological extremes. Some hibitsu are shown only every 7 years, or 33 years, 0r 60 years. In a few cases they have been made with the intention of never being displayed at all. LACMA’s new Fudo Myoo: The Indomitable Foe of Evil (about 1125), a gift of Irene Christopher, Scott M. Delman, and the 2012 Collectors Committee may be one of these rarely-seen objects.
source : blogs.artinfo.com/lacmonfire
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- source : facebook

This statue of "Fudo Myoo," from Japan's Kamakura period (1185-1333),
is part of the exhibit "Masterpieces of the Mary Briggs Burke Collection,"
opening at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art Tuesday. The exhibit showcases the biggest and most comprehensive private collection of Japanese art outside Japan.
source : www.tribuneindia.com, March 2000
MOA - Museum of Art - Atami
静岡県熱海市桃山町26-2 / 26-2 Momoyama Atami Shizuoka
Fudo Myo-o (Acalanatha) and Two Attendants

This is a rare picture because besides the two child attendants who usually accompany him, Fudō-myō-ō is trampling down two figures under his feet. In this work, details of the furious face of Myō-ō and the pattern of the garments are superbly expressed and the well-proportioned composition shows the grandeur of Buddhist art.
- source : moaart.or.jp -
Tokyo National Museum 東京国立博物館

Standing Fudo Myo-o (Acalanatha) Heian Period
- source : www.tnm.jp/modules -
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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
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