
Rakuten Shopping

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【楽天市場】Shopping is Entertainment !

Rakuten Shopping Mall
- source : rakuten.co.jp/search/mall


source : rakuten.co.jp/auc-bootogoo
made by 渡辺景秋 Watanabe (Kageaki) Keishu

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. Watanabe Keishuu 渡辺景秋 Watanabe Keishu .
Modern Sculptors Gallery


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




yoroi armour

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yoroi Fudoo 鎧不動 Fudo on and in armour

yoroi 鎧 suit of armour
The pride of a samurai, with special decorations to distinguish him from others on the battle field.

- wikipedia -

ō-yoroi, oo-yoroi 大鎧 "great armour"
. yoroi 鎧 armour, armor of a samurai .  
- Introduction -

. kabuto 兜 / 冑 / かぶと helmet
and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .


source : www.1059do.com/Ashikaga-Takauji

Fudo Myo-O on the breast plate of the armour of Ashikaga Takauji

. Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏 .  


source : www.ningyounoyamakawa.com

Fudo on the tsurubashirigawa 弦走韋 leather part of the breast plate
for a modern doll for the Boy's Festival in May.
Fudo Myo-O is used as a talisman against evil 魔除け (mayoke).


source :mbp-kobe.com/hukujungo


- breastplate made by Myochin


CLICK for more photos !


不動明王火焔前立 ー 甲冑具足鎧兜武田不動
- source : yoroikabuto1.blog.jp/archives -


. yoroi Fudo 鎧不動 "Fudo in armour" .
and Takeda Shingen 武田信玄, Yamanashi


- quote
Edo Katchu 江戸甲冑 Warrior Armor from Edo

■ Traditional Technologies and Techniques
1- Edo Katchu (warrior armor) helmets (called kabuto) are comprised of two parts, the hachi (the helmet bowl) and the shikoro (the nape-guard).
2- 鉢づくり The hachi can be made in one of two ways. The first method is riveting together numerous pie-shaped metal plates to form the helmet bowl. The second method involves shaping the helmet bowl by beating metal to conform to a rounded armorer's last.
3- 錏 / 錣 Shikoro production commences with numerous layers of Japanese paper being laid over one another. Rows of kozane (armored scales) are then prepared and laid over the paper backing. A single kozaneita 小札 (row of armored scales) is comprised of numerous individually-placed kozane.
4- Kozaneita are joined to one another both above and below using laces made of leather or chord. The lacing methods are called odoshi 威. One method called kebiki odoshi 毛引き威し is full lacing whereby a single lace is horizontally threaded without gaps through all the kozane on a single kozaneita. Another method called sugake odoshi 素懸威し is sparse-point lacing that creates a diamond pattern.

■ Traditionally Used Raw Materials
The following materials are traditionally used when manufacturing Edo Katchu: brass, copper, steel, washi (traditional Japanese paper), leather (deer, goat, pig, cow, horse), silk cord, cotton cord

■ History and Characteristics
The Boys' Day Festival 端午の節句 is one of long-established traditions, it being an occasion that celebrates the healthy growth of male children.

According to existing historical records, in the "Shoku Nihongi," an imperially-commissioned history written during the Nara Period (710-794), there is reference to a Boys' Day Festival being celebrated in the court of the Emperor Shomu in the year 733.

In those days, it is said that a ceremony called Umayumi 騎射 was conducted to sweep away evil. Prayers were also offered for the peace and safety of the Emperor's realm.

Around the middle of the Edo Period (1603-1868), in celebrating the hope that male children would develop into strong and healthy individuals, it became popular to place dolls adorned in military dress in the home. Overtime, this tradition changed into the unique practice of simply displaying Katchu (sets of warrior armor) in the home.

In contemporary society, Katchu sets are displayed with yumi 弓 (bows), tachi 太刀 (swords), jingasa 陣笠 (ancient soldier's hats), fukinagashi 吹流し (wind socks) and kagaribi かがり火 (watch fires).
yoroi kabuto 鎧、兜 armour

Tokyo Hina Doll Manufacturing Association
- source : www.sangyo-rodo.metro.tokyo.jp

. Traditional Crafts of Tokyo and Edo .

bugushi 武具師 making armor and weapons
mostly swords, bows and arrows.
. katchuushi 甲冑師 / busokushi 具足師 making Yoroi suit of armor .
yoroizaiku 鎧細工

. Edo craftsmen and artisans 江戸の職人 .


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Kannon-Ji Adachi

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Kannon-Ji 観音寺 Adachi
Saitama Town さいたま市北区日進町2-1003満福寺

- quote

- source : keyakihiroba.cocolog-nifty.com

. 足立百不動 100 Fudo Temples in Adachi .  
- Introduction -

. hengaku 扁額 temple name plate .


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Shuzen-Ji Shizuoka

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Shuuzenji 修善寺 Shuzen-Ji
静岡県伊豆市修善寺964 - 964 Shuzenji, Izu-shi, Shizuoka

- quote
Shorosan Shuzenj
Main object of worship: Statue of Dainichi Nyorai

One of the oldest structures in eastern Japan, the Temple dates from some 1200 years back. Priest Kukai (774-835), a great priest in Japanese Buddhism (see Heikenji for details), was once travelling across the country for missionary work, and stopped by this lonely village. Local people was greatly moved with his religious teachings and magical powers he performed. Tradition runs that while the Priest was staying here, he encountered with a boy and his sick father in the riverbed near the Temple. The boy was washing father's body with river water. Sympathizing with them, the boy in particular for his filial piety toward the father, Priest Kukai, who was believed to be endowed with miraculous power, approached them and tapped his Tokko (also called Dokko), or a ritual bell with a single-pronged handle, on a rock in the riverbed. Then, suddenly hot water gushed out. The father bathed in the warm water and could cure his sickness. The Tokko turned out to be a magic wand.

This is the origin of the hot springs in Shuzenji district, so the folklore goes. Today, there is a roofed compartment on the riverbed near the Temple called Tokko-no-yu, where the Priest is said to have met the boy and his father. It is now a major tourist attraction in Shuzenji town and hot water is still welling up.
. . .
Hiking Trail to Oku-no-in Temple

- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp

. Kobo Daishi, Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .


- - - Daruma Stone - - -

source : Makoto on facebook


about 127 cm high, from top to bottom 195 cm
It has the robe hanging over the right shoulder, which is quite seldom for a Fudo statue.

Most probablyl made by monk 善無畏三蔵 Senmui Sanzo, when he tried to ward off monsters and goblins of the region with fire riutals.
Shuzenji goma 修禅寺護摩

Shuzenji Temple was built in 807 AD.
Legend has it that the famous Saint Kobo and his disciple founded the temple while traveling around Japan. While Kobo Daishi (Saint Kobo) stayed only temporarily, his disciple Korin Taitoku stayed and built up a small Shingon temple called Fukuchizan Shuzen Bannnanzenji; the origin of present day Shuzenji temple.

Shuzenji Temple’s proprerties were far more extensive than today. The entrance to the temple ground was once by Yokose near the present day red bridge (Shuzenji-Bashi). Eight satellite temples once surrounded the main temple, echoing the style of the Shingon mandala in which eight Buddhisatvas surround the main Buddha “Dainichi Nyorai”. The last of these satellite temples disappearered about 100 years ago.

During the time of Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333), the Hojo clan dominated Japanesse political power. The first shogun Yoritomo had married Hojo Masako, and after the shogun’s death, his widow’s relatibes became the shogunate’s regents, and thereby the Izu Peninsula, they firmly controlled the Shuzenji area. Shuzenji Temple was the most important temple in their territory. For this reason, some important political rivals or enemies were exiled to Shuzenji Templ. In some cases they were also murdered there.

In 1193, the shogun Minamoto Yoritomo (whose wife was of the Hojo clan) had his brother Minamoto Noriyoriexiled to Shuzenji on suspicion of treason. Noriyori lived in a satellite temple of Shuzenji Temple called Shinkoin, once located below the present-day Hiei Shrine. He was attacked and killed there in 1193 or 1194.

In 1203 the second shogun Minamoto Yoriie (1182-1204) was exiled to Shuzenji Temple. He had been too young to be a responsible ruler, and when he became seriously ill, all his countries had been confiscated. All actual power came to be held by his grandfather Hojo Tokimasa who planned a rebellion against his maternal relatives, the Hojo’s together with his father-in-law of the Hiki clan. The plan was discovered, the Hilki clan was crushed and Yoriie was forced to abdiccate and was exiled to Shuzenji Temple. He was murdered in or near the temple on July 18, 1204 at the age of 22. It is said that Yoriie’s bathwater was poisoned, causing his death. A wooden mask of a red contorted face is in Shuzenji Temple’s museum. It is said that this is was Yoriie’s carved death mask.

After Yoriie’s death, his mother Hojo Masako commissioned various sutras, statues and a shrine to help her son’s soul find repose, and perhaps out of remorse for probable collaboration in ordering his murder. It is said that she commissioned Shuzenji Temple’s main statue of Dainichi Nyorai, made by the famous sculptor Jikkei in 1210 for Yoriie’s sake.

In 1275, Shuzenji Temple's domination was changed from Shingon To Rinzai Buddhism, supposedly in honor of the famous Chinese Rinzai monk Rankei Doryu. Rankei Doryu came to Japan in1246.He worked to establish and spread Zen Buddhism in Kamakura. He gained the support and respect of the shogunate's regent Hojo Tokimune.When Genghis Khan's Mongolia armies threatened Japan around 1274, Rankei Doryu was suspected of spying and was exlited to Shuzenji Temple. He was later found to be innocent and released. After leavibg Shuzenji Temple, he developed Rinzai Zen theory while living as a hermit on a mountainside for 20 years, Shuzenji Temple reminded a Rinzai temple for 243 years.

In 1361,a fuedal lord of Izu, Hatakeyama Kunihiko rebelled against the shogunate. He was defeated and took refuge in Shuzenji castle was set on fire; the fire spread to Shuzenji Temple, destroying it.

Shuzenji Temple was rebuilt, but in 1407 another fire broke out, destroying the main building completely.

The temple was rebuilt by Hojo Soun in 1489. Hojo Soun was feudal lord in Nirayama. He donated much land and money to the temple. He invited his uncle, the Soto Zen master Ryukei Hanjo-Zenji to become its abbot. Since then, Shuzenji Temple had belonged to the Soto school of Buddhism.

A number of famous Japanese writers have come to Shuzenji, visited Shizenji Temple, and were inspired by its history. in 1910, the famous writer Natsume Soseki also came to Shuzenji and wrote "Shuzenji Diary". The famous Kabuki playwright Okamoto Kido was inspired by his visit to Shuzenji in 1911. He wrote the Kabuki play called "Shuzenji Monogatari" which is based on the story of Minamoto Yoriie's tragic death. Shimaki Kensaku visited Shuzenji in 1944 and wrote the essay "Red Frog", which is about the stories of Shuzenji.

Many monks used to live and train in Shuzenji Temple. About 60 monks still lived in the temple about 100 years ago. The monastery was closed about 20 years ago when their number dropped to less than 10.
- source : shuzenji-temple.com/english

- Homepage of the temple Fukuchizan 福地山 修禅寺
- source : shuzenji-temple.com -


- quote
Hōjō Masako 北条 政子, (1156 – August 16, 1225)
was the eldest daughter of Hōjō Tokimasa by his wife Hōjō no Maki, onna-bugeisha and the first shikken, or regent, of the Kamakura shogunate. She was the sister of Hōjō Yoshitoki, and was married to Minamoto no Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura period. She was also the mother of O-Hime, Minamoto no Yoriie and Minamoto no Sanetomo, the second and third shoguns.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : facebook

toohatsu bonji mandara 頭髪梵字曼荼羅
Mandala of her own hair
源頼朝の一周忌 made for the first anniversary of the death of her husband
. Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝 .
(May 9, 1147 – February 9, 1199)


. Shizuoka Folk Art - 静岡県  .

mugikara saiku 麦稈細工 / mugiwarazaiku 麦藁細工 
craft from wheat straw

source : marik0

It started at the beginning of the Showa period, when a craftsman from Hyogo settled in town.
He dyed straw in colorful ways and made animals and small boxes.

harizaiku 貼り細工 sticking on with glue
amizaiku 編み細工 braiding


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Mizukiri Fudo

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Mizukiri Fudoo 水切り不動 Mizukiri Fudo,
the "Water Cutter"

People pray to him when a wild river gets even wilder during heavy rainfall.


The stone Buddhas of Moriya Sadaji 守屋貞治.
Stone Mason (1765 - 1832)
He became an apprentice of the craft when he was 15 and became independent at around 20. He worked until his end, when he was 68. He made more than 340 stone statues.

The wild river Mibugawa 三峰川, a trubutary to the Tenryugawa 天竜川, which flows from Nagano to Shizuoka, was flooding regularly during strong rain periods.
So to appease the spirit of the river, this Mizukiri Fudo was built.

1824 Takatomachi Nishitakato, Ina, Nagano 396-0211


The statue at Takatomachi, Katsuma is 1.5 m high and has been made by the stone mason of the village、Moriya Sadaji 守屋貞治.

There is also a normal Fudo statue by Sadaji at Komachiya, Komagane, Nagano 駒ヶ根 - 小町屋

- Look at many of his stone statues here
- source : www.isinohotoke.net

Fudo overlooking the valley

- source : shigeru.kommy.com/moriyateiji


- quote
Shishigatani Mizukiri Fudo

- source : hamadra.jugem.jp


There is a town at Shishigatani Fudoyama 鹿ケ谷不動山
Shishigatani Fudoyamacho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture

There is a pilgrimage to 12 temples dedicated to Myoken.
At temple 円成山霊鑑寺 Reigan-Ji there is also a statue of Fudo Myo-O beside the Myoken statue.
Shishigatani no Myooken san 鹿ケ谷の妙見さん

This temple for nuns was build in 1652 for the daughter of Gomizuno-O Tenno 後水尾天皇 and is one of the Monzeki temples of the Imperial Family in Kyoto.
People call it Tani Gosho 谷御所 "Honorable place in the Valley"

Shishigatani Goshonodancho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto
- source : www.eonet.ne.jp/~jyunisimyouken

. Myoken Bosatsu 妙見菩薩 .
and Star Shrines, Hoshi Jinja 星神社


- source : Takatoshi Goto - facebook

Izurusan Mangan-ji temple in Tochgi
出流山 満願寺 - 栃木県栃木市出流町288
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.idurusan.com

- quote
Manganji temple is the seventeenth temple in the Bando (33 Kannon temples of kango region) pilgrimage circuit.
- source : templesofjapan.com/Manganji

. Soomen Jizoo そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo .
with a legend from Mangan-Ji


Some sources say there is a mizukiri Fudo in Meguro, Tokyo, but this is maybe a mix-up with
mizukake Fudo, a statue where you can throw water on it and make a wish.

. Meguro Fudo Temple 目黒不動 .


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



Konjiki Golden Fudo

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Konjiki Golden Fudo 金色不動明王
The upgraded version of a yellow Fudo 黄不動.

Praise to the Golden Fudo !
Namu Konjiki Fudo Myo-O 南無金色不動明王

. Chishoo Daishi 智證大師 Enchin - Enchin 圓珍 / 円珍 .  
(814 - 891)

under construction

at temple Enman-In Monzeki 円満院門跡 / 圓満院
滋賀県大津市園城寺町33, - 33 Onjojicho, Ōtsu, Shiga

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.enmanin.com

This Fudo helps to bring your wish about a good future to become true.

After a fire ceremony each month on the 28,
special "Fudo Rice Gruel" 不動粥 Fudogayu is offered to the participants.
The rice is offered to the statue since the evening of the 21st and then used to prepare the gruel on the 28th.

On the 28th of January special rituals are held to pray for the health of the imperial family and the wellbeing of the Japanese Nation.

- quote - June 2009
Enman-in temple (圓満院) in Otsu went on the auction block held by the Otsu District Court. It went to the highest bidder for 1.07 billion yen on May 26, 2009. The winning bidder is a religious group in Koka, Shiga.
What makes this highly unusual is that the temple includes a Japanese garden and Shinden hall designated as Important Cultural Properties. The temple was established in the 12th century. The Shinden hall was moved from the Kyoto Imperial Palace in 1647.
The temple has had major financial problems with its cemetery business.
- source : shiga-ken.com/blog

近畿36不動尊の第25番霊場 Nr. 25 of the 36 Kinki Fudo Temples
. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

. Rice gruel (kayu粥) and Rituals .


. Miidera 三井寺(園城寺) Mii-dera .

kenponchakushoku Fudoo Myoo-Ooo 絹本著色不動明王像
silk-based colored painting of Fudo Myo-O
Yellow Fudo from Mii-dera

national treasure 秘宝
- source : www.47news.jp/localnews


Sanzenin 三千院 Sanzen-In - Konjiki Fudo 金色不動

konjiki fudoo cha 金色不動茶 "Tea of Golden Fudo"


CLICK for more photos !

Sankoji 三鈷寺 Sanko-Ji "temple of the three-pronged vajra"
西山宗本山 - high up in the mountains above Western Kyoto
1323 Oharano Ishizukuricho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto - Sankoji
- adjacent to temple Yoshiminedera

founded by saint 西山上人 Seizan Shonin of the Jodo sect
Kamakura period, around 1777

The temple houses a 金色不動尊 konjiki Fudo son made from wood.

- A temple for pilgrims
Nr. 12 on the pilgrimage for 16 temples in honor of Seizan
- source : www.sankoji.com

- source : 西山国師遺跡霊場

Fudo holding a sword with a three-pronged vajra
- source : tetsuwanco.exblog.jp


. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

33 . 秋嶠山 地蔵院 妙法寺 - 金色不動尊 - Konjiki Fudo .


- further reference -

. Ki Fudoo Myoo-Oo 黄不動明王 Ki Fudo-Myo-o, Yellow Fudo .
Meki Fudoo 目黄不動 Fudo with Yellow Eyes


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




Chomei Nagaiki Aizu

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Choomei Fudoo, Nagaiki Fudo 長命不動尊
Chomei Fudo granting a long life

32 大龍寺 臨済宗妙心寺派 - 長命不動尊
Dairyuuji 大龍寺 Dairyu-Ji
Fukushima 福島県 - 智慧の道場 - chie

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


福島県会津若松市慶山2-7-23, Aizu Wakamatsu, Keizan

The main statue besides Fudo is a Holy Kannon Bosatsu 聖観音菩薩.

According to legend is was promoted by the daimyo Hoshina 保科正之 and founded the Zen Master 機外昭鑑禅師.

The statue of Fudo had been venerated at the temple 成就院 but after the Meiji Restoration most Buddhist statues were re-located to the temple Dairyu-Ji by the priest 太宗玄義和尚 and the worship of Fudo was revived.
Most visitors were the elderly, so now it is known as the "Fudo who grants a long life".
They often come on the Fudo day of the rooster 酉(とり)or on the 28th of a month, the Day of Fudo Myo-O.

. Hoshina Masayuki 保科正之 .
June 17, 1611 – February 4, 1673
... the founder of what became the Matsudaira house of Aizu. He was an important figure in the politics and philosophy of the early Tokugawa shogunate.

- Chant of the temple

ありがとうとて 只参る
長命不動(ながいきふどう) Naga-iki Fudo

I am greatful for today
and come to worship here
to the Fudo of Long Life,
overlooking the town of Aizu


- source with larger photo : ameblo.jp/iyasino-oto


This temple is also on the pilgrimage to the 12 Zodiac Animals in Aizu.
会津十二支守り本尊 Mamori Honzon
- source : www.aizue.net/jyunrei

. Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守り本尊 Personal Protector Deity .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- www.tohoku36fudo.jp/reijyou -


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest Tokuitsu and the fighting with the Emishi people in the Tohoku region by the imperial government in Kyoto.
. Enichiji 慧日寺 Enichi-Ji .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


source : www.cosmo-kaken.co.jp

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Onsen hot spring Fudo

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onsen 温泉 hot springs and Fudo

There are hot springs named Fudo 不動温泉
or Fudo Yu 不動湯

there are Fudo statues near not springs 温泉不動.

. onsen 温泉 hot springs  

under construction

- - - - - Hot Springs named Fudo Onsen  

不動温泉花菱 Hanabishi

54-1 Namiai, Achi, Shimoina District, Nagano
- source : www4.ocn.ne.jp/~hanabisi

不動温泉佐和屋 Sawaya

2303-1 Chiyo, Iida, Nagano
- source : www.fudou-onsen.co.jp

- reference -


- - - - - Hot Springs named Fudo Yu 不動湯  

CLICK for more samples !


- - - - - Fudo statues near hot springs

. Hanano Onsen 花野温泉 たぬき湯 Tanukiyu .


Kusatsu Onsen 草津温泉

西の河原公園 Sai no Kawara Park

source : 4travel.jp/travelogue

Kusatsu Onsen boasts the largest flowing water volume of all hot springs in Japan.
- source : kusatsuonsen-international


. Minakami Onsen 水上温泉 .
and Minakamidera 水上寺 Minakami-dera

Totsukawa Onsen 十津川温泉 Totsukawa Hot Spring - Nara


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

