Showing posts with label talisman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talisman. Show all posts


Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori Honzon


Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori Honzon
Guardian Deities of the Individual


There is a popular belief that each person has one of eight BuddhistDeities who watches over and protects them.

These eight deities are:
the Nyorai (Buddhas) Dainichi & Amida; theBosatsu (bodhisatvas) Senju-Kanzeon, Kokuzo, Monju, Fuken & Seishi:and the Myo-o (Wrathful Kings of Mystic Wisdom) Fudo.

To discover your principal patron deity, who is watching over younow, and has done so since your birth, simply find your 'birth year'on the chart below. As you can see, in the Japanese allocation system used here,the 'years' do not run from January-December, but from February-January.So if you were, for example born in January 1967, you are actuallyconsidered as having been born in the end of 1966. In this example,your patron would therefore be Seishi Bosatsu (Feb 1966 - Jan 1967) rather than Dainichi Nyorai.

List of the Deities, here only the Fudoo-Years
(from February to January - Asian lunar calendar)

1909-10 Fudo Myo-o
1921-22 Fudo Myo-o
1933-34 Fudo Myo-o
1945-46 Fudo Myo-o
1957-58 Fudo Myo-o
1969-70 Fudo Myo-o
1981-82 Fudo Myo-o
1993-94 Fudo Myo-o
2005-06 Fudo Myo-o

. tori 酉年 year of the rooster and Fudo Myo-O .

A longer list:
- Darumasan-Japan Forum -


Here is a group of many Buddhas to protect you.


Fudoo Myoo-Oo
The wrathful incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai. His form is quite wild in his endeavor to save manking. He will burn down and tear down all obstacles to Buddhahoo.
He is the protector of people born in the
Year of the Rooster.

Standing Fudoo

Seated Fudoo


Your protective Deity according to
the Asian Zodiac

Fudoo Myoo-Oo, Protector for those born in the Year of the Rooster/Chicken


About the Animals of the Asian Zodiac
Rooster -
Born in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053

Roosters are courageous, hardworking, shrewd, arrogant, reckless, selfish and eccentric. They are thirsty for knowledge, devoted to work and definite involved in decision-making. They are skilled at what they do and attentive to details. However, they tend to seem boastful to others. Roosters will be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier or world traveler.
The sign promises harmony with Snakes and Ox and trouble with Rabbits.

Asian Zodiac Animals and Feng Shui

The Asian Lunar Calendar and Kigo


Persönliche Schutzgottheiten
(Ichidai Mamorihonzon 一代守り本尊)

Personal Protector Deities

In Japan entspricht jedem der 12 Tierzeichen der 12 Jahre ein Bosatsu bzw. Myoooo und Nyorai, der dann die persönliche Schutzgottheit des in diesem Jahre geborenen Menschen ist.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Tierzeichen Schutzgottheit.....

Katze (ne) Tausendarmige Kannon (Nord)
Rind/Tiger (ushi/tora) Kokûzô
Hase (u) Monju (Ost)
Drachen/Schlange (tatsu/mi) Fugen
Pferd (uma) Seishi (Süd)
Schaf/Affe (hitsuji/saru) Dainichi Nyorai
Vogel (tori) Fudô Myôô (West)
Hund/Wildschwein (inu/i) Amida Nyorai

Vier Gottheiten sind für jeweils zwei Jahre zuständig. Es sind dies die Gottheiten der ebenfalls den Tierzeichen entsprechenden Himmelsrichtungen: Nordost, Südost, Südwest, Nordwest.
Dabei fällt auf, daß Amida Nyorai hier nicht direkt dem Westen zugeordnet ist.
Die Gottheiten gewähren auch Segen bei Reisen, wenn man sich vorher vor der Gottheit der entsprechenden Himmelsrichtung verbeugt und um Schutz bittet.

Weiterhin sind die dem Geburtsjahr entsprechenden Planeten ebenfalls mit einer Schutzgottheit verbunden:

Planet .. Farbe .. Schutzgottheit

Merkur Weiß Kannon Bosatsu
Saturn Schwarz Jizô Bosatsu
Jupiter Smaragd Fugen Bosatsu
Jupiter Grün Yakushi Nyorai
Saturn Gelb Dainichi Nyorai
Venus Weiß Bishamonten
Venus Rot Fudô Myôô
Saturn Weiß Kokûzô Bosatsu
Mars Violett Monju Bosatsu


(Sanjuunichi Hibutsu)

A Protector deity for every day of the month!

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Als besondere Schutzgottheiten kann man auch die 30 Schutzgottheiten für jeden Tag des Monats ansehen. An ihren speziellen Tagen (ennichi) wird in ihren Tempeln ein besonderes Fest abgehalten. Die Bezeichnungen "xx-butsu" beziehen sich auf alte Lesungen für Nyorai.

..... Monatstag Schutzgottheit.....

1. Jookoobutsu
2. Toomyoobutsu
3. Tahoobutsu
4. Ashukubutsu
5. Mirokubutsu
6. Niman Toomyoobutsu
7. Sanman Toomyoobutsu
8. Yakushi Nyorai
9. Daitsuuchi Shoobutsu

10. Nichigatsu Toomyoobutsu / Yakushi Nyorai
11. Kankibutsu
12. Nanshoobutsu
13. Kokuuzoo Bosatsu
14. Fugen Bosatsu
15. Amidabutsu
16. Darani Bosatsu
17. Ryuuju Bosatsu
18. Kanzeon Bosatsu
19. Nikkoo Bosatsu

20. Gakkoo Bosatsu
21. Mujini Bosatsu
22. Semui Bosatsu
23. Dai Seishi Bosatsu
24. Jizoo Bosatsu
25. Monju Bosatsu
26. Yakujoo Bosatsu
27. Rushanabutsu
28. Dainichi Nyorai
29. Yakuoo Bosatsu
30. Shaka Nyorai

. Seishi Bosatsu 勢至菩薩  
and the full moon night on the 23rd of the eighth lunar month
nijuusanya 二十三夜(にじゅうさんや)moon on day 23


30 shintoistische Schutzgottheiten
(Sanjuubanshin, sanjuu banjin )

CLICK for more photos Jeder buddhistischen Monats-Schutzgottheit entspricht auch eine shintooistische Schutzgottheit. Sie schützen besonders das Lotus-Sutra. Ihre 30 Figuren in der Kleidung von Adeligen der Heian-Zeit finden sich besonders häufig in Tempeln der Tendai-Sekte mit einer besonderen Halle für die 30 Schutzgottheiten (Sanjuubanshin Doo 三十番神堂).
Einige Figuren tragen dabei ein Holzszepter. Es finden sich auch Frauengestalten darunter.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Monatstag Shintooistische Buddhistische
Schutzgottheit Schutzgottheit

1. Atsuta Daimyoojin Dainichi Nyorai
2. Suwa Daimyoojin Fugen Bosatsu
3. Hirota Daimyoojin Seishi Bosatsu
4. Kehi Daimyoojin Dainichi Nyorai
5. Keta Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai/Heilige Kannon
6. Kashima Daimyoojin Elfköpfige Kannon
7. Kitano Tenjin Elfköpfige Kannon
8. Ebumi Daimyoojin Benzaiten
9. Kibune Myoojin Fudoo Myoooo

10. Tenshookoo Daijin Dainichi Nyorai
11. Hachiman Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai
12. Kamo Daimyoojin Heilige Kannon
13. Matsuno-o Daimyoojin Hibashibutsu
14. Oohara Daimyoojin Yakushi Nyorai
15. Kasuga Daimyoojin Shaka Nyorai
16. Hirano Daimyoojin Heilige Kannon
17. Oo-Hiei Gongen Shaka Nyorai
18. Ko-Hiei Gongen Yakushi Nyorai
19. Shooshinshi Gongen Amida Nyorai

20. Kyakushin Gongen Elfköpfige Kannon
21. Hachiooji Gongen Tausendarmige Kannon
22. Inari Daimyoojin Nyoirin Kannon
23. Sumiyoshi Daimyoojin Heilige Kannon
24. Gion Daimyoojin Yakushi Nyorai
. 25. Sekizan Daimyoojin 赤山大明神 Jizoo Bosatsu .
26. Takebe Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai
27. Mikami Daimyoojin Tausendarmige Kannon
28. Hyoosu Daimyoojin Fudoo Myôô, Dainichi Nyorai
29. Nooka Daimyoojin Amida Nyorai
30. Kibi Daimyoojin Kokuuzoo Bosatsu

(Myojin 明神 sind ursprünglich buddhistische Gottheiten (Myo-O) in ihrer shintooistischen Manifestation; Gongen 権現 sind ursprünglich shintoistische Gottheiten in ihrer buddhistischen Manifestation.)

.Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who   

Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen

Gabi Greve, 1994


1 尾張 熱田   熱田大明神        伊勢 - Atsuta
2 信濃 諏訪   諏訪大明神        石清水 - Suwa
3 摂津 広田   広田大明神        賀茂 - Hirota
4 越前 気比   気比大明神        松尾 - Kehi
5 近江 気多   気多大明神        平野 - Kita
6 常陸 鹿嶋   鹿嶋大明神        稲荷 - Kashima
7 山城 北野   北野大明神        春日 - Kitano
8 山城 大原江文 大原の江文大明神     大比叡 - Ohara
9 山城 貴布禰  貴船大明神        小比叡 - Kibune
10 伊勢 伊勢   伊勢天照皇太神      聖眞子 - Ise
11 山城 石清水  石清水八幡大菩薩     客人 - Iwashimizu
12 山城 賀茂   賀茂大明神        八王子 - Kamo
13 山城 松尾   松尾大明神        大原野 - Matsuo
14 山城 大原野  大原野大明神       大神 - Ohara
15 大和 春日   春日大明神        石上 - Kasuga
16 山城 平野   平野大明神        大倭 - Hirano
17 近江 大比叡  大比叡大明神       広瀬 - Ohie - Hieizan
18 近江 小比叡  小比叡大明神       竜田 - Shohie - Hieizan
19 近江 聖眞子  聖眞子権現(しょうじんし)住吉 - Shojinji Gongen
20 近江 客人   客人大明神(まれびと)  鹿嶋 - Marebito Daimyojin
21 近江 八王子  八王子権現        赤山 - Hachiooji Gongen
22 山城 稲荷   稲荷大明神        健部 - Inari
23 摂津 住吉   住吉大明神        三上 - Sumiyoshi
24 山城 祇園   祇園大明神        兵主 - Gion
25 山城 赤山   赤山大明神(せきざん)  苗荷 - Sekizan
26 近江 健部   健部大明神(たけべ)   吉備津 - Tanabe
27 近江 三上   三上大明神(みかみ)   熱田 - Mikami
28 近江 兵主   兵主大明神(ひょうす)  諏訪 - Hyoosu
29 近江 苗荷   苗鹿大明神(のうか)   広田 - Nooka
30 備中 吉備津  吉備津大明神       気比 ^ Kibitsu


Read all the details in ENGLISH here

Sanjuubanshin Doo 三十番神堂
Halle für die 30 Schutzgottheiten

妙法寺 (Nichiren) in Osaka. Wooden statues of the 30 kami, 10 female rasetsu, and Kariteimo inside the Banjindō 番神堂 (special structure for the 30 kami). The temple holds an annual event on Sept. 15 to venerate this group of deities. Age of statues not listed.



The 30 kami can be categorized as "good gods" (zenjin or zenshin 善神), but if neglected, they can just as easily abandon the nation and its people. The list of thirty reads like a Who's Who of Japan's most powerful kami, including Myōjin 明神 (manifest deities) from Japan's most eminent shrines (Myōjin Taisha 名神大社), Gongen 権現 (avatars), Tenjin 天神 (deified humans), and the sun goddess Amaterasu Ōmikami. Each is linked to a Buddhist counterpart (honjibutsu 本地仏). The list thus highlights the great syncretic Buddha-Kami merger of the medieval period known as Honji Suijaku

NOTES ON HONJI SUIJAKU. During Japan's Heian era (794 - 1185), the numerous kami (Shinto deities) were recognized as traces or manifestations or incarnations (suijaku) of the Buddhist divinities (honji or honjibutsu), and a great syncretic melding occurred, with shrines and temples sharing both deities and sacred grounds.

Honji Suijaku
was originally a Buddhist term used to explain the Buddha's nature as a metaphysical being (honji) and the historical human figure Sakyamuni (suijaku) as the manifest trace. In Japan's early Nara period, the honji were regarded as more important than the suijaku. Gradually they both came to be regarded as one, with neither the honji or suijaku considered more important. By the 9th century, Buddhist temples were constructed alongside Shinto shrines on many sacred mountains, epitomized by the holy Shugendo places throughout the Yoshino mountain range and by the powerful Tendai multiplex on Mt. Hiei. The native Shinto kami (deities) residing on these peaks were considered manifestations of Buddhist divinities, and pilgrimages to these sites were believed to bring double favor from both their Shinto and Buddhist counterparts. Another major center of syncretism was the Kasuga Shrine in Nara. The number of deities proliferated. Despite earlier resistance, syncretism was relatively smooth and marked by religious tolerance.

The Honji Suijaku theory was used for most of Japan's religious history to explain the relationship between the kami (indiginous gods) and imported Buddhist divinities. It was only after the Meiji Period, when the government forceably separated the two camps, that Buddhism and Shintoism were portrayed as two distinct philosophies.

. READ : Mark Schumacher .

Fudo Myo-O in the West

Eight Protecting Buddhist Deities (Hachi Hogo Butsu, Hachi Shugo Butsu 八守護仏)
Also known as the Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守本尊

. Read Mark Schumacher .


. eto reijo 干支霊場 Pilgrimage to 12 Zodiac Animals Temples .
- and their related Buddhas




Kasukabe Fudo


Kasugabe Fudo 春日部 張子
Papermachee Dolls from Kasukabe

. Fudo Daruma 不動達磨 / 不動だるま   
達磨不動明王 Papermachee Doll


Kasukabe 春日部
is a small town in Saitama prefecture. It is famous for its folk craft, especially for traditional chests of Paulownia wood and toys for the New Year (hagoita 羽子板). The papermachee dolls are another speciality of this town.

Kasukabe Daruma is made in the tradition of the Musashino (Bushu 武州) papermachee dolls. In this area it is easy to get traditional Japanese paper and under the influence of Takasaki the production of Daruma goes back to the Meiji Restauration (1868). Many producers of Daruma have found their own style and expression for a Daruma face, but it takes an expert to recognize all these differences. Eyebrows and beard are not so strongly painted as in the Takasaki Daruma dolls and the Chinese characters FUKU IRI for bringing in Good Luck 福入 are painted on the belly.

My Main Story is here:

. Dolls from Kasugabe (Kasukabe) / 春日部張子   

Daruma Doll Museum