Mask of Fudo Myo-O お面不動明王

source : asakusa-edoya
This mask is made from washi paper by the artist Igarashi Kenji 五十嵐健二, maker of Kasukabe Dolls.
After forming the mask, he painted it with watercolors.
. Dolls from Kasugabe (Kasukabe hariko)

source : www.shinise.ne.jp
Made by Fujiware Fuseki
born Showa 17
This mask is made for the Nenbutsu Kyogen performance at Temple Mibudera. It has the power to ward off evil.
It is in the style of masks of Saga 嵯峨面.
. Mibu Nenbutsu 壬生念仏
Invoction of Amida at Mibu Temple

source : www.ryu-sho.co.jp
Made from plain wood of the kusunoki, the camphor tree.
Size : 22 x 16,5
from Ryu Sho, Buddhist Sculptures
〒700-0945 岡山県岡山市南区新保1155-11

source : japanwoodcarving.com

CLICK for more samples - 不動明王 能面

nikutsuki men 「肉付き面」こと「不動」 mask with flesh
室町~江戸時代 三井記念美術館」
- source : nlab.itmedia.co.jp -

source : shisei.blog.eonet.jp
From an exhibition at Nara

source : origamist.blog

Making faces with Origami
Kawai Toshiaki (1932 - )
Craftsman for Origami, published many books
. Introducing 河合豊彰 Kawai Toshiaki .
and his Daruma Faces
. Origami and Daruma san
autumn deepens -
my dreams float around
the color RED
. Gabi, Inspired by the Origami

CLICK for more Fudo Masks !
. Noh Mask 能面 達磨 and Daruma
Mask for Shinto kagura dance
Daruma as a follower or clown maks


source : Edo Satokagura
Shinto Kagura is distinct from the court kagura and instead features older ritual styles similar to that performed at Shinto shrines. This style of music involves the preparation of a shinza or place of worship to which the gods are invited. A priestess or miko is central to the ritual which is generally performed on winter evenings.
. Satokagura 里神楽

Daruma Mask, a gift from Ishino san.
Kasukabe paper craft
. Men, omote 面 masks of Japan .
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