Nine Stars Crest ... 九曜紋 ... Kuyoo Mon
Kuyoo Hoshimon 九曜星紋, Kuyoo no mon, 九曜の紋
Nine planets, nine deities representing the stars
nine constellations (shukuyoo 宿曜)
They are also called kushitsu 九執 .
sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,
Rago 羅喉 (Sk: Rahu), and Keito 計都 (Sk: Ketu)

This is a form of mandala interpreted by stars and also related to the belief in Myoken Bosatsu.
Myooken Bosatsu 妙見菩薩 and the Star Shrines of Japan.
The Chiba Clan and this Crest.
If Myoken is included, there are ten stars 十曜星.
The Nine Deities
© PHOTO : tobifudo
Here is the Japanese of these constellations:
1 Center or Dainichi Nyorai
ragoosei 羅喉星(らごうせい、大日如来)(一白水星)
2 Saturday, Kannon with 1000 arms,
doyoosei 土曜星(どようせい、千手観音)(二黒土星)
3 Wednesday, Seishi Bosatsu
suiyoosei 水曜星(すいようせい、勢至菩薩)(三碧木星
4 Friday, Kokuuzoo Bosatsu
kinyoosei 金曜星(きんようせい、虚空蔵菩薩)(四緑木星)
5 Sunday, Fudo Myo-O
nichiyoosei 日曜星(にちようせい、不動明王)
6 Tuesday, Hachiman Daibosatsu
kayoosei 火曜星(かようせい、八幡大菩薩) (六白金星)
7 Jizo Bosatsu
keitosei 計都星(けいとせい、地蔵菩薩)(七赤金星)
8 Monday, Fugen Bosatsu
getsuyoosei 月曜星(げつようせい、普賢菩薩)(八白土星)
9 Thursday, Monju Bosatsu
mokuyoosei 木曜星(もくようせい、文殊菩薩)(九紫火星)
The center represents the earth, the heaven above the water.
Variations of the Crest with a Moon

Nichiyosei Sunday Star 日曜星
Number 5 of the Nine Stars.
Its incarnation is Fudo Myo-O .

© PHOTO : tobifudo
Myoojoorinji 明星輪寺 Myojorin-Ji
Gifu - 4610 Akasakacho, Ogaki
This temple is closely related to the legends about Masakado.

photo by dhistory.hp

source : facebook
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

CLICK for more photos !
Kinshoozan 金生山 明星輪寺 Myojorin-Ji
This temple is locally known as
Akasaka Kokuzo 赤坂虚空蔵. Kokuzo-san 「虚空蔵さん」「こくぞうさん」
It is one of the three great temples dedicated to Kokuzo Bosatsu.
The other two are
京都法輪寺 Horin-Ji in Kyoto and 伊勢朝熊山金剛證寺 Kongosho-Ji in Ise.
It is also Nr. 31 on a pilgrimage to 33 Temples in Nishi Mino
This temple has been founded by En no Gyoja on request of Emperor 持統天皇 Jito Tenno (645 - 703). It was not very popular but got revived by Kukai Kobo Daishi in the year 801.
In 1148 it burned down after a lightning struck the temple hall and had then be reconstructed much smaller.
In 1609 the daimyo of Mino, Tokunaga Nagamasa 徳永寿昌 (1549 - 1612) it was again re-built.
In 1657 it became the main prayer temple for the domaine, thanks to daimyo Toda Ujinobu 戸田氏信 (1600 - 1681).
In 1863 the main hall was built as we see it today by lord Toda Ujiakira 戸田氏彬 (1831 - 1865).
In 1869 due to the separation of Buddhism and Shinto the hall for Zao Gongen was re-named to become a Shinto shrine, 金生山神社 Kanabu Jinja.
. Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩 .
Akashagarbha Bodhisattva
- source : wikpedia
Nishi Mino Pilgrims 西美濃三十三霊場 to 33 temples
. Nishi Mino Pilgrims - Introduction .
Masakado was a great believer in the star constellations and brought the belief of Myoken and the nine constellations to many parts of Japan.
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? – 940) .
28 Deities in Shingon and Tendai Mandalas
Star Mandala (Hoshi Mandara 星曼荼羅)
Twenty-Eight Constellations
Mark Schumacher
Japanese Resources
Check your Luck. Japanese Birth Chart .
English Resources

Variations of the Family Crest
守谷のふるさとかるた... Moriya Furusato Karuta
and the nine stars crest of Taira no Masakado
1 comment:
Daibosatsu legends 大菩薩 伝説 Dai-Bosatsu
八幡大菩薩 Hachiman Daibosatsu
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