
Tobi Fudo

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Tobi Fudo ... 飛不動尊 ... Flying Fudo

Temple Shobo-In 正宝院
kanto Pilgrimage Nr. 24 - Tokyo 台東区竜泉3-11-11

source : Temple Shobo-In

The temple was founded in 1530 by St.Shozan 正山上人, a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect. St.Shozan pilgrimaged around the country after completion of his hard ascetic practices in the holy Mt.Ohmine in Nara. When he visited this place of Ryusen and lodged with the inhabitants, he dreamed of a dragon flying high up into the air in a streak of light.

The dream of a dragon was interpreted as the symbol of divine protection by Fudo (one of Gods in Buddhism). Then, he determined to sculpture an image of Fudo to pray for the health and longevity of inhabitants and for the safety of his own pilgrimage. And he founded Shoboin temple to enshrine the image of Fudo.

. . . . The Legend of Tobi-Fudo

Shortly after the foundation of the temple, the chief priest took the image of Fudo with him to the holy Mt.Ohmine for his ascetic exercises there. One night, however, Fudo flew back alone all the way of 300 miles to Edo(old Tokyo) to answer the local people who were praying to the duplicated image during absence of Fudo.
Hence the Fudo came to be called as Tobi (Flying)-Fudo, and highly reputed as the god flying straightly to the prayers to answer. The temple name appears as Tobi-Fudo in many old maps and history books issued in Edo period(1603-1868) instead of it’s formal name Shoboin.

This suggests that Tobi-Fudo has been popularly known and worshiped from old times.In recent years, in connection of this legend with the development of air transportation, an increasing number of people have come to visit the temple to pray for their safe flights and journeys.

Fudo’s protective amulets called “Hiko-Mamori”飛行守り (hikoo mamori) for safe flights and journeys are now available at the temple.

for travel by ship or aeroplane
source :  tobifudo HP

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Kookuu anzen 航空安全お守り safe flight amulets
... higyoo (hikoo) anzen 飛行安全お守り
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


The story behind this temple is that after it had been founded in 1530, its chief priest travelled from Edo to the distant Mt. Omine in Nara for religious training, and he took the temple’s honzon (it’s central figure of Fudo Myo-o) with him. In the meantime, more and more people gathered at the temple back in Edo to pray to Fudo Myo-o. To answer all the prayers of his followers, Fudo Myo-o flew all the way back from Mt. Omine, and the honzon became known as ‘Tobi-Fudo’ (Flying Fudo), the god who would fly directly to the aid of all living things.

ゴルフ安全護 golf amulet

Taking up the theme of ‘flying,’ the shrine offers the ‘Golf-mamori’ charm, which will help your golf ball fly further, for 2,000 yen. We haven’t been able to confirm whether Japan’s favourite young golfer Ryo Ishikawa has one, but if you’re looking to improve your golf score, it’s definitely the charm for you.
source : www.timeout.jp

. Kootsuu anzen 交通安全 traffic safety .
safety on the road

. Golf Amulets .

. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 


. Tobifudo - Ryukozan Sanko=Ji Shobo-In
龍光山三高寺正寶院 .

Introduction in Japanese

関東三十六不動霊場 - Kanto
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto
発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa , 修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo, 菩提の道場 Bodai- Saitama, 涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba


ni no tori o hazurete tsukeri Tobi Fudo

after the second festival day
the temple is still lit by lanterns -
Tobi Fudo

Matsuda Hiromu 松田ひろむ

kigo for early winter:
Festivals and markets on the "Days of the Rooster"
. ni no tori 二の酉(にのとり)market on the second day of the rooster .




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