
Inari and Fudo

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Inari and Fudo 稲荷と不動明王

There are many Shrines dedicated to Inari, the "Fox Deity" of Japan.
Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神, also Oinari) is the Japanese kami of foxes.
The most famous fox god shrine festival at Fushimi Inari in Kyoto is the most famous.

Ukanomikami, Uka no Mikami 宇迦之御魂神 / 倉稲魂神
The deity for a good harvest, venerated at Inari shrines.
Miketsu Kami 御食津神 / 三狐神 / Inari Kami 稲荷神 Deity to provide food

Read here about Inari festivals :
. Inari Myojin 稲荷明神 Honorable Inari Fox Deity .  
- Introduction -


. Iizuna no Gongen 飯網の権現 .
This is an incarnation of the Fox Deity, Inari.
People pray to him for a bountiful harvest and good luck in business. He looks like a Tengu, a long-nosed goblin.

Some Yamabushi sects think Iizuna (Izuna) is the original Japanese form (honji) of Fudo Myo-0, especially at Mt. Takao near Tokyo.

Akibagongen, Akiba Gongen  秋葉権現
standing on a white fox


. Dakini or Dakiniten 荼枳尼天 .
She is also standing on a white fox.
Shinkoō-bosatsu (Central Fox Queen-Bodhisattva, 辰狐王菩薩)
Kiko tennō (Noble Fox-heavenly Queen, 貴狐天王).

As a deity from India, coming to Japan via China, she was riding on a jackal.
Since there are no jackals in Japan, she was depicted on a white fox.
see Toyokawa, below


- quote
Image of Fudo Myoo standing on the back of Oinari.
Fudo is the immoveable. He is the subduer of evil and stabilizer of the wisdom of the Dharma.

Oinari is the messenger to the gods in Shinto. He is worshipped by farmers and others for rice, rain, and children. He a beneficent deity. The two of these figures together means that this is a synthesis of Shinto and Buddhism. This is a part of an esoteric tradition in Japan.

This item is from the Cleveland Museum Collection
- source : www.robynbuntin.com


腰神不動明王 Fudo as deity to cure pain in the lower back

- source : www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~narigama


kin-un saifu mamori 金運財布守 amulet to put in your purse

source : www.suruga-ya.jp

. Toyokawa Inari Shrine 豊川稲荷 .
for luck with money

This shrine is most famous for the worship of Dakini Ten. It was originally a temple for Dakini 妙厳寺 Myogon-Ji.

shuin 朱印 stamp of the Toyokawa temple

. kin-un, kin un 金運 amulets for luck with moneny.


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



1 comment:

  1. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity
    Inari Daimyojin 稲荷大明神 Great Fox Deity



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