
yoroi armour

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yoroi Fudoo 鎧不動 Fudo on and in armour

yoroi 鎧 suit of armour
The pride of a samurai, with special decorations to distinguish him from others on the battle field.

- wikipedia -

ō-yoroi, oo-yoroi 大鎧 "great armour"
. yoroi 鎧 armour, armor of a samurai .  
- Introduction -

. kabuto 兜 / 冑 / かぶと helmet
and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .


source : www.1059do.com/Ashikaga-Takauji

Fudo Myo-O on the breast plate of the armour of Ashikaga Takauji

. Ashikaga Takauji 足利尊氏 .  


source : www.ningyounoyamakawa.com

Fudo on the tsurubashirigawa 弦走韋 leather part of the breast plate
for a modern doll for the Boy's Festival in May.
Fudo Myo-O is used as a talisman against evil 魔除け (mayoke).


source :mbp-kobe.com/hukujungo


- breastplate made by Myochin


CLICK for more photos !


不動明王火焔前立 ー 甲冑具足鎧兜武田不動
- source : yoroikabuto1.blog.jp/archives -


. yoroi Fudo 鎧不動 "Fudo in armour" .
and Takeda Shingen 武田信玄, Yamanashi


- quote
Edo Katchu 江戸甲冑 Warrior Armor from Edo

■ Traditional Technologies and Techniques
1- Edo Katchu (warrior armor) helmets (called kabuto) are comprised of two parts, the hachi (the helmet bowl) and the shikoro (the nape-guard).
2- 鉢づくり The hachi can be made in one of two ways. The first method is riveting together numerous pie-shaped metal plates to form the helmet bowl. The second method involves shaping the helmet bowl by beating metal to conform to a rounded armorer's last.
3- 錏 / 錣 Shikoro production commences with numerous layers of Japanese paper being laid over one another. Rows of kozane (armored scales) are then prepared and laid over the paper backing. A single kozaneita 小札 (row of armored scales) is comprised of numerous individually-placed kozane.
4- Kozaneita are joined to one another both above and below using laces made of leather or chord. The lacing methods are called odoshi 威. One method called kebiki odoshi 毛引き威し is full lacing whereby a single lace is horizontally threaded without gaps through all the kozane on a single kozaneita. Another method called sugake odoshi 素懸威し is sparse-point lacing that creates a diamond pattern.

■ Traditionally Used Raw Materials
The following materials are traditionally used when manufacturing Edo Katchu: brass, copper, steel, washi (traditional Japanese paper), leather (deer, goat, pig, cow, horse), silk cord, cotton cord

■ History and Characteristics
The Boys' Day Festival 端午の節句 is one of long-established traditions, it being an occasion that celebrates the healthy growth of male children.

According to existing historical records, in the "Shoku Nihongi," an imperially-commissioned history written during the Nara Period (710-794), there is reference to a Boys' Day Festival being celebrated in the court of the Emperor Shomu in the year 733.

In those days, it is said that a ceremony called Umayumi 騎射 was conducted to sweep away evil. Prayers were also offered for the peace and safety of the Emperor's realm.

Around the middle of the Edo Period (1603-1868), in celebrating the hope that male children would develop into strong and healthy individuals, it became popular to place dolls adorned in military dress in the home. Overtime, this tradition changed into the unique practice of simply displaying Katchu (sets of warrior armor) in the home.

In contemporary society, Katchu sets are displayed with yumi 弓 (bows), tachi 太刀 (swords), jingasa 陣笠 (ancient soldier's hats), fukinagashi 吹流し (wind socks) and kagaribi かがり火 (watch fires).
yoroi kabuto 鎧、兜 armour

Tokyo Hina Doll Manufacturing Association
- source : www.sangyo-rodo.metro.tokyo.jp

. Traditional Crafts of Tokyo and Edo .

bugushi 武具師 making armor and weapons
mostly swords, bows and arrows.
. katchuushi 甲冑師 / busokushi 具足師 making Yoroi suit of armor .
yoroizaiku 鎧細工

. Edo craftsmen and artisans 江戸の職人 .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



1 comment:

  1. kabuto 兜 / 冑 / かぶと helmet - crest
    and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王


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