
ukibori - relief

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ukibori 浮き彫り relief carvings

- quote
Formerly known as hanshutsuzou 半出像.
A relief, or a method used to carve a relief on a flat surface. Halfway between a carving in the round *marubori 丸彫 and a line engraving *senkoku 線刻. The design projects from the background, giving the name ukibori or "floating sculpture."

Ukibori carved with a higher level of relief are called takanikubori 高肉彫, takaukibori 高浮彫 or atsunikubori 厚肉彫, and those with a lower level of relief are called *usunikubori 薄肉彫. Those with an intermediate level of relief are called hannikubori 半肉彫.

Very early versions of ukibori are found in the wall decoration of tombs kofun 古墳 from the Kofun period (3-6c).
After the introduction of Buddhism, ukibori was frequently used for patterns on tiles, the backs of mirrors, and the halos of Buddhist statues. In the Asuka and Nara periods (6-8c), ukibori was used on a number of materials, and superb examples have been preserved. These include Buddhist images on clay tiles *senbutsu せん仏, Buddhist images hammered in relief on bronze plaques *oshidashibutsu 押出仏, and stone Buddhas *sekibutsu 石仏.
Ukibori continued to flourish throughout the Heian and Kamakura periods but then ceased to develop, with the exception of applications in architectural decoration.
- source : JAANUS


- source : rakuten.co.jp/naka


- source : rakuten.co.jp/naka


Statue on the road to Kai Komagatake Shrine

in Yamanashi
He seems to be slightly smiling !

And one more - without a face

source : facebook

- More stone Buddhas and Fudo at the shrine - 駒ヶ岳神社
- source : kaikoma/sekihi


Konkai Komyo-Ji Temple, Kurodani Kyoto 金戒光明寺

source : facebook - Tsutomu Otsuka

- Homepage of the temple, Jodo-Sect
- : www.kurodani.jp/en


Soozenji 崇禅寺 Sozen-Ji - Gifu

photo from Aoi Tokugawa, Fudo Facebook

岐阜県土岐市妻木町 - 崇禅寺(そうぜんじ)
- source : wikipedia -


Statue at Kuragatake 座ヶ岳( くらがたけ )
in Echizen 越前織田

This statue has a rather floating robe, blown by the wind.
He is said to be the protector of the local water source of the mountain.

source : yamatokaze7.blog

The floating robe reminds of
. shutsuzan shaka 出山釈迦
Shakyamuni coming down from the mountains.


Seems somewhere in Tohoku, the place is not given.

- source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/syory159sp - 奥羽 - 温故知新 。


At Kanshooji 勧修寺 Kansho-Ji, Yamashina, Kyoto

- source : facebook - Tsutomu Otsuka‎ -


- along the Road to Oyama 大山道
- source : Michiko, facebook


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- #stonestatues #ukibori -

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