
Temples INTRO Fudo

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Fudo Temples - Introduction

There are many temples dedicated to 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.

List under construction

- Temples and temple halls including the name FUDO -

- Fudooan, Fudoo-An 不動庵 Fudo-An - Fudo Hermitage, tea room etc.

- Fudoodoo, Fudoo-Doo 不動堂 Fudo-Do, Fudo Hall

Fudooin, Fudoo-In 不動院 Fudo-In, Fudo Temple Hall

- Fudooji 不動寺 Fudo-Ji, Fudoji - Fudo no Tera
. . . . . Fudo-Ji - Kurotakisan 黒滝不動
. . . . . Fudo-Ji - Toyonaka 豊中不動尊
Gofunai Edo 五大山 Godaisan 明王院 Myo-O-In 不動寺 Fudo-Ji 
- 港区三田4-3-9 / Minato ward, Mita 4-3-9


Fudoo Jinja 不動神社 Fudo Jinja - Fudo Shrine

Miyajidake Fukuoka source : www.miyajidake.or.j


Godai Myo-O 五大明王 Five Great Myo-O

Godaidoo 五大堂 "Hall for the Great Five"
. . . . . Daikaku-In Kyoto 大覚寺五大堂

Godaidoo Myoo-Oo In 五大堂 明王院 Kamakura

- Homepage of the temple
- www.myooin.com -


五大堂 松島 Matsushima

- quote
Godaido, a temple located on a small island is accessed via a red arched bridge and is famous for its historical atmosphere while Zuiganji, one of the most famous Zen temples of the Tohoku region is a picture postcard of serenity and serves as the temple that houses the Date family grave.
Lord Date Masamune had the temple, which is adorned with dynamic Momoyama-style decorations, completed in 4-years and the brilliantly carved decorations of the main building as well as the other buildings have been designated as Japanese national treasures.
For lovers of haiku, there is stone tablet inscribed with a haiku written by Sora on Ojima Island.
- source : www.att-japan.net/en

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Gomadoo 護摩堂 Goma-Do - Hall to hold Goma fire rituals


Myoo-Oo-Doo, Myōō-Dō 明王堂 Myo-O Do
Halls for Fudo

Hieizan Enryaku-Ji
- source : www.otsu.or.jp/see

Kinki Pilgrimage Nr. 26

Myoo-Oo-In, Myōō-In 明王院 Myo-O-In
Temples for the Myo-O

- reference -

. . . . . Kamakura, Fukuyama, Tokyo, Chiba (Narita-San), Wakayama (Koya-San) etc.

. 明王院不動堂 Myo-O-In Fudo-Do .
Kyoto, 油小路塩小路下る南不動堂町7


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



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