
Kongo-In Hachioji

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Kongooin 金剛院 Kongo-In
39-1 Ueno-machi, Hachioji, Tokyo 八王子東京

founded in 1631 by priest Shinsei 真清

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別格本山 慈髙山 - 金剛院 

- Hompeage of the temple
- source : hachibutu.com/kongouin.

- - - - - Yearly Festivals

January 1月1日元朝護摩 15 お焚き上げ会
May 5月文化講演会
June 6月頃本山・古寺参拝会
September 7月13日盂蘭盆精霊祭 16日盂蘭盆会施餓法要
October 10月文化講演会


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Kongoin Temple located in Ueno-machi, Hachioji City, Tokyo is a Bekkaku Honzan (a special headquarters) of the Shingon sect.
The main object of worship is Fudo Myoo. The temple is the 63rd fudasho-temple of the Kanto 88 Holy Sites, the 16th of the Buso 48 Kannon Sites, the 73rd of the Tama Shin-Shikoku 88 Holy Sites, and one of Hachioji Pilgrimage to Shichifukujin (the Seven Lucky Deities).

The temple was founded in 1576, when the priest Shinsei built a Fudo hall. In 1631, it was restored at this place as a sub-branch temple of Koyasan Kongobuji Temple and Jigenin Temple. The temple buildings were burned down by an air raid in 1945 and rebuilt in the post-war period.

Kongoin Temple is known for a large number of treasures, including the two statues of Jurojin and Fukurokuju of the Seven Lucky Deities, two Rokkyoku Byobu (six-panel screens) of Shihon Chakushoku Koyasan Zue (the illustrated description of Koyasan in color on paper) and Shihon Chakushoku Saiobo-zu (a painting of the Queen Mother of the West in color on paper), both of which are designated Tokyo Important Tangible Cultural Properties.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp


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. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .




  1. Tokyo
    Hachiooji 八王子 Hachioji and 高尾山 Mount Takaosan

  2. Seiobo, Seiōbo 西王母  Queen Mother of the West

    "Sei-o-bo" (Si Wang Mu, Xiwangmu in Chinese. Queen of the West).
    The Taoist deity who lives in Konron (Kuen Lun) mountains. She cares for the mythical peach tree which bears fruits every three thousand years. Eating this peach bestows immortality. According to the legend, Tobosaku stole and ate the peach and made himself "sennin".


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