
Hibutsu secret statues

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Hibutsu 秘仏 secret statues

Secret Buddha Statues are enshrined in special tabernacles called zushi 厨子 and are shown at regular intervals to the public. Some are shown every year, others every seven, seventeen, thirtythree or hundred years only. Some are never shown.
This can be a replica of the original hidden statue or a different one altogether.

Usually a substitute statue ("stand before it" maedachi 前立) is placed in front of this tabernacle and can be venerated in prayers at any time.

. hibutsu 秘仏 secret or hidden Buddha Statues .  
- Introduction -


不動明王の秘仏像 Secret Statues of Fudo Myo-O

. Hoozanji 宝山寺 Hozan-Ji / Ikomasan 生駒山 . - Nara

. Juurin-In 十輪院 Jurin-In . - Nara
..... 玉桂寺 Gyokei-Ji

. Kookenji 弘憲寺 Koken-Ji . - Takamatsu, Kagawa

. Koyasan, Namikiri Fudo 高野山 波切不動明王 .

. Myoorakuji 妙楽寺 Myoraku-Ji . - Chiba

. Saishoo In 最勝院 Saisho-In . - Hirosaki, Aomori

. 天長寺 Tenchooji 天長寺 Tencho-Ji . - Miyazaki

. Yokoyama Fudo 横山不動尊 .
..... Daitokuji 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji, Miyagi

. Zuigan-Ji 瑞巌寺, Godai-Do 五大堂 .
..... Matsushima松島, Miyagi


Kannon with 1000 arms 千手観音立像
and at her side (wakiji 脇侍) Fudo Myo-O
and Bishamonten
These statues are important cultural property 国重要文化財.
The statues are from the late Kamakura period.

These statues are shown once every 33 years, from October 17 to November 23.

Shoomyooji 正明寺 Shomyo-Ji
滋賀県蒲生郡日野町松尾 - Matsuo town, Shiga

The original temple was lost in a fire during the period of the warring states 戦国時代 (ca. 1467 - 1573). It was rebuilt in the Edo period. The Main Hall was relocated from the Imperial Palace 清涼殿 on the wish of emperor Gomizuno Tenno 後水尾天皇 (1596 - 1680)

- source : kanagawabunnkaken.web.fc2.com

- - - - - - - Other Fudo statues on this list of hibutsu

香川・出釈迦寺 Shukkeshaka-Ji - Kagawa
(Nr. 73 on the Henro Pilgrimage)

Kyoto 京都
神応寺杉山谷不動尊 Jinno-Ji, Sugiyama Fudo
Shoogo-In 聖護院門跡 Shogo-In Monzeki Imperial Temple
大蓮寺 Dairen-Ji  / Gokuraku-In 極楽院
青蓮院国宝  Shoren-In
Sanzenin 三千院 Sanzen-In - Konjiki Fudo 金色不動 

三重・常福寺 - Jofuku-Ji - Mie

大阪・金剛寺、 Kongo-Ji, 観心寺 Kanjin-Ji Osaka

金剛寺 Kongo-Ji

秘仏御開帳 - a long list
- source : kanagawabunnkaken.web.fc2.com


- reference -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- #hibutsu #hibutsufudo -

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